Top 6 Apps Similar to Korean Shamanism

Shamanism 1.0
In various human societies these days,thereexist some individuals who job is to supplement thosereligiouspractices of other people. These individuals also exist toguidepeople in such religious practices. These individuals arereallyskilled at influencing and contacting supernatural beings aswellas manipulating some supernatural forces. Such individualsarecalled Shamans and they are actually practicing what iscommonlycalled Shamanism.Shamanism is an ancient spiritual belief of the TurkicandMongolian peoples living in Siberia, Central Asia and in thefarwest part of the Easter Europe. In Mongolia and Siberia, thisisalso usually called “Tengerism” since it also means “honoringofspirits”.The practice of shamanism is not a religion, it is actuallyamethod. This practice coexists with a lot of establishedreligionsin various cultures. In Siberia, you will find shamanismthatcoexist with Lamaism and Buddhism, and in the country of Japan,itcoexist with Buddhism.It is true that many shamans are mostly in animistic culturesandanimism means that individuals believe that spirits exist. Itisalso important to remember that Shamanism is neither anexclusionarynor a system of faith.Shamanism was actually first recognized by the Western observerswhoare working among different herding societies in northernandcentral Asia and it’s from the language of one of suchsocieties,Siberia’s Tungus-speaking peoples, where the term“shaman” wasderived.The word is “saman” in the Siberian Tungustic which means“onewho is raised, excited and moved,” and it also refers topersonswho, during their a state of trance, are visiting the realmofvarious mystical beings in order to communicate and interactwiththem, and during the process, obtain mystical power. So, intheoriginal language of Tungus, shaman refers to an individual whoismaking a journey to the non-ordinary reality.The primary functions of shaman who are practicing thismethod,or shamanism are assisting the dead towards the afterworld,whoacts as medium between the dead and the living.They are also determining from the right kind of medicine tohealtheir patients from those mystical beings. In someregions,Shamanism does not really involve a power to heal or cure acertainillness, but also determine the cause of the disease ofmalady.Many people, especially in the present days do not reallyknowwhat shamanism means. There are a lot of terms such assorcerer,witch doctor, witch and even wizard that have theirownambiguities, preconceptions and connotations associated withthem.Though the term shaman comes from Siberia, the method orthepractice of Shamanism has started to exist in variousinhabitedcontinents.Most of the time, Shamans are also referred as “people whoknow”or seers in their own tribal languages since they are involvedin aparticular system of knowledge that is based onfirsthandexperience. It is import ant to note that Shamanism is notreally abelief system.
KoRusDic - Korean Russian 5.0.1
All-in-one Offline Korean Russian dictionary
Filipino Korean Dictionary 3.2
Filipino Korean Dictionary is complete dictionary and mostpopulartoday's
Korean Grammar Practice 1.0
We create this app to meet people’s need to study or reviseKoreangrammar from basic to advanced level in all four skills:listeningKorean, speaking Korean, writing Korean and readingKorean.Especially, we ensure that this app is also useful for whostudyanother language beside mother tongue.Usefulness of the app:This app is edited to summarize Korean grammar in the shortestwayin order that users can understand and practice Koreaneasily.Instead of having to bring a thick heavy Korean grammar bookwith alot of difficult knowledge, you only need 24 hours to learnandpractise Korean simply.Target users:- Pupils, Students.- Oversea students- Teachers, lecturer.- Staff working for Korean’s companies.- Foreigners.- Interpreters.Content:- Sentence structures- Tenses- Kinds of verbs, nouns, adjectives, articles,prepositions,conjunctions, etc.- Conditional sentences- Comparison- Reported speech.How to share the app:You can share the app easily to your friends through:Facebook,Twitter, Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Zalo, etc.References:In order to create this app, we collected information from a lotofsources such as:- Basic Korean grammar practice- Listening Korean books- Pronunciation books- Writing Korean books- Reading Korean books.We ensure that this app is very useful for you to takeKoreanexams. Hope you to master Korean as soon as possible!I would like to hear your feedback about the app. Please rateourapp for support. Thank you very much!
Shamanism In Siberia 1.1
Spirit Apps
Shamanism In Siberia: shamanic practices
Korean Labor Law 3.1
Number one corporate entity, publishedbyKangnam Labor coat of labor transition younghan applicationhasbeen released.Domestic and foreign corporate personnel officer and a studentoflabor law, including labor laws is essential to allthoseinterested in the application to be number one corporatecoatKangnam Labor has prepared an ambitious corporation.This application of labor laws and the Constitution of theRepublicof Korea will be shown in English and Hangul, theConstitution, theLabor Standards Act, the Trade Union and LaborRelations AdjustmentAct has been added to the native speaker'srecording while watchingCode has been designed so that you canlisten to together.Thank you.