Top 45 Apps Similar to 易经爻卦 - 周易算命与五行八字起名

易奇八字 1.1.3
* 算命大師在線聊天,預測未來運勢 * * 八字/算卦/星座/塔羅/擇吉/風水/解夢 * * 合婚/起名/紫微鬥數/奇門遁甲/手面相** 周易命理占蔔大全,專業分析深入解讀 * * 易奇八字——服務全球的移動運勢顧問 * 【應用特色】1、易問:我們有專業的周易算命大師專家團,陪妳聊天,預測命運!通過八字算命、紫微鬥數、奇門占測、測名起名改名、老黃歷擇吉、周公解夢、星座塔羅占蔔、六爻蔔卦問事、手面相解讀、風水調整,助妳掌控命運規律和開運秘法,解決所有運勢難題,讓妳事業求財前程無憂,戀愛婚姻稱心如意,成就幸福人生!2、測算:〖八字排盤〗生辰八字排盤詳批妳的性格特征、五行喜用神忌神和開運方法!〖八字合婚〗生辰八字合婚剖析妳壹生的婚戀姻緣,助妳找到如意眷侶,解脫單身,斬斷爛桃花!〖人際測算〗微信朋友圈和微博爆火的36命格人際測算,揭秘性格密碼,找到妳的命中貴人,讓人脈變錢脈!〖運程車〗八字詳批準確展示壹生大運和流年運勢的吉兇變化,提供靈驗轉運之法。〖婚姻樹〗八字排盤預測戀愛交友緣分,算命占蔔靠譜的感情姻緣。〖財富船〗占蔔壹生財運多寡,理財投資更明智,亦助妳找準旺運的事業發展方向,輕松實現理想藍圖!〖祈福臺〗生活祈福助手,隨喜供奉貴人,事業財運姻緣家庭健康求子,有求必應,萬事如意。〖測性情〗五行命理犀利解讀妳的心性喜好、人際關系、以及妳對事業財運和感情婚姻的態度。〖測健康〗醫易同源,周易算命預測妳的健康狀況,針對性提供運動、食療、穴位按摩等中醫養生保健之道。〖擇吉日〗結合妳的八字,優選適合妳裝修、搬家、投資、簽約、開市、交易、出行旅遊、結婚、祈福等吉日。〖老黃歷〗權威萬年歷老黃歷擇吉大全、生日節日紀念日提醒管家、記事日程安排方便易用!〖有事求卦〗運用易經爻卦算命的占蔔智慧,讓妳的運勢否極泰來!〖周公解夢〗新版周公解夢大全,提供噩夢化解之法,睡出好運勢。〖每日運勢〗專屬定制屬於妳八字的開運日歷,便捷查看每天運勢、每個時辰的行事宜忌、穿衣飲食等開運指南。〖易問社區〗專業命理分析的互動社區,和廣大算命占蔔愛好者在線暢聊。〖名號測算〗命理分析姓名、手機號碼、車牌號碼吉兇!百家姓男女寶寶八字起名、改名、公司起名寶典。3、資訊中心:追知名命理老師的預測新作、轉運幹貨文,學習八字六爻預測術,看國際易經學者—董易奇老師親授的八字、六爻公開課。【關註我們】易奇八字網站: 命理QQ :4006302225新浪微博:易奇八字微信號:yiqibazi
天机六爻排盘国际版 1.0.2
靈占算命-八字抽籤解夢星座風水生肖放生占卜佛教道教日曆農民曆 30.6
紫微大师-算命八字占卜领导品牌,紫薇斗数预测专家 8.5.0
Not everyone is lucky enough to meet Master Ziwei’s advice,everysecond is being blessed by a user... Are you the next luckyone?There are detailed explanations on love, marriage, career,work,making money, financial management, pregnancy, buying a house,andbuying a car!
易璇八字 1.3.8
論八字(實用) C8W_P_20220904_2330
On the character (utility) (Calc8Words), professional andefficient,the program is small. Can quickly exhaust variouscharacter posterof the disk.
八字排盤-八字算命 八字配對 線上算命 生辰八字查詢 4.7.7
The Bazi Paipan integrates the name, birth date, big fortune,smallfortune, fleeting, void, fetal breath, fetal yuan, fate palaceandfive elements information, etc. for the horoscopefortune-tellinganalysis for the fortune-telling of thefortune-telling master. .
達摩祖師悟性論 1.4
C Want
Thank Grace morality, good books, completely free, and thecontentis not embedded in any advertising!
論八字 C8W_20220904_2300
Character telling (Calc8Words), professional and efficient,theprogram is small. Can quickly exhaust various character posterofthe disk.
奇門 QM_20230510_2330
Men learn to escape, do not ask to come.
星象紫微斗數-線上紫薇算命占卜 八字風水生肖運勢 1.7.0
A professional fortune-telling APP tool written by afortune-tellingmaster himself! Based on the horoscope of theindividual's birthday,combined with the principle of Ziwei Doushu,it arranges anddiscusses the fate of users. It provides fleetingfortune and lovedivination. Explain to you the career, wealth andmarriage luck inyour horoscope.
易爻(实用) CY_20240118_2330
Professional divination software combining the Plum BlossomEasyNumber and the Six-Yao Principle
紫微算命-紫微斗數生辰八字算運勢 紫微占星 星盤占卜 1.3.5
Ziwei fortune-telling master integrates the numerology ofChinesezodiac and Fengshui to help you grasp the fortune of thefleetingyears! Want to have high wealth, get a promotion and raiseyoursalary, and have a smooth emotion? The mostprofessionaltraditional fortune-telling application ZiweiDoushufortune-telling master will provide you with numerologyguidanceone by one!
靈機-姻緣和合符 開光靈符 算命占卜 求籤祈福 9.0.7
Spiritual Talisman Prayer for Good Luck is an app thatrespectfullyinvites Taoist talisman to eliminate disasters andfulfill yourwishes. Please sign-consecration-blessing, and thewizardcontinuously injects spiritual power. The small talismancanattract peach blossoms to attract wealth and adjust the heart,thebig one can eliminate disasters and achieve aspirations, andthemagic talisman can help the beneficiary’s wish to be fulfilled.
紫微斗數-八字命盤分析 線上姓名算命 5.8.4
Enter the name and birth date, arrange fortune-telling toexplainthe development of the fortune in the passing years, thefortune ofthe fortune palace, the level of the fortune of thefortune and theemotional fortune, and the master's professionalguidance to changethe fortune!
紫微命盤-紫微斗數大師 婚姻算命 愛情配對 紫微星座運勢 1.3.4
【Zi Wei Fate Board】Zi Wei Dou number chart calculates thefatepalace, comprehensively predicts the fortune index,fortune-tellingastrology! Through the Ziwei Husband and WifePalace, explain thedevelopment of the fleeting relationship, thetrend of love,understand the personality traits of the partner, andresolve thefleeting relationship crisis.
Ncc Feng Shui Compass 1.9.5
NccSoft Inc.
Compass tool for numerology and feng shui masters
每日珠宝杂志 · iDaily Jewelry 0.1.8
Clover Team
The most influential Chinese jewelry magazine
八字合婚-八字算命,生辰八字姻緣配對,合八字 3.5.0
Enter your partner’s birthday, use the time of birth toperformZiwei marriage and Bazi analysis, assess the depth of fate,predictthe development of your marriage and love, answer yourconcernsabout pre- and post-marriage, help you choose the rightperson, andtell you after marriage Ways to maintain happiness.
奇門(實用) QM_20231030_2330
Men learn to escape, do not ask to come.
大藏经 1.2
Cong Wang
正宗黃大仙靈籤 [完全版]
(1) No ads (2) Free permanent software upgrade [MZTIT]
八字算命-生肖運勢 線上算命 生辰八字命盤解析 八字流年 1.3.0
Horoscope fortune-telling, deduce life. Taiwan's numerologynationalteacher arranges fortune-telling for you, deducesthecharacteristics of life, analyzes the ups and downs ofpersonality,wealth, emotion, marriage and love career, and healthand fortune.Predict personal fleeting fortune, the accuracy rate isas high as98.7%!
文墨天機•紫微斗數(基礎版) 1.8.8
Professional Ziwei Dou counting plate program, supportsmultipleplate styles such as Fei Xing, Sanhe, Qintian Four Hua etc.
六壬(实用) C6R_20230608_2330
Three type the most, elected Liuren
Slovakia News (Správy) 9.2
Fast way to read Slovakia (Slovensko) News (Správy) inSlovak(slovenský jazyk)
Mahayana Buddhist Sutras - 佛经 1.9.4
J Walker
Mahayana Buddhist Sutra & Mantras in English, SimplifiedandTraditional Chinese
堪輿透明羅盤 1.4.6
Amtb Fate
Feng Shui layout planning
Chinese Almanac Calendar 4.7.8
Traditional,professional Chinese lunar calendar,Chinese Almanac.
天時子平生辰八字 3.6.5
Ad-free birthday character calculation tool, supportingthebirthplace of the world, comes with a perpetual calendar /yellowcalendar
超級生命密碼夢想舞臺 1.9.5
The Super Life Code Dream Stage is open to friends who aredestined.As long as you are interested in discussion andspiritualimprovement, you can quickly and easily explore the ideasandteachings of Sun Shengde teachers through this application.
吉祥起名-姓名算命取名 3.79
好運相隨 Chi Palace 2.3.0
The most powerful and special application for praying, wishingandworshipping in the mobile app market
姓名稱骨算命-生肖,姓名配對 6.71
测测星座—90后女生都在用的星座占星app 7.8.18
测测,星座控必备的口袋星座app。12星座使用了测测之后,以下能力都得到了加持:白羊: 傻甜++金牛: 赚钱++双子: 机智++巨蟹: 爱家++狮子: 友爱++处女: 完美++天秤: 协调++天蝎: 性感++射手: 追求++摩羯: 成就++水瓶: 灵感++双鱼: 快乐++测测的几个主要特色:[ 星盘 测试 报告 ]职业占星师必备的星盘工具,覆盖20种免费星盘,不管你是用惯了ASTROLOG32,还是喜欢JANUS,WINSTAR,ZET这些专业的占星软件,测测都有相似的界面和设置。合盘包含比较盘、组合盘、组合推运、时空盘、马克思盘等;多种神秘学测试:生命数字、八字紫薇、二十八宿、都有详细解释噢Y(^_^)Y专业知识+精细算法的个人报告:什么样的人适合你?TA可能喜欢什么类型的人?你的一生运势?[ 星座问题 一键发送 ]首页新增了一键提问功能,只要轻轻点击按钮“问”,写下问题,选择相关星盘,即可发送到抢答区域。测测的8000名星座老司机们将为你语音解答!每个用户均有一次免费提问机会,之后每个问题至少3¥即可。根据测测的经验,有赏金会得到更用心的回复。[ 语音抢答 即刻响应 ]每个问题都是有偿抢答,级别在兴趣达人及以上的都有抢答权限。回答一律使用语音,至少10秒,可以打好草稿再回答,让每次回答都切中要点并能获赞,你在测测的声望将会越来越高!如果回答收到的差评过多,抢答的权限就会越来越少。所以一定要认真回答用户的问题哟!快来证明你是占星小能手吧!![ 打分系统2.0 ]“没有合不来的盘,只有不调整的心态”测测的打分结合了西方星座的比较合盘、中国星宿,给出一个中西结合的结果。可能你会发现:高分是泛泛之交,好友之间分数一般。别着急,没关系,重点要看懂关系的互动,并且做相应的调整。微信:CECEXINGZUO微博:测测联系我们:[email protected],constellationcontrol essential pocket constellation app.After the 12 constellations used Cece, these capabilities havebeena blessing:Aries: Silly Sweet +Taurus: money +Gemini: wit +Cancer: Loving +Lion: fraternity ++Virgin: Perfect +Libra: Coordination ++Scorpio: Sexy +Shooter: the pursuit ++Capricorn: Achievements +Aquarius: Inspiration +Pisces: Happy +Cece several main features:[Astrolabe test report]Occupational astrolabe astrologer essential tool, covering 20kindsof free satellite dish, whether you are used to theASTROLOG32, orlike JANUS, WINSTAR, ZET these professional astrologysoftware,Cece have similar interfaces and settings.Co-disk contains relatively disc, composite disc, the combinationofpushing, disk space and time, Marx disk and so on;Various occult test: digital life, character crape myrtle, phasesofthe moon, has a detailed explanation oh Y (^_^) Y+ Sophisticated algorithm expertise Personal reports:What kind of person is right for you?TA might like what type of person?Your life fortune?[Constellation issue a key to send]Home added a key question, simply clicks on the button "ask",writethe problem, select the relevant satellite dish, you can sendtheanswer to the region. Cece 8000 Constellation older driverswhowill answer your voice!Each user has a free opportunity to ask questions aftereachquestion can be at least 3 ¥.According to the experience of Cece, there will be morecarefullybounty reply.[Voice Responder immediate response]Every question was paid to answer in the level of people andhasmore than Responder permissions interest.Always use voice answering, for at least 10 seconds, you can laythedraft before you answer, let each answer is to the point andcan beeligible for praise, you will be getting high reputationCece!If the answer is too much negative feedback received, theanswerwill be less and less authority.So be sure to answer your questions carefully yo!Come and prove that you are a small astrology expert now! ! [Scoring system 2.0]"No I do not get the disk, not only to adjust the attitude."Cece scoring combination of western constellation relativelyclosedish, Chinese stars, gives the result of a combination ofChineseand Western.Maybe you will find: scores are acquaintances, friends amongthegeneral score.Do not worry, it does not matter, the focus should understandtheinteraction between, and make the appropriate adjustments.Micro letter: CECEXINGZUOMicroblogging: CeceContact us: [email protected]
正一經書 ZYB_20231028_2330
Asked the first choice is by the book
湯鎮瑋Lucky365風水開運 23.9.0
魯班尺 1.9
App to the traditional feng shui measuring more convenient!
The authentic Guanyin spiritual lottery provides documentsandrecords for requesting, checking and resolving signatures. MZTIT
玄空飛星羅經 - 專業風水羅盤 1.0.0
道德經(又稱老子、道德真經、五千言、老子五千文) 2.2.0
般若文海 1.2
Cong Wang
學佛入門 2.0
佛教入門叢書 1.7
你想認識佛教嗎?你想了解佛法嗎? 有了它們,即使是佛教門外漢,也能一窺佛門堂奧。 通曉佛學的教材,了解佛法的資糧。
I Ching - Yi Jing Library 4.0.11
Yi Jing LLC
The most feature-rich app for working with the Yi Jing.