Top 10 Apps Similar to iClimax

H Voice For INSTEON 1.0
Miguel Vaello
This APP allows voice control ofINSTEONmodulesusing the HUB. Operation. Click on the parrot toissue theorder.Modules On / Off. Say the name of the device.Dimmerdevices. Say thename of the device or the device name plustheword up or down. EditSettings. Enter Local IP and port of HUBforwifi access, addexternal IP if you want remote access. Set IDandPassword of theHUB. Choose a name and icon for each device,andenter device´sinsteon ID. (See Insteon for HUBaplication).
MyFOX 1.9.1
Supervise, Watch over and Control yourworkplace or home directly from your iPad or iPhone.My FOX is an alarm, videosurveillance and homeautomationsolution entirely controllable from abroad.The My Fox application include services such as :- Arming and disarming alarm systems.- Access your IP Camera Live (4 maximum).- Access your Camera recording stored on our dedicatedsecuredservers.- Program your system items by items,- Program your system for daily activities- Ask for our dedicated security watchers- etc.For more information join us on our website orcallus +33 0 800 100 100
Blyssbox : La Maison connectée 2.6.5
Blyssbox : La Maison connectée. Pour tout piloter où quevoussoyez.Blyss invente un nouveau système domotique pour permettreàtout lemonde de profiter d’une maison totalement connectéepourplus deconfort, de sécurité, d’économie et de sérénité grâce àlaBlyssboxet la technologie Liveez. Avec 150 produitscompatibles,le systèmedomotique évolutif de Blyss vous permet desécuriservotre maison,protéger vos proches et piloter tous voséquipementsélectriques dechez vous ou à distance. Tous les produitssontsimples à installersans aucuns travaux de câblage : tout estsansfil ! Cetteapplication associée à la Blyssbox vous permet :-D’avoir unevision globale et synthétique de votre maison -D’agirsur l’alarmeet la sécurité - De surveiller l’intérieuretl’extérieur à l’aidede caméras - De veiller sur vos proches -Degérer vos éclairages,vos appareils électriques - D’actionnervosouvrants, volets,portails… - De contrôler et réglervotrechauffage, cumulus et VMC -De suivre en temps réelvosconsommations d’énergies - De visualiserles conditions météo -Dedéclencher ou arrêter des scenarios de viecréés depuisvotreordinateur Et bien d’autres services encore… Les150 produitsBlysscompatibles avec cette application sontdisponiblesexclusivementdans vos magasins Castorama et
Rogers Smart Biz Monitoring 6.2.47
More than just securityAs a business owner, your time is valuable. Rogers SmartBusinessMonitoring has been designed to allow you to spend moretimerunning your business and less time worrying about security.Oursmartphone app and online portal enable you to arm and monitoryourbusiness from anywhere and connect with your employeesmoreeffectively and efficiently.Whether you’re having work done on your office or need tograntaccess to a vendor, you can do it all from the APP withoutneedingto give out keys or security info. And that means morecontrol overyour business’ security and management.Securely view and control your system anytime, anywhere onyoursmartphone or tablet, and enjoy the peace of mind that comeswithknowing you’re always connected to your business.Enjoy peace of mind knowing that you’re always connected toyourbusiness. Rogers Smart Business Monitoring customers can usethisapplication to securely view & control their systemanytime,anywhere on a smartphone or tablet.You can:- Arm and disarm your system- Lock and unlock your door with your smartphone- View live camera feeds*- Control connected lights** and thermostats***- Check the current status of your system- View system event history by date such as arm/disarm eventsandsensor/zone activity- View camera feed in High Definition. All HD cameras aredisplayedin 16:9 aspect ratio****- Ability to enable and disable rules from themobileapplication.To support this app, you must be a current Rogers SmartBusinessMonitoring customer. Please call 1.866.848.7871 to sign upor learnmore about Rogers Smart Business Monitoring.Legal:*Only applicable if you have a camera in your businessandsubscribe to the Live Video Streaming.**Only applicable if you have a lamp dimmer and/or applianceswitchin your business and subscribe to Lighting andApplianceControl.***Only applicable if you have a thermostat in your businessandsubscribe to Thermostat Control.****Only applicable if you have HD cameras.
domovea v1
domovea is the dashboard of your home automation. Onlycompatiblewith TJA450
eedomus 1.3.24
Monitor and control your home from any location with youreedomusbox!
Vivre En Paix 1.0
Rester connecté à distance àvotresystèmed'alarme "Vivre en Paix" !Installée sur votre smartphone ou votretablette,l’applicationgratuite "Vivre en Paix", vous permet depilotez àdomicile ou àdistance en 1 seul clic votre systèmed'alarme, maisaussi tous lesdispositifs intégrés comme ladomotique.Elle vous permet de paramétrer, contrôler et commanderàdistancevotre système d'alarme pour une gestion simple etimmédiatedusystème et de tous ses dispositifs domotique quipeuvent luiêtreliés.Étant connecté en permanence, vous êtes informé en tempsréeldetout les événements sur celui-ci et vouspouvezconsultezl’historique de vos événements : déclenchement del’alarmeetmarche/arrêt du système d’alarme..L'activation et désactivation de votre système àdistanceetvisualisation de l’état de votre système en temps réel(activéoudésactivé) est possible ainsi que l'activation etdésactivationdela marche partielle.Stay connectedremotelytoyour alarm system "Living in Peace!"Installed on your smartphone or tablet, thefreeapplication"Living in Peace", allows you to fly home orremotely in1 clickyour alarm system, but also all integrateddevices such ashomeautomation.It allows you to configure, monitor and remotelycontrolyouralarm system for easy and immediate management of thesystemandits automation devices that may be connected.Being connected means you are informed in real time ofanyeventson it and you can see the history of your events triggerthealarmand start / stop the alarm system ..Activation and deactivation of your system remotelyanddisplaythe status of your system in real time (on or off)ispossible aswell as the activation and deactivation of thepartset.
My Zipato 4.3.2
Control your home security, lighting, climate..., by usingyoursmartphone.
Domodroid Beta 1.4 1.4
Domodroid is a remote control application that allow you tocontrolyour Domogik home automation system. The following featuresarealready available on the latest version of Domodroid: - GraphDataValues with homemade graph engine (by default) - Graph DataValueswith Achartengine (in development) - Video camera streaming-On/Off (2 versions available), Variator, Actuator, State andDataWidgets - Auto-Updated widgets - Full icon pack supported-Technologies supported: Onewire, PLCBus, IPX800, Mirror,Teleinfo,X10, WakeOnLan, Ping, Zibase, RFXCom, YahooWather(Theorycally, allthat are supported by Domogik) - All screen sizesupportedSmartphone/Tablet - Power management control - Startupdirectly inmap mode. http:/ Documentation ishere: Translation can be done byyoutoo here:
domovea - tablet
domovea is the dashboard of yourhomeautomation. This control and visualization software lets youeasilycontrol a lot of functions on your KNX installation.With domovea, you maintain control of your home even when you'renotin. via the secure portal, you can access toallyour home automation functions: for example, you ensure thattheheating mode is reduced while you are away, you turn off alightwhich is still burning, or you check via IP cameras thatchildrenare at home after their school day.Chic and discreet design domovea is customizable to your needsandyour desires. Its ergonomics is a model and the use of iconsmakesthe functions easily accessible.CAUTION: To function, the application must be connected toadomovea server with a 3.1 software version or later.