Top 14 Apps Similar to ImageChat: AI Computer Vision Construction App 4.30.10
OpenSpace provides ground truth for your construction jobsite.Whileother 3D capture tools require dedicated setup andcapturetime,OpenSpace is special because it’s 100% labor free.Simplyattach the3D camera to the top of your hardhat with theincludedmount, thencontinue as normal - our proprietaryartificialintelligencealgorithm does the rest! It’s easy aswearing aFitbit. Think of usas a visual time machine, allowingyour team tocreate 360 degreeprogress photos and visit aparticular place atthe job, at anymoment in time. Resolveconflicts, validate WIP,add visual contextto DCR’s and RFI’s andsave needless travel tothe site. WhyOpenSpace? It works as youwork: our advanced (andpatent pending!)AI transforms the raw videodata into a complete,easy-to-navigateGoogle Streetview style 360degree map of yoursite, with no efforton your part. Fullyautomated: As you movethrough the site, our AIautomatically mapsthe video feed to yourblueprints and creates a360 degree record ofprogress. WithOpenSpace, you hit record and go.We capture datawhile you work,so there is no labor cost. Othersystems require youto assignsomeone a time-consuming “photo capturetask” - and thoselaborcosts adds up. Time machine: Visit any pointin time throughaninteractive 360 degree map of your site. Zoom andexploreeverydetail and see progress as it happened. What do ourcustomerssay?Darin Peters Vice President, Hathaway Dinwiddie“OpenSpacesolvessome simple but necessary requirements of theconstructionprocess:progress photos, site documentation andworkstreamcoordination…OpenSpace has made it easy - and easy is key- for usto have aliving visual record of the jobsite progress,which hasradicallyimproved the reporting we have today. The futureof whatwe can dowith this data is exciting.” Ready to get started?Contactus [email protected]
Javis artificial intelligent P 2.0.2
GS tech
The personal assistant makes your phone hands-free.
AI and ML for Business Leaders 12.0
Free Course:Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning forCEOs& Leaders AI, ML
Talentoz 20.0
Unify your entire organisation, inspire Passion, ProductivityandPerformance
IxChariot Endpoint 9.6.129
Ixia's IxChariot software endpoint,incombination with Ixia's IxChariot or Hawkeye (formerlyIxChariotPro) software, enables users to accurately and easilyassess theperformance of any IP network accessed by the Androiddevice.This is not a standalone application to test thenetworkperformance. Please download it only if you already ownIxiaIxChariot or Hawkeye (formerly IxChariot Pro), or youareevaluating these products.
BoofCV Computer Vision 2.13.3
Demonstration of the BoofCV Computer Vision Library.
3D Scanner for ARCore Pro
This app enables you to scan environmentsusingTime-of-Flightsensor. Supported devices are: Honor View 20HuaweiP30 Pro
FastHub for GitHub 4.7.3
Fast Access
If you are using CM rom do not install the app, CM theme enginehasa bug and that will result on soft breaking your phone onceyouinstall the app. Welcome to FastHub . FastHub is yet anotheropensource unofficial GitHub client app but unlike any otherapp,FastHub built from ground up. Features - App - Three logintypes(Basic Auth), (Access Token) or via (OAuth) - MultipleAccounts -Enterprise Accounts - Themes mode - Offline-mode -Markdown andcode highlighting support - Notifications overview and"Mark all asread" - Search users/orgs, repos, issues/prs &code. - PinnedRepos - Trending - Wiki - Repositories - Browse &Read Wiki -Make commits - Search Repos - Browse and search Repos -See yourpublic, private and forked Repos - Filter Branches andCommits -Watch, star and fork Repos - Download releases, files andbranches- Issues and Pull Requests - Search Issues/PRs - FilterIssues/PRs- Long click to peak Issues/PRs & add comments otg.-Open/close Issues/PRs - Comment on Issues/PRs - ManageIssue/PRcomments - React to comments with reactions - EditIssues/PRs -Lock/unlock conversation in Issues/PRs - Assign peopleand addLabels and Milestones to Issues/PRs - Manage Milestones -Merge PRs- PRs reviews (reply, react with emojies, delete &editcomment) - PRs request review changes/approve & comment. -PRsstatuses - Commits and Gists - Search Code/Gists - View Gistsandtheir files - Comment on Commits/Gists - ManageCommit/Gistcomments - Create/Delete Gists - React to Commitcomments withreactions - Comment on line number in Files/Codechanges. - Orgs -Overview - Feeds - Teams & Teams repos - Repos- Users -Follow/Unfollow users - View user feeds - Contributiongraph. -Search Users, Repos, Issues,Pull Requests and Code - Muchmore...FastHub is actively developed. More features will come!Warning!This application may work incorrectly on discontinuedCyanogenModfirmware. Since this is a bug of discontinued modifiedoperatingsystem, we can do nothing about it. Please, think ofupgrading toLineageOS instead of writing bad reviews. FAQ Why can'tI see myOrganizations either Private or Public ones? Openup and look for FastHub,openit then scroll to Organization access and click on GrantButton,alternatively login via Access Token which will ease thissetup. Itried to login via Access Token & OTP but it does notwork? Youcan't login via Access Token & OTP all together due tothelifetime of the OTP code, you'll be required to login in everyfewseconds. Why my Private Repo Wiki does not show up? It's duetoFastHub scraping GitHub Wiki page & Private Reposrequiresession token that FastHub doesn't have. I login withEnterpriseaccount but can't interact with anything other than myEnterpriseGitHub? Well, logically, you can't access anything elseother thanyour Enterprise, but FastHub made that possible but can'tdo muchabout it, in most cases since your login credential doesn'texistsin GitHub server. But in few cases your GitHub account Oauthtokenwill do the trick. You love FastHub? You want new features orbugfixes? Please contribute to the open source project(GitHubProject) either by creating PR or submitting an issueticket.
OctoDroid for GitHub 4.6.10
Azwan Adli
Octodroid provides access to GitHub and stay connected toyournetworks.
WizardProg Expert 1.5 build 103050
Mobile programming environment for TL866A/CS universalportableUSB-programmer.
EASE Audits 3.00.0
Mobile Plant Floor Audit Solution for Manufacturers
Neuronify 1.0.8
Neural networks in an app
Image Search Pro HD Downloader 3.4.8
Image search, reverse image search, download or share easilyimagesand more.
TwinCAT IoT Communicator 1.4.6
Monitoring and analysing of TwinCAT process data on mobile devices