Top 21 Apps Similar to 红颜交友

Butterfly - Lesbian Dating, Fo 3.1.1
Butterfly, the largest social networking service for the HKlesbiancommunity.
weTouch-Chat and meet people 4.0.3
Start right now to start a brand new social life withexcitementevery day! Tap the download button, and the whole worldwill bedifferent. 【weTouch features】 Just tap the heart or swiperight ifyou like someone, OR tap the “X” or swipe left if you arenotinterested in someone. Chats: This feature is significantinknowing and meeting new people. Just leave a messagetofriends/lover or a streamer you like. The best bit is thatthisfeature is absolutely free. Nearby: This feature allows youtoquickly meet and choose people you want to know near you.Don’tworry about your privacy as you’re always in complete control–your exact location and personal information will never begivenwithout your permission. YOU decide if, when, and how you wanttoconnect. More innovative features are coming out soon! “Notice"*If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact [email protected] * You need to have more than 50 Facebook friendstoregister. * Your privacy and safety are our priority. * Wemonitorand review any illegal behavior (eg: fraud, paiddating,advertising, etc.). Please report if you see any. Pleasenote thatwith all subscriptions: * Subscription automaticallyrenews unlessauto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before theend of thecurrent period. * Account will be charged for renewalwithin24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identifythecost of the renewal. * You can turn off the auto-renewal ofyoursubscription through the Google Play Account on your Androiddeviceor through the Google Play on your computer. Once you turnoffauto-renewal, your subscription will expire at the end ofthecurrent subscription period.
3日天使 –大學生,聊天,交友,約會APP 1.0.60
大學生專屬、全台最暖心的校園交友平台【3日天使】擴大封測中!立即加入!★封測期間需取得序號才能註冊,註冊需通過學校信箱認證★序號取得方式:1.下載3日天使APP,在註冊頁點擊「索取序號」就有機會得到限量序號!2.找到已經參加我們服務的朋友,可以請他在APP裡面替您索取喔3.加入FB社團《bobitag@3日天使》:,會有最新序號發送的資訊~★序號數量有限,把握難得的機會,現在就加入3日天使,立即遇見你的專屬天使3日天使的交友特色:● 前所未見 角色扮演交友App你可以扮演天使和主人兩種聊天角色。扮演天使跟主人聊天,可以既神秘又真誠地展現自我,讓主人感動。扮演主人跟天使聊天,可以依賴,可以耍賴,也可以讓天使通過最機車的考驗。● 每晚十點 認識新朋友主動出擊配對,你就有可能選到命中註定的主人!緣份到了,誰會成為你的天使呢?● 3日之約,有緣再聊天短短3天72小時結束了。只要你和對方都有意願繼續聊天,便能再次重啟72小時,讓緣分持續下去。珍惜每次交友約定,或許這就會是一輩子的約會選擇呦!● 來場真心話 從陌生人變麻吉短短33分鐘,手機就是天使與主人告解室,邊聊天邊透過遊戲觸碰彼此的交友真心。天使願意對主人毫無保留地坦白,主人願意告訴天使最深切的傷痛。心中的缺口因你而完整。● 全台首創,聊天室同步觀影功能對打字聊天感到無趣?在3日天使,你可隨意點播影片、音樂,讓影音替你說出心情與感動。● 設定配對問題,找到興趣相同的交友對象可自由設置喜好問題,唯有猜對喜好,才能成為你的天使。加入FB社團獲得更多資訊:
巧遇交友 2.0.1
巧遇是一款随机交友应用, 旨在帮助单身的你快速找你的那个Ta。这款交友应用是基于中国最大免费婚恋交友网站淘男网开发的。通过轻快的音乐,和炫酷的翻转效果,让你置身于选美的环境中。巧遇是在茫茫人海中,通过翻牌的方式,来找到那个有缘的Ta。如果你喜欢Ta,就可以和Ta继续交流,如果不喜欢,你也可以重新发牌哦。
天天交友 1.0.6
一款基于认真恋爱交友的婚恋APP,让你在茫茫人海中不再感到孤独,让你在千万帅哥靓女中找到属于自己的真爱Based on a seriouslovedating marriage APP, let you in the vast sea no longer feellonely,so you find their own true love in the thousands of handsomeboys& girls in
淘男-免費移動交友平台 3.0
手機淘男是交友網站淘男網(開發的一款手機交友應用。通過GPS定位,自動搜索您周圍異性朋友,並且顯示TA與你的距離。你是否還在羨煞他人的手挽手親密無間?是否還在苦惱於自己還處於可惡的宅男剩女階段?想要結識異性,告別單身嗎?想要跟命中註定的TA來一次刻骨銘心的完美邂逅嗎?你會發現,告別單身,擁有愛情,就這麼簡單。在這個充滿戀愛氣氛的季節,開始甜蜜的戀愛之旅吧~~主要功能:1、 【優質推薦】:手機淘男為您推薦百里挑一的同城在線異性!2、 【距離定位】:自動精確定位TA與您的距離,更能抓住身邊緣分,非世紀佳緣、百合所能比擬!3、 【在線聊天】:選擇喜歡的異性免費在線聊天,大聲告訴TA我們約會吧!4、 【心情展示】:展示您的心情,獲取異性的關注,讓愛情來敲門!5、 【聊天記錄】:系統為您永久保存聊天記錄,記錄您們的珍愛足跡!6、 【緣分搜索】:使用搜索功能尋找TA,我的緣分緣來是你!7、 【精品收藏】:您可以將稱心如意的對象加入收藏,讓我們的愛情連連看!8、 【防止打擾】:使用黑名單功能,讓不喜歡的TA非誠勿擾!
聊大大 - 免费聊天,交友,约会 5.1.8
QQ账号一键登录,快捷方便,让约会、相亲不再难。在线同城交友、找对象、约会、婚恋、恋爱必备社交神器!以聊天为主打的社交产品,支持即时通讯功能,可以和帅哥、美女随时聊天,结识心仪的对象聊天约会、甚至恋爱、结婚。在线聊天交友、相亲找对象、找男友找女友、同城恋爱约会,就用聊大大聊天交友手机app。官方网站:http://www.liaodada.comA key QQ accountlogin,fast and convenient, make an appointment, dating is nolongerdifficult.Online city friends, find objects, dating, marriage, loveessentialsocial artifact!In the chat primarily social product, support instant messaging,canhandsome, beautiful or chat, meet favorite object dating chat,evenin love, get married.Online chat with friends, dating to find the object, look forherboyfriend to find his girlfriend, city love dating, chatwithfriends on the phone with talk much app.Official website: http: //
Hong Kong Police Mobile App 2.5.15
An instant, on-the-go access to the information of HKPF.
同城夜約會-遇見寂寞的單身陌生人,交友、聊天、速度約愛、拍拖 1.3.1
Wiscom Inc.
Pacar: Find New Indo Friends, Chat and Dating 1.1.81
Pacar – find and make new Indonesian friends using yourphonesafelywith ease. You can search to find new matches based onyourownpreferences and get to know your matches right away bystarthavinginteraction with them using chat and our helpful tools.Theapp willprovide certain amount of help after you’ve foundyourright match!All you need to do is just register for anaccount,setup yourprofile with the best profile picture of yours,write ashortdescription about yourself, select your interestsandstartsearching. No matter where you are, you could easilyreachout& connect to new friends. It’s an easy and relaxingwaytostart a dating with possible soul mate! Main Features:SearchFindlovely nearby Pacar who also had common interest asyou,peoplewho're also actively looking for new friends, datingpartnerandget into a wonderful relationship together. Chat Chatwithyoursearch result matches or new friends by using text,imageandemoji. Find and ask the right person to go out withyouafterknowing each other and start dating. Gift SendingImpressthegirls! Send them lovely gifts. Exchange Rewards The giftsthatyoucollected can accumulate points to be exchanged formobilecredittop-up or cash out! Drawing Game Use this to help startormakeyour conversation more colorful, draw your chosen objectwithyourimagination and showcase your art skill doesn't matter goodorbadfor your match to guess the correct answer, it will be fun!Haveagood laugh with each other. Album This is an open platformforallto share their photos to attract your match. Youcanshareunlimited photos of you to increase the chance ofattractingtheright soul mate. Download the friendly dating appPacar forfreenow, start chatting and dating with hot people aroundyou!Getconnected, stay connected.
蜂蜜约聊-私密交友同城约会午夜倾诉免费电话陌生人分享社交平台 0.6.55
蜂蜜是一款聊天、交友、分享的应用。与陌生人聊天是刺激有趣的事情,你可以天亮以后说再见,也可以只爱陌生人。甜蜜电话、秘密话题、私密照片,聊到停不下来。聊聊天,夜不眠语音聊天:在失眠的夜晚,找个谈得来的小伙伴,通个语音电话,天南海北的扯扯淡。话题聊天:看话题,搭个讪,聊心事,说故事!找个“同城”的朋友,跟寂寞说再见。图片聊天:貌美、卖萌、晒腿,我就是外貌协会,遇到喜欢的就点个赞,嗨聊起来吧。亲密度,缘掌握谁能走进我心里,谁才能揭开我的面纱。新的交友模式,聊天解锁亲密度,看看我们是否投缘!亲密度1心:双方认识,话题保存,可以使用无痕信息啦。亲密度2心:你们聊的还不错哦,可以查看对方的资料了。亲密度3心:很投缘的感觉,缘分来的太快,加一下好友吧。更多亲密度功能,待你去解锁。很私密,又亲密匿名会有一种安全感,放心的说一些心情与秘密。亲密度保护社交体验,让你免除无聊的骚扰。用无痕信息,聊天会在阅读后消失,勾搭、调情、小秘密。醉话还是胡说,都会随着夜色而消逝。如果你讨厌一段关系,可以点击“遗忘Ta”。缘分一键就消失,他再也不会找到你,天还未亮人已忘。蜂蜜官网: http://www.fengmi.im新浪微博:官方微信:朗玛-蜂窝(phonewow)关键词:私密,社交,秘密,聊天,私图,蜂加,phone+,免费,电话,性感,美女,交友,小说,真实,搞笑,段子,陌陌,line,遇见,微博,唱吧,空间,来往,抱抱,qq,微信,咔嚓,人人,微博,微视,snapchat,
talktalk-Chat with friends 3.7
Just want to easily find someonetochatit?Or looking for someone to talk to but not good to findtopics,From daily life, traveling fun, emotional thoughts,We have prepared an interesting topic than 100(andcounting),theLets you exchange with people from all over the* Description====1 => Enter Looking For2 => random a chat topic3 => speak their minds4 => other replies and then continue to the next topicchat====Currently supportsTraditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese,English, Japanese, Korean
Chat Now 3.0.12
無拘束、無限制咁同仼何人吹水交流,擴闊圈子,無論你想認識另一半定係搵啱嘴型嘅朋友,暢所欲言,Chat Now!
Knock Knock : 敲敲手機一指快速交友聊天 1.5
「敲敲」手機輕鬆配對,超直覺又方便的介面,讓你一指交友!◆不用註冊 ◆隨機配對 ◆快速聊天 ◆不留訊息KNOCKKNOCK是一款全新型態的溝通應用程式。它能讓您隨時隨地盡情享受免費傳訊與交友的樂趣!獨特內容讓你體驗前所未有的新鮮與刺激!隨機聊天重拾你的交友熱情!!【KNOCK KNOCK的主要特徵】◆【不用註冊 輕鬆聊天】 只要設定目標 就能輕鬆配對◆【隨機配對 要搶要快】 配對先搶先贏 不只緣分還要努力◆【短暫聊天 把握時間】 開門聊天 10分鐘決定第一印象◆【不留訊息 不留痕跡】印象不好 刪除一切訊息,揮揮衣袖 不帶走一片雲彩◆【輕鬆結交新朋友】操作簡便、傳送迅速 簡單介面 交友變得更有趣、更方便◆【免費簡訊】完全免費!"Knock Knock"easilypaired phone, super intuitive and convenient interface thatallowsyou a means friends!◆ No registrations quick chat ◆ ◆ ◆ random pairing does not leaveamessageKNOCK KNOCK is a new type of communication applications.Itallows you to enjoy free messaging anywhere fun with friends!Neverlet you experience unique content fresh and exciting! Randomchatdating regain your enthusiasm!!The main features of KNOCK KNOCK]◆ relaxed chat without registration [] as long as you caneasilyset a target pairing◆ [Random] faster pairing to grab the first pair to win notonlythe first but also the efforts of fate◆ [short] take the time to chat chat 10 minutes decided toopenthe door first impression◆ [do not leave a message without leaving a bad impressiontodelete all traces] message, waved his sleeves and do not takeacloud◆】 【easy to make new friends is simple, quick and easyinterfaceto send friends become more interesting and convenient◆】 【free newsletter absolutely free!
US Divorce Single Parents Meet 10.5
United States divorced dating app for single moms andsingledads,single parents
Eatgether - Meet & Match 5.9.0
Review display optimization, Pin your favorite review, Replyreviewfor everyone
热聊-最有温度的激情交友 1.0.3
热聊是全网最新最优质的女神私密陪伴社交平台,为你打造高颜值社交圈!气质佳人,凝神倾听,火辣陪聊,土豪宅男单身汉的狂野心灵发泄净土,速速开启女神探索发现之旅!比美聊更优质的女神陪伴比陪聊更暖心的线上倾听告别亲亲陌陌的徘徊与失落 在热聊的世界重拾自信与满足即刻下载热聊 万千女神 等你宠爱哦 !热聊特色【颜值爆表】精心挑选高颜值会员签约经纪演绎模特公司,网罗微博,iN/nice/潮自拍等平台上优质美女,你想要的美妞几乎都在,只为打造高颜值社交圈!【时刻新鲜】万千女神等你翻牌,陪你嗨聊度过每一刻闲暇时光!【绝对私密】靓照加密,等你开启;畅所欲言,阅后即焚,毫无痕迹。【趣味不停】热榜搜罗,及时发现,喜欢、关注、送礼开启女神热聊之旅!【逼格无上】制定挑剔的会员制度,旨在打造高端陪伴社交群!Hot chat thewholenetworkis the latest and most high-goddess intimatecompanionshipsocialplatform for you to create high-value colorcircles!Temperament beauty, listening attentively, hot chatting,earthluxurymale bachelor's wild heart vent Pure Land, come quicklyturnthegoddess journey of discovery!Bimei talk better goddess accompaniedMore heart-warming than chatting online listeningFarewell kiss unfamiliar street wandering lost in the hotchatwiththe world regain their confidence and satisfactionHot chat instantly download thousands of goddess pet waitingforyouOh!Features hot chat[Yen value burst table] carefully selected high-valuecolormodelinterpretation membership contract brokerage firm,recruitedonWeibo, iN / nice / self-timer and other platforms hightidebeauty,you want almost all US girl, only to create high valueYensocialcircle![Time] thousands of fresh goddess flop waiting for you,accompanyyouto spend every moment to talk Hey leisure time![] Videos of absolute privacy encryption, so you open;freely,BurnAfter Reading, there is no trace.[Fun] hot list kept collecting, in time, love, attention,giftstothe goddess turned hot chat trip![Supreme] to force Georgia to develop pickymembershipsystem,designed to create high-end accompany socialgroup!
BD-交友,約會,聊天,語音,直播,視訊,匿名,社交,配對 7.6.0
特色:-『隨機語音配對』 ... 七分鐘後,使用魔法棒揭曉對方的真面目-『1 on 1 主播台-誰來聽我說』 ... 主播與觀眾零距離接觸,互動大升級- 心事向狼災,提供完整匿名發文體驗,可以讓你訴說你所有的心事,或是提供生活趣事,分享給所有BD友們。還記得真愛每一天的場景嗎?男主角與女主角在一間伸手不見五指的餐廳裡只靠著聲音聊了一整頓晚餐出餐廳後,聽到對方的聲音,之後相認那麼有意思的場景,現在不會只出現在電影情節裡了立即打開BD,一同體驗Blind Dating的美好。BD.TrisTech權限聲明相機 相片- 提供使用者可以上傳照片,視訊功能麥克風 - 配對電話
約會神器—約愛 單身男女,遇見附近寂寞陌生人,聊天交友,戀愛 1.4.8
熱戀區-在地交友,單身聯誼相親首選 7