Top 2 Apps Similar to ABG Code Red

Palliative Care Fast Facts 1.1.8
Haipeng Zhang
Palliative Fast Facts for Android provides access to the FastFactsdatabase.
iGM 4.0.5
iFAST Global Markets (iGM) Investment Advisers An app forbothiGMadvisers and clients, facilitating the creation andapprovaloftrades across multiple investment productsforadviser-assistedtransactions, while also catering forself-directedinvestments.iGM advisers can create transactions forclients on thego, whileiGM clients and supervisors can also approvetransactionsvia theapp. Both advisers and clients can viewinvestment holdingsandcash account balances on demand. Advisers cancreate buy, sellorswitch transactions for Unit Trusts, Bonds, ETFs,DPMS, andalsoapply for Regular Savings Plans (RSPs). Clientscanapprovetransactions, and also view historical statementsandinvestmentholdings. The app is also a fullyfunctional“Do-It-Yourself (DIY)”investment app for clients withDIYinvestment accounts. The iGMapp lets you invest in Stocks,Bonds,Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)and Unit Trusts with theflexibility ofa self-directed investmentaccount. It comes withaccess toprofessional investment advicefrom a dedicated financialadviser. ·Open an iGM account to starttrading immediately ·Aggregate yourinvestments on the iGMplatform and view consolidatedportfolioholdings on demand ·Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) withBiometricsfor security andease of use · Trade Stocks, ETFs, REITs,Warrants,DLCs and otherinstruments listed across the Singapore, USand HongKong stockexchanges, and receive real-time tradenotifications ·Gain accessto a broad universe of Retail andWholesale Bondsencompassingvarious sectors and currencies · Tradewholesale bondsin odd lotsizes via Bond Express, and place ordersfor new bondissues Builddiversified portfolios with one of thelargestselections of UnitTrusts managed by leading global fundmanagementprofessionals ·Benefit from asset allocation andportfoliomanagement strategiesutilising our in-house DiscretionaryPortfolioManagement Services(DPMS) · Build Watchlists to monitorinvestmentideas on-the-go,and analyse opportunities with our suiteofinvestment tools ·Leverage on independent investment researchbythe in-houseresearch team and uncover new investmentopportunitiesThe iGMmobile application is developed by iFASTCorporation Ltdwhich hasempowered over 7,700 wealth advisers and330,000 customersin 5markets* over nearly two decades Incorporatedin the year 2000inSingapore, iFAST Corporation Ltd. (“iFAST Corp”or the“Company”,and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) isalsopresent inHong Kong, Malaysia, China and India. The Groupoffersaccess toover 9,100 investment products including unittrusts(“funds”),bonds and Singapore Government Securities (“SGS”),stocksandexchange traded funds (“ETFs”), and insurance products.Italsoprovides services such as online discretionaryportfoliomanagementservices, research and investment seminars,financialtechnology(“Fintech”) solutions, and investmentadministrationandtransaction services to financial advisory (“FA”)firms,financialinstitutions, banks, multinational companies, aswell asretail andhigh net worth (“HNW”) investors in Asia. *as of31December 2018Contact iFAST Global Markets (iGM)[email protected]