Top 21 Apps Similar to Tokyo Walks,Japan FREE

かむ朱印 1.2.10
【利用用途】・参拝日誌に、お気に入りの神社、寺院の風景を撮影記録し、心のお守りに!・旅行中に近くの寺院・神社などを検索し旅の安全を祈願。・身近なパワースポットに触れることで元気になれる。・参拝帳を電子データとして保存することが可能。・また、参拝データをSNSで情報発信も可能。投稿時にハッシュタグを含め送信できるので、いろんな方のパワースポット情報が共有できます!【納経や朱印について】・御朱印は、仏様に経を納めたり、或いは神様に願い事を捧げた印です。かならず神様に参拝してから御朱印を頂きましょう。・自動車、観光バスで参拝した際も、必ず正面の山門・鳥居より境内に入りましょう。・山門・鳥居より中は神仏の住まう場所です。必ず脱帽のうえ、合掌一礼をして下さい。・霊場全ての境内では、喫煙、大声は慎んでください。・ご本尊様など、写真撮影を禁止されている場合もございます。撮影には十分注意してください。・霊場はすべて歴史ある建造物であり、神仏の住まう聖域です。決して粗相のないようにしましょう。・登録データには、山中の寺社仏閣を登録しています。山中の参拝については、怪我のないよう十分注意して下さい。・登録霊場の中には、一定期間のみ開場している霊場もございます。【登録寺社数】(利用には、霊場データパックのインストールが必要となります) 神社データ 約3万5千社 (全国一宮・神宮125社・延喜式) 七福神データ(195霊場) 寺院霊場  (240霊場)かむ朱印について・本アプリは、フリーソフトとなるため、サポートを行っておりません。ご了承ください。・インターネットアクセスは、個人情報を送信しません。・本アプリケーションは、位置情報を取得していますが、外部への送信は行っておりません。(本アプリは、就労継続支援A型事業所で作成しています。皆様応援のよろしくお願いいたします)
御朱印アプリ 3.0.5
・概要御朱印アプリはお寺や神社で御朱印帳に頂ける御朱印をスマートフォン(携帯)で撮影してアルバムの様に保存できるスマートフォンアプリです。スマホから簡単に過去、収集した日本全国の御朱印一覧を確認する事が可能です。・使い方使い方は簡単御朱印帳に集めている御朱印をスマートフォンのカメラで撮るだけ!!また手元に御朱印帳がなくてもスマートフォンに画像を保存してさえいればその画像を設定する事ができます。画像データはアプリ内部に蓄えているわけではないので御朱印アプリが不要になっても撮影した御朱印画像は消えないので安心してください。その為、アプリのデータが膨大になる事はありません。御朱印アプリから御朱印の画像データを削除したい場合は対象となる画像データを利用している画像ビューワーやファイラーなどから削除して頂ければ御朱印アプリからも設定した画像が消えるようになっています。※2016年4月12日のアップデートでアプリ上から画像の削除を行える様に修正しました。御朱印アプリから削除した場合はスマートフォン端末にある画像は残ります。・神社仏閣情報現在の寺社データは下記の通りです。(2016年6月現在)・近畿地方京都府:542箇所大阪府:273箇所奈良県:193箇所兵庫県:215箇所和歌山県:119箇所三重県:74箇所滋賀県:116箇所・関東地方東京都:362箇所神奈川県:141箇所埼玉県:128箇所千葉県:52箇所茨城県:34箇所栃木県:76箇所群馬県:24箇所・北海道地方北海道:49箇所・東北地方岩手県:25箇所宮城県:44箇所山形県:39箇所秋田県:10箇所青森県:13箇所福島県:15箇所・中国地方山口県:36箇所岡山県:38箇所鳥取県:18箇所島根県:44箇所広島県:44箇所・四国地方香川県:42箇所愛媛県:41箇所徳島県:34箇所高知県:28箇所・中部地方長野県:49箇所愛知県:161箇所山梨県:25箇所静岡県:36箇所岐阜県:43箇所富山県:14箇所石川県:26箇所福井県:35箇所新潟県:13箇所・九州地方福岡県:132箇所長崎県:21箇所宮崎県:17箇所熊本県:23箇所佐賀県:16箇所鹿児島県:10箇所大分県:12箇所沖縄県:6箇所また追加して欲しいお寺や神社があればどしどしコメントしてくださいねっ!・掲示板の設置情報交換の場として掲示板を設置しました。御朱印集めの際にご活用ください。・マイページの設置各都道府県別に取得件数を表示できます。自分が設定した御朱印を一覧で眺めることができます。・プロフィールページの設置 New!プロフィール情報を作成できるようにしました。今後、画像のアップロードができたり他の御朱印メンバーとの交流ができるようになります。・検索ページの設置全国または地域別に検索を出来るようにしました。・今後の予定アバター機能を実装する予定です。ご期待ください。・利用に関して御朱印はお寺や神社が実施している参拝者向けの押印です。境内には案内看板がある所が多いと思います。案内が見つからない場合は社務所などに行けば書いて頂ける事が多いです。神仏に敬意を払って必ず参拝してから御朱印を頂いてください。基本的なお参りの仕方は、神社が2礼2拍手1拝で、お寺は合唱1礼です。※出雲大社のように2拝4拍手1拝の所もあります。一定期間のみ頂ける御朱印も掲載しています。·OverviewThe Goshuin app Goshuin who can to Goshuin book in the templesandshrinesShoot using the smart phone (mobile phone) is a smartphone appthatcan be saved as the album.Easily past from the smartphone, it is possible to confirmtheGoshuin list of collected nationwide.And usageEasy to useThe Goshuin has attracted to Goshuin book just take inthesmartphone camera! !Also as long to save the image to your smartphone even if thereisno Goshuin book at handYou can set the image.Since the image data is not being stored in theinternalappPlease rest assured Goshuin app Goshuin image is notdisappear,which was also taken no longer needed.Therefore, there is no possible application of databecomesenormous.If you from Goshuin app you want to delete the image dataofGoshuin isIf it is possible to remove from an image viewer and filers thatusethe image data of interestAlso it looks like the pictures set to disappear fromGoshuinapp.※ It was corrected as perform the removal of the image from theappin the update of the April 12, 2016. If you delete fromGoshuinapplication images in the smartphone terminal willremain.- Shrines and temples informationCurrent of temples and shrines data is as follows.(June 2016)·KinkiKyoto: 542 pointsOsaka: 273 pointsNara: 193 pointsHyogo Prefecture: 215 pointsWakayama Prefecture: 119 pointsMie Prefecture: 74 pointsShiga Prefecture: 116 points·Kanto regionTokyo: 362 pointsKanagawa Prefecture: 141 pointsSaitama: 128 pointsChiba: 52 pointsIbaraki Prefecture: 34 pointsTochigi Prefecture: 76 pointsGunma Prefecture: 24 pointsHokkaido regionHokkaido: 49 pointsAnd Tohoku regionsIwate Prefecture: 25 pointsMiyagi Prefecture: 44 pointsYamagata Prefecture: 39 pointsAkita Prefecture: 10 pointsAomori Prefecture: 13 pointsFukushima: 15 pointsChugoku regionYamaguchi Prefecture: 36 pointsOkayama Prefecture: 38 pointsTottori Prefecture: 18 pointsShimane Prefecture: 44 pointsHiroshima: 44 pointsShikoku regionKagawa Prefecture: 42 pointsEhime Prefecture: 41 pointsTokushima Prefecture: 34 pointsKochi: 28 points- ChubuNagano Prefecture: 49 pointsAichi Prefecture: 161 pointsYamanashi Prefecture: 25 pointsShizuoka Prefecture: 36 pointsGifu Prefecture: 43 pointsToyama: 14 pointsIshikawa Prefecture: 26 pointsFukui Prefecture: 35 pointsNiigata Prefecture: 13 pointsKyushu regionFukuoka: 132 pointsNagasaki Prefecture: 21 pointsMiyazaki Prefecture: 17 pointsKumamoto Prefecture: 23 pointsSaga: 16 pointsKagoshima Prefecture: 10 pointsOita Prefecture: 12 pointsOkinawa Prefecture: 6 pointsIn addition, if there is I want temples and shrines to addWithout hesitation ne please comment!And installation of bulletin boardWe established the bulletin board as a forum forinformationexchange.Please use at the time of Goshuin collected.And installation of My PageYou can view the acquisition number for each prefecture.You can look at the Goshuin that you have set in the list.Profile page of installation New!It was to be able to create a profile information.In the future, you will be able to exchange with otherGoshuinmembers or can upload the image.And installation of the search pageIt was to be able to search by the country or region.·Future plansWe plan to implement the avatar function. Please stay tuned.- With respect to the useGoshuin is the imprint of the worshipers who temples andshrineshave been carried out.The precincts I think that where there is a guiding sign often.Ifthe guide is not found is that there are many who can write ifyougo to such as the shrine office.Please have gotten Goshuin from be sure to visit the shrine topayhomage to the gods.Way of basic worship, the shrine is 2 Rei 2 applause 1 worship,thetemple is the choir 1 Rei.※ As of Izumo Taisha There is also a place of worship 2 4 applause1worship.Goshuin can receive only a certain period of time arealsolisted.
かむ朱印 霊場データパック 1.0.6
We recorded a sacred place data that is required at the time ofyouruse of the red seal application to bite.
I like castle in Japan 2.0.0
It is an information application program of the castle in Japan.
Tokyo Travel Guide 12.0.2 (Play)
This Tokyo guide is our reliable and easy-to-use travelcompanion.Find directions with detailed offline maps, in-depthtravelcontent, popular attractions and insider tips with this Tokyocityguide. Plan and have the perfect trip! Book your hotel andenjoyrestaurant reviews and shared user content. Here is why15+milliontravelers love Ulmon Offline & City Guides: Didn’tyou alwayswant to have an easily portable and compact travelassistant thatallows planning your trips to foreign countries andcities upfront?So turn your smartphone or tablet into a digitalTokyo City Guideand planner leading you through YOUR choices ofrestaurants, hotelsand which attractions to visit. Enjoyrecommendations and reviewsof other enthusiastic travelers andtourists. Always keep yourorientation and find the direction to thenext place; completelywithout roaming and offline. With this Tokyooffline map and cityguide you enjoy a wide variety of advantages:FREE Simply downloadand try this Tokyo city guide for free. Thereis absolutely norisk, and we’re sure you’ll love it! DETAILED MAPSNever get lostand keep your orientation. See your location on theTokyo offlinemap, even without an internet connection. Findstreets,attractions, restaurants, hotels, local nightlife and otherPOIs –and get guided in the walking direction of places you want tosee.IN-DEPTH TRAVEL CONTENT Have all the information offline andfreelyportable. For each destination, access comprehensive andup-to-dateinformation covering thousands of places, attractions,points ofinterest and many hotel booking options within this Tokyotravelguide. SEARCH AND DISCOVER Find the best restaurants,shops,attractions, hotels, bars, etc. Search by name, browse bycategoryor discover nearby places using your device’s GPS – evenofflineand without data roaming. GET TIPS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Findtipsand recommendations from locals and tourists. Browse offlineinthis Tokyo guide for the most popular attractions,restaurants,shops, hotels, nightlife places, etc. PLAN TRIPS ANDCUSTOMIZE MAPSCreate lists of places you want to visit. Pinexisting places, likeyour hotel or a recommended restaurant, to themap. Add your ownpins to the map. Find and book hotels from withinthis Tokyo cityguide. OFFLINE ACCESS The Tokyo CIty Guide contentis fullydownloaded and stored on your device. All features, such asaddresssearches and your GPS location also work offline and withoutdataroaming (an internet connection is of course required forinitialdownloading of data or booking hotels). DATA QUALITY: Mapdata andPOI are provided by OpenStreetMap and are regularly updatedby us.To check the level of detail, go to COVERAGE No matter if you arrive at Haneda Airport, bytrainor by car, Tokyo will be a perfect gateway into Japan. Youwillfind food tours, the Tokyo National Museum and many more POIsinthis tourist guide. Ulmon, the makers of this guide app, areasmall team of enthusiastic travel freaks in Vienna, Austria. Weaimto assist tourists around the world with a portableplanner,assistant and trip companion for their vacations andexplorations.Enjoy your travels. Your Ulmon team! :-)
Tokyo Subway Navigation 1.7.0
Tokyo Subway Navigation for Tourists is a freeapplicationofficially provided by Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd to enableusers tosearch transfer information for the Tokyo Subway system(TokyoMetro and Toei Subway). This application supports English,Chinese(Simplified & Traditional), Korean, Thai, French,Spanish andJapanese. It is highly recommended for visitorssight-seeing inTokyo. By simply touching the station names on themap, you caneasily search for a route, or instead you can selectyour arrivaland departure stations by using the landmark searchfunctionalityto search for the name of tourist spots such as TokyoTower orSenso-ji Temple or for the name of popular hotels. Thisapplicationdisplays the main route, time required, and fares in asimple easyto understand format. Also because the applicationallows you tofind the closest exit to landmarks near the station,you can stopworrying about navigating the huge number of subwayexits, andsimply relax and enjoy using the subway to sightseearound Tokyo.You can also use the application to check whichstations offer afree Wi-Fi service. Make sightseeing in Tokyoconvenient andpleasant! Try it today! Features 1. Can also be usedoffline. 2.English, Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Korean,Thai,French, Spanish and Japanese. 3. Three ways to select yourarrivaland departure stations ・By touching the station name on theroutemap ・By selecting the station name based on nearby majortouristspots ・By entering the station name 4. Guides you to thebest exitfor nearby tourist spots. (Exit A1, B1 etc.) 5. Showswhichstations offer free Wi-Fi. Note: ・When using Find NearestStation(GPS function), please be aware that the current locationmay varyfrom actuality in the event of your device having a poorsignalwhen inside a building etc. ・Fares and transferinformationsupplied are relevant only to routes on the Tokyo Metroand ToeiSubway lines. In the event of service disruptions, theremay beoccasions when the route displayed in the search resultscannot beaccessed. ・The search is based on the average ride time.Times mayvary from the actual timetable so please keep this in mindwhenusing the service. ・The fare displayed is the fare to ridethetrain if you purchase a ticket. If you are using an IC Card,pleasecheck the fare. ・Functionality issues sometimes may occur duetothe memory limitations of your device. In this event, pleasecheckyour device’s memory and try again. ・In the event of afarerevision on the Tokyo Subway (Tokyo Metro or Toei Subway),pleasebe aware that relevant updates to the application mayoccurslightly before or after the official enforcement date.SystemRequirements
 AndroidOS 4 and above
 *There may befunctionalityissues with certain devices.
Tokyo Offline City Map 12.1.8 (Play)
Your comprehensive and easy-to-use city map. Easily finddirections,nearby places and attractions supported by a selectionof userreviews and brief information. Plan and pin in advance whatyou wantto visit and have your favorites displayed on the map forbetterorientation during your trip. Here is why 20+ milliontravelers loveUlmon Maps & Guides: Didn’t you always want tohave an easilyportable and compact city map right at yourdisposal? There is nofolding science required when you turn yoursmartphone or tabletinto a digital offline city map. Always keepyour orientation andfind the direction to the next place;completely without roaming andentirely offline. With this Ulmoncity map you enjoy a wide varietyof advantages: FREE Simplydownload and try this Ulmon city map forfree. There is absolutelyno risk, and we’re sure you’ll love it!DETAILED MAPS Never getlost and keep your orientation. Identifyyour location offline onthe map, even without an internetconnection. See what is aroundyou on a map that shows a zoom ablelevel of detail with manylocation related information. Findstreets, attractions,restaurants, hotels, local nightlife and otherinteresting places –and get guided in the walking direction ofplaces you want to see.DISCOVER THE CITY Find the best restaurants,shops, attractions,hotels, bars, etc. Search by name, browse bycategory or discovernearby places using your device’s GPS – evenoffline and withoutdata roaming. PLAN TRIPS AND CUSTOMIZE MAPSCreate lists of placesyou want to visit. Pin existing places, likeyour hotel or arecommended restaurant, to the map. Add your ownpins to the map.OFFLINE ACCESS The city maps are fully downloadedand stored onyour device. All features, such as address searches,and your GPSlocation also work offline and without data roaming (aninternetconnection is of course required for initial downloading ofdata).COMPREHENSIVE ADDITIONAL TRAVEL CONTENT A selectionofWiki-Articles and POI-Information make it easier foryouidentifying what to see and what to skip. Have all theinformationoffline and freely portable.
Tokyo Handy Guide 2.0.0
Tokyo tourism official guide book "TokyoHandyGuide" is provided as a free app!Posted tourist information and maps of Tokyo such asShinjuku,Asakusa and other Tokyo central popular areas. Otherthanattractions of the central city spots, there are also naturalrichTama area and Ogasawara Islands tourist information. Gardens,zoos,botanical gardens, amusement parks, museums and alsofacilityinformation are included.- The spot that you want to look for using the searchfunctiondistance and can be found with the keyword- You can use map and route map for trains in offline- "Favorites" feature for convenient to walk around- Support 5 languages: Japanese, English, Chinese (simpleandtraditional) and Korean
TOKYO TRAVEL GUIDE is an AR app that allows you to enjoymoresightseeing in Tokyo. With this app it is possible not onlytoexperience AR (Augmented Reality), but it is also possibletosearch facilities and use the app as navigation. ◆Enjoysightseeingin Tokyo with TOKYO TRAVEL GUIDE This app allows you toenjoy AR(Augmented Reality). To experience the AR function, youjust haveto scan the printed AR marker (a symbol that containsnecessaryinformation to visualize AR contents) and images andvideos will bedisplayed. Check the videos of Tokyo's representativetourist sitesand feel their atmosphere! ◆Abundant spot informationprovided! Theapp is loaded with the "Air Tag" function, whichdisplaysfacilities that can be found in the direction in whichthesmartphone is pointed and provides maps and guidance. Itfurnishesyou plenty of information regarding tourist sites andrestaurantsin the area near you. In particular, it offers manyhighlights ofTokyo's sightseeing and many information ofrestaurants in the areaaround TOKYO SKYTREE. ◆Also basic travelinformation provided! Theapp provides also basic information thatmight be necessary whenvisiting Tokyo and other useful informationsuch as safetyinformation. ◆Cautions The app consumes high mobiledata, so wesuggest you to connect to Wi-Fi. The contents displayedare images.Rate of recognition may drop and contents may not bedisplayeddepending on the environment. The app should be preferablyused ina bright place. It is not possible to recognize twoimagessimultaneously. This app do not guarantee operation foralldevices.
Tokyo Ramen 1.5
Find the best ramen shops in Tokyo
Guides by Lonely Planet
Lonely Planet
NEW: • My Lonely Planet Library: scan your physical guidebooksandget free access to the cities in them. • Lonely Planet TV:350+episodes of award-winning travel shows. Get to the heart ofadestination with Guides by Lonely Planet! Packed with offlinemaps,audio phrasebooks, a currency converter and advicefromon-the-ground experts, our free city guides are theultimateresource for travelers before and during a trip.EXPERT-CURATEDCITY GUIDES Our writers live and breathe each citythey visit,reviewing every place that makes it into our carefullycuratedguides. Their essential tips and advice on where to stay,what todo and where to eat will help you discoveramazing,off-the-beaten-track places. TOP RECOMMENDATIONSOverwhelmed byoptions for hotels, restaurants and things to do?Guides onlysurfaces the spots really worth seeing in a city, aschosen by ourtravel experts. OFFLINE MAPS No connection? Noproblem. Everything,including maps and phrasebooks, works 100%offline so you can avoidextra roaming charges abroad. AUDIOPHRASEBOOKS Talk to the localswith more than 10,000 phrases for 19different languages. Findingthe right thing to say has never beeneasier! • Arabic • Czech •French • German • Greek • Japanese •Italian • Korean • Polish •Portuguese • Russian • Spanish • Spanish(Latin-American) • Swahili• Thai • Turkish • Vietnamese • Chinese •Chinese (Hong-Kong)SIMPLE BOOKMARKING Save and organize yourfavorite hotels,restaurants and things to do so you can visit (orrevisit) yourpersonal must-sees while on the road. IMMERSIVEEXPERIENCES Take alook around these cities with our 360º immersiveexperiences •Amsterdam • Bangkok • Barcelona • Beijing • Berlin •Bogotá • Dubai• Florence • Hong Kong • Kuala Lumpur • Los Angeles •Madrid •Miami • Milan • Naples • New York • Paris • Pisa • Prague •Rio •Rome • Shanghai • Singapore • Taipei • Tokyo • Venice • Verona•Vienna • Yerevan This version of Guides includes 8000+ cities,aswell as over 350,000 places and narratives. Lonely Planet istheworld's leading travel content provider, supplying inspiringandtrustworthy information for those planning a trip, on the roadorbrowsing as an armchair traveler. We've spent the last 40yearstraveling the world and crafting the most reliable travelguides,and we put all that knowledge into making the best travelapp.We're always working to improve this app and would love tohearyour feedback. If you have any questions or ideas, please emailusat [email protected] Happy travels!
PocketGuide, the world’s leadingaudiocityguide application, gives you tours by voice, revealingthebeststories, insider hangouts and must-see sights in close to100majorcities and tourist destinations. The app determinesyourlocationand a recording of your personal tour guide describeswhereyou are– you don’t need to touch your phone or read fromthescreen. Allthe tours are developed by local experts who knowtheircitiesinside-and-out. You can choose from different themedtours,or justwander around the city and let PocketGuide inform youwhenaninteresting site is nearby. The app can also record yourtrip:Withone click you can create an amazing 3D video of the sightsyouseeon your travels.You can use the GPS-activated voice tours for free as longasyourphone is online, but that means you will have to payroamingcharges.If you pay to download the tours, you can usethemoffline, and saveon the cost of roaming. We charge a small feefordownloading theoffline features because we need to reimbursethetour guides andcover our development costs. Other features youcanget for freeinclude a map that works offline and free use ofthe3D tour.Why PocketGuide?• TOURS OFFERED BY LOCAL EXPERTS - Browse more than 400toursguidedby people who make sure you see the mostexcitingplaces.• AUDIO GUIDED TOURS - It will guide you with clear audiocuesandonce you approach a sight it automatically starts to tellyouaboutit• SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES - During your tour you can takephotosandadd comments; from this PocketGuide automatically createsa3Dvideo which you can easily share with your friends• FIND GREAT PLACES - If you are tired, let our guidesrecommendyouthe best nearby restaurants and cafés• AVAILABLE OFFLINE - Once you download a city, thewholecontentworks in offline mode so you don’t have topayroamingcharges• OFFLINE MAP - Get a free offline map and navigate inthecityeasily while avoiding roaming charges.Enjoyed the tours? Keep on traveling? DownloadPocketGuide'sotherversions available in other cities.
Tokyo Map and Walks 55
A handy app with several self-guided walks to help youexploreTokyo.
Henro - Chichibu Pilgrimage 1.8
The Henro - Chichibu Pilgrimage app isbasedonmy own experience walking the 100 km / 60 milespilgrimageinChichibu, Japan, and it is what I would have liked tohave withmewhen I was doing the pilgrimage. Some of the templesaredifficultto find. Even though there are signs and stonemarkersguiding thepilgrim, I found myself walking looking at mapsthatwere puttogether a long time ago and not always accurateorreadingdescriptions that were a bit confusing at times. Ireallyfelt likeI wanted to have all the details of a templeandup-to-date mapseasily accessible on my phone or tablet withthepossibility to useGPS to indicate your current location or usefornavigation to atemple.The Chichibu pilgrimage is really recommended if you wanttoleavethe beaten track and do something uniquely differentduringyour tripto Japan. Especially if you don't have the time todo theShikokuPilgrimage of 88 temples or don't want to travel toofarfrom Tokyo.Many of these Buddhist temples (or fudasho) oftheChichibupilgrimage are very beautiful.The following features are included in the Henro-ChichibuPilgrimage app:• A map with locations of all 34 temples built on GoogleMapsandimportant Chichibu tourist sites.• Current location and movement trail via your device's GPS.• Details about each temple.• Details about how to obtain the temple stamps.• Distance between temples.• Navigation via Google Maps.• Tracking of your visit of each temple.• Available in both English and Japanese• Details about the pilgrimage.• Details about the Henro - Chichibu Pilgrimage appWell, here it is is, a perfect pilgrim’s assistant andIhavepacked it with loads of details about other touristattractionsinChichibu as well; so even if you don’t use it to dothepilgrimage,you’ll get plenty out of it when you visit Chichibuandit comes ata price you cannot beat. Available now in bothEnglishandJapaneseCheck out the video to see what to expect.
GuhoujiTemple of Shidarezakura 4.01
It is said that the Nara period,Gyokihaserected. It is a temple of the weeping cherry tree 400years oldisfamous.
Tokyo Travel Guide 1.4
Tokyo Travel Guide "Singapore Handy Guide"provided as a free app.- Offer tourist information and maps of Tokyo such asTokyorestaurant , Tokyo attractions map and entrance fee withoperationhour- Offer hotel price compare in Tokyo area- Tokyo transport guide- Taxi meter ,MRT ,Airport Express ,Public Buses in Tokyo- Tokyo speaking guide
Tokyo:view from the airship 6.01
April 2006, is a boarding video ofZeppelinNTairship.(Size 27.5mb)Zeppelin NT is a semi-rigid airship made ??in GermanybyZeppelinLuftschifftechnik GmbH (ZLT) in Friedrichshafen.Helium gas is filled with 8225 cubic meters 75 metersoveralllength,the volume.Zeppelin NT is a semi-rigid airship. Led prototype wasnotarubber-ball in hardball. Truss triangularfiber-reinforcedplastichave been organized so as to ensurerigidity. The weight ofthetruss is 1000 kg only.Propeller of four is on. You can change direction that agilethaninthe only direction of rudder propeller that comes with twoonthetail, one group so propeller for changing the direction.Itissteered by fly-by-wire from the joystick.
Japan:TachiNeputa in Tokyo 1.01
Height 23 meters of TachiNeputa todecoratethesummer night of Aomori Goshogawara 18 to 21 days,appearedinTokyo's Ginza Sony Building. To celebrate theHokkaidoShinkansenopening, Minamoto no Yoshitsune motif that legendis leftwith wentto Hokkaido from Aomori. It made over a period of 3monthsinGoshogawara, after the exhibition is broken.
Sushi Tokyo Lebanon Restaurant 5.22.0
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