Top 16 Apps Similar to Cobra Joyride

Cobra iRadar® 5.1.76
iRadar Takes Detection to the Cloud! What’s New The iRadarapphasbeen redesigned from the ground up to offer themostcomprehensiveprotection from speed and camera enforcementthreats.New Features• A reimagined user interface optimized toreducedriverdistraction while providing highly relevant drivingalertsandinformation • Enhanced Map View with direction upmode,embeddedtraffic, night mode, and auto-zoom based on vehiclespeedfor animproved driving experience • Pop-Up Alerts mirrorthedetectordisplay to clearly warn of upcoming threatswhilesimultaneouslyproviding contextual information in the Map View•The newCloudSource™ Platform intelligently aggregatesanddisplaysinformation from multiple sources, ensuring driveralertsarealways relevant, timely and accurate • Car Finder makes iteasytofind your vehicle, even in the most confusing parking lotsThenewapp is backward compatible with all Cobra iRadarDevices.Simplylog in using your existing account to revolutionizeyourdrivingexperience! iRadar is the world’s first andlargestcommunity-basedradar/laser/camera detection system. iRadarallowsyou to share andreceive alerts in real time from otheriRadarusers! With access tolive radar/laser detection, userreports,automatic alertreporting, and Cobra’s Defender speed andred lightcameradatabase, iRadar users are the smartest and mostawaredrivers onthe road. Download Cobra iRadar to see howsocialnetworkingrevolutionizes detection. iRadar Features:•Community-based alertsto upcoming ‘Police Spotted’ speedtraps,accidents, work zones,road hazards, detours, and traffic jams•Verified alerts fromDefender®, the world’s largest database ofredlight, speed, andmobile cameras • Integrates with compatibleCobraproducts tocontrol settings and present alert information •Greatdrivingfeatures including Live Traffic, Car Finder,GetDirections,Day/Night Mode, and customizable vehicle iconsPremiumFeatures(requires in-app purchase) • Radar Relay –patentedtechnology thatconnects radar detectors so that radar/laseralertinformation isautomatically shared among users in real time•Posted Speed Limitsdisplayed both in the app and on yourconnecteddetector • Twoconvenient levels of subscription service –$4.99 permonth or$49.99 per year • 1 year Premium subscriptionincluded freewithpurchase of a compatible Cobra product*Note:Certainfunctionalities of this app are only available whenlinkedto aCobra iRadar Device. To purchase a Cobra iRadar or enter the store page on theapp.**Continueduse of GPS running in the background candramaticallydecreasebattery life. Did you know, • Radar detectorsare legal in49states (only Virginia prohibits their use) • Morethan 42milliondrivers receive a speeding ticket in the UnitedStates eachyear –about one in every five drivers • The averagespeeding ticketcosts$150 and increases insurance premiums by $900over a 3-yearperiod• The Cobra iRadar and ESCORT Live communitieshavecombined,effectively doubling the number of userscontributingradar/laserdata and user reports. There is strength innumbers!
Radar Beep - Radar Detector 3.0.0
Radar Beep
The best and most complete App Marketplace radar !!
Traffi Hunter 1.7.3
ooono A/S
If you have any questions, comments, ideas, write to us!
Radar Trap 4.2
Avoid pay speed tickets!
Flightradar24 - Flight Tracker 6.7.1
Turn your phone or tablet intoanairtrafficradar and see planes around the world move inreal-timeonadetailed map. Or point your Android device at a planein theskytofind out where it’s going and more. Discover todaywhymillionsarealready using Flightradar24 - Flight Tracker.Features that have helped make Flightradar24 -FlightTrackerthe#1 selling app in 100+ countries and the #1 Travelappin140+countries (United States, France, United Kingdom,Germanyandmore)include:* Watch planes move in real-time on detailed map* Identify planes flying overhead by simply pointingyourdeviceatthe sky (the augmented reality viewrequiresrearcamera,accelerometer & magnetic sensor)* Experience what the pilot of a an aircraft sees inreal-timeandin3D* Tap on a plane for comprehensive flightandaircraftinformationsuch as route, estimated time of arrival,actualtime ofdeparture,aircraft type, speed, altitude,andhigh-resolutionpicture* Easy to search for individual flights usingflightnumber,airport,or airline* Easy to filter by airline, aircraft, altitude,speed,andmore* Easy to set bookmarks to enable quick navigationtoareasofinterest* Turn the device into the arrivals and departures boardofanymajorairport and get real-time status updates forflightspluscurrentairport weather conditions (in-apppurchase)* Realistic aircraft symbols (in-app purchase)* Set up custom alerts based on airline, aircrafttype,flightnumberor registration (in-app purchase)HOW IT WORKSMost aircraft are equipped with so calledADS-Btranspondersthattransmit positional data. Flightradar24 hasarapidlygrowingnetwork of several thousand ground stationsaroundthe worldtoreceive this data that then shows up as aircraftmovingon a mapinthe app. In an expanding number of regionsFlightradar24,withthehelp of multilateration, is able to calculatethepositionsofaircraft that don’t have ADS-B transponders.Traditional radar data is also used in the app thankstoadirectfeed from the US Federal Aviation Administration(FAA).***IMPORTANT NOTICES***Minimum required screen resolution is 320x480px.If you are only interested in tracking air trafficinaspecificregion, we suggest that youcheckFlightradar24.comBEFOREpurchasing the app. Flightradar24providesunrivaledpositionalaircraft data coverage around the worldbutthere areareas wherewe don’t have coverage.Overview of coverage as of January 2016:* Europe: close to 100%* North America: 100% of US and Canada viaslightlydelayedradardata. Real-time coverage for most of US, CanadaandMexicoforADS-B equipped aircraft* South America: Substantial coverage inmostcountriesincludingArgentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile,Colombia,EcuadorandVenezuela.* Asia: Substantial coverage in most majorAsiancountriesincludingJapan, India, Indonesia, South Korea,Thailand,UAE,Malaysia,Taiwan and many other countries.Rapidlyexpandingcoverage inChina* Oceania: Nearly complete coverage in AustraliaandNewZealand* Africa: Substantial coverage in Africa withcoverageexpandingallthe time.Find out how you can help: is subject to change at any time.HELP & use of this app is strictly limitedtoentertainmentpurposes.This specifically excludes activitiesthatmight endangeryourselfor the lives of others. Undernocircumstances will thedeveloperof this app be held responsibleforincidents resultingfrom theuse of the data or its interpretationorits use contraryto thisagreement. We reserve the righttoanonymously track andreport auser's activity inside of app.
Radardroid Pro 3.75
Ventero Tel.
GPS speed camera warning app for Android devices.
Where is Police / Kur Policija
ATTENTION: The goal of this project istodiscipline drivers. We urge everyone to obey the law. PleaseinformPolice about any kind of violation.This is the very first version of our app. We were trying hardtomake it as simple and as comfortable as possible. Although weallmake mistakes, so if the app crashes, doesn't work properly oryouhave any kind of suggestions, please don't hesitate to contactusand we will try to solve all the problems.Online map: purpose of our app is to share realtime informationaboutobjects on road - heavy traffic, speed cameras, Policeraids,Police cars etc.In short, users of application are able to see a map ofvariousobjects which are submitted by theirselves. Data is storedin theonline database and refreshed every minute. An object isvalid fortwo hours. User can submit the object indicating itslocation(choosing user's current location or other location on themap),type and comment (unnecessary).Application uses Google Maps which are very comfortable and easytonavigate.
Radardroid Lite International 3.75
Ventero Tel.
GPS speed camera warning application for Android devices.
GPS АнтиРадар PRO 30.0
Warn you about the stationary cameras and traffic police radaronyour way.
Yanosik navi antyradar kamera
Neptis SA
Informuj i bądź informowany oaktualnejsytuacji na drodze. Korzystając z aplikacji dowiesz się ozbliżaniusię do kontroli prędkości, utrudnień czy fotoradarów.Yanosik tonajskuteczniejszy system ostrzegania dla kierowców, któryłączy wsobie funkcje legalnego antyradaru, nawigacji onlineiwideorejestratora.Yanosik gromadzi wokół siebie największą społeczność kierowcówwPolsce. Miesięcznie korzysta z niego ponad 1,5 mlnużytkowników,którzy każdego miesiąca pokonują ponad 350 mln km, aco 3 sekundy wsystemie pojawia się nowe zgłoszenie!Yanosik to wszechstronny asystent kierowcy, oferuje ostrzeganie (o fotoradarach, kontrolach prędkości,patrolachnieoznakowanych, kontrolach ITD, odcinkowym pomiarze,zagrożeniachna drodze),- nawigację omijającą korki (technologia Smart Traffic),- wideorejestrator,- komputer pokładowy (po połączeniu z Yanosik,- ubezpieczenia YU! - pierwsza, powszechna oferta bazującananajnowocześniejszym rozwiązaniu, które uzależnia cenęubezpieczeniaod stylu jazdy (,- wspólne przejazdy (,- asystenta parkingowego (informacja o strefie,płatnośćmobilna),- opinie o restauracjach oraz stacje paliw wraz z cenami.******* English *******Yanosik informs you about various traffic events on roads.Informand be informed about speed cameras, accidents andotherthreats.Inform and beinformedabout the current situation on the road. Using theapplication youwill learn about approaching a speed control,hindrance or speedcameras. Yanosik is the most effective warningsystem for drivers,which combines the functions of legal radardetector, navigation,online and paperless recorder.Yanosik gathers around him the largest community of driversinPoland. Monthly use it more than 1.5 million users each monthtoovercome more than 350 million km, and every 3 seconds inthesystem, a new application!Yanosik is a versatile assistant driver offers .:- warning (speed camera, controls the speed patrolunmarked,controls ITD segmental measurement, hazards on theroad).- navigation, avoiding traffic jams (Smart TechnologyTraffic)- the DVR,- on-board computer (in combination with Yanosik insurance YU! - first, general offer based on the mostmodernsolution, which makes the price of insurance against drivingstyle( shared rides ( Parking assistant (zone information, mobile payment)- Reviews of restaurants and gas stations with prices.******* ******* AngielskiYanosik INFORMS you about traffic events on various roads.Informand be informed about speed cameras, accidents andotherthreats.
Speed camera detector 1.4
Apps Domain
Detects speeds cams while driving.Warnsyouwhen you are approaching a speed cam.Warns for speed cams, red light cams and mobile flashteamslikepolice radars and laser guns.New feature: detects mobile police radars on all majorroads.Note: the database of this app holds speedcams of BelgiumandtheNetherlands only!
Авторадар 1.1.0
R-Style Lab
••• ИСПРАВЛЕНО •••• Устранены проблемы при получении информации• Обновлен список радаров• Возобновлена работа основного функционала.••• ВАЖНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ •••• В данный момент осуществляется процесс передачи приложениядругомуразработчику. Надеемся, что скоро все неполадкибудутустранены.• До момента переработки ПО включен режим бесплатногопремиумдоступа.• В скором времени программа дополнится новыми функциями.Следите за новостями:• В Twitter• В Facebook••• Нужны дополнительные возможности? Не стесняйтесь - пишитенаадрес поддержки пользователей - мы рассмотримкаждоепредложение.Вы отдолжили свой автомобиль родственникам/друзьям/знакомым?Нехотите платить за их быструю езду? Отныне, у Вас естьвозможностьбыстрой проверки непогашенных штрафов за нарушениескоростногорежима. Всегда будьте в курсе фактов фиксациитранспортных средств,зарегистрированных на Ваше имя. Не дожидайтесьписем счастья,проверьте наличие неоплаченых штрафов ужесегодня!••• Возможности •••• Проверка непогашенных штрафов Ваших транспортных средств воднонажатие• Удобный интерфейс для управления спискомтранспортныхсредств• Информация об оплате штрафов• Возможность быстрой связи со справочно-информационнойслужбойЦентра фиксации правонарушений• Оплата штрафов из приложения• Информирование о приближении к радарам••• Преимущества •••• Гарантия анонимности! Никакие личные данные несохраняютсяприложением без Вашего ведома!• Все личные данные, загруженные на сервер, можно в любоймоментбезвозвратно удалить, следуя инструкциям в приложении.• Экономное расходование энергии приложением.• Поддержка пользователей.••• Ответственность •••• Помните, наличие данного приложения не освободждает васотответственности за нарушение правил дорожного движенияРеспубликиБеларусь!• Соблюдайте Правила Дорожного Движения Республики Белалусь!• Будьте вежливы друг к другу на дорогах!••• CORRECTED •••• Fixed problems in obtaining information• Updated list of radars• reactivated basic functionality.••• IMPORTANT INFORMATION •••• At the moment, the process of transfer of the applicationtoanother developer. We hope that soon all problems willbeeliminated.• Prior to processing software enabled the freepremiumaccess.• Soon the program will add new functions.Follow the news:• In Twitter• The Facebook••• Need more options? Do not hesitate - please emailcustomersupport - we will consider every suggestion.You otdolzhil your car to relatives / friends / acquaintances?Ido not want to pay for their fast driving? From now on, youhavethe possibility of quick review of outstanding fines forspeeding.Always be aware of the facts of fixing vehicles registeredin yourname. Do not wait for chain letters, check for unpaidfinestoday!••• Capabilities •••• Check your outstanding fines vehicles in one click• User-friendly interface to manage the list of vehicles• Information about the payment of fines• The possibility of rapid communication with theinformationservice of the Centre fixing offenses• Payment of fines from the application• Information on the approach to the radar••• Benefits •••• The guarantee of anonymity! No personal data is storedtheapplication without your knowledge!• All personal data uploaded to the server at any timetopermanently delete, follow the instructions intheapplication.• economical consumption of energy application.• User support.••• Responsibility •••• Remember, the availability of this application isnotosvobodzhdaet you from liability for infringement of trafficrulesof the Republic of Belarus!• Observe traffic rules of the Republic of Belalov!• Be polite to each other on the road!
Beat the Traffic 3.5.8
Dedicated to the daily driver, Beat the Traffic takes the guessworkout of your daily commute by providing real-time trafficspecific toyour route. Check Beat the Traffic before you leave andknow whichroute to take, traffic flow, estimated travel times andif there areany incidents.Named amongst the top 5 traffic apps to change your commute,Beatthe Traffic is available for US and Canada. The sleekcrowd-sourcedtraffic app makes your drive easier.You focus on driving, and we’ll watch the road ahead! Set-up arouteand opt in for real-time traffic push notifications or emailalertssent directly to your device, giving you the flexibility youneed tochange your commute plans ahead of time!See an incident? Report it to fellow drivers with the “shaketoreport” feature.Beat the Traffic provides the fastest route from start toendconsidering all traffic issues and road conditions along theway.Look for a ‘Smart Route’ when there are issues impactingyourcommute which cause heavy delays.Access your routes anytime, anywhere! Registered members canaccesstheir personalized routes and saved data on any device.Key features:- Full map view with real-time traffic flow, camerasandincidents- Create a trip, for an at-a-glance personalized traffic reportonone screen- Opt in for real-time traffic push notifications oremailalerts- Share incidents with other commuters.Beat the Traffic is continually working to give you the bestdailytraffic app.Send your feedback anytime to: [email protected],we’dlove to hear from you!Like us on Facebook and follow us @BeatTheTrafficonTwitter.”
Airline Flight Status Track & Airport FlightBoard 3.0.5
FlightHero is a flight-tracking app that provides a realtimeflightstatus information and helps you to know flight status,letsyou totrack a flight. Aware of the fact that is also shows arealtimeflightboard with arrivals and departures, airporttrafficdelays anda current airport weather in addition to a 10daydetailed weatherforecast and synchronizes with your TripItbyConcur account Thesefeatures make FlightHero to be one of thebesttravel apps: FLIGHTSTATUS • Actual position of the aircraftwiththe actual speed formost flights. Use it as your personalvirtualflight radar to knowthe aircraft speed, latitude, longitudeandthe altitude NEARBYFLIGHTS • Nearby flights within 140 miles(200km) including a tailnumber FLIGHT BOARD WITH ARRIVALSANDDEPARTURES IN REAL TIME •Auto-refresh with the ability tocacheflights during offline mode •Advanced sorting order •Advancedfilters: airlines, flight status,arrival and departureinformationand time range for the mosteffective sky scanning • 3days (72hours) time interval forarrivals and departures AIRLINES.THELARGEST COVERAGE • 1500airlines: commercial, cargo,chartersAIRPORTS. THE LARGEST COVERAGETOO • 16500 airports aroundtheworld • Nearby airports within 140miles (200 km) SYNC •Syncflights with Calendar app • Sync flightswith TripIt by ConcurPUSHNOTIFICATIONS • Alerts on flight statuschanges CURRENT WEATHERATTHE AIRPORT AND AIRPORT TRAFFIC DELAYS •Delay on a 5-pointscalewith the 0.2 step • Actual temperature •Wind speed anddirection •15 day detailed weather forecast helpsyou stay dry whenyou grabyour kayak for fishing on vacationTERMINAL PLANS •Available formajor airports. Download all at oncefrom the“Additional content”tab SEAT MAPS • Available for majorairlines.Download all at oncefrom the “Additional content” tab•Specifications for 400+aircraft types MAPS USING GOOGLE MAPS •Liveflight maps in 3different modes: Standard, Satellite, Hybrid•Actual flight pathsshown when available • Your actualcurrentposition • Road pathfrom your current position to theairportFLIGHT SEARCH • By flightnumber and departure date • Byroute anddeparture date • Saves 10recent flights and airportsREVIEWS: -Rate your recent flight,airline or airport - Write arewiev flight,airline or airport -Read a review before purchasing aticket andknow what to expectFAVORITES • Add flights and airportsby swipingfrom the right tothe left TEXT • Send messages 1:1 or ingroup chatvia built inmessenger PICTURES • Store boarding passesincludingpasses with QRcodes BOOKING • Hotels booking • Carsbooking • Private driversbooking via UberCURRENCYCONVERTER WITH CALCULATOR • Exchange ratefor the mostcurrenciesin the world SHARE INFORMATION ON FLIGHTSTATUS • SMS •Email •Twitter • Facebook • Instagram MULTILINGUAL •29LanguagesUNIVERSAL APP • Single version for Android PhonesandTabletsBACKUP • Store your infomation in the cloud throughonedriveContacts: • Facebook: Used forsynchronizing your fligths with a calendar-Photos/Media/Files: Usedfor viewing your stored boarding passesinthe app and for moving anapp to an SD card - Device andcallinformation: Used for ability tosend a text message withflightstatus To help us improve our servicewe may collect thefollowingdata on an anonymous basis: OperatingSystem, Date &time,Latitude, Longitude, Accuracy (GPS),SSID/BSSID,(network),Internal MAC address (network),DeviceModel/Manufacturer, CarrierCode/Name, Sim Code, Country,andLocale. Our TOS:
Polnav mobile Navigation 3.8.8
Your Idea Choice for GPS Navigation App. Download it NOW!
Radarwarner. Blitzer DE 7.7.0
Take care of your driver's license! GPS Radar Detector Pro100%legal