Top 19 Apps Similar to NASA X

Visualize recent global climate data from NASA's earthsciencesatellites in 3D
ISS on Live: Earth & ISS Views 5.1.0
Real-time Earth view cameras & International Space Station(ISS)Tracker
ISS Live Now: View Earth Live 6.8.4
VKL Apps
Live camera from space and ISS tracker. See when it will bevisiblein the sky.
Solar Walk Lite - Planetarium 3D: Planets System 2.7.5
An awesome 3D model of our solar system foryouto explore space! Solar Walk Lite - Planetarium app 3Dis atime-sensitive solar system and space simulator showing therealorbits, order, scale and motion of the Sun, allowing you toexploreall the 8 planets in real time, more than 20 moons,dwarfs,asteroids, comets, 9 Earth satellites, 9 dwarf planets andmorethan 50 stars. You can find and explore any celestial bodywiththis amazing solar system app!***BEST OF 2016***The Lite version of the well-known space simulator isabsolutelyfree, ad-supported and very small in size but containsall the mainfeatures and objects (stars, planets and moons,satellites, etc) ofour solar system.NO INTERNET CONNECTION IS REQUIRED!Explore space and get a little closer to our wonderful universewiththis awesome 3d model of our solar system!Exploration of our solar system has never been so easyandentertaining!🚀Planets and stars app - Main Features:💫 Space simulator: realistic space view with real-timepositions,order, size, inner structure of solar system planets andmoons,their orbits, stars, comets, satellites and othercelestialbodies.💫 Every planet and celestial body has an extensiveinformation:size, mass, orbital velocity, exploratory missions,thickness ofstructural layers, and photo gallery with real photostaken bytelescopes or NASA spacecrafts during the spacemissions.💫 Orrery Mode on/off - to see the schematic or realistic sizesanddistances between the solar system objects.💫 Anaglyph 3D on/off - if you have anaglyph 3D glasses youcanchoose this option to navigate through the solar system andenjoythe beauty of space and solar system planets.💫 Zoom-in to see objects in close up and Zoom-out to seetheposition of our solar system in Galaxy.💫 Planets 3D and 3D models of spacecraft in the applicationarebased on scientific data collected by ESA and NASA spacecraftsandground based telescopes.The best encyclopedia of the solar system!This is a great planetarium 3D, solar system app for thespaceexplorers. It works great for both kids and adults. Kidslovelearning about the planets, and the amazing graphicsandinformation provided in this space simulator makes it engagingandcaptivating. Kids will also enjoy "travel" through space to getanup-close view of the planets, moons, and stars. In fact, adultsmaynot be able to put this app down either!This space simulator is excellent for teachers to useforinstruction, and it is a great resource for students toexploreplanets and space as they learn more about the universe welive in.With Solar Walk Lite - Planetarium app 3D you dontneed atelescope to see the planets for real. Find sun, moon,planets andstars location in the planetarium app free.This 3D model of our solar system is a must-have for allspaceenthusiasts! Explore space with Solar Walk Lite!Main Objects to explore with solar system 3D simulator:Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus, Neptune.Moons: Phobos, Deimos, Callisto, Ganymede, Europa,Io,Hyperion, Iapetus, Titan, Rhea, Dione, Tethys, Enceladus,Mimas,Oberon, Titania, Umbriel, Ariel, Miranda, Triton, Larissa,Proteus,Nereid, CharonDwarf planets and asteroids: Pluto, Ceres, Makemake,Haumea,Sedna, Eris, ErosComets: Hale-Bopp, Borrelly, Halley’sComet,Ikeya-ZhangSatellites: SEASAT, ERBS, Hubble SpaceTelescope,International Space Station (ISS), Aqua, Envisat, Suzaku,Daichi,CORONAS-PhotonStars: Sun, Sirius, Betelgeuse, Rigel Kentaurus.Get this solar system, planets and stars app now free andexplorespace with us!
ISS Detector Satellite Tracker 2.04.15
Have you seen the International SpaceStation?It is visible with the naked eye!This is the easiest way to spot the station.ISS Detector will tell you when and where to look fortheInternational Space Station or Iridium flares. You get an alarmafew minutes before a pass. You will never miss a pass oftheInternational Space Station and you will never miss thebrightflashes of the iridium communication satellites. ISS Detectorwillalso check if the weather conditions are right. A clear skyisperfect for spotting.Extensions will enhance the functionality of ISS Detector. Withanin-app purchase you can add comets and planets, amateurradiosatellites and famous objects, like the Hubble space telescopeorthe Chinese space station Tiangong.• Overview of the coming passes• Weather conditions for perfect sightings• Radar screen with path indication• Current location on a map• Detection of Iridium flares• Notifications and Alarms• Share sightings with whatsapp, twitter, gmail, email etc.• Automatic location and timezone detection• Widget• Dedicated tablet layoutAvailable Extensions (in-app purchase):Radio Amateur SatellitesTrack dozens of ham and weather satellitesFamous ObjectsTrack Hubble, X-37B, Fitsat, Tiangong and moreComets and PlanetsTrack planet and track comets as they come closer to earth.Perfectfor C/2011 L4 Panstarrs in March 2013 or C/2012 S1 ISON inNovember2013.ISS Detector combines data from Nasa,, and weather
Solar System Explorer 3D 2.7.8
Neil Burlock
Soar into space andexploredozensofplanets,moons and asteroids on an excitingjourneythroughoursolarsystem. High definition graphics andatmosphericmusicwillmakeyou feel like you are there!Features:★ HD graphics and awesome music and sound effects★ Easy to use and intuitive controls★ Detailed information about the places you visit★ Images based on real photos takenbytelescopesorNASAspacecraft★ Ideal educational introduction for kids★ An atmospheric experience in the vacuum of space!Easy to use controls make navigation a breeze.Asimpletapwillsend you soaring into the outer reaches ofdeepspace.Anothertapwill return you safely home to Earth.There’s lots to see and do. In additiontobeautifulgraphics,SolarSystem Explorer also includes a greatdealofinformationabout theplanetary systems you’ll visit.Learninghasnever beensoenjoyable!With the new free-flight option, you can takedirectcontrolandflythe spaceship yourself and become thepilot.Accompanied byarumblingengine, you’ll be swooping throughtheasteroidbelt,diving throughthe gas giant Saturn’s ringsandsurfing theupperatmosphere ofplanets. It’s the next best thingtoaspacewalk!The 3D models in this app are based onphotostakenbyNASAspacecraft and ground based telescopes. Becausesomeofthemoonsaround the gas giants have only been visited onceortwice,wemayhave partially complete images. Missingsurfacedetailfortheseobjects is estimated from what can beseen.In this solar system simulator youcanexplorethebrilliantblue-green Uranus, knocked onto its sidebyamassivecollision.Visit the proto-planet Ceres which makesuponethird ofthe massof the asteroid belt. Marvel atNeptune'smoonTriton whichorbitsin the opposite direction toProteus. Take inthesights oftheJupiter's heavily scarred moonCallisto, itssurfacepockmarkedbycountless impact craters.Places to visit in this solar system orrery:The Sun, otherwise known as SolPlanets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, MarsGas giant: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, NeptuneMoons: Luna, Deimos and Phobos, Callisto,Europa,Ganymede,Io,Mimas,Tethys, Enceladus, Dione, Rhea,Titan,Iapetus,Miranda,Umbriel,Ariel, Oberon, Titania,Triton,Proteus,CharonDwarf: Ceres, Vesta and PlutoAlso, catch up to NASA's Voyager spacecraft onitslonelyjourneyintothe cosmosThis is the 3D simulator for pocket astronomers!Download the old SolarExplorerLiteversionat
Foxtel 1.7.0
Foxtel App for Android TV
Star Chart Infinite 4.2.2
The premium version of the world famous star gazing andastronomyapp.
Solar Walk Free - Explore the
Planetarium 🌓 Model of the Solar system, Outer spacesimulator,Spacecraft 3D.
Nasa planetary 0.0.2
Open source project, you can find the sourceonGithub. of api, include cleanarchitecture,MVP, RXJava, Firebase...
Star Walk - Constellations and Stars:Night Sky Map
Vito Technology
Star Walk - Constellations andStars:NightSky Map is an app for astronomy stargazing andfinding planets,constellations and stars in real time on the nightsky map. One ofthe best astronomical apps to identify and viewstars day andnight.Learn astronomy and explore the stars with Star Walk-Constellations and Stars:Night Sky Map!Use your device and point in any direction to discover thelocationand in-depth information about constellations and stars,planets,satellites and any celestial body. You will never againwonder whatthat bright orange star or that fuzzy little cloud inthat tinycorner of the night sky is!✦✦✦NO ADS AND IN-APP PURCHASES✦✦✦Star Walk - Constellations and Stars:Night Sky Map isaperfect educational tool to learn astronomy for students andspaceenthusiasts of all ages. It can be used by teachers ofscienceduring the lesson, by students for preparing projectsaboutdifferent space phenomena, by parents to introduce theirchildrento the basics of astronomy and by anyone interested inspace,astronomy, stars, planets, constellations and other nightskyobjects.Star Walk is your interactive sky guide to the constellation,planetand star sky maps.Stargazer live app - Main features:✦ You’re essentially presented with a sky map of the variousobjectsin the night sky when you open up the app. Learnconstellations,planets and stars names, choose any to get anextensive information(general info, gallery, wikipedia articles,astronomy facts).✦ Star & planet location app. Move your device around, andthisastronomy app will calculate the device’s orientation and alsoyourGPS location, so it will provide you with an accuratepresentationof the arrangement of constellations and stars,planets, comets,dwarf planets, spacecraft and any other celestialbody in the nightsky map.✦ Astronomical calendar of this stargazing app containsvariousastronomical events (meteor shower, solar eclipse, lunareclipse,full moon, new moon, etc), choose any and get adeeperunderstanding of different celestial phenomena.✦ Use Time Machine to explore the sky map of tomorrow or yearsago.To do this tap the clock icon in the top left corner and slidetheright edge dial down for the past and up for the future positionofconstellations and stars.✦ Night mode bathes the interface in a red glow in order to makethesky observation more comfortable for your eyes.✦ This night sky viewer allows you to change the colour ofthedisplay to represent various kinds of radiation: gamma,X-Ray,visible spectrum, Infrared, and Radio, etc.✦ With an augmented reality feature you can merge live footagefromyour camera with the app’s presentation of the night sky.✦ Star Walk - Constellations and Stars:Night Sky Mapalsogives astronomy facts and daily stats like sunrise andsunset,visible planets, moon phases and much more.NO INTERNET CONNECTION IS REQUIRED, so, wherever you are, youcanenjoy this star, planet and constellation finder app!Things to view in this astronomy stargazing app:Stars: Sun, Sirius, Canopus, Alpha Centauri, Arcturus,Vega,Capella, Rigel, Spica, Castor, etc.Planets: Mercury,Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,Uranus,NeptuneDwarf planets and asteroids: Pluto, Ceres, Makemake, Haumea,Sedna,Eris, ErosComets: Borrelly, Halley, Swift-Tuttle,Churyumov-Gerasimenko,etc.Track meteor showers: Perseids, Lyrids, Aquarids, Geminids,Ursids,etc.Constellations: Andromeda, Aquarius, Aries, Cancer,Capricornus,Cassiopeia, Leo, Libra, Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpius,Ursa Major,etc.Satellites: Hubble, SEASAT, ERBS, ISS, Aqua, Envisat,Suzaku,Daichi, Ajisai, Genesis, etc.Moon phasesLocate and track the ISS
NASA RSS Feeds 2.7
Stay updated with the NASA Image oftheDay,Breaking News, and Education News.Please leave a star rating AND text review to tellthedeveloperand others how useful you found this app.
Satellite Tracker & Location 1.2
Rotembo Apps
Who looks at you, 13,000 Satellitecruisingoverhead.Weather,Science,Military Satellite sees you everyminute.Check whosee you right now! NASA Science Weather Satellite:NOAA ,Weather.Communications Satellite: Iridium , AmateurRadio.NavigationSatellite: Galileo , Navy Navigation SatelliteSystem ,COSMOS.Miscellaneous Military Satellite.
GLOBE Observer 3.0.0
GLOBE Observer invites you to take environmentalobservationssupporting NASA.
GeoExpert: World Geography Map 2023.5.0
Learn geography! Countries, provinces, flags & 50 usstatesgame. Geo challenge!
SkyView® Lite 3.7.2
SkyView®, an augmented reality space app, brings stargazingtoeveryone!
Solar Walk 2 Ads+:Solar System 1.6.4
Planetarium app - learn astronomy, space exploration,missions,spacecraft 3D
Imagery Fetcher for NASA 1.2.2
Imagery Fetcher for NASA fetches imagesfromthe Image of the Day and Astronomy Picture of the DayNASAservices.Features:• Browse the latest images from the Image of the Day RSS feedaswell as the entire Astronomy Picture of the Day archive• Scroll through images vertically, tap images to obtaindetaileddescriptions, swipe between images, and tap any image againtoenable panning and zooming functionality• Automatically receive daily notifications of new images,downloadimages to external storage, and set any image as thecurrentwallpaperPossible planned features include searching for images andselectingfavorite images.This app is completely open source. The GitHub repository canbefound at you encounter a bug or would like to request a feature, pleasedoso on GitHub.
APOD from NASA 2.2.7
Apps on Tap
A beautiful collection of Astronomy Pictures of the Day by NASA 🚀