Top 21 Apps Similar to Mawakit

Adhan Alarm and Qibla 2.0
This app provides hours of Muslim prayers and the directionoftheQibla from anywhere in the world. accurate and fair-Salat:-Displays hours for Fajr, Sunrise, Dhuhr, Asr, MaghribandIsha,(Azan - Ezan - Athan - Atan - Adan ) --->Notifications&Adhan: - Enable notifications to be notified whenthe nextsalatcame, and so never miss prayer. - Select the prayersfor whichyouwant to be notified. - Wake up to the sound of thealarmbeforeFajr. ---> Calculating configurable schedules: -Severalmethodsof calculation of hours (for the Fajr and Isha). -Severalmethodsjuristiques (for Asr). - Manually adjust the angleoftwilight (forFajr and Isha). ---> Direction of Mecca / Qibla:-Use thecompass to know which direction to pray.
Scout Maps & GPS Navigation
Telenav, Inc.
Driving Directions, Traffic alerts, Live Navigation & VoiceGPSMaps
Adhan for Salat 1.4.2
Adhan alerts you to Islamic prayer timeandindicates the direction of Qibla on a compassIt can also calculate the date of the Hegira.The algroithme of Adhan uses the methods of calculationadoptedprayers in different Muslim countriesYou can choose the method of calculation that suits your regioninthe settings.Adhan indicates the direction of the Qibla which is located byyourGPS position.For a good location, you must make sure that your localesettingsand your Internet connection or your GPS are enabled!This application is available in the following languages:العربيةDeutschEnglishEspañolFrançaisIndonesiaItalianoРусскийTürkçe
تطبيق المؤذن - مواقيت الصلاة 2.0
Application software for the Prayer times in all States
أوقات الصلاة في الجزائر 2.1
salaat first
اوقات الصلاة في الجزائر هو التطبيقالأولفيالجزائر و الذي يساعدك على تحديد مواقيت الصلاة في جلمدنالجزائريعمل تطبيق اوقات الصلاة في الجزائر بطريقة سهلة جداتساعدمستخدمالهاتف على تذكر مواعيد الصلاة و الأذان في مدندولةالجزائر.يتيح لك تطبيق اوقات الصلاة في الجزائر ميزة ضبط التواقيتللاستماعالىالاذان في كل مرة سارع بتحميل التطبيق و لاتنسى تقييم 5نجومفالدالعلى الخير كفاعله :keywords : salaat,algeria prayer time , first , horairedepriére, algerieGallery Algeriaisthefirst application in Algeria, that helps you todetermineprayertimings in almost all cities of Algeria worksApplicationGalleryAlgeria too easy a way that helps phone user toremember thedatesof prayer and software in the cities of the StateofAlgeria.Lets you apply Gallery Algeria adjust the timings featuretolistento the ears every time you rushed to download theapplicationandmemorable 5-star rating on Valdal good as actors:keywords: salaat, algeria prayer time, first, horairedepriére,algerie
اوقات الصلاة في الجزائر 1
اوقات الصلاة و الاذان فيالجزائرتطبيقلتذكير المسلمين بمواقيت الصلاة في جميع أنحاء العالم عنطريقتحديدموقعك بإستعمال نظام تحديد المواقق GPS كما يتوفر علىخاصيةتحديداتجاه القبلة و يستعمل عددا مهما من الطرق الحسابيةالمعتمدة فيأغلبدول العالم الإسلامي.اعتمادا على موقعك، يختار تطبيقأوقاتالصلاةطريقة الحساب المناسبة والمدرسة الفقهية.مميزات التطبيق :✔ إمكانية تجديد موقعك عن طريق ال GPS.✔ إمكانية تحديد طريقة الحساب، مع توفره علىأهمالهيئاتالعالمية.✔ تنبيه بقرب موعد الصلاة .✔ نصميم جميل وأنيق✔ قراءة القران الكريم✔ مواقيت الصلاة✔ الاذان واوقات الصلاة✔ مواعيد الاذانPrayer times in Algeria app indicates you thePrayertimingand the Qibla direction wherever you are!+ 10 languages (English, Français, العربيه,Espanõl,Italiano,deutsch, indonesian, hindi, Turc, Albanian★★★Main Features★★★✔ Read Quran✔ Find Qibla Direction✔ GPS Location Lookup (Automatic, Manual)✔ Adding city and country name when you choose thelatitudeandlongitude✔ More accurate Qibla direction with all details.✔ Prayer times,✔ Muslim prayer times✔ salat timesFor an accurate localization, please ensure thatyourlocationsettings and your Internet connection or yourGPSareenabled!.If you like the app, rate us on Google Play Store! You canalsogivethis page a +1 on Google+! Thank you for supporting us!times of prayerandearsin Algeria application to remind Muslims Bmwaqat prayerallover theworld by selecting your site using determine MoaqqGPSsystem is alsoavailable on a direction from the property anduseda significantnumber of computational methods adopted inmostcountries of theworld Alasalama.aatmada on your site,theapplication of theappropriate prayer times calculation methodandchoose the school ofjurisprudence.Application features:✔ possible renewal of your website by the GPS.✔ the possibility of determining the method ofcalculation,providedwith the world's most important bodies.✔ alert near the prayer appointment.✔ beautiful and stylish Development of✔ reading the Quran✔ Prayer Time✔ to prayer, prayer times✔ ears datesPrayer times in Algeria app indicates you the Prayertimingandthe Qibla direction wherever you are!+ 10 languages ​​(English, Français, Arab,Espanõl,Italiano,deutsch, indonesian, hindi, Turc, Albanian★★★ Main Features ★★★✔ Read Quran✔ Find Qibla Direction✔ GPS Location Lookup (Automatic, Manual)✔ Adding city and country name when you choose thelatitudeandlongitude✔ More accurate Qibla direction with all details.✔ Prayer times,✔ Muslim prayer times✔ salat timesFor an accurate localization, please ensure thatyourlocationsettings and your Internet connection or your GPSareenabled!.If you like the app, rate us on Google Play Store! You canalsogivethis page a +1 on Google+! Thank you forsupportingus!
🕌 Prayer Now Azan Prayer Time 6.5.0
Prayer Now™ 🕌 comes to all Muslims with bignewfeatures that is needed all the day to all Muslims around theworldlike :★ Displaying Prayer times with a pretty good natural andIslamictheme showing the next prayer.★ Quibla direction all over the world to Mecca 🕋.★ Listen to Holly Quran for lots of famous readers.★ Azkar Muslims for praying integrating Zaker Pro App intoPrayerNow.★Wonderful greeting cards with ability to write and sharethemthrough Facebook , twitter , WhatsApp And All other socialmediachannels .★Qyam lel reminder .★Displaying Prayer times in widget.★ Ongoing notification with next prayer indicator withdifferenttheme to choose from.★ Wodooa and cleaning before praying with detailed pictures .★ How to preform Muslim prayer with descriptive pictures.★ Integrating with Saamon Fasting reminder App to alert of Mondays,Thursdays and 13th 14th 15th Fasting days for EveryArabicmonth.★ Daily Timer to remind read Quran.★ Higri Arabic Date .★ Flip to turn to silent technology to fast turn azan soundintosilent during meetings.★ Silent during prayer time for 30 minutes with a detailed calllistalerting automatically with missed calls during 30 minutes.★ Ability to listen only 2 takbera or all the azan sound.★ Azan sounds like Mashary Rashid Al-afasy , Abd bassit, meccaazan, and more.★ Alert of daily Sunrise time.★Doaa after Azan with sheikh Mohamed Alshaarawy voice .برنامج مواقيت الصلاة و الاذان للمسلم يأتى بالعديد من المميزاتالتىيحتاجها كل مسلم فى حياته اليومية مثل :★ عرض لمواقيت الصلاة بطريقه منظمه مع ايضاح وقت الصلاه القادمه⏰.★تحديد اتجاة القبلة بصورة صحيحة دقيقة مع تصميم رائع و واضح للبوصلة🕋.★ أمكانية سماع القرأن الكريم لكبار الشيوخ و القرأن .★ عرض أذكار المسلم الخاصة بالصلاة مع دمج ببرنامج ذاكرالذىهومكتبهأذكار شاملة .★ مزود بكروت معايدة رائعه مع امكانيه الكتابه عليها لكل اصدقائكواحبابك و مشاركتهم بكافة وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي 👌.★ تذكير قيام الليل.★عرض مواقيت الصلاة في التطبيقات المصغرة ويدجتس ⏰ .★ عرض اركان الوضوء بشكل مفصل مع التوضيح بالصور .★ شرح الصلاة بالصور و أحكامها و نواهيها و ما يقع فيه المسلم منخطأأثناء تأديه الصلاة .★ الدمج مع برنامج صائمون الذي يذكرك بأيام الصيام مع ايات و احاديثمنالقرأن و السنة فيما يتعلق بالصيام .★ ورد اليوم للتذكير بقراءه القرأن كل يوم فى موعد محدد مع وضععلامهبأسم السورة و رقم الاية .★ مزود بالتقويم الهجرى مع امكانية التعديل فيه .★ مزود بخاصية غلق صوت الاذان عند قلب الهاتف علي الشاشة معامكانيهايقاف او تفعيل هذه الخاصية .★ حساب الصلاة لكل مكان فى العالم و التعرف علي مكانك تلقائيا اوادخالالمكان يدويا .★ صامت أثناء الصلاة مع امكانية عرض الارقام المتصلة و التنبية بهابعدانتهاء وضع صامت أثناء الصلاة تلقائيا فى خلال 30 دقيقه .★ يتم عرض الاذان كاملا او تكبيرتان فقط او تنبيه فقط .★ أروع اصوات الاذان مثل ( عبد الباسط عبد الصمد - أذان المسجدالاقصى- أذان مصر - أذان مكة - مشارى راشد العفاسى - المنشاوى -النقشبندى -ناصر القطامي - الشيخ محمد رفعت - حماد الدغريري مؤذن مسجدالراجحي).★ التنبيه بوقت الشروق .★ طرق الحساب المدعمة تتضمن المذهب الشافعى و الحنفى لصلاةالعصر.★ طرق الحساب المستخدمة أيضا ( الهيئة العامة المصرية للمساحة -أمالقرى مكة - جامعة العلوم الاسلامية بكراتشى - الجمعيةالاسلاميةلأمريكاالشمالية - رابطة العالم الاسلامى - الاثنى عشرى -معهدالجيوفيزياء بجامعة طهران ).★ البرنامج يوفر شكل رائع من حيث التصميم 👌 .★ دعاء "اللهم رب هذه الدعوة التامة، و الصلاة القائمة ، أت سيدنامحمدالوسيلة و الفضيلة و ابعثة اللهم مقاما محمودا الذى وعدته " بصوتالشيخمحمد متولى الشعراوى.★ جديد رمضان- المسحراتى صوتى للتنبية فى رمضان.- مدفع الافطارصوتى للتنبية فى رمضان .- تصميم جديد و رائع و كروت معايده رمضانية .- القرأن الكريم قراءه و استماع .- الاذكار استماع و عداد الاذكار .- أصوات جديده لا نهائية للآذان .- المساجد القريبة و التقويم الهجرى.و الكثير من المزايا .. و رمضان كريم .
التقويم العربي الإسلامي 2023 10.2.3
Islamic Arabic Calendar 2023 (Hijri and Gregorian) with timesofprayers, dhikr and qibla.
Muslim Prayer 2.1.1
Muslim Prayer is a simple app that helps youtotrack the prayers time. It also aims to serve the Muslims ineveryaspect, so we are committed to enhancing the efficiencyandeffectiveness of the app to become the best application forMuslimsto assist you to perform your religious ritual in a bestway. Thenew version comes with offline calculation of prayers time.Evenwithout internet connection, it is a still reliable tool foryou toobserve real-time accurate prayers time and easily locateQibladirection at home, outside or on the road. Brand new UIimprovesthe utilization and user experience. New function also canofferyou timely reminders for prayers.Version Features:★ Quick access to the prayer time and countdown till thenextprayer;★ Brand new UI;★ New function of reminding me later;★ Support for more countries;★ Offline prayers time★ Automatic positioningThe main functions:1. Provides accurate prayer time just based on automaticpositioningor the city that you selected, with or without theinternetconnection;2. Remind you with the current prayer time and how much time islefttill the next prayer to master your prayers schedule;3. If you are busy, you can choose to remind you later fortheprayer;4. Provides the most timely reminder ringtone for prayer time,whereyou can choose among different prayer reminders;5. Check the calendar for prayers time in each dayseparately;6. Help you locate your Qibla wherever you were;7. Provides a cool notification bar, with it, you can easilyturnthe status of prayer to finished;8. Read the Holy Quran in Arabic, Indonesian and Englishanywherewithout internet connection;9. With the automatic positioning function, selecting where youareis never that easy!The keywords:muslim, prayer times, Qibla, QuranThe new version:1. Fix the problems of the previous version;2. Brand new interface design, to become more concise;3. New functions added;Any questions about Muslim Prayer?Please contact us with: [email protected]
Prayer Times Alarm & Qibla Com 6.0.8
Prayer Times Alarm you the Prayer timing , Qibla directionwhereveryou are.
My Prayer 3.2.4
Many Islamic Apps in one Muslim App: Prayer Times, Quran,Hadith,Qibla, Adhan
Waktu Solat -Kiblat, Azan, Doa 2.5.4
Kamal Kornain
This app provides prayer times, qibla, mosque location and manymorefunctions
Moon Calendar - Moony 6.5
Freckled OG
Daily recommendations for you based on to the current moon phaseandzodiac sign
Salati 1.0
Before use the application please setyourcitylocation and calculation method from settings.En vous localisant automatiquement, notre App vousindiqueleshoraires de prières adaptés et la direction de laQiblaquicorrespond à votre position.Pour une bonne localisation, vous devez vous assurezquevosparamètres de localisation et votre connexion internet ouvotreGPSsont bien activés !Before use theapppleaseset your city location and calculation methodfromsettings.Automatically locating our App tells you the times ofprayersandadapted the direction of the Qibla that matches yourposition.For good location, you must make sure your locationsettingsandyour internet connection or your GPS are activated!
Day and Night Azkar
An arabic program contains daily mostimportantazkar for muslims which is :1. Morning Azkar2. Evening Azkar3. Wakeup Azkar4. Sleep Azkar5. After Prayer Azkar6. Other AzkarIt also calculates the sunrise and sunset times to remind yousoyou wont miss morning and evening azkar.
اوقات الصلاة والاذان في تونس 1
اوقات الصلاة و الاذان في تونستطبيقلتذكير المسلمين بمواقيت الصلاة في جميع أنحاء العالم عن طريقتحديدموقعك بإستعمال نظام تحديد المواقق GPS كما يتوفر على خاصيةتحديداتجاه القبلة و يستعمل عددا مهما من الطرق الحسابية المعتمدة فيأغلبدول العالم الإسلامي.اعتمادا على موقعك، يختار تطبيق أوقاتالصلاةطريقة الحساب المناسبة والمدرسة الفقهية.مميزات التطبيق :✔ إمكانية تجديد موقعك عن طريق ال GPS.✔ إمكانية تحديد طريقة الحساب، مع توفره على أهمالهيئاتالعالمية.✔ تنبيه بقرب موعد الصلاة .✔ نصميم جميل وأنيق✔ قراءة القران الكريم✔ مواقيت الصلاة✔ الاذان واوقات الصلاة✔ مواعيد الاذانPrayer times in Tunisia app indicates you thePrayertiming and the Qibla direction wherever you are!+ 10 languages (English, Français, العربيه, Espanõl,Italiano,deutsch, indonesian, hindi, Turc, Albanian★★★Main Features★★★✔ Read Quran✔ Find Qibla Direction✔ GPS Location Lookup (Automatic, Manual)✔ Adding city and country name when you choose the latitudeandlongitude✔ More accurate Qibla direction with all details.✔ Prayer times,✔ Muslim prayer times✔ salat timesFor an accurate localization, please ensure that yourlocationsettings and your Internet connection or your GPSareenabled!.If you like the app, rate us on Google Play Store! You can alsogivethis page a +1 on Google+! Thank you for supporting us!times of prayerandears in Tunisia application to remind Muslims Bmwaqat prayerallover the world by selecting your site using determine MoaqqGPSsystem is also available on a direction from the property anduseda significant number of computational methods adopted inmostcountries of the world Alasalama.aatmada on your site,theapplication of the appropriate prayer times calculation methodandchoose the school of jurisprudence.Application features:✔ possible renewal of your website by the GPS.✔ the possibility of determining the method of calculation,providedwith the world's most important bodies.✔ alert near the prayer appointment.✔ beautiful and stylish Development of✔ reading the Quran✔ Prayer Time✔ to prayer, prayer times✔ ears datesPrayer times in Tunisia app indicates you the Prayertimingand the Qibla direction wherever you are!+ 10 languages ​​(English, Français, Arab, Espanõl,Italiano,deutsch, indonesian, hindi, Turc, Albanian★★★ Main Features ★★★✔ Read Quran✔ Find Qibla Direction✔ GPS Location Lookup (Automatic, Manual)✔ Adding city and country name when you choose the latitudeandlongitude✔ More accurate Qibla direction with all details.✔ Prayer times,✔ Muslim prayer times✔ salat timesFor an accurate localization, please ensure that yourlocationsettings and your Internet connection or your GPS areenabled!.If you like the app, rate us on Google Play Store! You can alsogivethis page a +1 on Google+! Thank you for supportingus!
Lunar Calendar for Women
Women's lunar Calendar - is an applicationthathelps you to organize your life according to the phases ofmoon.This daily pocket assistant will provide accurate informationanduseful tips.This calendar consist of pictures, pressing which you will seetheappropriate advice - whether to perform haircut today, or itisappropriate day for epilation? Every day you can get answerstothese questions using our application.Features of the Women's lunar calendar:• Moon phase• "Ekadasi" days• Days for romantic dates• Favorable and unfavorable for weddings• Days for peeling• Recommendations for facial masks• The best days to conceive a baby of a particular sex• Descriptions of zodiac signs• Diets calendarThe application is available in the following languages:Ukrainian,Russian, English and German.Our team motto is "Only essence!", as evident from the simpleandconvenient interface.We will be greatefool for feedback.Thank you for using; live in harmony with nature andyourself!
Athan Pro - Prayer Times Azan
Get Prayer times use Qibla finder, read Quran and HadithalongRamadan Calendar
اوقات الصلاة والاذان في فلسطين 1
اوقات الصلاة و الاذان في فلسطينتطبيقلتذكير المسلمين بمواقيت الصلاة في جميع أنحاء العالم عن طريقتحديدموقعك بإستعمال نظام تحديد المواقق GPS كما يتوفر على خاصيةتحديداتجاه القبلة و يستعمل عددا مهما من الطرق الحسابية المعتمدة فيأغلبدول العالم الإسلامي.اعتمادا على موقعك، يختار تطبيق أوقاتالصلاةطريقة الحساب المناسبة والمدرسة الفقهية.مميزات التطبيق :✔ إمكانية تجديد موقعك عن طريق ال GPS.✔ إمكانية تحديد طريقة الحساب، مع توفره على أهمالهيئاتالعالمية.✔ تنبيه بقرب موعد الصلاة .✔ نصميم جميل وأنيق✔ تلاوة وقراءة القران الكريم✔ عداد التسبيح✔ البحث عن اقرب المساجد✔ ادعية من القران والسنة✔ تقويم رمضانPrayer times in Palestine app indicates you thePrayertiming, nearby mosques and the Qibla direction whereveryouare!★★★Main Features★★★✔ Read Quran With Translation✔ Listen Quran✔ Find Qibla Direction✔ Tasbeh for counting.✔ Best Islamic Dua’s.✔ More accurate Qibla direction with all details.✔ Finding mosque around you and also get direction.✔ Prayer timings✔ Ramadan timings✔ Kalma’s of Islam with English Urdu Translation.For an accurate localization, please ensure that yourlocationsettings and your Internet connection or your GPSareenabled!.If you like the app, rate us on Google Play Store! You can alsogivethis page a +1 on Google+! Thank you for supporting us!times of prayerandears in Palestine application to remind Muslims Bmwaqat prayerallover the world by selecting your site using determine MoaqqGPSsystem is also available to determine the direction of usingtheproperty and used a significant number of computationalmethodsadopted in most of the world Alasalama.aatmada on your site,theapplication of the appropriate prayer times calculation methodandchoose the school of jurisprudence.Application features:✔ possible renewal of your site by the GPS.✔ the ability to specify the method of calculation, providedwiththe world's most important bodies.✔ alert near the prayer date.✔ beautiful and stylish Development of✔ recitation and reading the Quran✔ praise counter✔ Find the nearest mosque✔ Duas from the Quran and Sunnah✔ calendar RamadanPrayer times in Palestine app indicates you the Prayertiming,nearby mosques and the Qibla direction wherever youare!★★★ Main Features ★★★✔ Read Quran With Translation✔ Listen Quran✔ Find Qibla Direction✔ Tasbeh for counting.✔ Best Islamic Dua's.✔ More accurate Qibla direction with all details.✔ Finding mosque around you and also get direction.✔ Prayer timings✔ Ramadan timings✔ Kalma's of Islam with English Urdu Translation.For an accurate localization, please ensure that yourlocationsettings and your Internet connection or your GPS areenabled!.If you like the app, rate us on Google Play Store! You can alsogivethis page a +1 on Google+! Thank you for supportingus!
Azan Times: Prayer Times Quran 4.0.3
Azan Times 2022 Alarm will Notify you about Prayer Time.IslamicPrayer Times is very use full app for people in all over theworldThis Salah Time app will show the correct Prayer Times. AzanTimesis an Application that allow User to know the Prayer TimesWith thehelp of this app you can know the Prayer Times fromanywhere in theworld . No matter where you are , you will no longerhave to worryabout Namaz Times. This is Azan app in which you canalso see thedirection of Qibla 🕋. You can see the remaining Time ofnext Azan.There are also morning and evening dhikrs 🙏. The name ofAllah isalso present in this app with correct pronunciation inarabic. ATasbeeh counter 📿has also been made for you so that youcan doTasbeeh. With Azan Time you can select your city using GPS orwithmanual mode. this app will notify you about Namaz Time withalarm.You do not have to open the app every time to see the AzanTime. Anotification bar will keep you informed about Prayer Times.In AzanTime you can perform Namaz according to your juristicMethod. Thereare two juristic Methods Hanafi and Shafi calculationsfor AsrPrayers have been added for your comfort. There is also asoundnotification for Azan. there two azan short Azan and long Azanusercan select one from both of them which suits him. You canchangeyour city whenever you want to see the Prayer Time of othercityduring your Travel across World You can see the time of Prayersinit without telling your location If you are in a place whereyouneed to know about the Kabah, Qibla then you don't need to worryatall With the help of this app of Namaz , you can easily findoutthe direction of Qibla with one click across all over theWorld.Namaz Time is an app to show the accurate Prayer Timings andcoversmost of the cities of World. All major Cities of World areincludedin this Application. Features - Shows you the exact PrayerTimings.- in this app user can Mute the notify sound of Azan insettingssection. - It tells you the remaining time for the nextPrayer.. -You can view monthly Azan Times. - It alarms you by thesound ofAzan on each and every Prayer. - You can change or adjustAzan Timemanually. Azan Time is designed to tell timing for prayerin themajority of countries, It is Designed for Saudi Arabia,United ArabEmirates, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Egypt, Syria,Iraq and alsoin Iran, It will work as a reminder for Azan timings.User can Mutethe sound of Azan. -The Prayer app tells you theremaining time fornext Prayer. Azan app calculate timing of prayerusing locationincluding Arab countries middle east India, Pakistan, Bangladesh,Iraq , Syria , Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc. In Azan youcan adjustTimes manually
الاذان واوقات الصلاة - Athan 9.7
يسعدني ان اقدم لكم الاذان واوقات الصلاة -Athanالاصدار الاخير (Athan And Prayer Times )تطبيق الاذان واوقات الصلاة - Athan هو تطبيق مجاني يقوم بتوفيراوقاتالصلوات الخمس لاغلب دول العالم العربية منها والغربية معامكانيةالاذان بشكل أتوماتيكي خمس مرات في اليوم , حسب توقيت الصلاةفيمدينتك مع تصميم وواجهة بسيطة للمستخدممميزات التطبيق :✔ يعمل بدون أنترنت✔ يمتاز التطبيق بالاذان بشكل أتوماتيكي خمس مرات في اليوم حسبوقتالاذان في مدينتكملاحظات:✔ المؤذن بشكل تلقائي غير مفعل يمكنك تفعيل المؤذن من شاشةالإعداداتبوضع علامة الصح امام تفعيل المؤذن✔ قبل استخدام التطبيق يرجى تحديد موقع مدينتك من الإعدادات✔ لمن تظهر لديهم الأوقات بشكل غير صحيح يرجى التأكد من اختيارالبلدوالمدينة من الاعدادات في اعلى الشاشة✔ تفعيل والغاء التوقيت الصيفيمن الاعداداتوبالنسبة للاخوة الدين لا يملكون لوحة مفاتيح عربية يمكنالوصولللتطبيق بكتابة هاته العبارات :✔ athan salat✔ awqat salat✔ adhan✔ mawaqit salat✔ awqat athanنرحب بإستفساراتكم وإقتراحاتكم لتحسين تطبيق الاذان واوقات الصلاة-Athan ويسعدنا ان نلبيها في اقرب وقت ، ونتمنى أن لا تنسوا النشروالتقييم لتشجيعنا لتقديم المزيدلاتنسونا من صالح الدعاء ، وشكرا لكمI am pleased to offeryouto prayer and prayer times - Athan latest version (Athan AndPrayerTimes)Application to prayer and prayer times - Athan is a freeapplicationthat provides five times daily prayers for mostcountries of theworld, including Arab and Western with thepossibility to prayer inautomatic five times a day, depending onthe timing of prayer inyour city with a simple design andinterface for the userApplication features:✔ works without Internet✔ application features are automatic adhan five times a day asatime to prayer in your cityNotes:Muezzin ✔ automatically is activated you can activate themuezzinfrom the screen settings put health mark before theactivation ofthe muezzin✔ Before using the application please specify the location ofyourcity settings✔ times for those who appear to have incorrectly please make suretochoose the country and city settings at the top of thescreen✔ activate and cancel the timing settings AlsifamnFor the brothers religion do not have an Arabic keyboard canbeaccessed by typing the application of thesecircumstancesphrases:✔ athan salat✔ awqat salat✔ adhan✔ mawaqit salat✔ awqat athanWe welcome your inquiry and suggestions to improve theapplicationto prayer and prayer times - Athan We are pleased toNlbhe as soonas possible, hope you do not forget publication andevaluation ofour encouragement to provide moreFor the benefit of Atnsuna supplication, thank you