Top 5 Apps Similar to ChorusPaint

Read Bach Sheet Music PRO 1.0.8
Apps Musycom
An app to practice reading Bach piano sheet music.
NotateMe Now
Neuratron Ltd
Free notation app with handwritten music recognition&PhotoScore music scanning
楽譜表示アプリ 楽譜Displayer Full 2.2
 「楽譜Displayer」は、楽器演奏時の楽譜確認を小さい画面のスマホで行うためのアプリです。ピアノ演奏で補助者が楽譜本のページをめくるのを見たことがあります。このアプリはあたかも彼になり変わり、演奏の進行に合わせて楽譜の必要箇所を表示し続けます。あなたの演奏の助けになることを願っています。 このアプリにはその表示形式が3種類あります。 1つ目は「横スライド」です。五線譜が左へと流れていき常に現在の演奏箇所を表示します。 2つ目は「縦スライド」です。1つの指定範囲が画面横幅いっぱいに表示されます。時間経過とともに古い範囲が上に流れていき、新たな範囲が下から現われます。 3つ目は「縦スライド(縦)」です。これは基本的には2つ目の「縦スライド」と同様の挙動をしますが、表示自体が端末を立てた状態になります。これの利用は大きい画面の端末を想定しています。大きく表示することよりも多くの範囲数を表示させることを優先したいときに利用します。
Dallas Symphony Orchestra 1.61.00
The Dallas Symphony Orchestra Fan App istheeasiest way to follow Dallas Symphony Orchestra. Now youhaveaccess to Dallas Symphony Orchestra's music at anytime,anywhere.This is a free application.* EVENTSBrowse upcoming Dallas Symphony Orchestra events. Getcompleteperformance information including venue, dates,repertoire,artists. Access and review the program notes before theevent. Wantto attend? Click the "Get Tickets" button.* MUSICListen to selected Dallas Symphony Orchestra live recordings onyouriPhone. All repertoire information including composers,works,soloists, conductors and ensembles is included. View artworkandprogram notes. High quality audio options are available if youareconnected through a high speed network.* VideosWatch your favorite and new Dallas Symphony Orchestra videos.* BuzzKeep up with the latest Podcasts, News and Blogs from andaboutDallas Symphony Orchestra.Dallas Symphony Orchestra Fan App is poweredbyInstantEncore.
Music Score Pad-Free Notation 1.2
Warning:"THIS APP DOESN'T PLAY MUSIC"MusicScorePad is a music notation app.With MusicScorePad you can turn your tablet / phone in anotebookfor musical notes.You have to write a part for a colleague during thesoundcheck?An exercise for a student? You need to fix an ideabefore you loseit?The idea is to always have at hand a sheet of digital music paper,with the same velocity but with many more features, here areafew:- Fast writing "tap and drag" (tap to enter a symbol, moveyourfinger to draw and write).- Undo / redo programmable- Autosave function programmable- Usage of the musical fonts Maestro (default) and JazzFont(Plusversion ).- Crash recovery- Enter chords with dedicated keyboard- Enter free text for annotations and lyrics- 4 colors available to make your music more readable ormoreeducationally valid- Full file management (load project, save / save as, exportimage,export Pdf (plus version)).- Import and edit music in bmp / jpg / png- Scan sheet with a special built-in camera and editing- Share via wifi or 3g in png format and PDF (Plus version)- entry of symbols "quantized"- 5 Sizes Available (2Xpentagram standard tablature, single lineandblank page).If you have problems try changing your settings in thePreferences,there are parameters that allow you to makeMusicScorePad moreusable on many different devices.For example, the sensitivity of the screen, the number of undo/redo, the autosave timeLimitations:The free version has this limitations: can't be exported inPDFformat (you can, however, export to png format), and alimitednumber of imports to 3 images and scans with the integratedcamera,then these options will become unavailable.You can open the keyboard and the MediaPlayer 10 times each.This is to allow you to test these functions on your tablet/phone.MusicScorePad is designed to make the best of 10 and7-inchtablet, it is also usable on screens up to 4 inches butobviouslynegatively affected by the use of the limited screenspaceavailable.Please note, for owners of smartphones, to reveal all buttonsinsub-menu you must slide right or to left the buttons.Take a look to the functions, download the Pdf manual from MusicScorePad is not an audio sequencer and don'tallowsyou to play back what you have written (at least for now,thispossibility will be the subject of futureimplementations).