Top 17 Apps Similar to Healing Oasis

Advanced Vibrational Healing 1.0
Bio Q
Three simple steps using Advanced Vibrational Healing to treatthefollowing Illnesses, Protection and Clearings:Alcoholism & Drug AddictionAsthmaBack InjuryBronchial and Lung InfectionChronic GoutEnhancing the Immune and Defense SystemHeadachesMigraine HeadachesMinor InfectionsOrgan RegenerationBlood PurificationRoom/House Clearing from Bad EnergyShield of Life (Protection from Bad Energy and Illness)Strengthening and StimulatingSuicidal TendenciesToothacheWeight loss and ObesityAll FreeWe set out on this path to put a commercial applicationtogetherthat we would charge peopleto use so that we could further our works helping others.However; all people should be well and protected fromthetroubles of this world. This is our offering to youour fellow human beings.Advanced Vibrational Healing comes in the form of PranicHealing.We were able to capture the energy frequency onto a soundtrack andplace them onto a music bed, and here they are. To seeliving proofof what transpired in the studio the day these trackswere made goto: Healing Big Pranic healing is a no-touch modalitywhereall types of illnesses can be treated. It is a highlydeveloped andtested system of energy-based healing techniques,using “prana" –the vital energy life-force to balance, harmoniseand transformyour body's energy processes. The Chinese refer tothis subtleenergy as "Chi" in acupuncture. It is also called "Ruha"in Hebrewor the "Breath of Life" in the Old Testament.Pranic Healing AuraPranic healing influences your naturallifeforce to bring about a healthier physical body and is appliedonyour bio-electromagnetic field known as the aura, whichcontainsthe mold and blueprint of your physical body. Yourbio-plasmic bodyabsorbs life energy and distributes it to yourorgans and glands.Diseases first appear as energetic disruptions inyour energy fieldbefore manifesting as ailments in your physicalbody.Master Dangel’s techniques include locating your blockages,tocleanse, energise and revitalise the area with new prana sothatyour body can heal itself naturally.Pranic Healing is a no-touch modality where all typesofillnesses can be treated using ‘chi’ or pranic energy.Master George Dangel, Australian based healer to the stars,regardedby many as a ‘MIRACLE HEALER’ is the first CaucasianMaster PranicHealer to reach the position of number one in theworld in hisprofession, and is also the first ever AustralianMaster of PranicHealing.In 1985, he met and trained under GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui,theGrandMaster of Pranic Healing who brought this modality totheworld, and Master Dangel’s vast experience, spanning more than30years, has made him one of the world’s foremost authoritiesinpranic healing technology, becoming Assistant totheGrandMaster.Master Dangel said: “I’ve had incredible results with peoplewithsevere, debilitating conditions, including quadriplegia,maculardegeneration, blindness, deafness, strokes, motor neuronedisease,paralysis etc.”Patients flock from all over Australia and the world toseeMaster Dangel at his Brisbane-based clinic.His thirty years of study has taken him to China,India,Philippines, Hawaii, USA and Tahiti.To see more of Dr. Dangel's great works through testimonialsgoto: information on this application describes the productsandservices Bio Q offers. The information is not offered asmedicaladvice and should not be considered medical advice.Nothingcontained on this application is intended to be used formedicaldiagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of aphysician orother qualified medical professional regarding anymedicalcondition or treatment. If you have any questionsproceduresinvolving the Bio Q systems, contact a qualifiedphysician. Or,contact us on our website
Reiki Healing 1.1.85
Reiki Healing is an Android app that will teach youdifferentreiki...
reiki chikitsa 0.0.3
Learn about Reiki healing and how it can help keep andmaintainhealth.
iSleep Easy Meditations Free 1.3
The Meditation Oasis® iSleep Easy Freeappcontains three guided meditations to help you fall asleep andsleepdeeply. You can listen to the meditations with or withoutmusic orrain sounds.The app includes the guided meditations described below.★ Sleep Affirmations -- Helps set the stage forfallingasleep.★ Belly Breathing -- An easy exercise for quick relaxation.★ Relax into Sleep -- Relax easily into sleep withthismeditation.*****************************Created by Mary Maddux, MS, HTP and Richard Maddux, bestknownfor their popular Meditation Oasis podcast, apps and CDs.Mary and Richard bring over 30 years of meditation practiceandteaching to the creation of their guided meditations and music.Inaddition to teaching meditation, Mary has worked inbothconventional and alternative settings as a counselor andhealingarts practitioner. Richard has played and composed music allof hislife. His music is composed especially for meditation,relaxationand healing.
Binaural Chakra Therapy 3.1
Scappy Apps
Designed to put you into a state of relaxation and balance outyourchakras.
Chakra Healing Music 1.03
What are Chakras, and why should I be interested intheiralignmentand balance? Chakras are energy centers locatedthroughyourphysical body; the most important ones are 7, andtheyinfluenceyour life flow. Chakra Healing Music contains therightsongs tothis. Each Chakra has its position in the body, itscolorand itsinfluence. Chakra meditations and certain exercises canhelpyoubalance them. It is said that certain stones and certaintunescanalso help you heal your chakras; this is why we createdthisapp.Sahasrara, Ajna, Vishudda, Anahata,Manipura,Swadhisthana,Maladhara. These are the names of theseenergycenters. Each andevery one of them is associated with adifferentcolor anddifferent relaxing sounds. Chakra Healing Musicwascreated to helpyou balance them through specific wavefrequencies.It also helpyou in your deep meditation session and canbe theperfect soundtherapy to reduce anxiety. Just tap once thebuttonsand a softtune that will song that will open that Chakrawillstart. Tapagain to stop it. This FREE app includes: - 7 uniqueHIGHQUALITYsongs, created for each Chakra. - Highdefinitionbackground. - Abrief tutorial on how to use all of theapp'spotentials. - A colorchanging background to help you relax.-Facebook and Twitter sharebuttons to let everyone know youaremeditating with us. The In-Apppurchases allow you to enjoyitspotentials at its fullest. Theyinclude: - A Sounds of Naturepack,which allows you to playrelaxing sounds of nature. - AMeditationTimer, that allows you toset a timer for your meditationto controlhow long you each songwill play. For any suggestions,problems orrequests please contactus at [email protected]
Chakra Meditation 2.6
Chakra Activation, Balancing & Awakening with BinauralSolfeggioFrequency/Tones
Keep Up Yogi - Kundalini Yoga 1.0.5
Keep Up Yogi
Keep Up Yogi embodies sets ofKundaliniyogicexercises. It consists of yoga postures, mantrasandmeditationswhich teach the art of relaxation, self-healingandelevation. Theapp also consists of Tantric Numerologywhichprovides andeffective means for a person to align their higherselfand excelvia the technology of Kundalini Yoga. A nearby moduleisalsofeatured which is used to locate Kundaliniyogacentersnearby.
Walking Meditations 4.4
Enjoy the benefits of meditation as you walk! 3 meditations,tipsand diary.
Healing the Inner Child 2.0 1.1
*****IMPORTANT - This app is 54 MB andmayrequire a WIFI connection to download*****This app includes:• 30 minute NLP / self-hypnosis audio program with binauralbeatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"Healing the Inner Child 2.0 - Creating Self-Acceptance isaboutreclaiming and healing your inner child by treating it asafractured or displaced part of you that needs to be healedandgiven a new purpose or responsibility.Until this part is healed, it will unknowingly sabotageyourendeavors in other areas of your life, because it isoperatingbased upon outdated information. In case this soundsstrange,verify this for yourself... There is most likely an agethat youcan remember, back when you were a child that wasunnecessarilychallenging or difficult. During that time, variousbeliefs ormeanings were created about life and your identity andthis hasbeen guiding your progress until now. Of course, you'veaged sincethen, but you still carry with you that child and thebeliefs thatmay need to be updated so that you can experience whatyou desirein life.This program differs from Healing the Inner Child 1.0 in thatitfocuses on your belief system and the beliefs that werecreatedabout your identity during your childhood. Healing the InnerChild1.0 focuses more upon emotional damage done by other people toyouand how to heal those emotional wounds.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the InstituteofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in MarketingandAdvertising Management from Portland StateUniversity.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapistand atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michaelencouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listento Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview ofEricksonianHypnosis.
Brainwave-calm, stress relief 6.2.5
The No. 1 Brainwave App in 32 Countries!Topquality Isochronic Tones and Binaural Beats combined withrelaxingambient music and soothing nature sounds. Including 90programs forRelax, Sleep, Meditate, Anxiety, Stress Relief,Positive Mind,Confidence, Focus, Memory, Healing, Brain Function,and muchmore!As world-renowned brainwave specialist, The Unexplainable Store®hasbeen providing brainwave entrainment since the year 2000. Allthebrainwaves are meticulously created with the latestbrainwaveentrainment technology. And all the Isochronic Tones are320Bitrate!*** FEATURES- 90+ brainwave programs bring you to an altered state ofmind- Download for 3 free Brainwave sessions lifetime (a valueof$26)- Sync your purchases between iOS, Mac and other devices withoneaccount- Time your session with built-in Timer feature- Free samples of each brainwave recording- No extensive practices required, and feel the effectsinminutes*** BENEFITS OF BRAINWAVES- Total relaxation of the entire body from head to toe- Reduce Anxiety or Relieve Stress- Feeling of sedation- Enhance cognitive ability- Increase ability to meditate deeply- Explore spiritual side of life- Place you in a state of hypnosis- Treat ADHD and personality disorders- Heighten your mood- Ease the symptoms of depression- Beat insomnia and sleep like a babyAnd a lot more is waiting for you to explore. Download nowandexperience the benefits of Brainwaves.*** NOTEEvery person's brain works differently, but on the samebasicprinciples. Some minds are more open to suggestion, whileothersrefuse to let go. As each recording is specifically designedfor acertain purpose, effects on individuals differ. Just be awarethatyour mind wants what you want. It takes some time to reallyfeeleffects, so don’t give up if you fail to reach where you wouldliketo be after the first try. Also, headphone ishighlyrecommended.Read more about our terms and conditions here - Contact Us:[email protected]
علاج تساقط الشعر 2.0
ها تعانين من مشكل تساقط الشعر !!!إليك الحل مع تطبيق علاج تساقط الشعر سوف تنعمين بشعر صحي وقويبفضلمجموعة من أفضل النصائح والعلاجات المجربة للقضاء على تساقطالشعرنهائيا .ويضم هذا التطبيق العديد من النصائح على الشكل التالي :نصائح للتخلص من مشكلة تساقط الشعرمشروب طبیعي یقوّي الشعر ویمنع تساقطه10 عادات سيئة تؤدي إلى تساقط الشعر!علاج تساقط الشعر بالخيار والجزر والجرجيرأعشاب طبيعية للعناية بالشعر ومنع تساقطهأهم العناصر الغذائية لتقوية الشعر ومنع تساقطهعلاجات للصلع والوقاية منهأسوأ 5 عادات تؤدي لتساقط الشعر ابتعدي عنهاتساقط الشعر السبب والعلاج؟هل تعرفين ما هي أسباب تلف الشعر وتساقطه؟لمنع تساقط الشعر اتبعي النصائح التاليةالعناية بالبشرة الجافةالعناية بالبشرة الدهنيةالعناية بالبشرة الحساسةالعناية بالبشرة السمراء وتفتيحهاالعناية بالبشرة العاديةتقوية الشعرالعناية بالوجهالعناية بالشعر الجافالعناية بالشعر المجعدالعناية بالشعر المصبوغالعناية بالشعر الدهنيالعناية بالشعر المتساقطالعناية بالشعر المتقصفالعناية باليدينالعناية بالقدمينالاظافرتجاعيد الوجهتبيض الاسنان بسرعةزيادة الوزنالنحافةتكبير المؤخرة والأردافتكبير الثدي و الصدرتطويل الشعرازالة الشعر الوجه والمناطق الحساسةازالة رائحة الابطازالة رائحة الفم الكريهةازالة رائحة المهبلازالة رائحة القدمينجمال الساقينخلطات للشعراسباب تساقط الشعرخلطة لتطويل الشعرعلاج تساقط الشعر بالاعشابخلطة لتنعيم الشعرخلطات لتكثيف الشعرتعرفي على طرق تعطير الشعر4 خطوات لشعر قوي وصحيمخاطر تلوين الشعرنصائح لصحة وجمال شعركاسئلة واجوبة حول مشاكل الشعرما هي طريقة غسل الشعر الصحيحة؟علاج الشعر المتقصفHerearesuffering from the problem of hair loss !!!Here's the solution with the application of hair loss treatmentwillTnamin hair healthy and strong, thanks to a group of the besttipsand treatments proven to eliminate hair losspermanently.This application includes many of the tips in the following form: Tips to get rid of the problem of hair loss Drink naturally strengthens the hair and preventshairloss 10 bad habits lead to hair loss! Hair loss treatment option, carrots and watercress Natural herbs for hair care and prevention of hair loss The most important nutrient to strengthen hair andpreventhair loss Treatments for baldness and prevention 5 worst habits lead to hair loss Avoid them The cause of hair loss treatment? Do you know what are the causes of hair damage andhairloss? To prevent hair loss Follow these tipsDry Skin CareOily Skin CareSensitive Skin CareSkin Care brown and lightenedOrdinary Skin CareHair StrengtheningFacial TreatmentsDry Hair CareCurly Hair CareColor-Treated Hair CareHair Care fattyHair falling CareBrittle Hair CareHand CareFoot CarePedicuresFace wrinklesBleaching teeth quicklyOverweightThinnessEnlarge the rear and buttocksBreast augmentation and chestLengthening hairFacial sensitive areas Hair RemovalRemove underarm odorRemove bad breathRemove the smell of vaginaRemove the smell of feetJamal legsBlends of poetryCauses of hair lossMixture of lengthening hairHerbal hair loss treatmentMixture of hair straightenersMixtures to intensify hair Learn about ways perfuming hair4 steps to a strong and healthy hair Hair coloring riskTips for the health and beauty of your hair Questions and answers about hair problems What is the correct way of washing hair? Brittle hair treatment
Angelight Archangel Michael 2.0
Connect with the energies of ArchangelMichaelvia our unique service of remote transmission of quantumenergies.This will give you a direct link to Archangel Michael andhe willbe of service to you from this point forward.
Pain Away 2.1.0
Pain Away zeigt Ihnen Ihren individuellenWegaus Schmerzzuständen jeglicher Art auf.Dabei werden auf Sie abgestimmte Maßnahmen vorgeschlagen.Mit einem neuartigen Verfahren werden über FotoanalyseIhreindividuellen Resonanzmuster erkannt und passende MittelnundMaßnahmen präsentiert.Außerdem besteht die Möglichkeit, durchAusnutzungquantenphysikalischer Effekte die Schmerzmusterauszulöschen.Die Pain Away App ist das Produkt jahrelanger Forschung unddemhilfsbereiten Einsatz von vielen Menschen, die an solchenZuständenlitten. Wir möchten uns bei allen ganz herzlich bedankenundhoffen, anderen hiermit helfen zu können.Wichtiger Hinweis: Schmerzen können ein Signal des Körperssein,welches auf ernsthafte Krankheiten aufmerksam machen will. DieAppist nicht als medizintechnisches Gerät zu betrachten undersetztnicht den Arztbesuch, um die organischen Ursache-insbesonderewiederkehrender- Schmerzen zu diagnostizieren. InAbsprache mitIhrem Arzt kann die App aber ihre Therapieergänzen.Wir wünschen Ihnen alles Gute.Ihr BIORES - TeamPain Away shows youonyour individual path from pain of any kind.This tailored to your measures are proposed.A novel type your individual resonance patterns are viaphotoanalysis recognized and presented appropriate meansandmeasures.It is also possible to extinguish by exploiting quantumphysicaleffects, the pain pattern.The Pain Away app is the product of years of research andthehelpful use of many people who were suffering from suchconditions.We would like to thank and hope to help others herebythankall.Important note: pain can be a signal of the body, which wantstodraw attention to serious diseases. The app is not regarded asamedical device and does not replace the visit to the doctortodiagnose the cause-especially organic wiederkehrender- pain.Inconsultation with your doctor, the app but supplementtheirtherapy.We wish you all the best.Your Biores - Team
Buddhist Meditation Om Chant 1.20
Buddhist Meditation is the app that will aid youduringyourmindfulness training and your moments of deep relaxation.Hereyouwill find all that you need to soothe your soul and mind.Allofour songs are extremely versatile, and can be usedinmanyoccasions; may it be for your meditation classes, foryouryogaretreat, qigong and guided meditation, for innersanctuaryandshrine soundtrack or simply for a daily relaxationpurposewithrelax music. Also your Yoga Nidra and Vipassanameditations,forexample, can be very effective with the rightbackgroundmusic!Keep your mindful oasis ready in your pocket! Startbyselectingthe song that you wish to play; they are 20 in total,thefirst 8songs are completely free, and were created to relax youinvarioussituations: 1. Inner Peace 2. Mind Guidance 3.DeepMeditation 4.The Secret Chamber 5. Third Eye 6. Mantra for theSoul7.Loving-Kindness 8. Magical Dreams 9. Zen Experience10.ChakraBalancing 11. Ancient Tibet 12. Mahakala Song 13.PeacefulEvening14. Tao 15. Self Healing 16. Purification 17.Mandala18.Compassion 19. Wisdom 20. Sun Salutation Relax even morebyaddingspecial tibetan om chanting to your song. You will haveaselectionof 10 chants sung from Buddhist monks from whichtochoose. Two arefree, while the remaining 8 are unlockedthroughin-app purchases.Are the tibetan mantras and chant notenough foryou? Well thenstart playing these 10 relaxing naturesounds on topof your musicof choice. Once again, the first two arecompletelyfree: try themout to reach a total relaxed state! -Seashores -Early Morning -Crickets Field - Heartbeat - In the Wood- OceanWaves - PouringWater - Rainforest - Rainy Day - Stormy NightLastbut not least,you have a free timer feature for yourmeditationsessions. Selecthow long each song will play, and programyourperfect meditation!A singing bowl sound will announce youthebeginning and the end ofyour meditation timer. BuddhistMeditationis the best soundtrackalso for yoga nidra classes andreikiexercises, and for anyone whowants to find peace withhis/herheadspace and mindspace. We hopeyou can improve yourbuddhistmeditation techniques through thisapp. May it help you findpeaceand understanding and provide thebest tibetan meditationmomentsever. For any suggestions, problemsor requests, pleasecontact usat [email protected]
ПОЛНЫЙ СПРАВОЧНИК СИМПТОМОВ. САМОДИАГНОСТИКА ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЙСправочник поможет пользователю разобраться вмедицинскойтерминологии, узнать о причинах и симптомах различныхболезней ивозможных способах их лечения.Удобное расположение справочного материала позволитбыстросориентироваться в огромном море болезней, оперативно найтивсенеобходимые сведения для оказания незамедлительного леченияилидоврачебной помощи.Преимущества программы:* Простой интерфейс.* Удобная система поиска.* Возможность поделиться результатами.* Возможность работать в автономном режиме.В программе вы найдете информации о симптомах :Воспаление,Инфекция, Ушиб (контузия), Переломы, Растяжение связок,Вывихи,Опухоли, Боль, Одышка и удушье, Сердцебиение, Цианоз,Отеки,Кашель, Кровохарканье и легочное кровотечение, Головнаяболь,Головокружение, Исследование сердечно-сосудистойсистемы,Исследование дыхательной системы, Особенности исследованиямолочнойжелезы, Исследование органов живота, Исследованиепозвоночника,Исследование суставов, Исследование кожи, Анемия(малокровие),Артериальная гипертония, Атеросклероз, Головная боль,Инфарктмиокарда, Коллапс, Мигрень, Обморок, Пароксизмальнаятахикардия,Ревматизм, Сердечная астма, Стенокардия, Аллергия, Больв животе,Гастрит, Гастроэнтероколит острый, Гепатит хронический,Грыжиживота, Диарея (понос), Дискинезия желчных путей, Дискинезиякишок,Желудка гипотония, Желудка опущение (гастроптоз), Желудкаспазм(гастродиния), Желудка кровотечение, Желудка раздраженногосиндром,Запор, Изжога и жжение в желудке, Икота, Кишечноекровотечение,Колики, Колит, Метеоризм (вздутие живота), Перитонит,Спазмпищевода, Холецистит, Холангит, Эзофагит (воспалениепищевода),Энтерит, Энтероколит хронический, Язвенная болезнь,Гидронефроз,Инфекция в почках, Почечная колика, Почечнокаменнаяболезнь,Опущение почки, Цистит, Диабет сахарный, Зоб токсический,Ангина,Астма бронхиальная, Бронхит, Грипп, Кровохарканье икровотечениелегочное, Ларингит, Острые респираторные инфекции(орви), Отит,Плеврит экссудативный, Пневмония, Ринит, Синуситы,Эмфизема легких,Афты, язвы, стоматит, Гингивит, Зубная боль,Кариес, Амблиопия,Астенопия, Астигматизм, Бельмо роговицы,Блефарит, Блефароспазм,Близорукость (миопия), Выворот век, Глаукомаострая, Дакриоцистит,Инородные тела в глазу, Ирит, Катаракта,Кератит, Конъюнктивитинфекционный, Травма глаза, Ячмень,Бессонница, Заболеванияпояснично-крестцового отдела периферическойнервной системы,Истерия, Лишай опоясывающий (герпес), Люмбаго(прострел), Невралгиии невриты, Невралгия тройничного нерва, Невритзрительного нерва,Неврит слухового нерва, Травмы головного мозгазакрытые, Судорожныесостояния, Аменорея, Бартолинит, Бели,Болезненные менструации,Боль в области таза, Внематочнаябеременность, Мастит, Меноррагия(обильная менструация),Метроррагия, Нагрубание молочных желез,Рвота беременныхнеукротимая, Самопроизвольный аборт,Фиброзно-кистозная мастопатия,Эрозия шейки матки, Яичниковвоспаление (оофорит), Аденомапредстательной железы, простатит,Водянка яичка, Орхит, Перекрутяичка, Ущемленная пахово-мошоночнаягрыжа, Эпидидимит, Геморрой,Парапроктит, Травмы таза, Трещинызаднего прохода, Тромбозгеморроидальных узлов, Артрит острыйгнойный, Артрит гриппозный,Артрит обезображивающий(деформирующий), Артрит травматический,Вывихи, Контрактуры,Миозит, Миофасциальная боль, Остеохондроз,Повреждения мышц спины,Подагра (метаболический артрит), Полиартритинфекционныйнеспецифический, Полиартрит ревматический, Переломы,Растяжения иразрывы связок, мышц и сухожилий, Спондилез,Спондилоартроз,Тендовагинит, Ушибы суставов, Ущемление нерва,Бурсит, Бурсит вобласти коленного сустава, Бурсит первого пальцастопы и др.Будьте всегда здоровы!COMPLETEGUIDE symptoms. SELF-DIAGNOSIS OF DISEASESGuide will help the user to understand the medicalterminology,learn about the causes and symptoms of various diseasesand theirpossible treatments.Convenient location reference will quickly find their way inthevast sea of ​​diseases quickly find all the necessaryinformationto provide immediate treatment or first aid.Benefits of the program:* Simple interface.* Convenient search.* The ability to share the results.* Ability to work in offline mode.In the program you will find information onsymptoms:inflammation, infection, bruise (contusion), fractures,sprains,dislocations, swelling, pain, shortness of breath anddyspnea,palpitation, cyanosis, edema, cough, hemoptysis andpulmonaryhemorrhage, headache, dizziness, examination of thecardiovascularsystem, the respiratory system study, featuresresearch, breastcancer, study of the abdomen, spine study, study ofthe joints,skin research, anemia (anemia), arterialhypertension,atherosclerosis, headache, heart attack, collapse,migraine,syncope, paroxysmal tachycardia, Rheumatism, Cardiacasthma,angina, allergies, abdominal pain, gastritis,gastroenterocolitisacute, chronic hepatitis, abdominal hernia,diarrhea (diarrhea),biliary dyskinesia, dyskinesia intestines,stomach hypotension,stomach prolapse (gastroptosis), stomach spasms(gastrodiniya),stomach bleeding, stomach irritable syndrome,constipation,heartburn and burning in the stomach, hiccups,intestinal bleeding,colic, colitis, flatulence (bloating),peritonitis, esophagealspasm, cholecystitis, cholangitis,esophagitis (inflammation of theesophagus), Enteritis ,Enterocolitis chronic, Peptic ulcerdisease, hydronephrosis,infection in the kidneys, renal colic,nephrolithiasis, Droopingkidneys, cystitis, diabetes mellitus,Goiter toxic, sore throat,bronchial asthma, bronchitis, flu,hemoptysis and pulmonarybleeding, Laryngitis, acute respiratoryinfections ( SARS), Otitis,exudative pleurisy, pneumonia,rhinitis, sinusitis, emphysema,aphthae, ulcers, stomatitis,gingivitis, toothache, caries,amblyopia, asthenopia astigmatism,corneal Walleye, Blepharitis,blepharospasm, nearsightedness(myopia), Eversion century , Glaucomaacute Dacryocystitis, foreignbodies in the eye, iritis, cataract,keratitis, conjunctivitisinfective, eye injuries, Barley, Insomnia,Disorders of thelumbosacral peripheral nervous system, Hysteria,tinea (herpes),lumbago (cross), Neurology and neuritis, neuralgiaof thetrigeminal nerve, optic neuritis, neuritis of the auditorynerve,Brain Injury closed, convulsive states, Amenorrhea,Bartolini,Beli, painful menstruation, pelvic pain, ectopicpregnancy,mastitis, menorrhagia (heavy menstrual flow),Metrorrhagia,engorgement, Vomiting pregnant indomitable,Spontaneous abortion,fibrocystic breast disease, cervical erosion,inflammation of theovaries (oophoritis), adenoma, prostatitis,hydrocele, orchitis,testicular torsion, incarceratedinguinal-scrotal hernia,epididymitis, Hemorrhoids paraproctitis,pelvic trauma, analfissures, hemorrhoids thrombosis, acute purulentarthritis,flu-like Arthritis, Arthritis disfiguring (deforming),traumaticarthritis, sprains, contractures, myositis, myofascialpain, lowback pain, muscle damage back, Gout (metabolicarthritis)infectious nonspecific polyarthritis, rheumatoidpolyarthritis,fractures, sprains and torn ligaments, muscles andtendons,Spondylosis, Spondylarthrosis, Tenosynovitis, Bruisesjoints,pinched nerves, bursitis, Bursitis in the knee joint,Bursitis ofthe first toe, and others.Be always healthy!
Indian Ayurvedic Home Remedies 1.2
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