Top 15 Apps Similar to SENMUSIC AFRICA

Découvrez en exclusivité l'applicationdel'album Retaan de Viviane Chidid.Voici les titres disponibles :-DEMB-SIGUIL-RETAAN-HYMN-NAXMA-NAXMAACOUSDiscover theexclusiveapplication of the album Retaan Viviane Chidid.Here are the titles available:-DEMB-SIGUIL-RETAAN-HYMN-NAXMA-NAXMAACOUS
Afrobeat Love - African music 2.2.7
Afrobeat will let you know as soon as a new african music hitisreleased !
Daara J Family 4.5.3
Créé en 1992 par Faada Freddy etN'DongoD,Daara J deviendra au fil des ans Daara J Family etsortiratrèsrapidement des frontières de son Sénégal originel pours'enallerporter sa culture autant empreinte desinfluencestraditionnellesafricaines que du hip hop et de la soulaux quatrecoins de laplanète. Un millier de concerts dont despremièresparties pourWyclef Jean, Mos Def ou Peter Gabriel maisaussi pourLes RitaMitsouko, pour Zebda et pour Ayo les conduirontdans lesplusprestigieux festivals de l'hexagone tandis queleursalbumsconnaîtront un véritable succès populaire, le troisièmeparuen2003 s'adjugeant même le BBC World Award duMeilleurAlbumAfricain.Du hip hop de très bonne facture, du reggae travaillé avecleplusgrand soin, quelques mélanges de funk, de ballades etdemélodieshypnotiques, un flow tantôt bouillonnant, tantôtpresquevindicatif,tantôt beaucoup plus festif, des arrangementsfouilléset des rythmesà chaque instant renouvelés, rien n'a étélaissé auhasard sur unépatant « School Of Life » avant dernieropus sortien 2010.En 2016 sort Foundation, le nouveau projet musicaldeDAARAJFAMILY. Il est la suite de «school of life», comporteplusd’unedizaine de titre et se caractérise par desstylesmusicauxdifférents et modernes.Pourquoi Fondation ?Parce que L’homme est toujours «en chantier» sansoublierlesexpèriences auxquelles il fait face de la naissanceà la mort, il doit toujours apprendre mais aussiavancer,créer,faire des erreurs, se rattraper et enfin trouversavoie.Avec des titres comme «African Mousso, The RealRevolution,BAAG,Call my name, Dem ARDO, Xeet, Def lou nice etc» lesdeuxartistes ylancent un appel à la jeunesse pour qu’elle retourneà lasourceencore davantage et qu’elle soit debout et plus forteface àsonavenir. Il est temps de bâtir !!!Avec cette application suivez toute l'actualité du GroupeDaaraJFamily- retrouvez toutes les informations concernant lesconcerts(lesdates et l'itinéraire pour vous y rendre) et lesnewsduGroupe.- Regardez les dernières photos et vidéos- Ecoutez les chansons de Daara J Familydepuisvotretéléphone.- Partagez vos informations sur Twitter, Facebooketparcourriel.- Recevez les alertes à chaque fois que l'actualitéduGroupechange.Restez en contact avec Daara J Family et ne manquezaucundesévènements du GroupeEstablished in1992byFaada Freddy and N'Dongo D, Daara J become over the yearsDaaraJFamily and will be released very soon borders ofitsoriginalSenegal to go bring his culture as much footprintoftraditionalAfrican influences of hip hop and soul to everycornerof theplanet. A thousand concerts with the first parts forWyclefJean,Mos Def or Peter Gabriel but for Les Rita Mitsouko forZebdaandAyo to lead them in the most prestigious festivals ofthehexagonwhile their albums will experience a genuinepopularsuccess, thethird appeared in 2003 even winning the BBCWorld Awardfor BestAlbum African.Hip hop very well made, reggae worked with great care,someblendsfunk, ballads and hypnotic melodies, a flowsometimesbubbling,sometimes almost vindictive, sometimes morefestive,elaborateordering and rhythms renewed every moment,nothing hasbeen left tochance on an amazing "School of Life"before lastalbum released in2010.2016 Foundation fate, the new musical project of DAARAJFAMILY.Itis the sequel to "school of life", has more than tentitle andischaracterized by different and modern musicalstyles.Why Foundation?Because the man is still "in progress" withoutforgettingtheexperiences he faces from birthto death, he must always learn but also move, create,makemistakes,catch up and finally find its way.With titles like "African Mousso, The Real Revolution, BAAG,Callmyname, Dem ARDO Xeet, Def lou nice etc" the two artistswilllaunchan appeal to the youth to return to the source andthatfurther itis standing and stronger face his future. It is timetobuild!!!With this application follow all the news group DaaraJFamily- Find all the information about concerts (dates anditinerarytoget there) and Group news.- Watch the latest photos and videos- Play the songs on Daara J Family from your phone.- Share information on Twitter, Facebook and email.- Receive alerts whenever the Group exchange of news.Stay in touch with Daara J Family and not miss any oftheGroup'sevents
Top AfricaMusic Radio Live 1.0
La musique africaine ne peut pas être définie de façonsimpleétantdonné sa grande diversité selon les pays et les époques.C'estpourcela que nous vous apportons pour la première fois unelistedesmeilleurs radios Live : Couper décaler, soukouscongo,makossa,ndombolo, zouglou, mbalax senegalais, Warba burkinabéetbiend'autres. Cette collection des meilleuresRadioAfricaine:Nostalgie Dakar,Pulsar Ouaga,Nostalgie Abidjan,Xalima,Savane FM,Congo. Listen to African Music radio stationsLive. Nodeadstations.The best Radio App ever. 100% free app thatallows youtolisten to live radio stations from Ouagadougou to Dakarstopingbythe COUPER DECALER City. .
Farafina Radio 1.10.0
Listen to Farafina Radio, the numberoneAfrican webradio.http://www.farafinaradio.comFor you, the best African hits (Coupé Décalé, Makossa,Mbalax,Afrodance, Kuduru etc...), but also zouk and hip hop.Farafina Radio it also podcasts, games, surveys, and exclusivesandthe cultural news of the continent.Join the community Farafina Radio and many listeners aroundtheworld.Contact:[email protected]
Benin Musique 1.1015
Pliby is an innovative way todiscoverundergrounds artists.If you're tired of listening to the same sounds of popularartists,if you have desires of nine, come on Pliby.comOn Pliby : Discover new artists. Becomes Producer: Approves the artists who will leavetheunderground to the confirmed artists. Dedication sounds you love with your friends through ourbuttonDedicate Discover your friends who have the same musical trendslikeyou Hobbies ranking African soundsYou 're an artist Come start your musical career Measurement and Let users give you your true popularity. Discover new fans And Becomes Wizkid or Fally IPUPANigéria, Kénya, South Africa, Benin, Uganda, Egypte, SierraLéone,Madagascar, Gabon, Cameroun, Tanzanie
African music 2.8
AFROVIBES is the first androidapplicationthatstreams only african music as azonto,coupé-decalé,makossa,bikutsi, mdombolo and other african rhythms.It was thinkedforpeople around the world, who love african music.The firstfreeversion of the application has a playler and a oneplaylist.Theplaylist is updated dynamically at each new startup andtheplayerdispose the following fonctionalities:- play / pause- repeat- shuffle- next/previous- backward/forward (seekbar)However, a connection to the internet is requiredfortheapplication.
Nigeria Music Downloads: Free 1.0
Tamed Magnum
Nigeria Music Downloads presents AllNigerianMusic from top Nigerian artistes.Sources include:- NotJustOk- Tooxclusive- Naijaloaded- 360NobsGet Nigeria Music Downloads now.Admin: [email protected]
Nigerian Music 2.0
Nigerian Music app will stream music videostoyou phone or tablet and play full screen every time you opentheopen there will be a new search to give you the latesttunes.Download And Share The App With Your Friends ! it's FREE foralimited time!Note:- This app requires internet connection to working. Thevideoquality depends on internet connection speed. WIFIinternetconnection is recommended. Video should play in standarddefinition(SD) mode while playing video on mobile 3G/LTE internetconnectionto reduce data consumption.-This version can't Download but I'm developing and notmp3fileDISCLAIMER: The content provided in this app is hosted byYouTubeand is available in public domain by youtube api.Andregisteredusers can add the link of YouTube video here.. We do notupload oradd videos to YouTube or in this app. This app is just anorganizedway to browse and view these YouTube VideosIf you have the feeling there is a direct copyright ortrademarkviolation that doesn't follow within the "fair use"guidelines,please contact us
MaXXimixx 5.3
Maxximixx , retrouvez Maxximixx Dancefloor et Maxximixx Black.
Queen Africa Radio 5.4.7
Queen Africa Radio is an online music radio that brings youintotherich african music universe. All generations are gathered,fromtheold school to the new school, the traditional to themodernmusic,enjoy the African Music Safari. The MotherlandFingerprintsQueenAfrica Radio: une radio de musique en ligne quivous envoiedans leriche univers de la musique africaine. Touteslesgenerations ysont, de l'ancienne ecole a la nouvelle ecole, delamusiquetraditionnelle a la musique moderne, appreciez le Safaridelamusique africaine.QAR: l'emprunte de la terre mere.
African Music 2.0
African Music app is a collection of VideosandRadio ,the Videos will be updated every time you open the appwiththe latest You tube videos.Note:- This app requires internet connection to working. Thevideoquality depends on internet connection speed. WIFIinternetconnection is recommended. Video should play in standarddefinition(SD) mode while playing video on mobile 3G/LTE internetconnectionto reduce data consumption.***This version can't Download but I'm developing and notmp3fileDISCLAIMER: The content provided in this app is hosted byYouTubeand is available in public domain by youtube api.Andregisteredusers can add the link of YouTube video here.. We do notupload oradd videos to YouTube or in this app. This app is just anorganizedway to browse and view these YouTube VideosIf you have the feeling there is a direct copyright ortrademarkviolation that doesn't follow within the "fair use"guidelines,please contact us
Mali Radio 8.01.04
WordBox Apps
Tune in to various radio stations from Mali to listen liveradiobroadcasting
CapitalFM Gambia 1.0
The sounds of a new generation: CapitalFMisGambia's newest and most powerful radio station withthewidestcoverage on the FM band broadcasting on a singlefrequency100.4,covering the whole of the Country and beyond. Thereare manyradiostations in the Gambia but Capital Radio is second tononeandstands out as one of the nation's favorite, growing fastwithaquest to lead the competition for many years to come.Our seasoned and highly professional staff utilizes thelatestinRadio technology and I.T in our studios and offices todeliverthehigh standard of broadcasting we pride ourselves in.Capital Radio seeks to promote Gambian Music andCulturebyplaying our music and engaging Gambian artists invariousprojects,hosting Cultural shows and allowing our audiencetoparticipate inpaving the way forward. We have programs inalmostall the locallanguages and engage professionals who areexperts intheir fields,to help explain and clarify issues for ouraudience toenjoy.When it comes to music and entertainment Capital FM isNo.1.FromNew-School to Old-School; Mbalax, Afromanding,Salsa,Niger,Hip-life, RnB, Hip hop, Raggae, Jazz, Blues andeventranscendinggenres, we are confident it's in our huge andstillgrowinglibrary.Government and almost all the biggest companies intheGambiaadvertise on Capital Radio a true manifestation of ourhugeandgrowing popularity. We offer special packages tailoredtosuitorganizations and businesses whatever their size.Check out our programs page for a taste of thehottestPresentersand Radio shows in town and follow them on theRadio100.4 fm,
Festival de Musique de Menton 3.0.0
Stars internationales, découvertes et coupsdecœur se côtoient au Festival de Musique de Menton.Cette nouvelle application vous présente le programmecomplet.Découvrez les artistes, localisez les différentes scènes,accédez àla billetterie en ligne ! Gardez un œil sur les coulissesetl’actualité du festival, et partagez vos plus beaux moments surlesréseaux sociaux.Internationalstars,discoveries and heart strokes combine at Menton MusicFestival.This new application presents the complete program. Discovertheartists, locate the different scenes, go to the ticket online!Keepan eye on the news and behind the scenes of the festival, andshareyour best moments on social networks.