Top 3 Apps Similar to CLIPCARD

Biz365: Quick and Easy Online Store Creator 1.28
Create your mini e-commerce store within seconds &takeyourbusiness online with Biz365, Online Store Creator. Youdon’tneedto have knowledge of coding or need to hireanapplicationdeveloper to create an online store. All you need istodownloadBiz365 & start uploading your products &createyourcatalog. Biz365 is an online store builder whichprovidesanintegrated solution to create catalogs, online shops,&managepayments. Customize your online store & share thelinkonWhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Email, SMS, &more.Yourcustomers can directly open your online store linkorproductcatalog on their smartphones, order products &boostyouronline business. They can either make direct paymentsthroughourintegrated payment gateway system or can raiseproductinquiries.WHY CHOOSE BIZ365 TO MAKE YOUR ONLINE SHOP? Biz365offersfeaturesthat make it quick & easy to set up your WhatsAppStorein afew seconds. PROMINENT FEATURES 👉 Easy to set upyourowne-commerce website 👉 No Coding Knowledge Required.👉Unlimitedproduct uploading & editing 👉 Unlimitedcatalogcreation 👉Share on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, &socialmedia 👉 Manageorders & payments (PayTM, RazorPay,Cashfree) 👉We charge 0%commissions on transactions 👉 Get analyticsreport ofyour onlinebusiness 👉 See how many customers have viewedyourcatalog 👉 Sharecatalogs as Professional PDFs 👉 Mobilefriendlystore links for allmobile types 👉 Map your own websitedomain toyour online store 👉Generate authentic bills or invoicesfor theorders (web login) 👉Easy import of data through excel sheets(weblogin) 👉 Add productvideo (web login) BIZ365 Web login ispresentfor advanced featuresfor our customers. Make your WhatsAppcatalogfor free. Upload yourproducts in bulk. Ab bharatbanegaAtmanirbhar. Create Your OwnOnline Store & Start SellingOnlinein seconds. Take YourBusiness Online with 100% Profit &0%Commission Fee. BIZ365,Online Store Creator provides servicestobusinesses who want tocreate their mini e-commerce store&reach a wider audience. Weserve a wide range of businesseslike: 👚Clothing stores 💎 Jewelrystores 💄 Fashion boutiques 🛒 Kirana&Grocery shops 🍐 Fruit& Vegetable stores 🍽️ Restaurants&Food outlets 🛌Furniture shops 📷 Electronic shops 🔨 Hardwareshops 💡HomeEntrepreneurs 🤩 BRAND NEW FEATURES ⭐ 📋 Share yourproducts:a.Create Magazine style flipbooks from catalogs &share b.Sharesingle & multiple products on WhatsApp withdetails&online store link 🎫 Order Status management: a. Manage&trackorders efficiently b. Notify customers with orderstatus,deliverytime & remarks c. Get customer feedback onsuccessfulorderdelivery 💹 Review Store Performance: a. Getinsightfulanalyticslike Store Visits, Orders, Customer Reviews,etc. b.Understandyour online store performance 💰 Accept OnlinePayments:a. Now linkyour Cashfree account to your store &accept directpayments. 📲Product Inventory & Variants: a. Manageinventory& seeyour stock decrease as customers place orders b.Addproductvariants for e.g. color, size, weight, &moreADVANCEDCONFIGURATION ⚙️ Add product variants ⚙️ Show the “OutofStock”label on products ⚙️ Show available product quantity ⚙️ShowCOD atcheckout ⚙️ Allow PDF download for your catalog⚙️Customizecheckout button as per your business ⚙️ Whitelabelyourbrand byremoving Biz365 branding from your online storeUPDATE:BIZ365 ISGOING GLOBAL ! 💌 For any queries/feedback, pleasemail [email protected] 📞 Call us on +91-8696015555 🌐 Visit ourwebsitetoknow more about our services: 👍Like usonFacebook: 👍 FollowusonInstagram:
VideoBrochures: Brochure Maker 22.0
Brochure Templates, Pamphlet Maker, Quick Brochure Maker,PamphletDesigner.
Video Ad Maker, Ad Creator 21.0
Create video ads with advertisement templates. Quick &easypromo video maker.