Top 11 Apps Similar to SG Snakes

Britannica Kids: Snakes 1.1.1
Britannica Kids: Snakes is the perfectappforgetting the facts right and looks at the feedinghabits,lifecycle, types of snakes, snake bites and much more in areallycooland interactive way.Britannica Kids Snakes app is suitable for children aged 8–12and has been developed aroundBritannica’sexclusivecurriculum-based content with high qualityimages andinteractivelearning games. This app has been specificallydesignedto helpwith homework, projects and exams but at the sametimechildren getfun and excitement while learning. Plus as it’sfromBritannica youcan be sure it’s appropriate and safe for thewholefamily!Coverage of the topic includes:The World of SnakesPhysical FeaturesGetting AboutFeeding HabitsStaying AliveLife CycleSnake and HumansTypes of SnakesSnakes A-Z – featuring 16 popular snakes including:AdderAnacondaBoa ConstrictorCobraCopperheadCoral SnakeGarter SnakeMambaMoccasinPythonRacerRat SnakeRattlesnakeSea SnakeViperWater SnakeThen the fun starts:Map – With this amazing tool you can locate where youareanywherein the world. Want to see where the most poisonoussnakelives? It’seasy with our map tool, and you can use thezoomfeature to see thelocation up close.Jigsaw Puzzles, created from stunning images of snakes.Breakapartthe puzzle and have some fun by shaking your device(iPodandiPhone) and then sliding the pieces back into place tocompletethepuzzle - it’s not as easy as it looks!Scramble images of snakes in The Magic Square game byshakingyourdevice (iPod and iPhone). Challenge yourself byre-arrangingthesquares to unscramble the image.Brush off - brush the layers to reveal different snakesandthentry to guess what they are – how many can youanswercorrectly?Test your knowledge on Snakes with the Quiz feature -howmuchhave you learned? But hurry: you must answer quickly asthequiz istimed!Test your memory with the popular Memory Match game andmatchupthe pairs!Why not take your curiosity about snakes a step furtherandlinkto Britannica’s online services – Britannica KidsOnlineorBritannica Online – to continue your discoveries.Try it today!
Cerita Anak : Kancil & Kerbau 5.0.3
Educa Studio
serial story of the deer fitted with animation and sound ★★★★★
Corn Snake 1.0
Want to know about Corn Snake ? This FREEapp,very Easy to use and complete free,you can find usefulinformationabout Corn Snake in it.Download Corn Snake for free now!ContentsHow to Breed Corn Snakes 2How to Determine a Corn Snake's Age by Length 5How to Feed Young Corn Snakes 7How to Recognize Illness in Corn Snakes 10How to Play With a Pet Snake 11What Are a Corn Snake's Favorite Things to Eat? 13Why Is My Corn Snake Exhibiting Very Nervous &AggressiveBehavior? 15How Long Does It Take for a Corn Snake to Reach Adulthood? 18What Kind of Cage Do Corn Snakes Need? 203 Ideal Substrates for Snakes 23Exotic Pet Corn Snake Care Sheet: Feeding Corn Snake 25Snake Diseases 28How To Decide On Something 32How to Take Care of a Pet Snake 34Who Will Take Care of my Pet While I'm on Holiday? 39
Kumpulan Dongeng Anak 1.1
Nabire Borneo
Kumpulan dongeng indonesia. Berisidaribanyakdongeng, cerita rakyat, dan legenda khas Indonesia:1. Telaga Warna Legenda Rakyat Jawa Barat2. Malin Kundang Anak Durhaka3. Cerita Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih Singkat4. Si Kancil dan Gigi Harimau Dongeng Anak Terbaru5. Semut dan Belalang Yang Malas6. Sangkuriang Legenda Terjadinya Tangkuban Parahu7. Si Kancil dan Raja Kera8. Si Kancil Menolong Kerbau9. Kelinci dan kura-kura10. Kerbau dan Monyet Licik11. Bunga dan Kupu-Kupu12. Dua Kambing Serakah13. Asal Mula Siput14. Bunga Cengkeh dan Kerajaan Bernafas Bau15. 1001 Malam16. Anak Rajin dan Pohon Pengetahuan17. Raja Harimau dan Kera18. Negeri Para Raksasa19. Kancil dan Gajah yang takut Tikus20. Kenapa Kancil Mencuri Timun21. Singa dan Tikus22. Kancil Jadi Raja Hutan23. Kancil, Burung Gagak dan Burung Bangau24. Kisah Tiga Pengelana dan Tiga Permintaan25. Katak Dalam Tempurung26. Singa dan Alam Liar27. Timun Emas dan Raksasa Hijau28. Kancil, Harimau dan Lebah29. Cinderella dan Sepatu Kaca30. Ular Ajaib dan Pembuat Tikar31. Si Serakah dan Batu Ajaib32. Katak dan Monyet yang Rakus33. Kang Bahlul dan Buka Puasa34. Burung Blibis dan Kura-kura yang Sombong35. Santri Yang Bandel36. Monyet dan Buaya Penipu37. Anak Laki-laki dan Seruling Ajaib38. Kancil dan Siput yang Bijaksana39. Kang Bahlul dan Sepakbola40. Si Serakah dan Laut yang Asin41. Anak Harimau dan Petani42. Kancil dan Kuda Lomba Lari43. Angin Yang Sombong44. Petani dan Gerobak Tua45. Kisah 6 Manusia Ajaib46. Kisah Cita-Cita Kang Bahlul47. Kisah Abu Nawas Yang Gila dan Lucu48. Kisah Anak Pemalas dan Keledai49. Dongeng Negeri Bunga50. Ayam Jantan yang Sombong51. Tukang Masak Yang Licik52. Ayah dan Anak yang Bijaksana53. Burung Gagak yang Cerdik dan Kendi Air54. Kang Bahlul dan Sayur Berbusa55. Burung Gagak dan Burung Elang56. Anak Gembala Pembohong dan Serigala57. Anjing Serakah dan Bayangannya58. Anak Laki-laki dan Segenggam Kacang59. Anak Gembala, Serigala dan Kambing yang Sombong
Cerita Anak: Landak & Ular
Educa Studio
Pada suatu musim dingin, ada seekor landakyangterpisah dari keluarganya. Dia harus berjuang hidup sendirianuntukmencari sarang yang hangat dan persediaan makanan. Disaatlandaksudah putus asa, dia berjumpa dengan satu keluarga ular yangsangatbaik hati. Akhirnya, landak tinggal bersama dengan keluargaular.Semakin lama, keberadaan landak membuat keluarga ularmenjaditerganggu. Nah, bagaimana kisah selanjutnya? Pastikan untukterusmembaca yaa.... Bersama RIRI - Kisah Landak Yang TidakTahuTerimakasih. Ayoooo buruan download sekarang juga.RIRI (Cerita Anak Interaktif & Game Edukasi) hadirdengankisah baru : RIRI - KISAH LANDAK YANG TIDAK TAHUTERIMAKASIH.Tidak hanya ceritanya saja yang menarik, buku ceritaanakinteraktif ini juga dilengkapi dengan animasi yangsangatinteraktif. Serta berbagai macam permainan edukasi yangsangatmenarik untuk dimainkan. Baca ceritanya, nikmati animasinyadanmainkan serunya permainan edukasi! Hanya ada di Riri - LegendaBatuMenangis.RIRI (Cerita Anak Interaktif) berusaha menghadirkansebuahaplikasi buku cerita anak dan dongeng yang menarik daninteraktif.Dikemas menggunakan bahasa yang ringan, sehingga mudahdimengertioleh anak-anak. Aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan animasi,suara sertamusik pendukung yang menjadikan lebih menarik.POINT KHUSUS--------------------# Buku Cerita dengan Narasi Otomatis# Buku Cerita dengan mode Baca Sendiri# Animasi yang menarik# Permainan Edukatif (Puzzle, Match 3, Ular Naga, Labirint)# Musik dan Audio yang membuat cerita menjadi lebih hidup# Didesain khusus untuk anak-anakAplikasi ini dapat digolongkan ke dalam aplikasi DongengAnak,Cerita Anak Interaktif, Cerita Rakyat, Asal Usul Daerah,CeritaDaerah. Sangat cocok untuk anak-anak :)Mengenai RIRI------------------RIRI merupakan serial buku cerita anak interaktif yangmengusungtema cerita-cerita rakyat asli dari Indonesia sertadongeng dariseluruh dunia. Semua cerita rakyat dan dongeng inidikemas secarainteraktif, disuguhkan dengan nuansa khas Indonesia.Buku ceritaanak ini dapat digunakan oleh anak-anak yang belum bisamembacamelalui narasi dan animasi otomatis. Untuk anak-anak yangsudahbisa membaca dapat menggunakan mode Baca Sendiri. SelainBukuCerita Anak Interaktif, setiap seri disediakan permainanedukatifuntuk anak yang mendidik seperti Warna, Angka, Berhitungdan masihbanyak lagi yang lainnya.Kami mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari anda, jangan raguuntukmengirimkannya ke :# Email: [email protected] lebih lanjut mengenai Buku Cerita AnakInteraktif(RIRI):# Website: Facebook: Twitter: @educastudioBagi yang suka berburu buku cerita anak ataupun bukudongeng,RIRI menjadi pilihan yang tepat. Downlaod sekarang juga,dantemukan keasyikan didalamnya.One winter, there wasaporcupine separated from their families. He had to fight tolivealone to find a warm nest and food supplies. When hedgehogwasdesperate, he met with the family of snakes is very kind.Finally,hedgehogs live with the family of snakes. The longer, thepresenceof a hedgehog made the snake family to be disrupted. Well,whathappens next? Be sure to keep reading yaa .... Together RIRI-Story Hedgehog That Do Not Know Thanks. Ayoooo game download now.RIRI (Interactive Children's Story & Game Education)comeswith a new story: RIRI - STORY hedgehog NOT KNOW THANKYOU.Not only the stories are interesting, interactivechildren'sstory book also comes with a highly interactiveanimations. As wellas a wide variety of educational games are veryinteresting toplay. Read the story, enjoy the thrill of animationand playeducational games! Only in Riri - Legend of the StoneCry.RIRI (Interactive Children's Story) trying to presentanapplication and a children's fairy tale story book interestingandinteractive. Packaged using mild language, so easily understoodbychildren. The application comes with animation, sound andmusicsupport that makes it more interesting.SPECIAL POINT--------------------# Story Book with Automatic Narration# Story Books to Read mode Alone# Animation of interest# Educational Games (Puzzle, Match 3, Snake Dragon, Labirint)# Music and Audio that makes the story come alive# Designed specifically for childrenThese applications can be classified into applicationTaleChildren, Interactive Children's Story, Folklore, OriginsofRegional, Local Stories. It is suitable for children :)Regarding RIRI------------------RIRI an interactive children's book series on the theme offolklorenative of Indonesia and fairy tales from around the world.All thefolklore and fairy tales interactively packaged, presentedwithnuance Indonesia. A children's book can be used by children whocannot read through the narration and animation automatically.Forchildren who can read can use Read Alone mode. In addition totheInteractive Children's Story Book, each supplied seriesofeducational games for children to educate such as Colors,Numbers,Counting and much more.We expect criticism and suggestions from you, please donothesitate to send it to:# Email: [email protected] information about the Interactive Children's StoryBook(RIRI):# Website: Facebook: Twitter:educastudioFor those who like to hunt a children's book or a storybook,RIRI be the right choice. Downlaod now, and find the fun init.
Garter Snake 1.0
Want to know about Garter Snake ? ThisFREEapp, very Easy to use and complete free,you can findusefulinformation about Garter Snake in it.Download Garter Snakefor freenow!ContentsGarter Snake Facts 3Physical characteristics 4Habitat 5Habits 6Diet 6Bite 7Reproduction 7Taxonomy/classification 8Species: 30, including: 8Conservation status 9Additional resources 10Other People Are Reading 11Catch by hand 12Trap in a Container 12Tips & Warnings 13Getting Rid of Garter Snakes 13Other People Are Reading 14Things You'll Need 14Instructions 14Tips & Warnings 15References 15Other People Are Reading 16Instructions 16References 17Garter snake 17Contents 20Habitat[edit] 20Conservation status[edit] 20Diet[edit] 21Coevolution of garter snakes and toxic newts[edit] 21Behavior[edit] 22Reproduction[edit] 23Garter snakes in captivity[edit] 24Venom[edit] 24Species and subspecies[edit] 24See also[edit] 29References[edit] 29Two Things You Probably Didn't Know About Garter Snakes 43There’s No Need to Fear That Garter Snake 45Garter Snake Information & Facts 47Click any of the below Garter Snake photographs forahigh-resolution image: 49GARTER SNAKES 51\
Snake 1.04
Cool Zone
Snakes are elongated,legless,carnivorousreptiles of the suborder Serpentes that canbedistinguished fromlegless lizards by their lack of eyelidsandexternal ears. Likeall squamates, snakes are ectothermic,amniotevertebrates coveredin overlapping scales. Many species ofsnakeshave skulls with manymore joints than their lizardancestors,enabling them to swallowprey much larger than their headswiththeir highly mobile jaws. Toaccommodate their narrowbodies,snakes' paired organs (such askidneys) appear one in frontof theother instead of side by side,and most have only onefunctionallung. Some species retain apelvic girdle with a pair ofvestigialclaws on either side of thecloaca.Living snakes are found on every continent except Antarctica,inthePacific and Indian Oceans, and on most smaller landmasses—exceptions include some large islands, such as IrelandandNewZealand, and many small islands of the AtlanticandcentralPacific.More than 20 families are currentlyrecognized,comprisingabout 500 genera and about 3,400 species.Theyrange insize fromthe tiny, 10 cm-long thread snake to theReticulatedpython of upto 8.7 meters (29 ft) in length.The fossilspeciesTitanoboacerrejonensis was 15 meters (49 ft) long. Snakesarethought tohave evolved from either burrowing or aquaticlizardsduring themid-Cretaceous period, and the earliest knownfossilsdate toaround 112 Ma ago. The diversity of modern snakesappearedduringthe Paleocene period (c 66 to 56 Ma ago). Theoldestpreserveddescriptions of snakes can be found in theBrooklynPapyrus.Most species are nonvenomous and those that have venomuseitprimarily to kill and subdue prey rather thanforself-defense.Some possess venom potent enough to causepainfulinjury or deathto humans. Nonvenomous snakes either swallowpreyalive or kill byconstriction.
Snakes of India 1.1
eGuide with insights into snakes habitat, color, markingsanddistribution.
IndianSnakes 1.0
Indian Snakes App is a field guideandeducativematerial for learning about the Snakes of Indiaandidentifyingsnakes. This is a dynamic app which is powered bythedata fromIndianSnakes webserver. This application is poweredbythe data fromIndia's most authentic Snakes is a community based effort whereregistereduserscontribute scientific data in the website which aremoderatedbyExperts while snake enthusiasts and learners can gettheupdateddata right into their Android devices.Core features of the application version 1.10:1. Serves as a field guide to learn about snakes of India2. Beautifully designed list and grid views which can begroupedbyalphabetical order or by families.3. A detailed view in which vital information of snakeslike:Commonname, Regional names, Scientific name, distributionofsnake,pictures, Look-Alike snakes, Identificationcharacteristics,habitatinformation, diet of snake, bite symptoms,detailedscalationinformation etc.4. You can mark your Favorite snakes!5. Best optimised for Cell Phones6. OFFLINE MODE - Unique feature wherein you can getyourapplicationready for a field trip with no internet and yet usetheappcompletely in offline mode!7. LOCATION FILTER - Yet another unique feature whereinusercanfilter out and check all snakes present in thecurrentlocationusing GPS or user can drop a pin to find out snakesin adifferentlocation!8. Dont want to download data again - Mark your favouritesnakesandclear non-favourite cache to save space9. Filter by text fields are also available.10. Filter by States in India - Textual distribution.11. Filter by common name snake category like vipers..12. Optimisation for all Android Devices13. Worried about phone memory - you can clearyourcacheanytime14. Filter by toxicity and snake family.15. Since website gets constant updates, use theupdatebuttonoccasionally to update the app dataCommunity Power - The data is provided and maintained byastrongsnake community who are sound with knowledge on herps.Thedataundergoes strong peer review process. Thecommunityframeworkguarantees users of not just quantity data butalsoqualityscientific data.And this is not the end, just the beginning!Write to: [email protected] / critics / feedbacks.Application developed and maintained byRamakrishnaMission,Shivanahalli: www.rkmission-shivanahalli.orgincollaboration withyelahanka-tech Bangalore -www.yelahanka-tech.comforIndianSnakes
Kisah Nabi Musa Interaktif
Educa Studio
Kabi kembali hadir untuk menemanianakanda menikmati cerita islami tentang Nabi Musa As. KisahMasaNabi Musa As merupakan aplikasi buku anak yang didesainkhususuntuk anak-anak dengan tampilan yang interaktif disertaidesainvisual menarik yang disukai anak-anak.RINGKASANNabi Musa lahir di Mesir dan pada saat itu, Mesir dipimpin olehRajaFiraun yang sangat kejam. Ketika masih bayi, Nabi Musadihanyutkandi sungai Nil oleh Ibunya. Hingga akhirnya, Nabi musaditemukan olehdayang istana dan diangkat anak oleh sang Ratu.Bagaimana kisahselanjutnya? Mengapa Nabi Musa dihanyutkan disungai Nil? Baca kisahlengkapnya hanya di KABI NABI MUSA.Ayo buruan download KABI™ MUSA a.s sekarang juga dan bacakisahnyasampai selesai ya..MODE CERITADi dalam aplikasi ini disediakan 2 mode yaitu Baca Sendiri danBacaOtomatis. Di dalam mode Baca Sendiri, anak-anak bisamembacasendiri dan berinteraksi di dalam setiap lembaran bukudenganinteraktif. Anak-anak juga bisa berlatih kemampuanmembaca.Sedangkan di dalam mode Baca Otomatis, anak-anakyang belumlancar membaca tetap bisa menikmati cerita dengan baikdisertaidengan narasi yang lengkap dan animasi yang otomatis.ANIMASI INTERAKTIFBeritahu anak untuk menyentuh bagian-bagian karakter di dalamsetiaphalaman. Maka animasi interaktif akan muncul disertai dengansoundeffect yang menarik.PERMAINAN EDUKATIFDi dalam aplikasi ini juga tersedia 4 permainan edukatifuntukbelajar:- Bermain Ular Mainan- Bermain Cari Api- Bermain Tebak Angka- Bermain Pasang BentukTENTANG KABI DAN EDUCA STUDIOKABI™ merupakan BRAND yang dimiliki Educa Studio untuk aplikasibukucerita anak interaktif. Materi yang diangkat khusus untukkisahislami dari AlQuran dari Nabi Adam sampai Nabi Muhammad,Fabelcerita hewan, Sahabat, Sejarah Perjuangan, Inspirasi MotivasidanMutiara Islam. Diharapkan, melalui aplikasi ini umat muslimdapatmengambil hikmah dan teladan yang tersembunyi sehinggamenjadipelajaran dan koreksi bersama. Aplikasi ini diproduksi olehEducaStudio™, pengembang aplikasi dan permainan edukasi. Semuailustrasidan gambar dalam aplikasi ini murni hanya sebagaiilustrasi saja.Agar anak-anak lebih mudah untuk memahami. Namuntentu saja, paraNabi, Rasul dan Sahabat tidak akan digambarkandalam bentukmanusia.PENTINGAplikasi ini dapat diunduh dan semua fitur dapat dimainkansecaragratis. Aplikasi ini juga menayangkan iklan. Jika andatertarikuntuk menghilangkan iklan tersebut, anda bisa melakukanpembeliandi dalam aplikasi.HUBUNGI KAMIKami juga terbuka terhadap masukan dan saran yang dapatmembantumeningkatkan kualitas produk-produk kami. Jika adafeedback, bisalangsung mengirimkannya ke#Email: [email protected] lebih lanjut mengenai Educa Studio:#Website: @educastudioSalam Hangat,Tim Educa StudioKabi again presenttoaccompany your child enjoy the story of Moses islami As. StoryTimeMusa As is a children's book app designed specifically forchildrenwith an interactive display with visually appealing designsthatappeal to kids.SummaryMoses was born in Egypt and at the time, led by the EgyptianPharaohwas very cruel. When I was a baby, Moses floated on theNile by hismother. Until finally, the Prophet Moses was found by alady palaceand was adopted by the Queen. So what happens next? WhyMosesfloated on the Nile? Read the full story only in KABINABIMUSA.Come game download KABI ™ MUSA U.S. right now and read the storytocompletion ya ..STORY MODEIn this application are provided two modes, namely Auto ReadAloneand Read. In the mode Read Alone , children can read on theirownand interact within each sheet with interactive book. Childrencanalso practice reading skills. While in the mode Read Auto,children who have not read fluently can still enjoy a goodstoryaccompanied with complete narration andanimationautomatically.INTERACTIVE ANIMATIONTell the child to touch the parts of the characters in eachpage.Interactive animations will then appear with an interestingsoundeffect.Game educativeIn this application are also available 4 educational gamesforlearning:- Playing Snake Toy- Play's Fire- Play Guess the Score- Playing Attach FormON KABI AND STUDIO EducaKABI ™ is owned BRAND Educa Studio's interactivechildren'sstorybook app. The material is appointed specifically fortheIslamic story of the Quran from the Prophet Adam toProphetMuhammad, Fabel animal stories, Friend, History of theStruggle,Motivation and Inspiration Islam Mutiara. Hopefully,through thisapplication Muslims can take the wisdom and example arehidden sothat it becomes a lesson and correction together. Thisapplicationis produced by Educa Studio ™, application developersandeducational games. All illustrations and drawings inthisapplication is purely for illustrative purposes only. Thatchildrenare easier to understand. But of course, the Prophets,Apostles andCompanions will not be represented in human form.ImportantThis application can be downloaded and all features can beplayedfor free. These applications also serve ads. If you areinterestedto get rid of these ads, you can make purchases insidetheapp.CONTACT USWe are also open to feedback and suggestions that can helpimprovethe quality of our products. If there is feedback, candirectlysend it to#email: [email protected] information about Educa Studio:#website: Http:// Https:// @educastudioWarm regards,Tim Educa Studio