Top 4 Apps Similar to Cnews 2.1 全圖式全球新聞

最棒app - 為你推薦最好、最棒、最有趣的行動生活資訊 1.4.12
最棒App——帶著你的想像力一起升空!你有沒有想過手中的手機能做到的不只是現在這些事情呢?最棒app 就像是一個熱氣球一樣,把你從浩瀚的App海中拯救出來,發掘行動時代的真正價值;讓熱氣球升空的不是熱空氣,是最棒app團隊的行動力。最棒app每日為你提供最新、最有趣、最白爛、最實用的行動科技資訊,實為居家旅行、殺人滅口、必備良App。我們有最棒的評測夥伴,觀察生活的枝微末節,找出生活中不可或缺或者意想不到的小工具、大遊戲。加入最棒app,和我們一起探索行動世界,重新發現智慧城市的美麗微景。【產品特點】特點一:快速推薦,讓你再也不錯過任何行動科技新訊!特點二:輕鬆下載,看到喜歡的 App 馬上就下載,絕對順暢!特點三:主題推薦,一次性打包下載所有相關 App,滿足你所有需求!【本周熱門文章 Top5 】Top1:收到充滿錯字的訊息,可能不是對方中文不好,而是中風的前兆Top2:中國高考最新防作弊利器「無人機」--飛向考場,震懾槍手Top3:替代布卡漫畫的三種新選擇,讓你躺著坐著倒著都可看~Top4:【walkr 衛星搭配攻略】特殊星球搭配秘笈,找尋最合適衛星一起擦出精彩火花Top5:【Between】情侶專用app有必要嗎?看完這篇,多想兩分鐘...【獲得榮譽】由國內最大 App 專業評測社群 推出!擁有國內第二大 App 推薦粉絲團!知名部落客們聯名推薦!【聯繫我們】官方網站:http://punapp.com投訴建議:[email protected]【特別感謝】開發團隊:頑皮工坊媒體夥伴:電腦玩物、就是教不落、電腦王阿達的 3C 胡言亂語、硬是要學、數位時代、癮科技(陸續增加中)
癮科技 1.03
Jay Links
癮科技(COOL3C.COM)為台灣知名科技媒體網站,根據全球最權威網路數據監測公司comScore測量,癮科技每月有226萬名不重複使用者(UV),為科技新聞媒體網站流量台灣第三,僅次於Mobile01和Yahoo!3C頻道。癮科技除了每天提供數十篇國內外最新3C產品、APP新聞和產業新聞,也與網友分享許多科技⽣生活新知,另外更透過許多深度分析、實測觀點的專欄,讓科技更貼近網友們的生活。不僅如此,癮科技現在還致力於回答生活中和科技相關「為什麼」的問題,例如到底什麼是Prism法案,對全世界的影響是什麼科技產業新聞專欄?還有日常中覺得有點疑惑,卻也沒去思考的網路產業問題,例如Youtube影片為什麼觀看次數都會留在301次等新聞,解開了就會有一種爬上山頂喝上兩口涼水的唱快感呢!Engadget(COOL3C.COM)Taiwan leading technology media sites,according to theworld'smost authoritative network data monitoringcompanycomScoremeasurement, Engadget has 2.26 million unique userspermonth (UV),the flow of Taiwan's first science and technologynewsmedia sitesThird, after Mobile01 and Yahoo! 3C channel.Engadget addition to dozens of domestic and foreignlatestdaily3C products, APP news and industry news, also sharemanytechnologyDRAMATIC life new knowledge with friends, in additiontomany morethrough the in-depth analysis, the measured point ofviewcolumn,so that science and technology closer to users' lives.Moreover, Engadget now also committed to answeringlifeandtechnology-related "why" questions, such as what is intheendPrism bill, what is the impact on the world ofscienceandtechnology industry news column? The daily also feelabitconfused, but did not think about the Internetindustryissues,such as why the Youtube video views will stay inthe301second-class news, solved there will be a climb to thetopdrinktwo cold thrill of singing too!
CNews - to see the world! 1.0
Networking App recorded daily newssearchworldwide 11 countries (Taiwan, China, the United States,Japan,Britain, France, Germany, Italy, India, Brazil and Russia),in ninelanguages (Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified,English,French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Russian)overfive hundred mainstream electronic media (Taiwan whentheelectronic newspaper, Apple Daily Taiwan, mainland ChinaDaily,Phoenix, United fruit New York Times and Washington Post,BritishSky News , BBC, Japan's Asahi Shimbun, Japan's SankeiShimbunRussian RIA Novosti, the Times of India, Indian Express,Brazilglobe, Brazil online) about three thousand real-time news, soyoucan easily recognize the more than 3.5 billion peoplelatestpulsation.Complete classificationThe new App in the collection, while networkingthroughintelligent computing, the news classify every nationalnews, thereare main categories and sub-categories. Main categoryFocus news,city news and live news of the three types.The new App in the collection, while networkingthroughintelligent computing, the news classify every nationalnews, thereare main categories and sub-categories. Main categoryFocus news,city news and live news of the three types.Focus news division under: domestic news, financialnews,entertainment news, sports news, etc. about ten timesthecategory.City News next point: In the United States there is the NewYorkPress, Los Angeles news in a total of twentysub-categories;Under the sub-Life News: music, travel, internet, fashion,male,female, food, more than twenty subcategories.Through a complete classification, you will be able to morequicklyfind the news you care about or for your most helpful news,realizea dream means to grasp the ideal world.
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