Top 22 Apps Similar to シンプル通話録音

Call Recorder 2.4.0
Trial version can be downloaded fromxda: Recorder has been developed for recording calls from thephoneline.It supports the latest systems on most current devices.CallRecorder works out of the box on most devices. However,somedevices don’t support call recording out of the box,becausecertain manufacturers just don’t care to implement it.Still, theapp will able to record calls using root.Here is the (incomplete) list of the features that CallRecordersupports:• Call recording from the phone line• Enable call confirm dialog - you decide if you record a callfroma particular contact• Enable after-call actions dialog - you can choose what exactlyyouneed after the call, e.g., keep, remove, add note, star,etc.• You have an option to set up exceptions, namely, whatphonenumbers/contacts/groups will be recorded, not recordedorstarred• You can add any notes to recordings• You can upload recordings to cloud storage (Google Drive,Dropbox,OneDrive, Yandex.Disk, Box, WebDav)• You can set up the rules to remove old recordingfilesautomatically - starred recordings will not be deleted• Save the calls in different formats (FLAC, OPUS, WAV, etc.)• Play recordings over handset speaker or main speaker• Set up a password to enter to the app (supportsfingerprint)• Set up your own filename pattern• Record to external storage (to any folder)• View recordings right out of the contacts app
Automatic Phone Calls Recorder 1.10.6
Record the phone call you want withcallrecorder. You can easily set the calls you want to record andthecalls you want to ignore. Once recorded it is very easy to getto arecording and listen to it by a single click, this is key tothisapplication compare to other ones where you have to clickseveraltimes to listen to a recording. This app is designed forpeople whodo not want to waste time, within the list of recordingsyou canswitch from one recording to another really fast, listen tothefirst seconds and get to another one in no time.Of course you can delete recordings, you can keep up to acertainnumber of recordings, the oldest ones will then get cleanedupautomatically, you can share your recordings as well, send thembyemail, SMS, Bluetooth, Facebook, Skydrive, Dropbox, orusingwhichever apps you have configured and are recognized byAndroid asapps usable for sharing something.You can set up one or two things if you want, you can also relyonthe default settings and set up nothing. You can decide inthesettings to record your contacts, in that case you can evenfilterthe contacts you want to record and for each contact decidewhetheryou want to record any call, not to record or to record onlywhenyou shake the phone prior to call or answering the call. Ifyouchoose the last option before making a call or answering acall,you just will have to shake the phone, you will then hear asoundor feel the phone vibrate as an acknowledgement.In the settings you can decide to register people who are notinyour contacts list, either in an automatic way or in shakingthephone as for the contacts (see above).The settings allow you to set a maximum number of recordingstokeep, beyond this limit the oldest recordings will get removedfromthe phone.Last but not least it is also possible to set up a password. Asyouknow recordings can be highly confidential and you may notwantthat a third party accessing your phone could listen tothem.Setting a password will prompt you for a password when youaccessthe application or when you get back to it after the phonehas beenidle or after switching between the application and anotherone.In a nutshell what auto call recorder does:- Records calls automatically.- Group your calls by date, or by contact or do not group ifyouprefer- Turn the recording on/off- fine tune using audio sources- Use the loudspeaker if you decide so- You can use several themes for the UI- You even do not have to open Call Recorder to startrecordingcalls.- Calls are recorded in the background.- Record Calls in Spy mode.- Recorded calls are stored in the app.- Check the recorded files later in Call Recorder.- The User Interface, makes it easy to use Call Recorder app.- Allows you to filter the call you want to record- Protect your recordings via a password (Seealso: Enables you to send your recordings via mail dropbox,onedrive(skydrive), etc- Enables you to switch from one recording to anotherrealfast- It is free.*********************************************************Important notice about Free Call Recorder :- Due to hardware limitations recording function might notworkproperly on some devices. It is by no means anapplicationmalfunction , please do not leave negative reviews andcommentsbecause of that. If nothing is recorded or only your voiceisrecorded you are likely facing the issue related above,again,there is nothing we could do do not leave a bad review.- Likewise, this application may not function if othercallrecording applications are in use. Please uninstall allotherrecording apps otherwise this application may notworkproperly*********************************************************Langages supported: English, French, Spanish,Portuguese,Italian, Turkish, Russian, German, Japanaese,Chinese,Korean
Call Recorder 1.4.2
HDM Dev Team
Call Recorder detects incoming andoutgoingcalls and records them automatically.With the audio source check function, only audio sources thatarecompatible with your device are displayed andautomaticallyselected.This prevents the app from selecting non-compatible audiosourcesthat could cause the recording to fail—a problem all toooften seenwith other apps.If you are having trouble recording with other apps, pleasegivethis app a try.* Depending on the specifications of the phone, it may notberecorded properly. This is not an issue with the app.✔Comes with user-friendly functions such as automatic volumechangewhen playing back recordings.✔The application lock function protects your privacy byrequiringusers to input the unlocking pattern when starting uptheapp.【Features】• Recording playback• Share• Outgoing call• Exclusion function• Recording protection• Recording delete• Show icon• Auto volume change• Ask pattern when app opened• Recording folder• Max recordings• Audio source• Recording format• Auto delete after "X" days• Auto delete short recording• Cloud upload• Use external player【Privacy Policy】Call Recorder does not collect or transfer any data to us or toanythird party.Read Phone StateGet the state of the phone, so that it can start call recordingwhenyou are answering a call.Process Outgoing CallsSame as Read Phone State, start call recording when you are makingacall.Record AudioRecord your phone call with microphone or the voicecallchannel.Modify Audio SettingsAdjust the volume in playback.Read ContactsReading and displaying the names of contacts when recordingthephone calls, and reading all the contacts for addingexcludelist.
通話録音PLUS 1.0.5
【特徴】・自動的に通話内容を録音してくれます。・シンプルで使いやすい画面構成になっており、全ての機能が無料で使用できます。・”早聞き”機能が付いているので、再生スピードを調整できます。・”少し戻る”機能が付いているので、ちょっと巻き戻しするのに便利です。・”メモ”を書き込め るようになっています。・”フォルダ”機能が付いているので、日付や通話者別などに録音ファイルを区分しておくことができます。・Dropboxなどの外部ストレージに録音ファイルを保存することができます。・”自動削除”機能が付いているので、設定した期間を過ぎると、録音ファイルを自動的に削除することができます。・”音質”や”録音ソース”を変更することができます。・画面表示の”言語”を日本語/英語/中国語(簡体字)/中国語(繁体字)/韓国語から選択することができます。【使い方】・アプリをダウンロードしていただくと、すぐに使用できます。・あとは、普通に電話していただければ、ア プリが自動的に録音してくれます。・電話を切る場合は、通話中画面の”通話を切る”ボタンを押してください。・録音を聞く場合は。”録音した通話”を押すと、録音ファイルが表示されます。それをタップすると再生されます。・メモを書き込みたい場合は、再生画面の”編集”を押してください。文章が書き込めるようになります。・フォルダを作成したり、Dropboxなどへ保存する場合は、録音ファイルの左端にあるチェックボックスにチェックを入れてください。右上にアイコンが表示されるので、そこから各機能を選択してください。・設定画面で”早聞き””少し戻る””自動削除””音質””録音ソース”などの調整ができます。お好みに合わせて、設定してください。【使用上の注意】・推奨環境はAndroid4.1以降です。・Dropboxなど外部ストレージに保存する場合は、音声のみとなります。メモした内容は一緒に保存されませんので、ご注意下さい。・数機種のデバイスで動作検証を行っておりますが、予測しえない事由により、不具合が発生することもあります。・ご使用になる前に、必ず【プライバシーポリシー】と【ユーザーポリシー】を御確認下さい。
Geek Call Recorder 1.3.15
The professional call recording tools, real-time ,clear, easy touse
Call Recorder - Auto Recording 2.3.6
Call Recording Works Well For Any Android Phone.
Auto Call Recorder pro 2017 1.2
Automatic Call Recorder is one of thebestcallrecorder android applications available on the internet.Youcancustomize the call recording functionalities asperyourrequirements and can record and save only the required ones.Meanwhile, the application is downloading look atthecoolfeatures below:– Extra fine quality of recordings ( Wav, Mp4, ARM…)– Fully customizable recording functionality– Save only the recordings that are important– Cloud storage available– Maintain privacy and security by password– Shake and record functionality– Player friendly– Share record to friend, family… very fast and easily– 100% Safe with private mode– Support record from many source audioAnd many other features.When you install the application, it will start recordingallthecalls that you make or the calls that you get. With theawesomeuserinterface you can customize which calls to record andwhichnotto.By default the application will store the recordings oflast100calls and then it will automatically delete the previouscallsandwill save the new ones. To store the important callrecordingsyouneed to add them to the favorites of the applicationso thattheywill not be deleted.In the settings option you will be able to change thefileformatin which you want to save the recordings like 3GP, WAV,MP4and AMR.Here you can change the number of calls that can bestoredin yourdevice.You can also set up a password to access app.
simple call recording 1.8.2
On sale right now! " ! ! Offer at 180 yen,360yen at the normal! ! ! 'Simple! Simple! Easy to use! Call recording app is developedbythe motto.In the clean design without any unnecessary images andcomplexfunctions, I have also supported local languages. So we havetodesign you can rely on anyone, it is also recommended forbeginnerssmartphone.■ Development EnvironmentEclipse 4.2 JUNO API level 9-16As for reviews that do not work, this app has been created inaway compliant Androidfor terminal will not work with the specifications ofthemanufacturer of the application, rather than a bug.Or are restricting the call recording itself, and there is nocallrecording feature itself, a bug in the microphoneAnd there is, fails to create the recording file, etc. Itisdifferent.The apps are also installed in the terminal operable evils cameoutalso,There is also a possibility that you can not record well.In that case, I hope a review of the app has already beeninstallednow.In addition, whether operational, so you can refund it within15minutes,Thank you towards the operation check, etc. First timesignal.This terminal can be set forth in the comments section ofthereport, such as you do not have to workThank you and your help will be updated from time to time.■ I (models that can be confirmed) compatible modelsGALAXY-S2LTE, S3 (S, S2 is not possible because themanufacturersare putting a limit on the call recording itself)• Operates in the transmitter + receiverSH-01B N06C (MEDIAS) SH-03C SH-12C T-01C (REGZA)IS03 IS04 (REGZA) IS05 IS06 IS11SH IS11CA 003SH (GALAPAGOS)Operation and only voice recorderSC-02B (GALAXY-S) XPERIA CM6.1.3 mandatory (V06 V07) ※ SDcard001HT SO-01CSpecial-ISW11HT (series HTC EVO)※ It's a record that it can not set transmitter + receiver,receiver+ transmitter can be recorded only in the setting of thesending orreception onlyRecording only the mouthpiece-only reception is not possible.YesVoice Recorder works fine.■ LanguagesRussian Japanese Korean Chinese EnglishGerman Italian French Spanish Portuguese※ Screenshot is Japanese, so please rest assured the actuallanguageof the street signage and terminal settings.■ Number of storableIt can be saved as long as there is a body or an externalstoragecapacity.Recording of minutes (a whole 10 days) is available with acapacityof approximately 240 hours 1GB.■ Menu• Set automatic call recording: whether or not to call duringthecall automatically.Various recording list: A list of the recorded file• Set sound settings: the sound source. Transmitter + receiver,onlythe receiver, transmitter only three selectedStarting and manual call recording: Start recording andcallchecked. Automatic call recording is OFFOnly and can be changed during a callStarting and Voice recorder: Start recording from themicrophonewhen checked.· Notification settings: whether or not to display a notificationinthe status bar• Set Destination: Select from the body and the externalstoragelocation to save the file■ the file list screen· Play: Touch the list and play.· Protection and release: possible protection and release settingbytouching the mark on the right key.※ Delete mail file attachment file name can be changed bypressingthe head of the list.※ You can not delete a file that is protected.※ mail attachment is recommended for Gmail■ (the screen that appears when you press the Menu button ontheterminal screen, list) list function menu• Release / protection of allSort· Delete all
Automatic Call Recorder 1.3
Call recording is a applications thathavecapable of automatically recording the telephone conversationsandrepeat listen it at any time.You can customize the filter people want to record,veryconvenient.Features:* Built-in contacts the filter can be specific totheindividual.* Automatic phone call recording* Display notifications after phone call* Google Drive integration* Displaying contact name and photo* Set interval of automatically delete the recording* Support 3Gpp, Mpeg recoding formats* Saved record to "Sdcard/CooCallStoreRecords" folder* Different recording modes by number, contact, non-contact orjustselected contactsThere are 3 default settings for automatic recording:Record everything (default) – This setting records all callsexceptfor contacts pre-selected to be ignored.Ignore everything – This setting records no calls exceptforcontacts pre-selected to be recorded.Ignore contacts – This setting records all calls with people whoarenot contacts, except for contacts pre-selected to berecorded.Have you ever had an important phone call and needed to takeamemo?Or you had to memorize a phone number or street address?You were in a traffic jam while receiving an important order fromaclient?Maybe you had to write down a shopping list andforgotsomething?Or simply wanted to hold on to some sweet memories and tenderwordsfrom your soul mate?When you have the above scene, this application will beveryuseful!*********************************************************Important notice about Call Recorder features:- Due to hardware limitations recording function might notworkproperly on some devices. It is not malfunction of theapplication,please do not leave negative reviews andcomments.- App may not function if other call recording applications areinuse. Please close or delete all other recording apps.*********************************************************
Automatic Call Recorder Pro 1.4
Call Recorder Pro is callrecorderapplicationfor recording any call auto voice conversationsover theAndroidMobile Phone to save the important content. It isthe bestautocall recorder application to record incoming andoutgoing allcallsautomatically.You can record any phone call you want and choose whichcallsyouwant to save. The other you can set which calls arerecordedandwhich are ignored.This App is Free Call RecorderAutomatic. Youcanall call recoder any time and anywhere.Simple Call Recorder app that has an ability to callrecorder.Byrecord my call.Call Recorder is a free call recorder application. Itiscallrecorder free in the Play Store.Call recording app is call recording devices. You can usefreecallrecorder because it's have very comfortable and NowDownloadfreecall record from Play Store.Are you looking for the best free spy call recorder appfreeforAndroid phone or tablet? Automatic Call Recorder Pro isthebestcall recorder app for android phone. Records all yourphonecall.It is a great and easy for you. The app can record anycallyouwant. This app can your record any phone call you wantandchoosewhich calls you want to save.Do you want of call recorder automatic Pro? With“AutomaticCallRecorder Pro” is application phone call record. Youcan recordyourall calls in best voice quality and easily managethem in afreeprice.Now, you can do smart recording automatically.Phonecallrecorder use records unlimited incoming and outgoingcalls.Andit’s Block unwanted calls.Call recorder free - RecordPhoneCallsfor Android Mobile Phone. Another Call Recorder Pro is afreecallrecorder application. It’s one of the best call recordersinthePlay Store.It can be listened to the message again any time.Itisstored by the Call Recording Software in the savedallcallsfolderprovided in Inbox. By default, the program will beableto saveabout 100 calls automatically or depending on the sizeofyourmemory. When the memory is full, the former-call which isanoldfile will be deleted automatically and save the new anycalltoreplace. If you want to record an important calls, you havetoaddthem in the favorite application to protect themfromdeletion.Auto call recorder, It’s make you comfortable and easytouse on adaily. Download Free Now.Call Recorder, You can change the destination folder tosaveinexternal SD card. You also can set the size of theincomingcall,which is limited by the memory of the device. You cansee theCallSummary with various options which will be availableafterthecall. This auto callrecorder pro application will letyourecordvoice conversation easily. You can choose the call tosaveorshare. You can download and install this applicationfreewithoutcharge.Why it is cool callrecorder app:Property of Call Recorder- Call records all incoming and outgoing callsautomatically.Autocall recorder is appeasy to use, without pressing the Record button.- Call Recorder , You can change the audio format you wanttosavefor the size and high quality sound, like WAV, MP3,MP4,3GP- To manage a list of important or unimportantrecordedcallseasily.- To check the memory available on your phone tomanagethearea.- You can enable the Shake and Save. If you want tostoprecordingcalls, you can shake your phone and it will notrecordthat sectioncalls.- You can secure by setting a password to prevent anyoneelseenterthe accessing important files except yourself.- Call Recorder , You can choose whether to show orhidetheRecording Media Player on mobile phone.You should download Call Recorder Automatic Program which isthebestcall recorderapplication program for Android Mobile Phoneyouwillnot miss important calls anymore.Some Mobile version do not support call recording properly.Duetothe ability and different chipset/CPU or Android versioneachbrandand model have.
ACR Full version Unlocker 10.1
Access to premium features of ACR
Minutes (通話録音アプリ) 3
機能・通話の自動録音 (すべて自動のため操作の必要はありません)・音声の録音 (RECボタン)・録音した内容の再生 (PLAY/RESETボタン)・録音した内容の削除(行を長押し)・録音した内容をファイルとしてパソコンへ取り込み (USBケーブルを繋いでファイルをコピーしてください)対応OS・4.4.2 以降function- Automatic recording of the call (it is not for theautomaticactionis required all)And audio recording (REC button)• The recorded playback of content (PLAY / RESET button)• The recorded deletion of content (press the line length)And personal computers to capture the recorded content asafile(Please copy the files by connecting the USB cable)Supported OS- 4.4.2 or later
Call Recorder - Best 2.2.1
Automatic call recorder, you do not need todoany complicated settings.Listen to recordings anywhere and anytime.Convenient information integrated search function.Add text memo recording, clear and easy to understand.You can at any time using the internal storage or SDcardstorage.Powerful automatic cloud backup system.Powerful features:When replacing the phone, you can synchronize recording datafromthe cloud, you do not loss any files.Professional version features:1. The more powerful multi-project operations.2. Automatic recording saved and cloud backup storage.If you encounter any problems recording, try usingdifferentrecording sound source, or use the automatic speakermode.Some phone calls can not be recording, or may lead to poorqualityof the recording. We recommend that you try the free versionfirstbefore deciding whether to buy the paid version.TAG:Call recording, Call recorder
Easy Voice Recorder Pro
Easy Voice Recorder Pro is youreverydaycompanion to record important moments. Capture meetings,personalnotes, classes, songs, and much more, without time limitsorads!For studentsRecord your classes and lectures with clear quality, even whentheteacher is not right in front of you. Listen to these notes asmanytimes as you want to help you study for that next exam.With no time limits and the option to choose a compressedformat,it's easy to record even the longest classes andlectures.For businessCapture interviews and meetings from your phone, tablet, orsmartwatch, then share them with your colleagues through email oryourfavourite messaging app. Take advantage of powerful widgetsandshortcuts to start a new recording right from thehomescreen.You can even enable cloud upload to record voice noteswhilecommuting and have them automatically uploaded toyourlaptop.For musicians and for everyoneWith many options to fine-tune the recording, the app is greatforrehearsals and for capturing melodies that pop in yourhead.Quickly try new ideas, hear the results and make adjustmentson anew take.You can quickly switch between voice notes, meetings &lectures,and music & raw sound with easy to use settingsandpresets.Exclusive Pro features (available onsupporteddevices):★ Upload new recordings automatically to your Google DriveorDropbox.★ Manage and organize your recordings with folders, andsaverecordings to your SD card.★ Record using a Bluetooth microphone.★ Control the recorder from anywhere using the notifications bar,orthrough our Tasker and Locale plugins.★ Many more options, including stereo, skip silence, volumeboost,custom bitrates, and more.Plus all the great features you find in thefreeversion:- Record to high-quality PCM and MP4, or use AMR tosavespace.- Quick start a new recording with widgets and shortcuts, andrecordin the background.- Share recordings easily through email or your favourite app,orset them as a ringtone.- Android Wear support - record from your smartwatch.- Light and dark themes, and many other cool features.Easy Voice Recorder is exactly what the name says: an easy touseaudio recorder and sound recorder. Reliable, fast and flexible,itadapts to your needs.Need help?Please note that Easy Voice Recorder Pro is not a call recorderandcan’t record phone calls on most phones. If there are anyproblems,please contact us at [email protected]. We are alwayshappy toassist you.Terms of UseTerms ofUse: detailsPhotos/Media/Files - Save recordings to your externalstorage.Microphone - Record audio from your microphone.
PRO Note Call Recorder 6.0
Please use free version before buyingproversion. import data from free version. Please do these steps:1. In free version, open Settings, click Export Data for ProVersionButton2. In PRO version, open Settings, click Import Data fromFreeVersion3. Disable or uninstall Free version###Main Function ####- Automatic recording incoming calls and outgoing calls withHDquality- From Android 4.3, app can record VoIP voice callautomaticallyfrom Facebook Messenger, Skype, Viber, Whatsapp, Zalo.And fromAndroid 5.0, app can record VoIP video call fromFacebookMessenger, Skype, Viber, Whatsapp, Zalo automatically. It'salsoSkype recorder, Whatsapp recorder.- Reject calls, add phone call number to call blacklist- After ending the call, the app automatically displays thewindowfor you to enter notes- Allow to select phone numbers from contact app to add tocallblacklist. These phone numbers in blacklist will berejectedcall.- Allow to choose which phone numbers are recorded call ornotrecorded call- Play audio files, recorded call files with cute internalsound,audio, music player- Allows to add, delete, edit notes in the program- Allows to share recorded call files, the audio files- Allows configuration of the automatic recording andautomaticallydisplay the caller's information, for each phonenumber or toall
ぷれれこ:録音機能付きプレゼンタイマー 1.0
発表練習を行う際に、プレゼンタイマーとボイスレコーダの2つを準備するのが面倒な方にピッタリの録音機能付きプレゼンタイマーです。タイマ機能と音声録音が同時に行えます。・ mp3録音のため高音質で発表を録音することが可能・ 一鈴から三鈴まで用意されており、時間の設定は自由自在・ ぷれれこから録音音声の再生・共有・削除が可能・録音機能をOFFにしてただのプレゼンタイマーとしても利用可能発表練習や発表本番にご利用ください。※動作確認済み機種:HTC J One、Nexus7(2012)
Auto Call Recorder Pro 2016 4
« Automatic Call Recorder Pro2016 »Now You can record all incoming and outgoing call withgood audioquality. You can make your recording, its like aAutomatic CallRecorder 2015 Pro with beautiful theme for your eyes,believe meyou need to try it.Record any incoming and outgoing phone call you want andchoosewhich calls you want to save. You can set which calls arerecordedand which are ignored. Listen to the recording.Feature:• Recording will save in you selected format.• You can enable/disable notification for start recording.• Choose audio format.• You can also save selected call recording.• Enable/Disable passcode lock and change passcode.• ON/OFF call recording.• Inbuilt audio player for play your recording.• Delete recorded item.• Just use Automatic Call Recorder Pro 2016• Play or Stop the recorded calls by single touch.• Delete recorded call audios.• Configure Call Recorder – Can also set the Auto Cleaning timeforrecording.• Confirmation dialog: Would you like to keep recorded call thatisshown just after the call EndUse free call recorder 2015 when you cannot remember what wassaidon a call; when you want to know exactly what was said; or whenyouwant to hear the voice of a loved one.Your life will get smarter.Thanks for your support Automatic Call Recorder Pro 2016.
Call Recorder 2017 1.1
Now You can record all incomingandoutgoingcall with good audio quality. You can make yourrecording,its likea Call Recorder 2017 Pro with beautiful theme foryoureyes,believe me you need to try it.Record any incoming and outgoing phone call you want andchoosewhichcalls you want to save. You can set which calls arerecordedandwhich are ignored. Listen to the recording.Feature:- Just use Call Recorder 2016- Records both incoming and outgoing calls.- Unlimited Call Recording- Record all your phone calls whether it isincomingoroutgoing.- User can Enable/Disable call recording- Play or Stop the recorded calls by single touch.- Delete recorded call audios.- Configure automatic cleaning – Can also set the AutoCleaningtimefor recording.- Confirmation dialog: Would you like to keep recorded callthatisshown just after the call End.- Useful for Secret Call Recording.- Completely free no hidden charges.- App does not transfer any content outside your mobile.- Call Recorder is the easiest and fastest way to recordphonecallson your android phone.- Record phone calls from your phone- Save your recordings on your SD card- Record both incoming and outgoing calls- Auto and HD Call for your android phone- Secret and smart Universal Call Recorder Automatic* Here are some of the cases you might want to use CallRecorderfor:-Record important calls and save them for future reference-Record a conference call with your co-workers and canfurtherusethis voice note as a reference document-Interviewing someone over the phone- Call Recorderhelpsincapturing all the details and store the same as voice noteforyourfuture reference-Use it on the road to capture important callsWhat are you waiting for ! download it now !!!!Don't forget best wishes with Call Recorder 2017 !!Now You canrecordallincoming and outgoing call with good audio quality. Youcanmakeyour recording, its like a Call Recorder Pro 2017withbeautifultheme for your eyes, believe me you need to tryit.Record any incoming and outgoing phone call you want andchooseWhichyou want to save calls. You can Which calls areRecorded inSeptemberand Which are ignored. Listen to therecording.Feature:- Just use Call Recorder 2016- Records Both incoming and outgoing calls.- Unlimited Call Recording- Record all your phone calls Whether it isincomingoroutgoing.- User can Enable / Disable call recording- Play or Stop the Recorded calls by single touch.- Delete Recorded audio call.- Configure automatic cleaning - Can Also Set the AutoCleaningtimefor recording.- Confirmation dialog: Would you like to keep Recorded Thatcallisshown just after the call End.- Useful for Secret Call Recording.- Completely free no hidden charges.- App does not transfer any content outside your mobile.- Call Recorder is the Easiest and fastest way to recordphonecallson your android phone.- Record phone calls from your phone- Save your recordings on your SD card- Score Both incoming and outgoing calls- Auto and HD Call for your android phone- Secret and smart Universal Automatic Call Recorder* Here are some of the cases you Might want to useCallRecorderfor:Important -record calls and save them for future reference-record A conference call with your co-workers and canfurthervoicenote Use this as a reference document-Interviewing Someone over the Phone- Call RecorderHelpsincapturing all the details and store the same as your voicenoteforfuture reference-Use It on the road to capture calls ImportantWhat are you waiting for! download it now !!!!Do not forget Call Recorder With best wishes 2017 !!
Auto Call Recorder 4.2
Automatic Call Recorder is one of thebestcallrecorder android applications available on the internet.Youcancustomize the call recording functionalities asperyourrequirements and can record and save only the required ones.Meanwhile, the application is downloading look atthecoolfeatures below:– Extra fine quality of recordings ( Wav, Mp4, ARM…)– Fully customizable recording functionality– Save only the recordings that are important– Cloud storage available– Maintain privacy and security by password– Shake and record functionality– Player friendly– Share record to friend, family… very fast and easily– 100% Safe with private mode– Support record from many source audioAnd many other features.When you install the application, it will start recordingallthecalls that you make or the calls that you get. With theawesomeuserinterface you can customize which calls to record andwhichnotto.By default the application will store the recordings oflast100calls and then it will automatically delete the previouscallsandwill save the new ones. To store the important callrecordingsyouneed to add them to the favorites of the applicationso thattheywill not be deleted.In the settings option you will be able to change thefileformatin which you want to save the recordings like 3GP, WAV,MP4and AMR.Here you can change the number of calls that can bestoredin yourdevice.You can also set up a password to access app.
MyVoiceMemo PCM WAV Recorder
Clean record with a simple operation.
Smart Auto Call Recorder Pro 1.1.11
From now on, automatically record yourphonecalls.Do you still press the record button when you want to recordacall?Now, you can do smart recording automatically.What to do when you cannot remember what the other personsaidduring a call?Now, you can do smart recording automatically.Does someone not keep their promises made on the phone? Now, youcando smart recording automatically.Use it when you cannot remember what was said on a call; whenyouwant to know exactly what was said; or when you want to hearthevoice of a loved one.Your life will get smarter.* Differences from free version1. No Advertising.2. Dropbox Backup.* Please check operation with the free versionbeforepurchasing.* If you want a refund, please let us know the order numberbyemail.
Smart Auto Call Recording 1.0.0
Smart Auto Call Recording applicationtorecordincoming and outgoing calls automatically✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰ ✰✰★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Call Recorder Automatic features : ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★+ You can use Call Recorder to make and recordnationalorinternational calls from your iPhone, iPad andiPod.+ In fact you don't even have to have a sim installed tomakecallsbut you must have a good internetconnection(WiFi/3G/4G).+ The entire call is recorded and saved on your phone andyourphoneonly. Unlike other call recording apps your recordingsareareprivate and are not saved on a third party server(incomingcallsare saved on a server only for a short time untildownloadedto yourphone).+ Your recorded calls can be:- Played on the phone.- Sent via email.- Synced to your pc with iTunes.- Deleted.+ Start recording every call instantly by shaking yourdevice.+ Notifications. Once recording has started, you canbeinformedeither by the notification icon or sound.+ Record your all calls automatically while calling oraskevery-timeto record new call.You can also set a title for each recording.✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰ ✰✰Smart Auto Call Recording that simply record the callviayourmicrophone (at low volume) , thus recording the audio ofthetwospeakers of the call on compatible devicesBetter implementation of the call recorder to recordincomingandoutgoing calls automatically .✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰ ✰✰If call recorder does not record calls, please restart yourdevicetotry again. If it does not record again then your devicemightnotsupport call recording.This app might not be working when you are using other appstorecordsomething, such as wechat, LINE: Free Calls &Messages,voicerecorder or other call recorder.✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰ ✰✰Smart Auto Call Recording is becoming important and vitalinmodernera. Don’t you find it interesting that all yourserviceprovidersrecord your calls for future reference .✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ ✰ ✰✰