Top 17 Apps Similar to Rumi Quotes

Rumi Masnavi 2.1
Spirit Apps
Rumi Masnavi: a collection of sacred poems
Sufism & sufi mystics 3.0
Sufism & sufi mystics through hundreds of quotes and poems
Rumi 1.0.1
Rumi was a 13th-century Persian Muslim poet, jurist, theologian,andSufi mystic
Habeeb Ushbi
Quthbuzzaman Sheikh Yousuf Sulthan ShahQadiriChishtiHe is the ‘Sulthan’ of the spiritual kingdom. EstablishmentofThouheed is His mission. Purification and purgation of humanheartsis His intention. He defends the hearts from viciousinfluence ofthe Devil.The Thouheed that we set aside, that we put in our shelves, thatwehang in our houses, inside institutions and vehicles, thatheardout of the mouth of preacher, that flows from the pen ofwriter,that blooms in the masterly touches of a novelist; theserving ofthis Thouheed into the hearts of human being is Hismaneuver.Too many sorts of deterioration and disintegration have reignedoverthe century we are living in. Islamic intellect has victimizedbythe cultural demoralization. Things have gone upright down.Whatthat is important has convinced as of no prominence. To saythetruth, Islam has lost its spirit unto the inmost part. Nothingbutvoice of self-deceiving hypocrites and noise of uncivilizedbeingsare being heard. The Islam, which had seamless glory andgrandeurin the age before, has contracted into some worthlesscustoms andnorms.It is in such a blemished and bewitched aisle of the currentcenturythat the 36th Delegate of Prophet Muhammad T, Sheikh YousufSulthanShah Qadiri Chishti, emerged to us, taking the will of theage intoconsideration, having endured with the Consent from a holyDelegatein that sacred series of Messengers of Thouheed.Visualizing the great drama of the world around Him, SheikhYousufSulthan Shah Qadiri Chishti repeated the comment that SheikhAbdulQadir Jeelani did on the world of 6th century, “Herein, deadis theIslam.”Can’t you get the real meaning of this comment? We are,already,aware of its appropriateness by the age of Sheikh Jeelani.But,what does it have with the modern age? What is your opinion onthemodern cultural and religious life-line of Muslims? Isitstraightforward? Is it alike to that of the age of ProphetandSwahaba? Never. Never it is!.Is there any absence of Muslims in the mainstream of powerandpolitics? Are we awfully backward in educational sphere? Whydidour country subject to this like deterioration?Our nation had blessed with the emergence of Islam by the ageofProphet T. Later it had witnessed the holy presence ofKhwajaMu’eenudheen Chishti.Let us probe in to the reasons in brief. Muslimssettledorganizations to show their mass power. Afterward they madeuse oforganizations for the protection and nourishment of theirwickedideas. This selfishness and falsehood caused them keepawaythemselves from the teachings Allah and His Prophet asserted.Theyjudged the things they cannot understand as wrong. Whateverandwhoever come against their impious acts and concepts werethrownaway from the mainstream of society. Thus, gradually, theIslamparalyzed.To such a world, wherein Islam was paralyzed, Sheikh YousufSulthanShah Qadiri Chishti arrived with the appellation, ‘Sultan’.To thepeople, to get faith in perfected and stabilized manner heservesthe Perfect kalmia thayeba , instructs the world to holdtight onthe laws of Sharia, always advises the practical ways toestablishThouheed in hearts.
Kisah Humor Sufi Lengkap 2.0
Kisah Humor Sufi Terlengkap , Humor cerdasSufiMenjabarkan kisah kisah sufi yang mengandung unsur humor ,humorcerdas dari sufi sufi terkenal .- Aplikasi OFFLINE , dapat berjalan tanpa koneksi internet- Aplikasi ringan- ukuran aplikasi hanya 1 MB- teks dapat di zoomComplete Sufi storyHumor,smart Humor SufiDescribes the story of a Sufi story that contains elementsofhumor, intelligent humor of the famous Sufi mystic.- Application OFFLINE, can run without an Internet connection- Application of light- The size of the application is only 1 MB- Text can be in the zoom
Kitab Al Hikam-Ibnu Athoillah 1.7
SRD Studio
Kitab Al Hikam karya Ibnu AthoillahAlIskandari=================================== Kitab AlHikammerupakan salahsatu kitab klasik paling legendaris karya SyekhIbnuAthaillah alIskandari, yang berisikan kata-kata hikmah yangsangattingginilainya, berisikan pemahaman tauhid, akhlak,danma'rifatullah.Aplikasi ini merupakan terjemahan dari butir-butiralHikam dalambahasa Indonesia dan Malaysia (masih satu rumpunbahasa,tidakterlalu sulit untuk dimengerti perbedaan katanya).Inspirasisayamembuat aplikasi ini, karena seringkali sayainginmembagikanpetuah-petuah Al Hikam ini baik dalam status,maupunpercakapandisaat chat maupun di forum-forum. Namunkarenamenggunakansmartphone, seringkali cukup repot menyalin ulang,ataubahkansekedar mengcopy paste kan kalimat-kalimat hikmahyangingindisampaikan. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini,mudah-mudahanandasekalian, selain dapat menyelami dan mengamalkanhikmah-hikmahdarikitab Al Hikam ini, juga dapat membagikannyakepada saudaraataurekan anda yang membutuhkannya dengan mudah.Fasilitas sharedalamaplikasi ini, memungkinkan anda menyalin hikmahyang adakedalamclipboard kemudian memindahkannya ke aplikasi lain,ataulangsungmembagikannya ke aplikasi yang anda inginkan,sepertiwhatsapp,line, facebook, twitter, dll. Sejarah Singkat SyekhIbnuAthoillah=========================== Syekh Ibn‘Atha’illahas-Sakandari (w.1309 M) hidup di Mesir di masa kekuasaanDinastiMameluk. Ia lahirdi kota Alexandria (Iskandariyah), lalupindah keKairo. Di kotainilah ia menghabiskan hidupnya denganmengajar fikihmazhab ImamMaliki di berbagai lembaga intelektual,antara lainMasjidAl-Azhar. Di waktu yang sama dia juga dikenal luasdibidangtasawufsebagai seorang “master” (syeikh) besar ketigadilingkungantarekat sufi Syadziliyah ini. Ibn ‘Athaillahtergolongulama yangproduktif. Tak kurang dari 20 karya yangpernahdihasilkannya.Meliputi bidang tasawuf, tafsir, aqidah,hadits,nahwu, dan ushulfiqh. Dari beberapa karyanya itu yangpalingterkenal adalah kitabal-Hikam. Buku ini disebut-sebutsebagaimagnum opusnya. Kitab itusudah beberapa kali disyarah.Antara lainoleh Muhammad bin Ibrahimibn Ibad ar Rundi, Syaikh AhmadZarruq,dan Ahmad ibn Ajiba.Beberapa kitab lainnya yang ditulisadalahAl-Tanwir fi Isqathal-Tadbir, ‘Unwan at-Taufiq fi’dabal-Thariq,miftah al-Falah danal-Qaul al-Mujarrad fil al-Ismal-Mufrad. Yangterakhir inimerupakan tanggapan terhadap SyaikhulIslam ibnTaimiyyah mengenaipersoalan tauhid. Kedua ulama besar itumemanghidup dalam satuzaman, dan kabarnya beberapa kali terlibatdalamdialog yangberkualitas tinggi dan sangat santun. IbnTaimiyyahadalah sosokulama yang tidak menyukai praktek sufisme.Sementaraibn ‘Athaillahdan para pengikutnya melihat tidak semuajalansufisme itu salah.Karena mereka juga ketat dalam urusansyari’at.Ibn ‘Athaillahdikenal sebagai sosok yang dikagumi danbersih. Iamenjadi panutanbagi banyak orang yang meniti jalan menujuTuhan.Menjadi teladanbagi orang-orang yang ikhlas, dan imam bagiparajuru nasihat. Iadikenal sebagai master atau syaikh ketigadalamlingkungan tarikatSyadzili setelah yang pendirinya Abu alHasan AsySyadzili danpenerusnya, Abu Al Abbas Al Mursi. Meski iatokoh kuncidi sebuahtarikat, bukan berarti aktifitas danpengaruhintelektualismenyahanya terbatas di tarekat saja. Buku-bukuibnAthaillah dibaca luasoleh kaum muslimin dari berbagaikelompok,bersifat lintas mazhabdan tarikat, terutama kitab Al Hikamyangmelegenda ini. SemogaAplikasi ini bermanfaat untuk anda:)Perhatian!!! ======== Untukversi android 2.1 dan 2.3 Janganmenekantombol menu saat dibagiancerita, ada error yang belum bisasayaperbaiki akibat perbedaancoding yang cukup ekstrim antar versi2.1dan 2.3 denganversi-versi diatasnya. Selama anda tidakmenekantombol menu, tidakakan terjadi application crash. Terimakasih.
حقيقة التصوف الإسلامي 1.0
اعلموا إخوة الإيمان أن اسم الصوفي لميكنفيالصدر الأول لكن المعنى كان موجودًا، والتصوّف إخوة الإيمانليسمجردلُبس جبة وعمامة وكثرة ذكر وطقطقة سبحة مع ترك ما أوجباللهعلىالمكلف تعلمه من علم الدين، إنما التصوف علم وعمل فكم منالناسيظننفسه صوفِيًّا مع أنه لم يتعلم ما أوجب الله عليه تعلمه منعلمالدين،هذا كيف يصير وليًّا... كيف يقال عنه صوفي. الصوفي هوالذياستقام علىالتوحيد وأداء الفرائض وزهِد في الدنيا وتواضع وذلللهتعالى وأظهرافتقاره لله بصدق، الصوفيُّ الصادق هو مَن كانعامِلاًبشريعة اللهتعالى ولا يُتبعُ نَفسَه الهَوى فيالمأكَلِوالـمَشْرَبِوالـمـَلْبَسِ بل يَكْتَفي بالقدر الذي يَحفَظُله صحّةَجسده منالمأكل والمشرب والملبس مع بذل الجهد بطاعة اللهبأداءالواجباتوالإكثار من النوافل.فهو كما قال سيد الصوفية الإمامُ الجُنَيد البَغدادي رضي اللهعنه:"ماأخَذْنا التَّصوُّفَ بالقال والقيل ولكن أخذناه بالجوعوالسهروتركالمألوفات والـمُسْتَحْسَنات "اهـ. يعني قطعنا أنفسناعنالاسترسال فيشهواتِها لأن التصوف صفاء المعاملة كما رُوِيَ عنحارثةبن مالك أنهقال: " أَسْهَرْتُ ليلي وأظمأتُ نهاري فكأني بعرشربيبارزًا وكأنيبأهل الجنة يتزاورون فيها وكأني بأهل النار يتعاوَونفيها" اهـ. أيمِن شِدَّة اليقين.يقول الله تبارك وتعالى في محكم التنزيل * إِنَّالَّذِينَقَالُوارَبُّنَا اللَّهُ ثُمَّ اسْتَقَامُواتَتَنَزَّلُعَلَيْهِمُالْمَلائِكَةُ أَلاَّ تَخَافُوا وَلاتَحْزَنُواوَأَبْشِرُوابِالْجَنَّةِ الَّتِي كُنتُمْ تُوعَدُونَ *نَحْنُأَوْلِيَاؤُكُمْفِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَفِي الآخِرَةِوَلَكُمْفِيهَا مَاتَشْتَهِي أَنفُسُكُمْ وَلَكُمْ فِيهَا مَاتَدَّعُونَ *نُزُلاًمِّنْ غَفُورٍ رَّحِيمٍ * (سورة فصلت ءايات 30 –31 – 32)إنَّ الذين استقاموا على شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله وعلىأداءالفرائضهؤلاء أولياء الله الذين لاخوفٌ عليهِم ولا هم يَحزَنون،وصفاللهُالأولياء بالاستِقامةِ وهي لُزومُ طاعة الله بأداءالواجباتواجتنابالمحرّمات والإكثار من نوافل العبادات.إخوة الإيمان، إن الاستقامة مع الزهد في الدنيا طريق الولايةطريقأبيبكر وعمر وعثمان وعلي ومن تبعهم حق الاتباع بما اتبعوا بهالمصطفىصلىالله عليه وسلم، وإلى يومنا هذا لا تخلو الأرض ممن يتبعونالنبيصلىالله عليه وسلم حق الاتباع ويسمون الصوفية فهم أهلالقلوب....أهلالقلوب الصافية.فالتصوف إخوة الإيمان مرتبة عالية وهو إصلاح القلب بالوقوفمعالآدابالشرعية ظاهرًا وباطنًا .التصوف مبني على الكتاب والسنة...التصوف اتباع شرع الله والاقتداء بالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلمفيالأخلاقوالأحوال...التصوف اتّصافٌ بالمحامد وتركٌ للأوصاف الذميمة...التصوف مسلك قائم على العلم والعمل، أعلاه علم التوحيدوأداءالواجباتقبل النوافل ثم عمل البر والخير والزهدوالتحليبالأخلاقالحسنة.هكذا أنبياء الله عليهم الصلاة والسلام وعلى هذا كان نبينامحمدعليهالصلاة والسلام، وهو الذي أدَّب المتقينَ وعَلَّمَ الزاهدين،فقدماتعليه الصلاة والسلام ولم يشبع من خبز الشعير مع أنه كانيُعطِيعطاءَمن لا يـخشى الفاقة.وهو الذي دخل عليه عمر بن الخطاب وهو راقد على حصير من جريدوقدأثَّرفي جنبه، ما احتمل عمرُ هذا المشهد وبكى، وكيف لا يبكي وهويرىمنيُفدى بالنَّفْسِ سيدَ العالمين وإمامَ المتقين وقد أثَّرَالحصيرُفيجنبه الطاهر... في جنبه الزكي... في جنبه المشرف... فيجنبهالكريم...فقال له عليه الصلاة والسلام: ما يبكيك قال: ذكرتُكِسرىومُلكَهُوهُرْمُزَ ومُلْكَهُ وصاحِبَ الحبشَةِ ومُلْكَهُ وأنترسولصلى اللهعليك وسلم على حصير من جريد فقال رسول الله صلى اللهعليهوسلم " أماترضى أنَّ لهم الدنيا ولنا الآخرة " اهـ.Know ye brothersoffaiththat the name of the mystic was not in the chest firstbutthemeaning was there, and mysticism brothers of faith isnotjustwearing a meal and a turban and frequent male andcracklingrosarywith leaving what Allah has enjoined the taxpayerlearnedfrom thescience of religion, but mysticism science and workHowmany peoplethink the same Sofia While he did not learn whatAllahhas enjoinedupon learning of the science of religion, and thisishow itbecomes ... how Leah is said to Sophie. Sufi is the onewhounbendon standardization and performance of the statutesandthereluctance in the world and humility humiliation to Godandshowedhis lack of God truthfully, Sufi Sadiq is was a factor lawofGoddoes not follow the same passion in the food anddrinkandclothing, but only to the extent that saves him the healthofhisbody from the food and drink, clothing with make an efforttoobeyGod to perform duties and a lot of redundancy.He also said Syed Sufi Imam Junaid al-Baghdadi, may Allahbepleasedwith him: "What we Balqal mysticism and gossip, but wehavetaken toensure hungry and leaving Almolovat Almsthassanat and"uh.I mean wecut ourselves from getting carried away inappetitebecause thepurity of mysticism treatment as Roy Haritha binMalik,he said:"Osohrt Lilly and Ozmot diurnal Vkona the throne ofGod,and if Iwere prominent people of Paradise will visit oneanotheras if thepeople of the Fire Ataawon" uh. The severity ofanycertainty.Says Almighty God in a tightly Downloads * those who say ourLordGodthen Astqamoa descend upon them, the angels do not beafraidand donot grieve and rejoice in Paradise that you werepromised *WeOliaakm in life and in the Hereafter, and you wherewhat youcraveyourselves and you where what you call * descendedfromForgiving,Most Merciful * (Fussilat Eayat 30 - 31 - 32)Those who Astqamoa on the testimony that there is no godbutAllah,and to perform the obligatory prayers those who areguardiansofGod no fear nor shall they grieve, described the saintsofGoduprightly It is unnecessary to perform the duties ofobediencetoAllah and to avoid taboos and supererogatory actsofworship.Brothers of faith, that honesty with asceticism in thisworldthroughthe state by Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman and Ali andfollowedthem rightfollowers including followed by Mustafa peace beuponhim, and tothis day is not without land who follow theProphetpeace be upon himright followers and the so-calledmysticalunderstanding of thepeople of hearts people hearts brothers of faith, a high-ranking repair the hearttostandwith the legitimacy of Arts outwardly and inwardly.Mysticism is based on the Quran and Sunnah ...Mysticism follow the law of God and follow the example oftheProphetpeace be upon him in ethics and conditions ...Mysticism Atsaf Bamahamd leaving thedescriptionsreprehensible...Mysticism is based on the conduct of science and work,abovetheologyand the performance of duties by the redundancy andthenworkrighteousness and goodness and asceticism andgoodmoralcharacter.Thus the prophets of God, peace be upon them, and thiswastheProphet Muhammad peace be upon him, which is thatscienceandliterature pious ascetics, has died peace and blessingsnot fullofrye bread with it gives the tender was not afraidofpoverty.He entered the Omar bin al-Khattab he was lying on the matoffrondshave an impact on his side, I can not stand the age ofthissceneand wept, and how not to cry and he sees from asacrificeofself-Master of the worlds and the Imam of the pioushasaffectedmats in his side Tahir ... in his side fine. .. inhissidesupervisor ... in his side Karim ... said to him, peacebeuponhim: What makes you cry, said: reported fractions andqueenandHormuz and the king and owner of Abyssinia and his propertyandyouthe Messenger of Allah bless you and him on the matoffrondsMessenger of Allah, peace be upon him " As satisfy themthattheworld and the Hereafter us "oh.
Kashf ul Mahjoob 2.6
Kashf ul Mahjoob by Hazrat Ali Hajveri, known as Daata GanjBakhshR.A
Hakayat e Roomi 1.0
iUrdu Apps
Is app main Molana jalalu deeen roomiapnizindagi ka tajurba or misale apni hakayat main beyaan krte hainjinmain short stories or aise waqiye likhe gaye hain tu tareekhkoroshn krti hai Molana roomi apni saltanat ka aik aisa badhshathajo logo ko un k haq haqooq or izat se nawazta tha or b buhtcmisale is app main majood hain .Zoom InZoom OutPage save
Tazkira Auliyah e Pak o Hind 10.0
Apex Soft
"Tazkira Auliyah e Pak o Hind" is an Urdu Islamic book aboutFriendsof Allah..!
Soufisme & mystique sufi 1.3
Gratuit et SANS PUB! Toutes les citationsetpoèmes de en une seule application.Tout l’enseignement mystique et la sagesse du soufisme àtraversdes centaines de citations et poèmes issus :Du Coran et des grands mystiques sufis:Abd el-Kader, Abu Bakr al Sabbak, Adda Bentounès, AhmadAl-Alawi,Al Nuri, Ali Ibn Abou Talib, Al-Junayd, Attâr, Bistami,CheikhAbdoulaye Dieye, Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba, Cheikh Ahmed TidianeSy,Cheikh Al Islam El hadji Ibrahima Niass, Cheikh Aly Ndaw,CheikhBamba Dieye, Chekh Ahmed Tidjane Sy, Ghazzali, Hallaj,Hujwiri, Ibn'Arabi, Ibn' Ata' Allah, Iman Ali, Kalabadhi, KhaledBentounès,Khalif Ali ibn Abou Talib, Rabia al-Adawiyya, Rumi,Seyyed HosseinNasr, Shaykh Al Arabî al-Darqawî, Sidi Hamza alQâdiri alBoutchichi, Umar Ibn Al-Farid, etc.Comparez la mystique musulmane avec les autres grandesreligionsdu monde sur plus de 100 thèmes essentiels de l'humanité:-- L'Absolu-- Les voies mystiques,-- Les pratiques spirituelles-- Le karma-- La mort-- etc.Et pour votre plus grand plaisir de lecture :- Ajouter en option d’autres religions- Changez la taille des caractères- Changer de fonte de caractère- Ajouter à vos Favoris- Envoyer des citations par Email- Ecouter les citations avec le lecteur audio- etc.Free PUB NOT! Allquotesand poems in a single application.All mystical teachings and wisdom of Sufism through hundredsofpoems and quotes from:Quran and great Sufi mysticsAbd el-Kader, Abu Bakr al Sabbak Adda Bentounès AhmadAl-Alawi,Al Nuri Ali Ibn Abu Talib, Al-Junayd, Attar, BistamiSheikhAbdoulaye Dieye, Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba, Cheikh Ahmed TidianeSy,Cheikh Al Islam El Hadji Ibrahima Nias Sheikh Aly Ndaw,CheikhBamba Dieye, Chekh Ahmed Tidjane Sy, Ghazzali, Hallaj,Hujwiri, Ibn'Arabi, Ibn' Ata 'Allah, Iman Ali, Kalabadhi KhaledBentounès,Khalif Ali ibn Abu Talib, Rabia al Adawiyya-Rumi, SeyyedHosseinNasr, Shaykh Al Arabi al-Darqawi, Sidi Hamza al QadirialBoutchichi, Umar Ibn Al-Farid, etc..Compare Islamic mysticism with other major world religionsover100 essential themes of humanity:- The Absolute- The mystical ways,- Spiritual practices- Karma- Death- Etc.And for your reading pleasure:- Add option other religions- Change the font size- Change of cast character- Add to your Favorites- Send Email quotes- Listen to the audio player quotes- Etc.
Hanafi Namaz 1.0
Is kitab Me HANFI NAMAZ Ka Mukammal TaurParHadiso Se Saboot Pesh Kiya Gaya Hai....Gair Muqallideen Ke Hanfiyon Par aiteraz Ka Dandan shikanJawabis Kitab Me Maujood Hai...Har Sunni Hanfi Ke Pas Iska Hona Zaroori Hai Taki Wo GairMuqallidKe Behkawe Me Na Aaye...MUNAZIRE ISLAM MUFTI SUFI KALEEM RAZVI sahab ki Aalima TehreerKiHui Kitab Hai Ye...Download Kare Aur Dusro Dosto Ko Link Share Karen.Jazak Allah Khairan KaseeraTalib e DuaMohammad Aarif WaghooQadri Razavi ZiaeeTagssunniAhleSunnatahlesunnat wal jamaatbarelviimam ahmed razahanfiaqaedQuranHadithRozaHajZakatWahabideobandiwahabismNajdiNaatkitaabulemaAlahazratrazaviraza
Mathnavi Manavi 0.90
The complete set of all six volumes ofTheMasnavi Manavi by Persian Sufi master and poet MaulanaJalaluddinMuhammad Rumi also known as Mevlana, Molavi and MohammadBalkhitranslated by E.H. Whinfield.The Masnavi (or Mathnavi) is Rumi's masterpiece and it shallliveforever in the heart of those who read it. It is a lifechangingbook.The application is simple to use with adjustable font name andsize.The landscape view makes it easier to read.No internet connection is required.
Sunehri Batain 1.7
Sunehri Batain is an application that contain beautifulIslamicquotes in urdu.
Quranic Quotes 1.2
Adeel Qureshi
Quranic Quotes comprises of translations ofarelatively small collection of Quranic verses.The ayaat (or Quranic verses) included in this app touchonvarious topics discussed throughout the Quran - providinganinsight into what Islam stands for, and the way of life itsuggestsfor the mankind.Browse through all the ayaat in the app or add theapplicationwidget to your home screen!This app is currently a work in progress and shallbeupdated.The translations of most of the verses are adopted from theworksof Yusuf Ali and Mufti Taqi Usmani.
Islamic Quotes 2.0.1
This App contains collection of Islamic quotes fromdifferentsources.