Top 2 Apps Similar to Thai Amulet Technology

古.法.緣 1.1
古法緣本着希望每一位善信在本網站所供請的聖物能夠幫助其本人,能發揮最好之效果,所以本網站不會四處搜羅聖物,而是直接和該師傅商量善信所需,配合該師傅的獨門法而製作之聖物,讓每一位善信所求都得以達成,得償所願。在古法緣之聖物均由師傅親自選材、開光、入法、入經、加持,功效非凡。保證100%真品。人緣(人見人愛)魅力(增強個人魅力)、夫妻 ∕ 情侶和合(令伴侶對自己產 生極強的依賴感, 不能自拔,更可挽回逝去的感情)、除孽障(前世今生冤親債主解冤釋結,孽障重的人可除惡運)、個人蠟蠋升運法事(財源富足,受用無缺)、起運法事(提升個人運氣)、滴蠟改運法事(運程順遂)、轉運法事(劫運消滅)、除霉運(去除以往霉運)招貴人、個人招財、家宅招財、公司招財(豐陸財福)企業風水、家居風水(配合自身擁有更好前程)算命(知曉命運),問事(破迷開悟)、指點迷津(排難解紛)爭加權威(威權具足)、擋災避險、保平安 防降(提防小人下降頭)、嬰靈超渡、入財法事(令你豬籠入水,財源滾滾 來) 魯士灌頂法事、公司 ∕ 商舖(增強財運、提升業績)∕ 家居 ∕ 汽車(路路平安)開光加持入伙法事加持佛牌、陰牌等聖物In the hope thateveryedge ancient worshipers at this site for your holy things canhelphimself, can play the best results, so this website will notfourcollecting sacred objects, but directly and discuss the masterofthe worshipers need, with the master of the unique method andmakeit holy, so that every good faith ask all to reach, they gotit.Selection by the master himself at the edge of the ancientsacredobjects, open light, into the law, the classics,blessing,extraordinary effect. Guaranteed 100% genuine.Popularity (cute) charm (enhanced charisma),Couples / lovers Hop (so have a very strong partner for theirsenseof dependence, unable to extricate themselves, more concernedtorestore lost feelings),Except evil creature (Past and Present karmic creditors JieYuanrelease knot, evil creature who can re-crime operation),Personal wax Arma elevator ceremonies (financial resourcesrich,good enough intact).Departure ceremonies (to enhance their luck).Dripping wax instead of turning ceremonies (fortune well),Transport ceremonies (Doom to destroy),In addition to bad luck (removal of bad luck in the past)Move elegant, personal Lucky, Lucky family home, the companyLucky(Lu Feng Tsai-fu)Business feng shui, Feng Shui (complex itself has abetterfuture)Fortune (known destiny), ask things (brokenfanenlightenment),Ariadne (sort out)Plus contention authority (authoritarian endowed),Block disaster hedge, security and peace Anti-drop (beware ofthevillain fall head),Infant spirit transgression, the fiscal ceremonies (so you pigcageinto the water, extra cash) Cyrus initiation ceremonies,Company / Store (enhanced wealth, improve performance) / home /car(Lulu peace) opening blessingOccupation ritual blessing amulets, licensing, and othersacredobjects overcast
Triple Gem Amulet LLP 4.1.1
Triple Gem Amulet is started by a group ofThaiAmulet Enthusiasts, whose aim is to bring together people ofcommoninterests to share amulets & info of ThaiReligiousArtifacts.From time to time, Triple Gem Amulet will also invite monksandGurus to extend their blessings to the devotees hereinSingapore.