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Cash Receipt 2.6.15
CREATE, STORE AND SEND RECEIPT FOR MONEY YOU RECEIVE■Replacesreceipt book with paperless receipts ■ Receipts areallstored ondevice ■ Designed to work on phones and tablets ■Receiptnumberautomatically incremented ■ Send receipts fromwithinapplication ■Amount in words generated from digits entered(onlywhen working inEnglish) Generates two versions of eachreceipt: ■Attachment(graphic receipt) • intended for sending as anattachment- in anemail - in a messaging application • can be sentas an MMSusingSMS application • can be signed on device usingfinger •shareusing file sharing application ■ SMS Message (140chars)•optimised for sending using devices SMS application •ifmessagegets too long, amount in words will be left out ■Receiptscan be:(Press the delete button in receipt preview) •CANCELLED -markedas cancelled • REINSTATED - unmarked as cancelled• DELETED-permanently removed from the database EXPORT: ■ Exportreceiptsto.CSV format ■ Share via file sharing, messaging, etc. ■Exportfilecan be opened with a spreadsheet application FILTER:Filterreceiptlist by "received from", "received for", dateLANGUAGESSUPPORTED:■ English ■ Brazilian Portuguese (Amount inwords notsupported) ■Latin American Spanish (Amount in words notsupported)SETUPOPTIONS: ■ Select receipt style (MULTI-ITEM /ORIGINAL /SIMPLE) ■Include an image as a logo/letterhead (including.pngimages withno background) ■ Include a header (with optionaldefaultvalue) ■Include time on receipts ■ Select from list ofcurrenciesorcapture your own ■ Use preset recipient or enterrecipient foreachreceipt ■ Include a signature on receipts ■ Setupapresetsignature or sign each receipt separately ■ Captureamount"stillowing" on receipts ■ Include a footer (with optionaldefaultvalue)■ Include tax on MULTI-ITEM receipts • EXCLUSIVE - taxmustbeadded • INCLUSIVE - tax already included CURRENCYSETUP:Whensetting up the currency, you need to type in thecurrencysymbol aswell as the singular and plural forms of the wordsusedfor unitsand subunits For convenience, the currency selectbuttonwill letyou choose from a short list of popular currenciesand typetherelevant values in for you SEARCH FACILITY: As yousavereceipts,the descriptions typed in the "Received for","Receivedfrom" anditem description field are added into searchablelists forlateruse. This list is accessed via the search icon whichappearsat thetop of your screen when the relevant field has focus.By wayofexample, suppose that you had created two receiptsonewith"January Rent" and the other with "February Rent" asthe"Receivedfor" reasons. When capturing a third receipt: - ifyoutyped "J"into the "Received for" field, then pressed thesearchicon, youwould see "January Rent" in a list which you couldtap onto selectit - similarly, if you typed "F", you would get"FebruaryRent" -if you typed "R", you would see both and couldclick on theone youwanted If you press the search icon with nothingentered youwillsee all possibilities You can then type into thesearch bar atthetop of the screen which will display any itemswhich containthesearch string. Use the cross to clear the searchstring andthetriangle to accept whatever you have typed into the"Receivedfor"field. Long clicking on any item in the list will giveyoutheoption to remove it from further searches.CONTRIBUTORS:■Brazilian Portuguese translation thanks to RobertoLuis De Mello■Latino Spanish initial translation thankstoAndrésCastillo/Castillo Consultores NO WARRANTY Thisapplicationisdistributed in the hope that it will be useful, butWITHOUTANYWARRANTY nor any implied warranty nor any guarantee offitnessfora particular purpose.