Top 14 Apps Similar to Decrease Disease تقليل الامراض

Infection Prevention 2.0
**The most comprehensive guideline for infection preventiononGoogle Play store** *All data adapted with permission from theCDCGuidelines for Isolation Prevention* The main purpose oftheInfection Prevention app is to decrease the level of infectionsandcross contamination in all medical and non medicalenvironments.This app is a quick and easy reference guide for everyclinical andnon-clinical staff at hospitals, long-term carefacilities, skillednursing facilities, ambulatory care, home care,hospice, and allstaff of emergency medical services. This is agreat reference toolfor medical and nursing students, nurses,doctors, occupational,physical, respiratory and speech therapist.Features: • Simple andeasy to use interface. • Sections includecommon hospitalinfections to Human pathogens • Detailed explanationaboutisolation precaution types: standard, contact, droplet,andairborne • Illustration on how to wear and take offproperprotection equipment(s) • Current CDC's guidelines for Ebolaandhow to wear and remove proper protection equipment.Thisapplication incorporates guidelines from the 2007 "GuidelinesforIsolation Precautions: preventing transmission of infectiousagentsin healthcare settings" The materials in this application areusedwith permission from center of disease control (CDC).Additionalinformation was obtained from Todar's Online TextbookofBacteriology.
Top 300 Drugs Practice Questio Version 1.01
★★★★★ 1,000 practice questions for the top 300 drugs
CCU Guide
60+ calculators. 20+ classifications systems. 100+cardiologytrials.
Medicos Pediatric:Clinical exa 1.0.4
Best app for bedside pediatric ward posting useful forStudentsDoctor and nurse
موسوعة مختبرات البرج الطبية 12.1
تطبيق مختبرات البرج الطبية هو التطبيق الطبى العربى الأول المتخصصفىالطب المعملى باللغة العربية يمكنك الحصول على نتائج فحوصاتكمباشرةمن خلال هذا التطبيق. كما يمكنك طلب زيارة منزلية من خلالالتطبيق.يحتوى على موسوعة شاملة لكافة التحاليل الطبية (أكثر من 410تحليلطبى) و التى تتضمن البنود التالية عن كل تحليل: • الغرض منإجراءالتحليل • الحالات التى تتطلب إجراءه • العينة المطلوبة لإجرائهو كيفيتم جمعها • تحضيرات ما قبل إجرائه • تفاصيل عن كيفية إجرائه وماذايبحث عنه الطبيب؟ • الفائدة من وراء إجرائه؟ • متى يُطلب إجراؤه؟• ماهى النتائج المحتملة و ماذا تعنى؟ • أمور إضافية ينبغى معرفتها•الأسئلة الأكثر شيوعا حول كل تحليل و الإجابات الوافيه عنها كمايحتوىعلى موسوعة لكافة الحالات المرضية بالشرح و التحليل (أكثر من390مرض). بالإضافة إلى إطلاعك على أحدث و آخر الأخبار المختصة فىطبالمعامل على مستوى العالم. دليل شامل للإسعافات الأولية وكيفيةالتعامل مع الحالات الطارئة. قم بمراقبة و تقييم حالتك الصحية منخلالأداة صحية متميزة. أداة فريدة لتشخيص الأمراض ذاتيا قبل الذهابللطبيبعن طريق تحديد شكواك الرئيسية. مختبرات البرج الطبية: تتمتعمختبراتالبرج الطبية بخبرة أكثر من 18 سنة في تقديم الخدمات الطبية فيبلدانالخليج. و قد أنشأت أول مختبر لها في المملكة العربية السعودية ،جدة.لا يقتصر عمل الشركة على توفير الخدمات للعملاء من خلال ترددهمإلىأحد الفروع ، بل أقامت شبكة تعاقد واسعة مع المستشفيات الطبيةالخاصةو الحكومية ، و العيادات الطبية ، و شركات التأمين ، و البنوك ،وشركات الطيران ، و مراكز غسيل الكلى ، و شركات الأدوية. أهم مايميزمختبرات البرج الطبية: • نحن أكبر سلسلة مختبرات طبية خاصة فيمنطقةالخليج العربي و لنا تواجد كبير في أفريقيا. • مختبراتنا حاصلةعلىأعلى درجات الإعتماد العالمية. • نقدم خدمات تحاليل دورية ومُتخصصةبتقارير بلوبرنت بترخيص من الشركة الأمريكية. مختبرات البرجالطبية فيأرقام: • أكثر من 1100 طبيب • نخدم أكثر من 200 جهة صحية •أكثر من46% من مختبراتنا حاصلة على اعتمادات عالمية • أكثر من 60 فرعفي 8دول • أكثر من 35 ألف نتيجة مخبرية تقدم يومياً
ECG Master: Quiz & Practice 2.1.10
ECG quiz & practice for evaluating abnormalities ofheartrhythms or impulse
Medicos Medicine: Clinical Approach to medicine 1.5
“Medicos Medicine” is an internal medicine app based onthecollection of Student's Note. Completely free for all, thisappwill allow any physician, resident or medical student toaccessup-to-date medical information and guidelines quicklyandefficiently.It is is a handy and useful tool to learnproperhistory taking and clinical examination for learningmedicalstudents, nurses and practicing doctors embedded with textwrittenin easy language for students, attractive and high qualityimagesand videos related to respective topics there is no otherplatformbetter than this to improve your clinical skills onmedicine. appincludes everything from the beginning form propercommunicationtechniques for students while having bedside classesto teachinginternationally accepted format of general historytaking andclinical examination techniques for students and doctorsalsoprovides skills and reference to measure and interpret vitalsignsuch as temperature, pulse, blood pressure and respiratoryrateswith attractive figures and useful video related to the topicsithas a BMI calculator, pack per year calculator andcagequestionnaires for alcohol consumption making it easy forstudentswhile examination of patients the app also has a referencerange ofnormal value of most common indicators such as ureaandelectrolyte, ABG arterial blood gas analysis, hormone invenousblood, common analytes in urine, CSF, faeces,haematologicalvalues, blood glucose level and many others afterhistory takingand vitals the app also provides a step to step guideto do generalexamination of patients including pallor jaundice/icterus lymphnode examination cyanosis clubbing oedema/ edemadehydration theapp teaches us how to access them and understandthem with the helpof text images and videos after generalexamination app alsoprovides system wise history taking andexamination process Appinclude Almost Complete system of human bodyand Especially Focuseson The Examination of system such as :respiratory systemcardiovascular system gastrointestinal systemendocrine systemcentral nervous system motor system renal andgenital genitourinarysystem This might help Medical student duringrevision and wardvisit.The whole description and images are basedon the commonlypracticed clinical examination methods all aroundthe world. —FEATURES — • Concise: edited to be useful at thebedside. • Fast:advanced catch eye description • Direct link to thereferences onyoutube. • BMI calculator and pack year calculator isadded •Perfect for studying for board exams! We hope that this apphelpsto make the educational process both fun and learning.As theskillsrequired of a physician and medical student cannot be learnedfromany single source, We encourage User to make use of as manyotherreferences as possible. A LICENSED MEDICAL PROFESSIONALISRESPONSIBLE FOR INDEPENDENTLY REACHING ANY MEDICAL JUDGMENT,ANDFOR ANY RESULTING DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENTS, NOT WITHSTANDINGANYUSE OF THE CONTENT BY SUCH MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. BY USE OFTHISAPPS YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THE INFORMATION ON THISAPPSMAY CONTAIN INACCURACIES AND OTHER ERRORS. Practitionersandresearchers must always rely on their own experience andknowledgein evaluating and using any information, methods,compounds orexperiments described herein. Because of rapid advancesin themedical sciences, in particular, independent verificationofdiagnoses and drug dosages should be made. To the fullest extentofthe law, no responsibility is assumed by the app for anyinjuryand/or damage to persons or property as a matter ofproductsliability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use oroperation ofany methods, products, instructions, or ideas containedin thematerial herein.
Internal Medicine Exam Prep 1.0.6
Ace the boards with The Johns Hopkins Internal MedicineExamPrep!Brought to you from the birthplace of InternalMedicineandregarded as the most effective prep tool in thespecialty.Thepractice questions and answers are patterned afterthose seenonthe actual board examination and stress important"takehome"points and allow self-assessment of knowledgeretention.Installthis free version of the exam prep app and tryfreequestions inStudy/Test mode before deciding to upgrade.Features: -Over 900review/practice questions - Twelve practiceexams featurethe sameformat and content that emphasizes the exam -Detailedrationalesfor correct answers are provided to enforceunderstandingof keyconcepts - Exam-taking tips and tricks allow youto go intotheexam with confidence - Offers valuable practiceandtest-takingexperience to prepare you for certificationorrecertification. -Sections are weighted according to the levelofemphasis they aregiven on the American Board of InternalMedicinecertifyingexamination - Realistic test taking experience -Study& Testprogress can be tracked and resumed acrossmultipledevices - Addyour own notes to each bookmarked questionsfor easyunderstanding- Bookmark feature enables you to mark yourfavoritequestions -Search for any text in the questions usingsearchfeature - Pick upwhere you left off each time you open theapp -Access anywhere, noneed of internet Chapters offer athoroughreview on the followingtopics Section 1: CardiologyHypertensionLipid Disorders CoronaryArtery Disease ArrhythmiasHeart FailureValvular Heart DiseasePericardial DiseaseElectrocardiogram ReviewSection 2: InfectiousDisease RespiratoryInfections GenitourinaryInfections HumanImmunodeficiency VirusInfection MycobacterialInfectionsInfectious Diarrhea SelectedTopics in Infectious DiseaseISelected Topics in Infectious DiseaseII Section 3: PulmonaryandCritical Care Medicine Obstructive LungDisease PulmonaryFunctionTesting Chest Radiograph ReviewInterstitial Lung DiseaseVenousThromboembolic Disease SelectedTopics in PulmonaryMedicineCritical Care Medicine Pleural DiseaseSection 4:GastroenterologyPeptic Ulcer Disease &GastrointestinalBleeding EsophagealDisease Pancreatic and BiliaryDisease Disordersof the Small &Large Intestine Acute andChronic Liver DiseaseComplications ofLiver Disease Section 5:Nephrology Acid-BaseDisorders & RenalTubular AcidosisElectrolyte Disorders AcuteKidney InjuryGlomerular Disease ChronicKidney Disease &End-Stage RenalDisease Selected Topics inNephrology Section 6:EndocrinologyDiabetes Mellitus Thyroid DiseaseCalcium Disorders& MetabolicBone Disease ReproductiveEndocrinologyNeuroendocrine &Adrenal Disease Section 7:RheumatologyArthritis OfficeOrthopedics Vasculitis Selected TopicsinRheumatology Section 8:Hematology Anemia PlateletDisordersCoagulation Disorders Acute& Chronic LeukemiasMyelodysplasticSyndrome Blood Smear &Bone Marrow Review Section9: OncologyColorectal Cancer Breast andOvarian Cancer GenitourinaryCancerLymphoma & ChronicLymphocytic Leukemia Plasma CellDyscrasiasSelected Topics inOncology Lung Cancer & Head andNeck CancerSection 10:Neurology Headaches Cerebrovascular Diseaseand SeizureDisordersMovement Disorders Selected Topics in NeurologySection11:Selected Topics in General and Internal Medicine SelectedTopicsinGeriatric Medicine Selected Topics in Women’sHealthDermatologyfor the Internist Ophthalmology for theInternistPsychiatry forthe Internist Allergy and Immunology fortheInternist Genetics forthe Internist Complementary andAlternativeMedicine Substance UseDisorders PreoperativeEvaluationImmunization and PreventionClinical Epidemiology MedicalEthicsPlease contact us if you haveany questions, suggestions,orcomments — [email protected]
MA Notes
Medical Assistant's Pocket Guide
Clinical History & Examination 1.4
dagana Apps
A short guide to clinical medicine
PE Civil Engineering Exam Prep 6.34.5636
★★★★★ #1 Civil PE exam prep featuring over 500+ exam-likeflashcards
CURRENT Med Diag & Treatment
Includes essentials of diagnosis for most diseases/disorders
مرجع تذكرة الدوائي TazkerahRx 1.0.0
Drug reference covers the most important medicines andmedicalconditions
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, Tenth Ed. 2.3.1
Indextra AB
This Oxford University Press app-book,Oxford HandbookofClinicalMedicine, Tenth Edition, is developed by MedHand.Improveyourperformance with relevant, valid material which isaccessedquicklyand with minimal effort in the palm of your handusingMedhandspatented technology. Functions include: • A powerfulsearch•Bookmarks, History and Highlighting • Complete setofmedicalcalculators; Body Mass Index, Peak ExpiratoryFlows,DehydrationCorrection Calculator and more • Notes andpicturenotesAboutthistitle Oxford Medical Handbooks • Theworld'sbest-sellingpocket medical handbook - the only choice formedicalstudents andjunior doctors • Offers up-to-date andpracticalclinical advicethat can be implemented at the bedside •Clearlyindexed, withcolour-coded tabs and ribbons to help younavigate andfind theinformation you need, fast • Features over 600colourillustrationsand clinical photographs to aid diagnosisandunderstanding •Offers a unique approach, bringing art,philosophy,history andover 25 years' of experience to the • Complete rewriting of thechaptersonHistory and Examination; Radiology; Neurology;Surgery;ThinkingAbout Medicine (now includes Essentials ofEpidemiology) •Morewhite space, less dense overall appearance (moreextensive useofquick-reference bullet point lists, numbered lists,andflowdiagrams) • References are now all in the app-book, andhavebeensignificantly reduced to ensure that only the best qualityandmostrelevant resources are signposted to readers • In thetraditionofbringing fresh voices to each edition, the author teamhas twonewsenior and three new junior authors with their ownuniquevisionsfor the book, as well as their own experience ofpublishingandteaching medical students Now in its tenth edition,theOxfordHandbook of Clinical Medicine has been fully revised,withfive newauthors on the writing team bringing content freshfromthebedside. Unique among medical texts, the OxfordHandbookofClinical Medicine is a complete and concise guide to thecoreareasof medicine that also encourages thinking about the worldfromthepatient's perspective, offering aholistic,patient-centredapproach. Loved and trusted by millions foroverthree decades, theOxford Handbook of Clinical Medicinecontinues tobe a trulyindispensable companion for the practice ofmodernmedicine.Authors: Ian B. Wilkinson, Tim Raine, Kate Wiles,AnnaGoodhart,Catriona Hall, andHarrietO'Neill________________________________________ MedHandMobileLibrariesoffers a SUBSCRIPTION FREE application withouteditionupgrade.Offering most trusted and well recognizedmedicalguidelinesprovided by excellent publishers like OxfordUniversityPress,McGraw-Hill, Pharmaceutical Press, Wiley, Elsevierand more.