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All Quotes
- Thousands of quotes, sayings, proverbs- It works offline- Add to favourites, share them on Facebook, by email or sms- Search by theme, keyword or author- Themes: Art, science, literature, books, scientists,society,time, imperfections, virtues, future, past, mathematics,physics,food, war, games ... and more topics- Donation version(no ads)
All Quotes PREMIUM 3.0
More than 30,000 great quotes from over600famous people. You can read, search, bookmark all quotes andcanshare quotes to facebook, twitter, linkedin, Google+ etc.Alsoquotes can send as email or sms to your friends, family etcwhoneed encouragement, motivation, love and inspiration to succeedetcin their life..All Quotes PREMIUM is a great collection of different typesofbrilliant quotes which includes inspirational, love, life,success,motivational, work, leadership etc.Famous authors should written thousands of quotations andweshould not even noticed most of these quoted words. A bestquotecan change your thoughts and hence the life! This free appofquotes will give you thousands of such great quotes ofauthors.Quotes from more than 600 famous authors like quotes ofAbrahamLincoln, Albert Einstein, Audrey Hepburn, Buddha, C. S.Lewis,Dalai Lama, John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Mark Twain,MartinLuther King, Jr. Maya Angelou, Mother Teresa, Oscar Wilde,ThomasJefferson, William Shakespeare, Winston Churchill, Obama,MahathmaGandhi etc are available here with the photo ofauthors.You can search to the quotes of your favorite author.And you can search using name of author, nationality, birthdate,died date, or type (such as Musician, Poet etc) of author orusingany word in the quote!You can read more about the history of author using the linkbuttonavailable near the quote.* All Quotes PREMIUM - offers the same set of features astheFREE version does but doesn't contain any Ads.* At All Quotes PREMIUM, customer satisfaction is important tous.If you have any difficulties with the app, please contact [email protected] do not report any problems in the commentssection.Thanks!Listed below main features of All Quotes PREMIUM:1. Quotes with Simple and attractive user interface.2. More than 30,000 top Quotes of over 600 famous People.3. Quotes with Photo of Authors.3. Categorized people through A to Z and Name.4. Can search through Quotes, people's name, nation, type(Poet,Musician etc), born date, died date etc.5. Colored view of People if today is his Birth/Died day.6. Can add quotes to favorites from the list. I.e. you canbookmarkyour favorite quote.7. Can share quote to Social Networks such as Facebook,Twitter,LinkedIn, Google+ etc8. Can send Quote as SMS9. Can send Quote as Email10. Can copy quote to Clipboard to take outsidetheapplication.11. Can Send Quote through Bluetooth.12. Can read more history of each author.13. Smooth scrolling.14. Get Your Lucky Quote (or Quote of the Day); from all Quotesorbookmarked Quotes.15. Can read as offline (no internet connection is needed toreadquotes)15. Help Screen16. And more...
Warren Buffett's Quotes 1.0.2
Warren Buffett quotes app.Warren Buffett Quotes app is a complete collection of allquotesand sayings by Warren Buffett. Buffett is Chairman ofBerkshireHathaway. Buffett is widely considered as the mostsuccessfulinvestor of the 20th century. In 2006, Buffett announcedthat hewould give his entire fortune away to charity.Warren Buffett world richest person. He is known as "WizardofOmaha". When Warrent Buffet speaks people listen,countlessfinancial experts sear by his words of wisdomThis app holds the best Warren Buffett Quotes.*Quotes are available offline and are stored locally.(nointernet connection required)*More than 800 Quotes.*Random selection of Quotes.Instructions:Swipe from left to right and vice versa to see new quote.
FlipApp Famous Quotes English 1.0.3
FlipApp Quotes English gives you access to more than 2500citationsin English over 300 famous authors from all around theworld andfamous people in history. Get inspired with quotes fromwriters,thinkers, scientists, philosophers, men and women ofhistory. Findthe quote that helps you at all times, centuries ofwisdomcondensed into a app. You see plenty of phrases, simplyswippingyour finger across the screen. You will not be able to stopreadingthem ... Features: -General list with all the phrases andfamousquotations. -Fast progress bar to discover new phrases.-Filter bycategory, to access the citations included within thedifferent.-Filter by author. -Your favorite quotes list. -Searchfor phrases.-Search and present information about the authors.-Phrases canshare with your friends through: facebook, twitter,google +, etc..whatsapp, Joyn, sms, facebook messenger, etc.-Selection ofdifferent widgets, which will present the quote of theday on yourhome screen. From the widget you can share or addphrases to yourlist of favorite quotes. If you want phrases andfamous quotationsin more languages​​, download the version ofFlipApp Quotes for thelanguage you want.
famous Romantic Love Quotes 1.0
“famous Romantic Love Quotes” Thisapplicationlets you browse love quotes, mark them as favorite, sendthemthrough SMS,Email, etc. Facebook publishing works now.Sometimes, only a romantic quote can fill a space whether it'saromantic text message,romantic card, email signature, love letter or something else.Theseromantic love quotes aren't all out sweet,but rather touching, loving and hopefully do a great jobofexplaining to your partner just how you feel.It contains sayings from philosophers, writers,spiritualthinkers and other…Also is a collection of best selected quotes that will help youtostay motivated, focused and keep going on your goals.Over 250 inspirational quotes If you are in love and can notfindthe right words to express your emotions then this isanapplication for you- See “Quote of The Day” from the “famous Romantic LoveQuotes”dashboard.- You can rate your favorite quotes and add them to yourfavoritetoo and share in any social networks- hope you all like these superb quotes, we will further morequotesadd on it- Ability to favorite quotes so you can easily view or sharethemlater.- Copy to clipboard so you can share it anyway you want to.-We strive to make the best motivational app for yourAndroiddevice.- Continued improvement of this app, please send us feedbackorsuggestions.
Inspire Yourself - Quotes 4.5
►►► Inspire Yourself! ◄◄◄Daily calendar with quote of the day.Famous, inspirational and brilliant quotes daily!Stay inspired everyday with the greatest inspiring quotes !!► Special Features- Daily Widget- Share image of quote (Facebook, Twitter, Message,Email,etc.)- Copy quote text- Daily notification- Slide to view► Great personalities likeAlbert EinsteinGandhiDalai LamaAbraham LincolnHenry FordSteve JobsVince LombardiWalt DisneyBenjamin FranklinTheodore RooseveltMasaharu TaniguchiYou can view, share and copy any quote !Keep updated to new releases and new quotes !Download it now! ;)Enjoy!
Inspirational Motivate Quotes
To walk your way to greatness get daily Inspirational&Motivational Quotes now
Quote of The Day App 1.0
Ramesh Jha
"Quote Of The Day App" - a simple appforbrowsing awesome quotes in a random fashion, with minimalfeaturesand clean look. Most of the quotes are supposed tobeinspirational, funny, rational, entrepreneurial, scientificandhuman-life/success/happiness related. You can browse randomquoteseven when you're OFFLINE.All the quotes are handpicked and error free (at least whatIthink, let me know if there is any error or something).Although,the number of quotes are not very much at this time butthe quotescollection will be updated soon.### Features :+ a new quote, each time you open the app+ get a random quote on demand (just hit another quotebutton)+ no_other_features :) [although in next version I mayimplementsome social features or some more search options (by topicor mood)or something else depending on your request/feedback]Get Ready to inspired!
Biography of Adolf Hitler 1.0
Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 – 30 April1945)was an Austrian-born German politician who was the leader oftheNazi Party (German: Nationalsozialistische DeutscheArbeiterpartei(NSDAP); National Socialist German Workers Party). HewasChancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and Führer ("leader")ofNazi Germany from 1934 to 1945. As effective dictator ofNaziGermany, Hitler was at the centre of World War II in Europe andtheHolocaust.Hitler was a decorated veteran of World War I. He joinedtheprecursor of the NSDAP, the German Workers' Party, in 1919andbecame leader of the NSDAP in 1921. In 1923 he attempted a coupinMunich to seize power. The failed coup resulted inHitler'simprisonment, during which time he wrote his autobiographyandpolitical manifesto Mein Kampf ("My Struggle"). After hisreleasein 1924, Hitler gained popular support by attacking theTreaty ofVersailles and promoting Pan-Germanism, anti-Semitism,andanti-communism with charismatic oratory and Nazi propaganda.Hitlerfrequently denounced international capitalism and communismasbeing part of a Jewish conspiracy.Hitler's Nazi Party became the largest elected party intheGerman Reichstag, leading to his appointment as chancellor in1933.Following fresh elections won by his coalition, theReichstagpassed the Enabling Act, which began the process oftransformingthe Weimar Republic into the Third Reich, asingle-partydictatorship based on the totalitarian and autocraticideology ofNational Socialism. Hitler aimed to eliminate Jews fromGermany andestablish a New Order to counter what he saw as theinjustice ofthe post-World War I international order dominated byBritain andFrance. His first six years in power resulted in rapideconomicrecovery from the Great Depression, the denunciationofrestrictions imposed on Germany after World War I, andtheannexation of territories that were home to millions ofethnicGermans—actions which gave him significant popularsupport.Hitler sought Lebensraum ("living space") for the Germanpeople.His aggressive foreign policy is considered to be theprimary causeof the outbreak of World War II in Europe. He directedlarge-scalerearmament and on 1 September 1939 invaded Poland,resulting inBritish and French declarations of war on Germany. InJune 1941,Hitler ordered an invasion of the Soviet Union. By theend of 1941German forces and the European Axis powers occupied mostof Europeand North Africa. Failure to defeat the Soviets and theentry ofthe United States into the war forced Germany onto thedefensiveand it suffered a series of escalating defeats. In thefinal daysof the war, during the Battle of Berlin in 1945, Hitlermarried hislong-time lover, Eva Braun. On 30 April 1945, less thantwo dayslater, the two committed suicide to avoid capture by theRed Army,and their corpses were burned.Under Hitler's leadership and racially motivated ideology,theNazi regime was responsible for the genocide of at least5.5million Jews and millions of other victims whom he andhisfollowers deemed Untermenschen ("sub-humans") andsociallyundesirable. Hitler and the Nazi regime were alsoresponsible forthe killing of an estimated 19.3 million civiliansand prisoners ofwar. In addition, 29 million soldiers and civiliansdied as aresult of military action in the European Theatre of WorldWar II.The number of civilians killed during the Second World Warwasunprecedented in warfare, and constitutes the deadliest conflictinhuman history.
Confucius Quotes Confucianism 2.0
H Mobile
Quotes, and books on Confucianism
Quotes for Investments 1.0.2
Quotes for Investments app is a listofquotations from many great people like warren buffet.These quotes will inspire you for taking care of your moneyinInvestments / Savings.Stock Quotes / stock quotes / stockquotes.investinvestment*Quotes are available offline and are stored locally.(nointernet connection required)*More than 800 Quotes.*Random selection of Quotes.Instructions:- To get new quotes swipe the text from left to right orviceversa.
Status & Quotes Collection 1.3
Categories:-Love Status & Romantic Quotes-Tender Love Words-Funny statuses-New Year statuses-Missing you love SMS-Sad love sayings-Nice statuses-Romantic Statuses-Broken Heart Quotes-I love you sayings-Emotional Quotes & Status Poems-Festival Quotes and Statuses-Funny Quotes and Statuses maker-Woman, Clever, Life, Joke, Friend and lot morePost Photo statuses into Social Media apps.Post statuses on a background pictures on Social Media apps.Copy any status in clipboard.This application is absolutely free!
Княз и чума (Приказки) 1.2.1
Books Forge
Books Forge дава възможност на читателитедасвалят безплатно приложения с безплатна литература отпоредицата"Българска класика". Целта е да се улесни достъпа научениците доучебна литература и възможността да се четатпроизведенията въввсеки удобен момент. Може да разгледатеостаналите книги в нашияGoogle Play профил.За да ползвате приложението не е необходимо дасвалятедопълнителен четец. Всяко произведение е самостоятелнаапликация.Вие преценявате кое от тях да оставите на телефона си иликое даизтриете. Целим да дадем възможността на хората да разполагатсбиблиотека от любимите си български произведения.Books Forge запаметява до коя страница сте стигнали, можетедасподелите любим цитат, има възможност за избор между дневен инощенрежим и сила на подцветката, шрифт и големина и можетедапреминавате от една глава в друга по избор от съдържанието.Николай Иванов Райнов е виден български писател,художник,академик. Пише поезия, белетристика, културологичнипроизведения вобластта на историята на изобразителното изкуство,фолклора,етнографията; сътрудничи на периодичния печат; проучвамногопаметници на културата; публикува редица статии за изкуствотоилитературата. Автор е на 30 сборника с приказки от цялсвят(1930-1934).Books Forge allowsreadersto download free applications free literature from theseries"Bulgarian Classics". The aim is to facilitate the accessofstudents to literature and the ability to read the works atanyconvenient time. You can see the other books in our GooglePlayaccount.To use the application is not necessary to downloadadditionalreader. Each piece is a separate application. Youevaluate which ofthem to leave your phone or what to delete. We aimto give peoplethe opportunity to have a library of their favoriteBulgarianworks.Books Forge saves to which page you came, you can shareyourfavorite quote, there is a choice between day and night modeandstrength of podtsvetkata, font and size and you can switch fromonechapter to another optional content.Nikolay Ivanov Raynov prominent Bulgarian writer,artist,academician. Writes poetry, fiction, cultures works in thefield ofhistory of art, folklore, ethnography; cooperate with thepress;examine many cultural monuments; published a number ofarticles onart and literature. He is the author of 30 collectionsof talesfrom around the world (1930-1934).
Arabic proverbs & quotes 1.2
Radiance App
Discover only the best and most famous Arabic proverbs and quotes !Enjoy this simple and nice app :+ Hundred of hand-picked Arabic proverbs+ Great design+ Share your favorites facts with your friends+ Frequent updates+ Work with both smartphones and tabletsEnjoy and have fun !
Russian Proverbs 1.0
Class V
Russian Proverbs and Sayings Россия Пословицы и Поговорки
Приказки от цял свят ТОМ I 1.2.1
Books Forge
Books Forge дава възможност на читателитедасвалят безплатно приложения с безплатна литература отпоредицата"Българска класика". Целта е да се улесни достъпа научениците доучебна литература и възможността да се четатпроизведенията въввсеки удобен момент. Може да разгледатеостаналите книги в нашияGoogle Play профил.За да ползвате приложението не е необходимо дасвалятедопълнителен четец. Всяко произведение е самостоятелнаапликация.Вие преценявате кое от тях да оставите на телефона си иликое даизтриете. Целим да дадем възможността на хората да разполагатсбиблиотека от любимите си български произведения.Books Forge запаметява до коя страница сте стигнали, можетедасподелите любим цитат, има възможност за избор между дневен инощенрежим и сила на подцветката, шрифт и големина и можетедапреминавате от една глава в друга по избор от съдържанието.Николай Иванов Райнов е виден български писател,художник,академик. Пише поезия, белетристика, културологичнипроизведения вобластта на историята на изобразителното изкуство,фолклора,етнографията; сътрудничи на периодичния печат; проучвамногопаметници на културата; публикува редица статии за изкуствотоилитературата. Автор е на 30 сборника с приказки от цялсвят(1930-1934).*Поради големината на втория том от поредицата "Приказки отцялсвят", в първия са махнати няколко приказки, с целпо-бързотозареждане на апликацията. Ако желаете пълната версия насборника -изтеглете "Приказки от цял свят ТОМ II"Books Forge allowsreadersto download free applications free literature from theseries"Bulgarian Classics". The aim is to facilitate the accessofstudents to literature and the ability to read the works atanyconvenient time. You can see the other books in our GooglePlayaccount.To use the application is not necessary to downloadadditionalreader. Each piece is a separate application. Youevaluate which ofthem to leave your phone or what to delete. We aimto give peoplethe opportunity to have a library of their favoriteBulgarianworks.Books Forge saves to which page you came, you can shareyourfavorite quote, there is a choice between day and night modeandstrength of podtsvetkata, font and size and you can switch fromonechapter to another optional content.Nikolay Ivanov Raynov prominent Bulgarian writer,artist,academician. Writes poetry, fiction, cultures works in thefield ofhistory of art, folklore, ethnography; cooperate with thepress;examine many cultural monuments; published a number ofarticles onart and literature. He is the author of 30 collectionsof talesfrom around the world (1930-1934).* Due to the size of the second volume of the series "Talesofthe world", in the first few tales have been removed in ordertomore quickly load application. If you want the full version ofthebook - download "Tales from around the world VOLUME II"