Top 9 Apps Similar to Informações do Bolsa Familia

Bolsa Família Consulta 1.0.4
Outfall Inc
O aplicativo Bolsa Família Fácilfoidesenvolvido para facilitar a vida dos beneficiáriosVocê pode utilizar a Calculadora de Benefícios everificarse tem direito a receber o benefício e quanto deve serpago, baseadoem seu perfil. Além disso, você também pode acessar aSituação eExtrato e ver os detalhes de um ou mais usuáriose verificar oStatus de Pagamento e Lançamentos. Vocêseránotificado do dia que deve sacar o benefício dosusuárioscadastrados no aplicativo.Não perca também o fácil acesso ao CalendáriodePagamentos, bastando informar o último dígito do NISparaconsultar as datas de pagamento no decorrer do ano base.Além dessas funcionalidades, o app ainda conta com:Notificação AutomáticaCadastre seu NIS e não perca o dia que deve sacar o benefício,vocêreceberá uma notificação avisando.CompartilharCompartilhe de forma simplificada detalhes como, cálculodosbenefícios, a situação ou calendário dos pagamentos. Vocêpodeescolher entre compartilhar como texto ou imagem.Dúvidas FrequentesConsulte nossa lista de respostas às dúvidas mais frequentes sobreoBenefício do Bolsa FamíliaThe Bolsa FamíliaEasyapplication was designed to make life easier forbeneficiariesYou can use the Benefits Calculator and check if youareeligible to receive the benefit and how much should be paid,basedon their profile. Additionally, you can also access the StatusandExtract and view the details of one or more users and checktheStatus Payment and Release . You will be notified of the daythatshall serve the benefit of registered users intheapplication.Do not miss the easy access to Payment Calendar , simplybyentering the last digit of NIS to see the payment dates duringthebase year.In addition to these features, the app also features:Automatic NotificationRegister your NIS and do not miss the day should withdrawthebenefit, you will receive a notification telling you.ShareShare details simplified way, the calculation of benefits,thesituation or timing of payments. You can choose to share as textorimage.FAQSee our list of answers to frequently asked questions abouttheBolsa Família benefit
Bolsa Família 3.8
Este aplicativo foi criado especialmenteparavocê tirar suas dúvidas sobre o bolsa família, um programacriadopelo governo para ajudar pessoas que estão em extrema pobrezae temfilhos pequenos para cuidar.Logo na tela inicial você encontra as seguintes opções:- O que é o bolsa família- Como funciona- Quem pode participar- Como se cadastrar- Como as famílias entram no programa- Como as famílias saem do programa- Cadastro em dia- Benefícios- Cálculo do valor- Como é feito o pagamento- Calendário de pagamentos- Acesso à educação e a saúdeThis applicationisspecially created for you to take your questions aboutfamilyallowance, a program created by the government to help peoplewhoare in extreme poverty and have small children to carefor.Logo on the home screen you have the following options:- What is the family allowance- How it works- Who can participate- How to register- As families enter the program- As families leave the program- Join days- Benefits- Value Calculation- How is the payment done- Payment Schedule- Access to education and health
Bolsa Família - Informação 0.0.7
Touch Apps IT
Confira a data de pagamento do seu benefíciodobolsa família de forma rápida, basta informar o último dígito doseuNIS e pronto.Atualização pagamentos do ano de 2017.Calendário dos pagamentos do ano de 2017 adicionado.O Aplicativo contém as datas referente ao ano de 2016atualizadasdo pagamento do seu benefício. Para consulta-las ousuário sóprecisa ter em mãos o seu cartão do bolsa família epronto. Com eleem mãos basta verificar o último dígito do cartão eacessar o menude calendário para consultar o dia do pagamento dose benefício deacordo com o mês que você deseja verificar.Uma funcionalidade completamente nova foi adicionadanoaplicativo, agora você é capaz de consultar se a sua famíliapoderáparticipar do programa bolsa família.Todas as funcionalidades do aplicativo são totalmenteoffline,com isso o usuário não precisa estar conectado a internetparaconsulta-las.Se informe:- O que é o bolsa família.- Como receber.- Quais os tipos de benefício.Tudo isso de forma prática e rápida.Gostaríamos de informar que o aplicativo não realiza ocadastrode pessoas no programa do bolsa família. O objetivoprincipal doaplicativo é auxiliar as pessoas que possuem obenefícioconsultando os dias de pagamento referente a cadamês.Para as pessoas que não possuem o bolsa família existe a opçãode"Como receber", na qual informa em detalhes se a sua famíliapoderáou não receber o benefício. Para isso, basta informar a rendatotalde sua família e o número de integrantes. Através desses dadosoaplicativo irá realizar um cálculo para consultar se a suafamíliase encaixa nos requisitos do programa.Palavras chave: bolsa família, caixa, benefício,governo,programa bolsa família, calendário bolsa família, bolsafamília2016, bolsa família 2017, sociedade, brasil, renda,rendaeconômica, governo.Check the date ofpaymentof your benefit family quickly bag, simply enter the lastdigit ofyour NIS and ready.Update 2017 year of payments.Schedule of payments of the year 2017 added.The Application contains the dates for the year 2016 dateofpayment of your benefit. To query them you just need to haveonhand your family allowance card and ready. With it in handjustcheck the last digit of the card and access the Calendar menutosee the day of payment of the benefit is according to the monthyouwant to check.A completely new feature has been added in the app, now youareable to see if your family can participate in the bolsafamiliaprogram.All application features are fully offline, thus the userdoesnot need to be connected to the Internet to query them.Disclose:- What is the family purse.- Receiving.- What types of benefit.All this practice and quickly.We would like to inform you that the application does notperformthe registration of people in the family exchange program.The mainapplication purpose is to help people who have thebenefitconsulting the paydays for each month.For people who do not have family allowance have the optionto"Receiving", which tells in detail if your family may or maynotreceive the benefit. Simply inform the total income of hisfamilyand the number of members. Through these data the applicationwillperform a calculation to see if your family fits in theprogramrequirements.Keywords: family allowance, cash, money, government,familyallowance program, calendar purse family, 2016 family purse,bagfamily in 2017, society, Brazil, income, economicincome,government.
Calendário Bolsa Família 2017 1.0.2
App Atualizado com o Calendário de 2017Quer saber se o pagamento já foi Liberado?quer saber se quando será emitido o próximo pagamento?Quer saber se você tem direito?Quer saber aonde você pode ir sacar?Quer saber porque seu beneficio consta como suspenso?saiba isso e muito maiscom este app você fica sabendo isso e muito mais e aindapodesugerir funções para adicionar funcionalidadesApp Updated with2017CalendarWant to know if the payment has been Released?You want to know when the next payment will be issued?You want to know if you are entitled?You want to know where you can get cash out?You wonder why your benefit listed as suspended?know this and much morewith this app you learn this and much more and can evensuggestfeatures to add functionality
iD Jovem 1.1.0
De um jeito simples e rápido, você baixaoaplicativo e, na hora que você precisar, gera a sua IDJovem.O aplicativo permite a identificação e a geração do cartãoparaJovens enquadrados no programa que possibilita o descontoemeventos esportivos, eventos culturais nos meios detransportesinterestaduais.Em poucos toques, saiba tudo sobre os benefícios e formadeutilização da sua ID Jovem.A simple and fast way,youdownload the application, and the time you need, generates itsYouthID. The application allows the identification and generation ofcardYouth framed the program that provides the discount onsportingevents, cultural events in interstate transportation. In a few touches, learn all about the benefits and how to useyourID Young.
Calendário Bolsa Família/PIS 0.0.1
Daniel Farias
Agora ficou mais fácil deconsultarosprincipais benefícios do governo em um só lugar. Comapenasalgumasinformações, você poderá consultar as datas depagamento doseuBolsa Família, do seu PIS ou PASEP.Now it's easy toseethemain benefits of the government in one place. Withjustsomeinformation, you can check the payment dates of itsBolsaFamília,its PIS or PASEP. 1.0.17
Orkuti is a social network made by fans, soyoucan share moments and happiness with your friends.The application is designed to bring you an innovative andnostalgicexperience.An environment where the user can participate in communitieswithdifferent subjects.You participate in communities according to your Matches.Matches are categories that make the application target onlythecommunities you like.At Orkuti you can:• PARTICIPATING IN COMMUNITIES: These are groups with forumsanddiscussion topics and various threads using tools like HTMLtoenhance the experience.• TALK: Chat online with your friends on the go.It is very simple to use, you just have to register and inviteyourfriends to start creating great communities.The new Orkuti application has been recreated and starts withnewfeatures and a lot of security.Most importantly, we do not collect your personalinformation.THAT'S NOT our purpose. Our goal is simply to provide you withthebest possible social interaction experience and we hope usersenjoyit.We are always willing to hear your opinion! If you have aquestion,suggestion or opinion, please send us by e-mailto:[email protected] and leave your suggestion.Feel free!
Mobile Walkie Talkie 1.1
Mobile Walkie Talkie is anapplicationthatallows any number of consumers to talk to eachotherdirectly,works with devices connected to the same net section.Turnyourmobile or tablet into a Mobile walkie talkie with thisfastfreePTT (Push To Talk) wireless app. Talk to your friendsprivatelyorjoin public channels to engage in a hotdiscussion.There is no signup required and no individual info isevercollected.Two Way's simple consumer interface is easy touse.Start talking toyour groups, co-workers, or privatemembers.Two Way acts like a modern walkie talkie. You can selectthechannelnumber or place using a plan and talk to anyone in thesamestation.It cares running in the background with leastbatteryusage.The main features of Mobile Walkie Talkie- Audio Streaming on all Mobiles.- Multi Audio Cast on Mobile that are on including IPaddressyouhave selected.- Unicast address that will get audio only for one device.- Free to usage.Download this Free Mobile walkie talkie
Uber Checkin 4sq auto checkin 50
The ultimate auto checkin app for Foursquare!Never again forget to checkin to your favoritevenues.UberCheckin allows you to save your preferred Foursquareplaces sothatthe next time you drop by you will be checkedinautomatically!★★★★★ Rui Isidro Falacho on Sep 28, 2013 at 4:39 PMTHE BEST APP Without a doubt, THE BEST auto check inappavailable...I would even say that this is the best app I haveeverused due toits INCREDIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE... Allow me toexplainwhy: I use anXperia Z and when i was not using the phone,it keepttrying to checkin but the same error always came up (Noresponsefrom foursquareservers. Error code=2)... I sent an emailand lessthan 2 minuteslater I received an answer asking me to dosomesteps on the appdeveloper part and my problem wastotallysolved..★★★★★ Raleigh Wheaton on Jun 15, 2013 at 10:27 PMA must buy for 4square Easily the best auto check in app for4squareusers. Worth the $2.00 for the full version. Easy to setupand veryaccurate.★★★★★ Artemio Silva on May 2, 2013 at 9:03 PMAwesome App! I upgraded! At first the ads were annoying so Ipaidforthe upgrade. There are no complaints here! Very easy to addallmyautomatic check ins and it is very accurate. Better resultswhenbothWiFi & GPS are on. With a task killer, had to put appon asafelist. No bugs and works great. Been using it formonthsnow.★★★★★ Andrea Grossi on Apr 26, 2013 at 10:57 AMTHIS IS THE ULTIMATE APP! I've tried 3 other similar appsbeforethisone. Über is lagless, use very few battery, has a lotofoptions.Cool! I'm a SUPA-HYPA major now! It worth all the moneyitcosts! Bigtime fun!A Google User on Mar 4, 2013 at 7:03 AMWorks well It does what it says and quite well. Withthein-appupgrade your can remove the advertisement added toeachcheck-inand enable unlimited auto check-ins - a fair bargain.Emailsupportis quick and friendly.★★★★★ Renan Pozzatti on Jan 15, 2013 at 4:29 PMExcellent Excellent ... very easy to check in atplacesfrequentlyvisited ... once configured it does all theplacesHave up to 3 auto checkin locations for free; upgrade toremovethislimit and save as many places as your iPhone canhandle.***** PLEASE NOTE: Keep WiFi enabled at all times in orderforUberCheckin to work effectively *******Features:- Uber Check-in is optimized to save your battery life- Check in to Foursquare venues and continue to earnpoints,badgesand mayorships without the hassle of having to takeout yourphoneand checkin to the same places every day- Get notified of every Uber Checkin- Get notified when an Uber Checkin makes you a Mayor!- Also get notified when you are close to becoming a Mayor ofanUberCheckin place.- Select Foursquare venues to monitor based on yourcurrentlocationor from your checkin history- Avoid false positive checkins! Customize yourautocheck-inproximity distance to suit your own taste.- All your Uber auto heckins are saved and can be reviewedatanytime- Get notified if an Uber Checkin fails, giving youtheopportunityto checkin manually (e.g. if internet connectionisspotty)- Customize your own time interval between check-instoavoidrepeated checkinsJust set up once and let it run!Compatible with Gingerbread and upFoursquare account requiredNo other registration required