Top 22 Games Similar to Defensive Basketball Stats

Basketball Stat Tracker 2.3.35 (1596_dev)
Basketball Stat Tracker: Basketball Stats Beyond Pen and Paper
Basketball Statistics 1.22.32
Statistics Matches Basketball Configurable BiddyBasketball,Basket,& IWBF
B-Stat, Basketball-Statistics
Simple basketball statistics for one player.
Basketball Stats Pro
Hayava, Inc
Track Percentages and other stats per player and team.
Easy Basketball Stats 1.3
Track and share basketball statistics with ease on your phoneortablet.
Basket Team Stats 1.0
An application to save stats foryourbasketballteam. You will be able to assign stats to theplayerslike points,rebounds, assistance and fouls and getgeneralstatistics for playersand team.Just, type your players, select your starting lineup andyoucandrag the stats and drop on the player who you want toassigntheitem.
Basketball Stats Assistant 6.51.1
Track and share intuitively your basketball team statistics.Improveyour game!
Basketball stats 3.2.2
Matt Duss
Note and keep game stats of previous basketball games.
LetsBasket [Stats Scoreboard] 1.0
BytesTeam LTD
The most complete FreeBasketballStatisticsApp! Track and gather your basket stats whileyou arewatching yourfavorite game. After the match, you can analyzethesedata toimprove the performance of your players and your team,andsharethem with your team friends.If you are a coach, player, team manager, parent andaBASKETBALLPASSIONATE, this is your app with it you can:- Customize your teams and players (basic changes)- Collect simple statistics: scored points,attemptedpoints,fouls- Publish the game and check it on whereyoucansee your statistics and its graphs, you can enter somecommentsandshare them with your colleagues.- Use the timer and the scorekeeper- Do all the scouting you needTry LetsBasket now, risk-free and…… If you like it, please help us by writing a review and“likingus”on Facebook (!… If you have any problem with it, pleasewriteus:[email protected] LetsBasket team.
MyBasketStats_Demo 7.0
Marks statistics of your favorite basketball player !
Estadística de Baloncesto Lite 1.0.2
Aplicación Lite, para llevar elcontrolyestadísticas de sus equipos durante lospartidosdebaloncesto.Se puede llevar el control de tiempo por periodo consucronómetrofacilmente configurable.Se pueden configurar los parámetros de los partidos como elcampodeJuego (Linea a 6.75, 6.25 o Minibasket), tiempo dejuegoporperiodo, cantidad de periodos por partido, Bonus deEquipo,tiemposmuertosPodrá incluir todos los Jugadores que quiera por equipoylanumeración que desee.En todo el momento de la captura de las estadísticas podrávereltiempo que queda de partido, puntuación, faltas decadaequipo,faltas por Jugador, Valoración del JugadorSe generaran informes de los puntos y tiros por jugadoranotadosyfallados, rebotesdefensivos-ofensivos,balonesperdidos-recuperados, asistencias,taponesrecibidos-cometidos,violaciones de tiempo, pasos, dobles yfaltas,entradas a canastaanotadas-falladas.Se pueden generar estadísticas en formatoHTMLyvisualizarlaspudiendo generar el informe tanto por partidocomo consus periodoscorrespondientesDiagramas de TirosEnviarlas por correo (Si dispone de conexión).Manual de ayuda de utilización dentro de la aplicación.Podrá informar del resultado del partido a sus seguidoresenTwitter,con solo pulsar un botón.Totalmente en castellano. Si desea algún idioma enconcretopóngaseen contacto con nosotros.Esta aplicación usa el formato Vertical excepto enlavisualizaciónde las estadísticas que se puede poner eldispositivoen formatoHorizontal.Si detecta algún error en el dispositivo no dude enponerseencontacto conmigo en el correo [email protected],enviandoel motivo y a ser posible una imagen capturada delmismoeintentaremos actualizar la aplicación lo antes posible.Igualmente si ha sido de su agrado le rogamos valorepositivamentelaaplicación.Si la prueba y no le gusta, le agradeceríamos que nosenviaseuncorreo para mejorar la aplicación.Lite application,totrackstatistics and their teams during basketball games.You can keep track of time with its easilyconfigurableperiodtimer.You can configure the parties as the field of play (Lineto6.75,6.25 or Minibasket), game time period, number of periodspergame,Team Bonus, downtimeIt may include all team players want and numbering desired.Around the time of capture of the statistics you can seethetimeremaining match, score, fouls by each team fouls perplayer,PlayerRatingReporting points and shots were generated by noted playerandfailed,defensive-offensive rebounds, lost-turnovers,assists,plugsreceived-committed, violations of time, steps, anddoublefaults,failed entries listed-basket.You can generate statistics HTMLy viewing format cangeneratethereport so as to match the corresponding periodsDiagrams ShootingMail them (if available connection).Help manual for use within the application.You can report the result of the match to his followersonTwitter,with the push of a button.Strongly Castilian. For any particular languagepleasecontactus.This application uses the vertical format except for thedisplayofstatistics that can put the device in landscapeformat.If it detects an error in the device not hesitate to contactmeatthe email [email protected],sendingthemotive and if possible a captured image of it and tryto updatetheapplication as soon as possible.Also if you have been to his liking please positivelyratetheapp.If the test and do not like, please let us send an emailtoimproveimplementation.
Basketball stats 39
App Basketball stats
Basketball Stats 3.2
This app is for you, who would liketotakestats on how good a friend/family member has played inabasketballmatchTake stats on the following things- The place where the player has scored/missed from- Playtime- Total pt- Assist- Steals- Blocks- Rebounds- Turn overs- Fouls.It is possible to share the datas on the social medias orinaskycloud
Ultimate Basketball Stats 2.1.4
Track your home basketballgameslikeProfesionals do! Application is made for users to helpthemkeepstats of basketball players.Features list:- player first name, last name, height, weight, hometown....andwith avatar picture- settings menu - for pre-managing your gamesettings(minutes,quarters, halves, bonus fouls, Streetball Mode,onlineoutputsettings)- rebounds, fouls, steals, turnovers, minutes, blocks- post results online
BasketBloc 1.2.09
Application for the management of statistics of basketball matches
Basket Stats Plus Minus LITE 14
Basket Stats + / - is a basketball stats APP, directed especiallytocoaches
BasketStats Lite 2.0
BasketStats allows you to collect,storeandgroup statistics for one or several basketball teams,foranycategory and age.Modifying the settings you can create customtournaments,definingthe amount of quarters, players on the court,minutes perquarter orthe maximum fouls allowed.With this information you can closely monitor yourplayers,theirpercentages, preferred shooting positions, performancebyquarterand minutes played, and all other commonstatistics(assists,steals, fouls, steals, blocks, rebounds ..) andthenexport it inCSV format (excel).The application is available for smartphones andtablets,inmultiple languages.
Professional Basketball Stats 1
Basketball STATS APP FEATURESView All Player Stats for Career,Playoff Career,Regular Season,EachPlayoff yearView All Time Leaders for players for career and for playoffsView All Coaching data for career and year by yearView Teams data for year by year and view team rosters foreachyear.View year by year leaders in statsView all drafts by yearView all drafted players by school.View Team Charts, Player charts, Coaching ChartsSearch for your favorite playerLook Up alltime leadersLook at charts that help you visuzalize the statsCome up with trivia questions for friendsA great way to discuss Pro Basketball with other causal fans.Search for everyone by Last NameView Menus in:CoachesPlayerPlayoffsPlayerPlayoffCareerPlayer CareerAll PlayersAll Time LeadersTeams SeasonThe stats were collected from the great people at
Stats Pro Basket 5.3.3
Basket ball statistics tracking made easy by using StatsPro
Stats Pro Basket Light 2.2
Basket ball statistics tracking made easy by using StatsPro
BasketNote 1.04
In BasketNotes You can keep as many asyoulikebasketball teams. The team may have as many players asyoulike. Youcan store the statistics of every player in every gameheplays.The statistics of each game are:- Shooting 2, hits and misses. We reporttheshootingpercentage.- Shots 1, successes and failures. We reporttheshootingpercentage.- Shooting 3, successes and failures. We reporttheshootingpercentage.- Offensive and defensive rebounds.- Fouls committed and suffered.- Assists.- Stoppers.- Thefts.- Turnovers.- Assessment of the player in the game.In the record of each player can have the cumulativestatisticsofall matches.In settings you can decide which statistics todisplayorhide.The statistics of the matches can copy to theclipboardforsharing on Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook, etc ...
btraining 0.4.1
btraining helps you to record the actionsofbasketball games to generate valuations and statistics.Through wifi or bluetooth, shares the actions of match withothersusers to facilitate data entry.Publish the statistics on the social networks keepingtheconfidentiality of the information saved in your database.Make backups of your database and export the data to otherdesktopapplications.Broadcast live the basketball matches of your team and sharetheactions of yours players with worldwide users.