Top 6 Apps Similar to FairCity Removals

Courier Software 22.1.1
Zebra-Media Software
★ Organization and management are the cornerstone of successforanytype of business. No business runs in isolation and inordertoproperly organize all related information and statistics,itisessential that all proper steps be taken. Todaytechnologyoffersus a chance to make this task easy with thenumeroussoftwaretechnologies that are being created to cater to thevariantneedsof people and business entities. One such software toolthatisproving to be an instant success in the realm ofcourierbusinessis the "Courier Software". Whether the business isrunsolely orwith a team Courier Software is equally beneficialforboth. ★ Thesoftware is ideal to handle the multitaskinginformationrelatingto different courier businesses includingdelivery ofpizza,restaurant delivery, owner PCO drivers, minibusdrivers,selfemployed courier services, riders of scooter delivery,etc.Aflourishing courier business requires keeping allrecordsandinformation planned evenly within working hours sothatordersnever overlap each other and a proper track ofplannedappointmentsare carried out without any hassle. Thissoftware toolallowsmanager to store in all courier relatedinformation suchasaddresses of clients, emails, telephone numbersand comments too.★The main feature of the program includes 4 mainiconsbeingCouriers, Clients, Reports and Scheduler. The couriers'iconallowseach deliverer to create a profile of their own inwhichtasks thatthey are assigned or have completed can be recordedtokeep a trackof all services performed by a single person. ★Underthe client'sicon all information including phone number, emailanddetails ofdelivery can be recorded. The program also allowscallingtheseclients directly from the software in case the needarises.Thereport Icon also stores in all deliveryrelatedspecificinformation that may be needed in future. ★ Not onlycanyou savein the email, mobile, home and work phone numbersalongwith theaddress, but you can also capture photos of theclients ifyou wantand save it with their profile. ★ Anotheroffering of theprogramis the scheduler which allows assigning oftasks based onthe dateto be delivered along with the provision ofnoting in thetotaldaily earnings that appear in short font underthe date inthecalendar. Not only can everyone view the appointmentson aspecificdate, but the details and earnings from the job arealsorecorded.★ Considering the importance of management in everyjoblet aloneof something such as Courier business Courier Softwareisa toolthat is a must have for every business. Addnewclient/courier: youcan tap the "+" in the upper-right corner ofthescreen (pleasefind attached screenshots - the red arrowsshowwhere..).
InSales Курьер 1.0.1
InSales Курьер позволяетвладельцаминтернет-магазинов на платформе InSales автоматизироватькурьерскиедоставки и печатать кассовые чеки в полном соответствиисзаконодательством РФ.Ваш курьер устанавливает приложение и видит в немполнуюинформацию о назначенных на него доставках. Выполненныедоставки иотказы курьер фиксирует в приложении. Данныеавтоматическипередаются в основную базу InSales. Менеджер магазинавсегда вкурсе, сколько доставок выполнил курьер, какую собралвыручку икакие товары нужно вернуть на склад.Интересные особенности приложения:— Разграничение доступа (курьер видит только свои доставки)— Учет доставок (в работе, выполненные, отмены, частичные иполныеотказы)— Возможность подключить мобильный фискальный регистратор ипечататькассовые чеки— Учет смен, наличной и безналичной выручки, товарных остатковукурьера— Офлайн-режим - не требуется постоянный доступ к интернету— Возможность в 1 клик воспользоваться навигацией, позвонитьклиентуили менеджеру магазинаПеред запуском мобильного приложения нужно установитьприложениечерез веб-интерфейс InSales (в бэк-офисе вашегомагазина).Подробное описание и инструкция по быстрому запуску —наСократите сроки доставки, избавив курьера отрутинныхопераций!InSales Messengerallowsowners of online stores on the platform to automate InSalescourierdelivery and print cash receipts in full compliance withthelegislation of the Russian Federation.Your Courier installs the application and sees it ascompleteinformation on designated him for delivery. Completeddelivery andcourier fixes failures in the application. Data isautomaticallytransmitted to the main base InSales. The storemanager is alwaysaware of how much courier deliveries performed,which collectedrevenue and what products should be returned to thewarehouse.Interesting features of the app:- Access control (Courier sees only their delivery)- Consideration of deliveries (in the work carriedout,cancellation, partial and full waivers)- Ability to connect your mobile fiscal register and printcashvouchers- Accounting changes, cash and non-cash revenue, cash balancesatthe Courier- Offline Mode - do not need constant access to the internet- Ability to use 1-click navigation, call the customer or thestoremanagerBefore starting a mobile application you want to installtheapplication via the web interface InSales (in the back officeofyour store). Detailed description and Quick Start Guide the time of delivery, courier relieved fromroutineoperations!
Mobidel курьер 2.01
Мобильное приложение Mobidel курьер, являетсячастьюпрограммногокомплекса для автоматизации служб доставки, дляработынеобходимарегистрация в системе С помощьюданногоприложения,происходит взаимодействие курьера и диспетчерадоставки.Курьерудоступны оформленные заказы, подробная информация оних иотметки осмене состояния. Для поддержания постояннойсвязипредусмотренобмен текстовыми сообщениями. Данные для входавприложение,доступны в кабинете администратора. Подробнеена
e-kurier.tts 1.0
This App for iPhone facilitates thecourier’sdaily job. It enables the partners to offerfreeloading space to other partners, to place orderstoother partners, to receive orders and to remittheorders to their drivers. The App also allows sendingstatusmessages and you are able to sign for the delivery on thephone.The data will be sent in real-time.Using this app increases the quality of communication partners significantly.Further functions are waiting to be explored from you!This App is exclusive for partners and isforfree!
iikoDeliveryMan 6.4.4
iiko Software
Mobile application for couriers of the delivery service
Go People - Runner App 5.5.6
The ultimate tool for Go People Runners to bid, take andcompletejobs.