Top 8 Apps Similar to ConceptioDeMente to plan baby

Determining sex of the baby 1.7
The program is based on methods offamilyplanning of the last century, now not actually used. Alittletesting showed unprecedented post-factual accuracy. Theapplicationdoes not store or transmit any data. The app requiresnopermissions. Suggestions for improving applicationaccepted.
Your Calculator Ovulation 3.3
Great application for women whoareconcernedwith the design, birth control, contraception or eventoverify howtheir menstrual cycles are regular or irregular.Very easy to use, yet packed with features. Make followyourrules,your weight, your temperature, your moods, yourflow,yoursymptoms, etc. Great for predicting fertility,ovulationandmenstruation. This application can adapt to the historyof yourownmenstrual cycles and accurately predict key daysthatinterestyou.You can view all the information you need right on the firstpageofthe calendar.No concern about security or private data because the schedulecanbelocked with your own password, locking the sensitiveinformationfromprying eyes. Moreover, it is possible to save andrecover allyourdata.Great for you to be informed of your next period, yourfertileperiodand ovulation days thanks to gentle reminders.My Ovulation Calculator is an easy to use, simplycalculateyourovulation date and determine your period of highestfertility.Savethe start date of your last period and the averagelength ofyourmenstrual cycle, and you will discover the ovulationdate andyourfertile period. Having sex during the time you arefertilegreatlyimproves your probabilities of conceiving. This Appalsoshows thedate of delivery provided for if you designthistime.This App is designed for Android.Track Critical Health Data- Free ovulation and fertility tracker,calculator,andcalendar- Track moods and cervical fluid for early signs of pregnancy- Track symptoms for the entire body includingsleepandlifestyle- Track intercourse, sex drive, weight, exercise,bloodpressure,medications, and nutrition- Record ovulation & results of pregnancy tests- Ovia will use this data to createaccurate,easy-to-understandfertility and health charts- Receive updates on your fertility score and dailyarticlesonfertility and conception
OvuView: Ovulation & Fertility
Period & fertility taken seriously:OvuView tracks and predicts your period, ovulation andfertility,using sophisticated sympto-thermal methods (STM).This app can be used both as an advanced birth control tool, or asasimple menstrual calendar, and help you to:• maximize your chances of conceiving a baby/getting pregnant• avoid pregnancy using natural methods (contraception),• plan your next holiday with future menstruation andovulationdates predicted,• track weight, headache, appetite, PMS and other symptoms,• replace sympto-thermal paper charts with a more convenient wayofcharting.Based on your cycle symptoms (such as menses, basalbodytemperature, cervical mucus and/or cervix), OvuViewautomaticallyevaluates and charts your fertility using provennatural familyplanning (NFP) methods. In particular, 4sympto-thermal (Billings,Rötzer, Konald/Kippley, Cautious), 5mucus-only (5 Day Dry Up,Döring, 21/20 Days Rule, Last Dry Day,4/5/6 Day Rule), 3temperature-only (Marshall, 4HT, 5HT) and 2calendar methods(Trivial Counting Method, Calendar Rythm Method)areimplemented.Key features include:• 14 fertility awareness methods• an exceptional degree of customization (trackedsymptoms,colors)• advanced chart showing temperature and symptoms• reliable and secure data synchronization and backup usingGoogle’scompute engine• account and data sharing between users with per symptomaccesscontrol• timeline view with filters, facilitating a streamlined UXduringtypical day to day usage• calendar view• full text search• guiding hints• educational tips and information about your cycle andyourfertility signs• cycle statistics• automatic morning notification to record basal bodytemperature(BBT)• color themes• password protection• widgets• cycle and method management• notifications (menses, ovulation)• temperature chart coverline• pregnancy modeWe also have a discussion forum! If you have any questions checkifthere is an answer availableat Should you have anyfurtherquestions, suggestions and/or feedback, please do nothesitate topost a new discussion topic by sending [email protected].
Period Tracker Deluxe
Period Tracker is the easiest way to trackyourperiods!* Press a button at the start of your period every month.PeriodTracker logs your dates and calculates the average of yourpast 3months' menstrual cycles to predict the start date of yournextperiod.* View your current and future period dates, ovulation andfertiledays, your moods and your symptoms in a simplemonth-viewcalendar.* Decorate your phone with an icon that looks great on yourhomescreen and that's discreet. It reads simply "P Tracker."Period Tracker is FILLED WITH FEATURES.* Take daily notes of moods, symptoms, and intimacy.* Easily view the number of days until next period or number ofdayslate.* Know when you're fertile with flowers that show on yourhomescreenduring your predicted ovulation and eight day"fertilewindow."* Track advanced fertility features such as cervical mucusandpositions.* Add a widget to your home screen to show a countdown to yournextperiod
* View your data with charts.
* Turn on pregnancy modetocount down to your baby's due date.
* Personalize your appwithyour choice of skins.Please email comments and suggestions to [email protected]: Period Tracker period and fertility forecasts may notbeaccurate and should not be used to prevent unwanted pregnancy.Toforecast ovulation Period Tracker calculates 14 days beforetheprojected start date of one's next period. Forecastaccuracydepends on a number of factors including how regular one'scyclelength is, when one actually ovulates during the cycle, andhowmany periods have been logged in the app. Anxiety, stress,diet,nutrition, exercise, environment, medications, age andotherfactors can also affect one's cycle from month to month.By downloading this app you agree to the End User LicenseAgreementat .
Woman diary (calendar) 3.2.3
DSN Inc.
Women's Calendar ovulation cycle month period fertile periodhealthweight
Грудное вскармливание питание 1.9
Для интересующихся темой родыибеременностьздесь вы найдете это. Если вас волнует вопроспотематике роды исхватки мы предложим вам именно то что вам нужно.Атак же нашапрограмма позволит освоиться по теменоворожденныйребенок.Новорожденный малыш уход эта тема помимо этогоесть внашейпрограмме. Новорожденные информация по этомувопросутакжепредставлена в этом каталоге. Кроме того этапрограммабудетхорошей подмогой по теме уход за малышом. А ещеданнаяпрограммабудет хорошей подмогой в области рождениеребенка.Беременностькалендарь информация по этому вопросу такженаходится вэтомкаталоге. Беременность и роды эта информация ковсему прочемуестьв нашем приложении. Если вас интересует вопросГрудноекормлениеноворожденного здесь вы найдете это. ДляинтересующихсятемойГрудное вскармливание питание в этом приложениивы найдете точтовам нужно. Грудное вскармливание диета информацияпо этойтемевдобавок есть в нашем приложении. Если выищетеКормлениеноворожденного здесь вы найдете то что вам нужно.Есливасинтересует вопрос Кормим малыша в этом приложении вы найдететочтовам нужно. ГВ информация по этому вопросу вдобавокможетбытьнайдена в нашем приложении. Ко всему прочемупрограммаокажетподдержку касательно темы Грудноевскармливание.Младенецноворожденный эта тема помимо этогопредставлена в этомкаталоге.Для интересующихся темой младенцы выобратились по адресу.Если васинтересует вопрос мама рожает этоприложение не оставитвасравнодушным. Кроме того программа поможеткасательно темызачатиеребенка. Так же эта программа окажет помощькасательно темыуход замладенцем.Forchildbirthandpregnancy are interested in the topic you will findit. If youareconcerned about the issue on the subject of labor andfight,wewill offer you exactly what you need. And also, ourprogramwillget used on a newborn baby. Newborn baby care of thisissueinaddition to this we have in our program. Newborninformationonthis subject is also presented in this catalog. Inaddition,thisprogram is a good a help on caring for the baby. Andthisprogramis a good a help in the birth of a child.Pregnancycalendarinformation on this subject is also in thisdirectory.Pregnancyand childbirth this information to everythingelse thereis in ourapplication. If you are interested in thequestionBreastfeeding anewborn here you will find it. For thoseinterestedin the themeBreastfeeding food in this application, youwill findwhat youneed. Breastfeeding Diet information on this topicinaddition havein our application. If you are looking for Feedinganewborn hereyou will find what you need. If you are interestedinthe issue tofeed your baby in this application, you will findwhatyou need. GWinformation on this subject can be found inaddition toourapplication. Everything else about the program willsupportthetheme Breastfeeding. Newborn baby this subject beyondthatprovidedin this catalog. For those interested in the subjectofbabies, youcame to the right address. If you are interested inthequestion mymother gives birth to this application does notleaveyouindifferent. In addition the program will helpaboutthreadsconceiving a child. Also, the program willprovideassistance withregard to the theme of the baby care.
Bella Period Calendar 1.9.0
Bella Period Calendar - it's simple to predict when your nextperiodwill be.
Woman Calendar 1.0111
Female calendar - is a free applicationforthecalculation of the menstrual cycle.It will help you determine the most favorable days forconceivingachild.No advertising and it never will be.Easy and intuitive interface.Privacy password.Ability to memorize a lot of information such asnotes,temperature,weight, mood, symptoms, and much more.Two languages ​​to choose from (Russian or English).If you are tired of advertising, then this app is for you.