Top 7 Apps Similar to TALLAVA club

Kosovo Radios 2.3
Kosovo Radios and News brings collection of your favoriteradiosandFM stations from Kosovo streaming live on yourandroiddevices.Nowenjoy listening to the online radio broadcastsandmusic from Kosovolive on your android phones and tabletdeviceswith just tap of abutton, no matter where you are. You canalsoaccess the latest newsand read your daily horoscopes throughthisapp. Best of all, youget to access all this for free !!Radiosinclude, RTK Radio KosovoRadio Drenasi,KosovoRadioPrizreni,Kosovo Radio Sharri,Kosovo RadioKosova.Net Radiokontactplus Me ju Radio K4 Radio Blue sky RadioBesa Kosovo RadioVizioniKiss radio KM Radio Kosova 91.9 Sa VamaRadio k4 PS: All theradiosstreams are live streams and thereforewill only be available24hours if the radio stations broadcast 24hours. Those stationsthatbroadcast limited hours will be availableonly when itisbroadcasting live in local time. Please rate thisapp and leaveanycomments or suggestion you may have.
Albanian Radios Live
Your biggest collection of Albanian radios is here !!Albanianradiosbrings collection of your favorite radios and FMstationsfromAlbania , streaming LIVE on your android devices.Nowenjoylisteningto the online radio broadcasts and music fromAlbania onyour androidphones and tablet devices with just a singletouch, nomatter whereyou are.You can also read the latest newsfrom Albaniaand follow thepopular tweets on the go. Best of allits a FREEdownload. Radiosinclude, Garbeti, Albania Jehona,AlbaniaPrendimi,Albania RadioABC,Albania Radio Bleta, AlbaniaRadioBurimi, Albania Radio FamaRadio Gjakova HiteliveRadiokosovarjaRadiosllatina Radio TiranaRadio Zhelina RanicaTechno Top AlbaniaVicinia Radio Tirana II ClubFM Radio Jug RadioTravel Radio ValeTop Gold Radio Tirana II ClubFM- Albania RadioJug Radio Travel-ALbanian Hits Radio Vale TopGold- Tirana RadioShqip Mergimi PS:All the radios streams are livestreams andtherefore will only beavailable 24 hours if the radiostationsbroadcast 24 hours. Thosestations that broadcast limitedhours willbe available only whenit is broadcasting live in localtime. Radioswon't be availablefor stream when it is offline andoccasionallyduring servermaintenance and other downtimes. If theradios are notworking orresponding please try it again later, thesearetemporaryinactivity.Internet connection is required to streamanyradios.
Shkabaj 6.11.0
Shkabaj Inc.
Lajme, Radio, TV, Video, & Moti nga Kosova dhe Shqiperia.100%Shqip.
FILMI IM 1.2.2
FILMI IM:Support: V 1.2.1---------------- Im new Update: Albanian MoviesFilmi im is an online application for watching HD movies.Filmi im is an Albanian (Albania) edition (HD movies withAlbanianSubtitles).This application will update the movie titles frequently.Dev.apk is working on 3D online move version of this app (tobewatched on phones like Evo 3D).ALBANIA - ALBANIAN SUBTITLES - TITRA SHQIP-----------------Pershkrim shtese per Shqiperine dhe Shqiptaret:''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ka per qellim argetimin duke ofruar filma mecilesisuperiore. Teknologjite e perdorura nga janefjala efundit e arritjeve ne fushen e internetit. Ne Ofrojme filmaHD dheper her te pare ne shqiperi edhe ne bote OFROJME FILMA 3DONLINE.Teknologjia 3D streaming (online) eshte perdorur edhe mepare ngayoutube apo disa faqe te tjera te vogla por asnjera nukOfronFilma, kshu qe ne jemi te Paret. Ne Do i japim Ballkanit ateqe ueshte privuar nga faqet e medha nderkombtare qe kane sherbimtengjashem por qe nuk e ofrojne ne Ballkan.
Hoqa e Qytetit 0.3
H. Shala
Faqja e Hoçëssë, këtu i keni të gjithapostimete rejadhe te vjetra. E keni edhe Menyjen që mund të kërkoninëdetaje.Kërkimi: Prizren, Suhareka, Malisheva, Zhur,Kukës,Vërmic,Dushanov, Opoja, Billusha, Leskovec, Libeqev, Kobi,Hoqa eQytetit,Shatervani, Prishtina, Kosova, Radio Shqip,MuzikShqip.Faqja e HOCESsë, Ketu i keni të reja dhe teegjithapostimet vjetra. E keni edhe Menyjen që mouth të kërkoninëdetaje.Kërkimi: Prizren, Suhareka, Malisheva, Zhur,Kukes,Vërmic,Dushanov, Opoja, Billusha, Leskovec, Libeqev, Kobi,Hoqa eQytetit,Shatervani, Prishtina, Kosova, Radio Shqip,MuzikShqip.
Filmi Shqip 1.02
"Filmi Shqip"Eshte nje aplikacion qe i kushtohet filmit shqip.Filmat qe jane te vlefshem per tu pare qe tanineaplikacionin"Filmi Shqip"Jane si me poshte1- "Zonja Nga Qyteti"2- "Nje Shoqe Nga Fshati"3- "Perralle Nga e Kaluara"4- "Beni Ecen Vete"5- "Kapedani"6- "Mengjese Lufte"7- "Zevendesi i Grave"8- "Balle Per Balle"9- "Dy Here Mat"Por nuk do mbetet me kaq "Filmi Shqip" eshte nje aplikacionqedote perditesohet nevazhdimesi me filma te rinj.Urojme qe te gjithe qe do shkarkojne aplikacionin "FilmiShqip"teprovojne kenaqesineme te cilen ne e ndertuam kete aplikacion."Filmi Shqip" ne asnje rast dhe per asnje arsye nukreklamontedrejta mbi veprat e paraqituraprej tij."Filmi Shqip" eshte nje aplikacion qe eshte munduar teparaqesenemenyre sa me teorganizuar veprat qe tashme jane te publikuara ne rrjetesocialesi"youtube" nen licensen eveprave publike.
MovieLexApp 1.0.8
Живете, или отдыхаете за границей?В кинотеатрах идет очередной блокбастер, а Вы не сильныванглийскомязыке?Решить эту проблему поможет наше приложениедлямобильноготелефона MovieLexApp!MovieLexApp позволяет прослушивать спомощьюнаушниковсинхронизированный русский перевод во времяпросмотракинофильма наанглийском языке в кинотеатре.Пользоваться нашим приложением очень просто:Вы выбираете фильм и нажимаете кнопку “Старт”. Послечеговнаушниках телефона Вы услышите синхронный перевод фильмавреальномвремени.Больше не нужно отвлекаться на субтитры, или проситьвашегоспутникапересказывать содержание фильма.Для Вас все сделает MovieLex!Как это работаетВыбрав фильм, загляните в наш "Кинозал" -библиотекупереводов,где вы можете посмотреть список фильмов длякоторыхимеется русскаязвуковая дорожка (перевод).Также с ознакомительной целью, загляните в раздел "Демо"насайте, где Высможетепопробоватькак это работает на практике.Live,orrelaxingabroad?Release Date is the next blockbuster, and you are notstronginEnglish?To resolve this problem will help our application foramobilephone MovieLexApp!MovieLexApp allows you to listen throughheadphonessynchronizedRussian translation while watching a movie inEnglishtheater.Enjoy our application is very simple:You select the movie and press the "Start" button. Afterthat,theheadphones, you will hear the phone interpretation of thefilminreal time.No longer need to be distracted by the subtitles, oraskyourcompanion to retell the content of the film.For you will do everything MovieLex!How it worksAfter selecting a movie, take a look at our "Cinema" -libraryoftranslations, where you can see the list of films forwhichaRussian soundtrack (translation).Also for informational purposes, check out the"Demo"site, where you can tastehowitworks in practice.