Top 11 Apps Similar to Kuis Cerdas Cermat SD

Cerdas Cermat SMP
Solite Kids
Quiz Quiz Carefully Middle School Middle School Exam Questions
Soal UN SD 2023 1.0.14
Solite Kids
Application for the 2023 Computer-based Elementary SchoolNationalExamination (SD) UNBK
Ujian TPA Psikotes 1.0.9
Solite Kids
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Apps Simulasi Ujian TPA dan Psikotes untuk UjianMasukKerja Kuliah
Cerdas Cermat SMP 1.0
Kuis Cerdas Cermat SMPuntukpelatihanpembelajaraanBelajar lebih asik karena bisa melalui aplikasi androidyuk Belajar cerdas cermat SMPQuiz Quizfortrainingjunior pembelajaraanLearn more cool because it can through android appyuk Learning quiz SMP
Cerdas Cermat SMA 1.0.6
Solite Kids
Quiz Quiz Complete High School Exam Questions with UN 2017
Kids Math Quiz 1.1
Hello, kids! What is yourfavoriteschoolsubject? If it is mathematics, you will have a lot offunplayingthis trivia quiz. Download Kids Math Quiz Game 2016 forfreeand anawesome educational trivia game for kids will be atyourdisposal24/7! Educate yourself with this maths quiz and alwayslookforwardto playing this free trivia game with your friendsandfamily!Maths games are excellent lessons for kids and bring alotof funto the players. This is exactly one such math game!Learnbasicmathematical operations, geometry shapes and a lotofotherinteresting things in this picture quiz! Everything inthesameplace!- Choose one of 4 offered answers;- There are 5 levels of difficulty in the endless quizquestionsandanswers;- Give the answer quickly and win extra points for beingfast;- If you give 3 incorrect answers, you will havetostartagain;- If you have problems answering maths quiz questions, youcanaskfor 3 types of help:1) 50:50 remove two incorrect answers;2) Switch your question with another one;3) Use the help of your friends take a look at their answersshowninpercents.Learning with ease!Learning was never easier! Take Kids Math Quiz Game 2016andtestyour knowledge on this very popular subjectamongschoolkids!Learning is nothing but fun with free gamesforeducation! Now youcan learn maths and see how familiar you arewithsome basic mathpatterns and all that while taking a knowledgequizon yoursmartphones! Play this math trivia whenever you havesparetime andbe ready for your math lessons in school. Ifyou'reinterested inmaths study, and you love playing brain teasersandtaking triviaquizzes, this is the perfect educationalapplicationfor you!Mathematics for schoolchildren (6-9 years)Mathematics is a beautiful subject that children caneasilylearnif they start learning it on time. This free educationalappcan bea very helpful tool for parents as they try to teachtheirchildrensome basic mathematical operations or shapes.Don'thesitate! Grabthis amazing trivia game and quiz up with one ofthebest math appsin the market! Fun never stops with best freebrainteasers forkids! Picture quizzes are fun and educative at thesametime! Guessthe shape in the picture and unlock all levels ofthisphenomenaltrivia quiz for kids and all those who feellikeones!Best way to simultaneously learn and have fun!Start your quiz quest even today and enjoy having funwithyourfriends and family! Try to answer the trivia quizquestionsandyou'll get an insight into your level of mathknowledge!Playingpicture quizzes is a great way to check how goodyou areatrecognizing things. So, there is no need to hesitate!DownloadKidsMath Quiz Game 2016 for Android, and learning willbecome morethanfun with this astonishing trivia quiz game forkids!
Tryout UN SD 3.0.1
Aplikasi tryout dan latihan soal untukpelajarsekolah SD agar dapat lebih siap dalam menghadapi CBT UN SDUjianNasional Sekolah Dasar. Pengguna bisa memilih mode Tryoutuntukmencoba mengerjakan kumpulan soal UN SD dalam kurun waktuyangsudah ditentukan. Diakhir setiap tes atau ujian akanditampilkanhasil nilai yang dicapai dan dapat disimpan.Pengguna juga bisa memakai mode Belajar untuk dapatmelihatcontoh soal dan pembahasannya sesuai dengan topik matapelajaranyang dipilih. Data soal yang digunakan dalam tes simulasiakanterus kami update dan pengguna bisa mendownload soal yangbarumelalui menu Bank Soal. Data soal cukup besar sebaiknyagunakankoneksi wifi untuk mendownload soal-soal ujian.Silahkan memberikan review dan saran Anda untukkebaikanpengembangan aplikasi ini selanjutnya, terima kasih.- persiapan belajar menghadapi UN SD untuk siswa tingkatsekolahdasar- simulasi tryout CBT mengerjakan kumpulan soal ujian nasionaldalamkurun waktu yang dibatasi- membiasakan siswa belajar latihan menghadapi berbagaimacamvariasi soal dengan teknik CBT- menambah kepercayaan diri siswa dalam menempuh ujiannasionalsekolah dengan metode CBT- hasil nilai latihan tryout UN SD langsung ditampilkan- bank soal ujian nasional yang lengkap dan akan selalu diupdateberkala- navigasi aplikasi latihan soal simple dan mudah- dilengkapi inapp purchase untuk menghilangkan iklanApplication tryoutandexercises for elementary school students to be better preparedtoface CBT UN SD National Primary School Examination. Userscanselect the mode Tryout to try to do about the UN collection ofSDwithin a specified time. At the end of each test or exam willbeshown the results achieved and the value can be saved.Users can also use Learning mode to be able to see examplesofquestions and discussion topics according to subjectsselected.Data questions used in simulation tests will continue tobe updatedand the user can download new questions through menuQuestion Bank.Data about big enough you should use a wificonnection to downloadexam questions.Please leave a review and suggestions for the good developmentofthis application further, thanks.- Preparation for dealing with the UN elementary schoolforelementary school level students- CBT tryout simulation work on a collection of national examwithinthe restricted- Familiarize students learn drills a wide variety ofengineeringproblems with CBT- Increase the confidence of students in the national schoolexamswith CBT methods- The results of the exercise tryout UN SD instantlydisplayed- National banks a complete exam and will always beupdatedperiodically- The application's navigation simple and easy exercises- Equipped InApp purchase to remove ads
Kuis Pengetahuan Umum 1.2
Kuis Pengetahuan Umum adalahaplikasikuispengetahuan dengan soal-soal yang umum, terdiri darisoalalam,alam semesta, tata surya, pahlawan, hewan, tumbuhan,kota,negara,dan nama makanan.Aplikasi ini ditujukan untuk menilai seberapa tinggidayaanalisaseseorang terhadap hal-hal sederhana.Aplikasi ini juga update setiap minggu dengan soaldanilmupengetahuan yang terbaru dan bermanfaat.General Knowledge Quizisaquiz application knowledge with the questions thatthepublic,consists of about nature, the universe, the solarsystem,heroes,animals, plants, cities, states, and the name ofthefood.This application is intended to assess how high aperson'sanalyticalpower of the simple things.The application also updates every week with the questionsandthelatest science and useful.
Conjugaison enfant CE1 CE2 CM1 CM2 (free) questions - réponses DB fix
•  Vous (crier au présent) "Oh rage! Oh désespoir! Où est lepapiertoilette?" •  Tu (effacer au passé) tes erreurs en remontantdansle temps. •  Je (foncer au passé composé) contre un mur envélo,pour voir s'il est solide. La version 'lite' ne comporteaucunerestriction sur le contenu. Des publicités sont affichéeslors dudémarrage de chaque quizz ConjuQuizz génère des quizzdeconjugaison en piochant des questions dans une base de donnéesdeplus de 4'000 enregistrements, en fonction des réglagesdel'utilisateur. Réglages Le nombre de questions du quizzestréglable de 5 à 65. Les verbes et les temps à reviser peuventêtreréglés très précisement, en choisissant un ensemble decombinaisonstemps / sous-groupes. Temps : présent, imparfait,futur, passécomposé, passé simple Sous-groupes (1er groupe) : : • basique :chanter, aimer... •  cer : lancer, effacer... •  ger :manger,déranger... ... Résultat A la fin du quizz, Conjuquizzprésente lerésultat. Les questions répondues correctement sontmarquées envert. Les questions répondues incorrectement sontmarquées enrouge. La réponse incorrecte de l'utilisateur estrapellée, et labonne réponse marquée à coté. Contact Si vous avezune remarque ouune suggestion, n'hésitez pas à me contacter àl'adresse mailsuivante : [email protected]
Kawruh Basa Jawa 2.8
Kawruh Basa Jawa : Knowledge of Javanese language culture
Belajar Hijaiyah + Suara
Solite Kids
Applications Children Education for Learning to Know LetterHijaiyahaccompanied Vote