Top 13 Apps Similar to 出行訣飛星萬年曆

風水羅盤-精準羅庚房屋交易指南針,租屋買樓助手 1.2.2
家居風水不用愁,流年風水來調理。買房的時候如何看房子?【風水羅盤】集「三元九運」、「八宅法」和「九宮飛星」三個最強風水原理於一身,實力助你識別房屋好壞。如何讓男主人旺事業,女主人旺財運,小孩旺學業,老人旺健康,【風水羅盤】給您最適合的家居擺設和裝潢。房子適不適合您的命理,讓【風水羅盤】告訴您!【風水羅盤特色】1、權威:大中華地區最大命理團隊靈機文化特邀風水命理大師何樹榮老師指導!2、專業:不僅助您勘定風水,更提供解決之道!3、專屬:個人風水管理,為您度身定做最佳風水擺設方案!【風水羅盤功能】1、個人管理中心:完美契合您的八字命理,為您轉運保駕護航!2、對不當的家居佈置,給出名師提供的化解方法。3、名師八門點評:桃花、婚變、財位、健康、小人、破財、禍害、文昌。4、傳播風水知識,讓您知其然更知其所以然。5、網上預約“靈機”特聘風水大師,名師指路,掌握命運!【我們在這里等您!】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順!:【臉書】每日新鮮命理咨詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利!:【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善!:[email protected] Shui, do notworry,fleeting feng shui conditioning.How to buy a house to see the house? [] Feng shui compass set"threeyuan National Games," "Eight Mansions law" and "Jiu GongFlying"three-in-one of the strongest principles of Feng Shui, thestrengthto help you identify good and bad housing.How to get man of the house prosperous career, hostess Wang CaiYun,Wang school children, the elderly Wang health, feng shuicompass [toyou] the most suitable home furnishings anddecor.House is suitable to your numerology, feng shui compass [let]tellsyou![Features] feng shui compass1, authority: the Greater China region's largest culturalbrainwaveNumerology team invited Feng Shui masters HeShuronginstructor!2, professional: Assigning Feng Shui not only help you, butalsoprovide a solution!3. Exclusive: Personal Feng Shui management, tailor-made for youthebest feng shui decoration scheme![Function] feng shui compass1, the personal management center: perfect fit yourhoroscopesnumerology for your transport escort!2, improper home layout, give way to resolve theteacherprovides.3, eight teacher reviews: peach, divorce, financialposition,health, villain, or even bankruptcy, the scourge,Wenchang.4, the spread of knowledge of feng shui, so you know thesebetterknow why.5, online booking "Turing machine" Distinguished feng shuimaster,guiding teacher, master fate![We are here waiting for you! ][Contact with] the Spirit of numerology calculations to helpyouanalyze fortune to help you smooth sailing! :Http://[Facebook] daily fresh insight into the numerology consultyourfortune to help you smoothly! :Https://[E-mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome toinformus and we will do everything possible to improve!:[email protected]
万年历 - 农历 + 节气 + 假日 1.0.6
MDJ Studio
万年历黄历-日历农历天气记事闹钟提醒 4.0.0
天一黃曆繁體版(萬年曆、稱骨算命、姓名、號碼、解夢、農曆) 1.93
Chinese Almanac Calendar 4.7.8
Traditional,professional Chinese lunar calendar,Chinese Almanac.
玄空飛星羅經 - 專業風水羅盤 1.0.0
万年历 2.0
本款APP可以让华人,简单的查询农历,方便用户的使用This paragraphAPPallowsChinese, Lunar simple queries, user-friendly use
姓名稱骨算命-生肖,姓名配對 6.71
Flying Stars Feng Shui Chart 2.5
Xuan Kong Flying Star feng shui or Xuan Kong Fei Xing is oneofdisciplines in Feng Shui, and is an integration of theprinciplesof Yin Yang, the interactions between the five elements,the eighttrigrams, the Lo Shu numbers, and the 24 Mountains, byusing time,space and objects to create an astrological chart toanalyzepositive auras and negative auras of a building. This apphascompass to measure house's degree, draws the flying stars chartsinperiods 1- 9 for all degrees. You can choose period,facingdegrees, and show or not show yearly, monthly stars.Replacementstars add automatically if needed. You can save chartfor any houseyou want, load chart easy to view, change or deletedata. 1.Adigital compass. 2.Flying stars chart. 3.Yearly, monthlystars.4.Good gate position (A Xuankong fengshui notion). 5.Replacestarsadded automatic. 6. Save, edit profiles. Your phone willneedmagnetic sensor and internet connection to use compass. Ifyourphone doesn’t has magnetic sensor, a notice will showbelowbuttons. You will need to use a real compass. If you don'tlikeads, buy cost version with 3$.
万年历 1.1
每一个中国人,都该有一个中华万年历,记录分享每一天.2亿人的选择值得信赖-节日假期、农历节气、黄历宜忌、风水运程、择日出行等。趋势指数、PM2.5全不怕.--经典大屏日历与高效简约日历随心切换,全新视觉设计,自定义主题想换就换Every Chinese person,allthe Chinese calendar has a record 200 million people shareeveryday, the choice of trust - holidays, the Lunar solar terms,almanacTaboo, feng shui fortune, and chose to travel and so on.Trendindex, PM2.5 full afraid - classic big-screen calendarsimplecalendar and efficient switching Xpress, a new visualdesign,custom themes want to change to change
高吉起名HD - 專業周易八字起名與測名工具(含萬年曆轉換) 2.00
高吉起名 -基於中國古代傳統周易理論、命理學及姓名學原理,綜合生辰八字、三才五格數理、生肖喜忌、五音音律、字形、字意等因素開發而成的專業起名輔助軟件.
財位羅盤-農民曆 92
Life wisdom of the ancients, is the cornerstone of modern life,iswilling to "financial position compass - farmer calendar," Icanenrich your life
飛星起盤日景數據-陳癸龍監製 1.1.3