Top 16 Apps Similar to I Love Myself

Argus: Activity & Step Tracker 5.36.9536
Azumio Inc.
Best to count calories, lose weight, activity, workouts, diet
Body calculator 1.1.0
Body Calculator was developed thinkingofhealthand wellness. Informing the weight, height andotherinformation youcan find your body mass index, ideal weight,bloodvolume and others.The calculations that are available inthisversion are:- Body mass index- Daily Calories- Calories by Activity- Volume of Blood- Blood alcohol- Ideal weight
Il Centro Estetico “SALUTE E BENESSERELAURA”sito in Desio centro angolo zona pedonale con ampioparcheggiooffre da 22 anni svariati trattamenti viso e corpo contecnologiaavanzata offrendo alla clientela trattamenti su basenaturalesvolto da personale altamente qualificato e cordiale.Il nostro e’ sempre stato, e lo é a tutt’oggi, un’ambientearmonioso e tranquillo dove le prestazioni si fondono consinergiae privacy in un rapporto di operatrice estetica eclientefinale.Oltre ai nostri innumerevoli trattamenti estetici efitoterapicioffriamo anche prestazioni di riflessologia plantare,shiatsu,naturopatia con nutrizione e intolleranze, nonchétrattamenti ditrucco semipermanente, tatoo e piercing.Il nostro immancabile partner é il marchio Villa Esperia con isuoitrattamenti salute ed estetici delle terme di Salice Terme,nonchésono presenti nel nostro istituto altre marche comeFontanaContarini, Plants&Nature, Olos.I nostri punti forza sono l’ alta esperienzae professionalitàmaturata nel tempo, ormai ventennale, lanostracomprensione, cordialità e fiducia reciproca con tuttiinostri clienti.Il Centro Estetico e’ aperto a tutte le età e offretrattamentisia per uomo che per donna, venite pure a visitare etoccare conmano i nostri vari trattamenti sarete ibenvenuti.”The beauty center"HEALTHAND WELLNESS LAURA" site in Desio center angle pedestrianarea withample parking offering 22 years several facial and bodytreatmentswith advanced technology offering customers based onnaturaltreatments performed by highly qualified and friendly.And our 'always been, and still is, a' peaceful andharmoniousenvironment where performance blend with synergy andprivacy in arelationship of aesthetic operator and end user.In addition to our numerous beauty treatments and herbalremediesalso we offer performance reflexology, shiatsu, naturopathyandnutrition and allergies, as well as treatments for permanentmakeup, tattoos and piercing.Our unfailing partner is the brand Villa Esperia with its healthandbeauty treatments of the baths of Salice Terme, and are presentinour institute other brands like Fontana Contarini, Plants&Nature, Olos.Our strengths are the 'high professionalism and experiencegainedover the years, twenty years, our understanding, cordialityandmutual trust with all our clients.The beauty center and 'open to all ages and offers treatmentsforboth men and women, also come to visit and touch our treatmentsyouwill be welcome. "
Health News | Health Daily
Update You!
Health News: a gold mine of Health information! Follow theHealthWorld!
L’Angelica Coach della Salute 1.5
Achieve Your Wellness Goals with custom plans of Coach.
My Eyes Protection 4.8.7
Electronic paper effect, blue light filter, blink reminder,eyeexercises.
Nuovo Mondo Fitness 11.0
Nanonet srl
Negli ultimi tempi il legame traFitness,Salutee Benessere ha ricevuto una crescente attenzione eunamaggioresensibilizzazione. Per questo interesse e conesperienzadecennaleNuovo Mondo Fitness si presenta come punto perun nuovostile divita.Ogni giorno il corpo e la mente hanno bisogno diesercizipercombattere lo stress... è per questo che è natoNuovoMondoFitness!Stiamo trasmettendo ai nostri soci un nuovo, miglioreenecessarioLIFESTYLE!Tutto il nostro Staff è a vostra completa disposizione.Scopri tutte le Novità 2012/2013al Nuovo Mondo Fitness City Wellness!Nuovo Mondo Fitness si trova a Capezzano Pianore, LuccaRecently, thelinkbetweenFitness, Health and Wellness has receivedincreasingattention andgreater awareness. To this interest and withdecadesof experienceNew World Fitness provides an excellent pointfor anew lifestyle.Every day your body and mind need exercises to combatstress...that is why the New World Fitness is born!We are sending our members a new, better and must LIFESTYLE!Our entire staff is at your disposal.See the new 2012/2013to the New World City Wellness Fitness!New World Fitness is in Capezzano Pianore, Lucca
MyTherapy Pill Reminder 3.124.2
MyTherapy is a reminder for your medication, tablets, pillsandcontraceptives!
Aloe Vera e Benessere
Novità sempre aggiornate sul gel dialoeverapuro al 100% senza aloina. Shop online dei miglioriprodottisulmercato a base di aloe vera gel. Bevande, integratori,prodottiperigiene personale, controllo peso , salute e bellezzadellapelledel viso e corpo, salute e benessere animali conprodottinaturalial 100%
Step Counter
Application that keeps you company while you walk or run.
Ok Salute - Digital Edition 1.0
Consideri la salute un aspetto rilevantedellatua vita?Cerchi uno stile di vita sano ed equilibrato?Vuoi essere in forma senza rinunciare al piacere del cibo?Non puoi perderti “OK Salute e Benessere” che, ognimese,racconta il benessere e la salute in modo nuovo, coninformazioniaffidabili, accurate e aggiornate, per il benessere delcorpo edella mente.Inoltre tanti Speciali pensati apposta per te!Sfoglialo pagina per pagina e scopri il piacere di leggereOkSalute in versione digitale… buona lettura!Consider the healthanimportant aspect of your life?Are looking for a healthy lifestyle and balanced?Want to be fit without sacrificing the pleasure of food?You can not miss "OK Health and Wellness" that, every month,saysthe well-being and health in a new way, with reliable,accurate andup to date, for the well-being of body and mind.Also many Special designed especially for you!Browse it page by page and discover the pleasure of readingOkSalute digital version ... good reading!
Soul Star Cleansing 432Hz 1.00
The existence of the Eighth Chakra goes unnoticed by many, but isofcentral importance to the wellbeing of our minds andphysicalbodies. It is linked to all of the other seven chakras on averyprofound level. The 8th Chakra, also known as “Aura Chakra”,theseat of the soul, is associated with enlightenment andascension.It is located above our bodies, unlike all of the otherprimarychakras, which reside inside. To balance this very specialchakra,we created Soul StarCleansing, an App that will allow you toplay a423Hz tone that will help you clear this energy centerwhilemeditating on it. This binaural isochronic tone can be madeevenmore pleasant thanks to the 8 relaxing songs you can play inthebackground. The first one is free, while the others canbedownloaded in the premium version. The titles of the tracks inourplaylist are as follows, and can be used to heal your soul:1.Muladhara (Root Chakra) 2. Svadisthana (Sacral Chakra) 3.Manipura(Solar Plexus Chakra) 4. Anahata (Heart Chakra) 5. Visuddha(ThroatChakra) 6. Ajna (Third Eye Chakra) 7. Sahasrara (CrownChakra) 8.Padaka (Soul Star Chakra) To improve your experience, weadded atimer to control exactly how long you will meditate. You canunlockit in the premium version, and set precisely how long tolisten toour music to relax. We highly recommend you to useheadphones whiledoing so, as it will heighten your soothing musicand binauralbeats meditation effect. Once you have succeeded inaligning andhealing all of your chakras, you will be able to healyour soul andyour mind. Remember to use the correct mantra chantingwhenmeditating on each energy center to make your meditationmorepowerful. We hope you can improve your moments of harmonyandserenity through this app. May it help you find peace andwellbeingthrough your chakras. For any suggestions, problems orrequests,please contact us at [email protected]
Health, Nutrition & Diet Guide 1.4
Organic Facts
This app is your guide to fitness, good health, weightloss,diet-plan, nutrition, and remedies for diseases suchashypertension, anxiety, allergy, insomnia and many more. Goodhealthis quintessential for happy living and with this app you canaccessthe info anywhere you go. The app has several sections onhealththat address different queries you may have. SectionsincludeHealth Boosters, Health Benefits, Home Remedies, Health TipsandNutrition News. Health Boosters helps you discover remedies foraparticular disorder. You can search for any disease andfindvarious food items, oils and herbs that aid in relievingthedisease symptoms and help in curing it. Health Benefitssectionhelps you in finding benefits of various herbs, cereals,essentialoils, other foods and exercises. Home Remedies sectiongives youaccess to simple and effective remedies that help to fighthealthconditions. Health Tips section provides quick tips aboutgoodhealth and well-being. And keep yourself updated with thelatest inthe field of health with our section on Nutrition News.
Health And Wellness Hypnosis 1.2
Maintain an optimal health and wellnesswiththis powerful hypnosis application by Shoonger Product.What you are getting with the app:-a) maintain your health and wellness with ahypnotherapyaudio;b) journal your experience worth remembering;c) capture picture of beautiful moments;d) a mindset of health and wellness;e) whole health reading materials.In this modern era, the fast pace of life, theenvironmentalpollution, the ever competitive nature of society forsurvival andto be the best, have slowly eroded mankind health andwellness. Wehave lost our reason for living a meaningful life andis living dayin day out following the cycle of life.This app uses hypnotherapy technique to attempt to bring backthejoy and happiness which you have missed in this life.Hypnotherapy is a traditional art used by professional hypnotisttohelp its client cure from various type of psychology problem. Itisa perfect stress management technique and this is exactly whatyouare getting with this application.This is a self-improvement hypnotherapy program that you can useonyourself to induce 'self-hypnosis' and bring you to a stateofpeace, tranquility and calmness. Hypnotherapy had become apopularchoice for many people to improve many aspect of their lifefromovercoming phobia to breaking out of limiting beliefs and isalsothe perfect choice to manage your health and wellness. And intheapplication you have the choice to choose hypnosis to conditionthemental faculties for optimal health and wellness.'Self-hypnosis' hypnotherapy, is a safe and convenient methodyouwill get from this app to bring yourself to the desiredstate.While in this 'self-hypnosis' state, you are still in controlofyourself and have the choice to follow the suggested scenario ortoreject. You never loose this choice even whileunderhypnosis.Go ahead and use this program to manage your health andwellness.And the best part of all its FREE.Brought to you by ** Shoonger **Only The Best
Il centro Estetico e Benessere WELLNESSdiCinisi(PA) offre numerosi trattamenti per la cura delpropriocorpo: Azione globale viso Dibi, valutazione estetica,azioneglobale corpo Dibi, Check up corpo, LPG Endermolift,Lipomassage,Performance Skin Care, Special Body Confort-Zone etantissimi altriservizi dedicati esclusivamente a TE!L’app Wellness Estetica e Benessere ti permette di rimaneresemprein contatto con il TUO Centro Estetico di fiducia e riceveretuttele promozioni e le novità offerte solo per TE!Dedica più tempo a Te Stessa…fa bene al Tuo corpo e alTuospirito!The Aesthetic andWellnessCenter WELLNESS Cinisi (PA) offers a range of treatmentsfor thecare of your body: Global action face Dibi, aestheticevaluation,global action body Dibi, check up body, LPGEndermolift,Lipomassage, Performance Skin Care, Special BodyConfort -Zone andmany other services dedicated exclusively toYOU! The app Wellness Beauty and Wellness allows you to stayintouch with YOUR Aesthetic Center of trust and receive allthepromotions and news offers only for YOU!Spend more time in Te Same ... is good for your body andyourspirit!
Fedel Farma 1.0.1
Fulcri srl
Non solo un catalogo di oltre48.000prodotti,nel quale puoi trovare tutto quello di cui habisogno perla tuasalute e il tuo benessere. Ma dei professionistisempre atuadisposizione con cui dialogare.Attraverso schede dettagliate hai la possibilità diotteneretuttele informazioni sui prodotti che ti interessano,verificarneilprezzo, prenotarli per ritirarli presso il puntovenditaoacquistarli e riceverli comodamente a casa tua.Caratteristiche:* Cerca i prodotti della Fedel Farma e ottieni tutte leinfosuiprodotti* Scopri le offerte e le promozioni* Acquista i prodotti direttamente dal tablet o smartphoneericevilia casa* Hai sempre accesso ai tuoi ordini e alle tue spedizioniNot only a catalogofover48,000 products, where you can find everything you needforyourhealth and your well-being. But the professionals atyourdisposalwith which to communicate.Through detailed charts you can get all the informationabouttheproducts that interest you, check the price, book themtowithdrawthem at the store or buy and receive them comfortablyathome.Characteristics:* Search products Fedel Farma and get all the detailsabouttheproducts* Discover offers and promotions* Buy products directly from the tablet or smartphoneandreceivethem at home* You always have access to your orders and your shipments