Top 19 Apps Similar to Meterbox iMM

Digitech DMM 1.0
Accessory Name: Digitech QM1576Digitech DMM is the professional software for Android devicewhichis for realtime & historical voltage, current, resistanceandcapacitance electric parameters measurement, forenhancementdigital multimeter user experience about visualization,data log& sharing, and data management. it needs to combinewithDigital Multimeter for proceeding tothemeasurement.(Model:Digitech QM1576)Features:1. Wirelessly remote measure voltage, current, resistanceandcapacitance electric parameters.2. The measured data from Digital Multimeter can transfer toAndroiddevice via bluetooth and visualize, store and log.3. User can note measuring results.4. The measuring data can be shared with othersbyMail/Facebook/Tweet.With Digitech DMM, user can complete the electrical measuringviaAndroid device, enhance measuring visualization, data log&sharing, management. It promotes the efficiency and qualityofelectric measurement.For more information about the Digitech DMM andDigitalMultimeter(Digitech QM1576), please visit our website:
Rishabh Multimeter 601X 1.0.5
RISHABH 601X BLUETOOTH MULTIMETER -RISHABH601X APPRishabh 601X Bluetooth Multimeter readings are displayed,recorded& analyzed using Rishabh 601X Application. The variousFunctionof the app are as follows:*Search and select the Bluetooth device*Meter Setup Parameter can be configured through application.*Measured Parameter can be logged in Excel format onmobile’sdefault memory*Function, Range and Relative key’s operation is possiblethroughapplication*Graphical Analysis of measured parameter is possible.*Offline Data of meter can be retrieved on mobilethroughapplication*Virtual Display of meter can be observed on mobile screen.*Recording interval for app is 0.25sPlease visit our website for more information about the RISHABH601XBLUETOOTH Digital Multimeter:
OWON Multimeter BLE4.0
When connect the mobile device with OWON smartBluetoothmultimeter,it can realize remote monitor, analysis,warning andsharing.Function: Real-time recording read thereal-timemeasurement data ofmultimeter by low power consumptionBluetoothprotocol. Offlinerecording You can use device APP to sendacommand, the multimeterwill start recording the measurements.Afterreceiving the command,the connection will bedisconnectedautomatically. The multimeterwill record the measuringdata in itsown memory. After completionof the record, use APP toreconnectthe multimeter, and then you canread the measuring datainto thedevice as a CSV file. You can usethis function to recordfor along time without staff on duty, whilereducingBluetoothconsumption to conserve the battery power ofthemultimeter.Multi-point control device In "ALL" page,themeasurements of eachdevice could be observed at the sametime.Graphic and tablepresentation, simplify the comparison andanalysisApplication candraw the data trending of multiple devicesinreal-time. Could bezoomed out, zoomed in and moved bygestures.Abnormal data warningSet the warning condition in advance.Whendata are capturedcontinuously, warning system would remind theuserwhen qualifieddata show up. Data back up and shareInterpret:Applicationsupports data save and export to be backed up.
Arduino Digital Multimeter Lt 1.6
Arduino Digital Multimeter Lt is Digital multimeter (DMM) appusingArduino.
Appd Lab LLC
Turn your Android phone into adigitalmagnifying glass with built-in flashlight/torch. It's greatforwhen you need to read tiny print and for when you just can'tbebothered to put on your glasses or contacts. You can even use itatrestaurants, movie theaters, or anywhere else with low light.Keep your phone at least 4 inches (10 cm) away from the objecttofocus.
Distance Meter 2.10.1
Kemal Duran
Short distance measuring, width height area measurementapplicationwith camera
PeakTech- Multimeter (Bt 3.0) 1.2
PeakTech GmbH
Diese "PeakTech- Multimeter" App bietetIhnendie Möglichkeit der Datenabfrage Ihres PeakTechGrafikmultimetersmit dem Mobiltelefon.Features:- Datentransfer der Messwerte über Bluetooth auf IhrAndroidMobiltelefon- Aufnahme der Messdaten als Logger- Export der Messdaten als CSV Datei- Daten als E-Mail weiterleiten- Logger Historie anzeigen- Hilfsfunktion und "Safety Tips"Hinweis: Nur für PeakTech 3440 Modelle mit Bluetooth 3.0(bisAugust 2015)This"PeakTech-Multimeter" app gives you the ability to query your dataPeakTechgraphic multimeter with the mobile phone.Features:- Data transfer of measured values ​​via Bluetooth toyourAndroid mobile phone- Recording of the measurement data as a logger- Data export as CSV file- Forwarding data as e-mail- See Logger History- Auxiliary function and "Safety Tips"Note: Only for models with Bluetooth 3.0 PeakTech 3440(untilAugust 2015)
Meterbox iMM BLE 1.8
CEM Software
Meterbox iMM BLE is the professionalsoftwarefor smart mobile which is for realtime & historicalvoltage,current, resistance and capacitance electricparametersmeasurement, for enhancement digital multimeter userexperienceabout visualization, data log & sharing, and needs to combine with Digital Multimeter forproceeding to themeasurement.(The Digital MultimeterModel:DT-9969,DT-9989,DT-989...)1. Wirelessly remote measure voltage, current, resistanceandcapacitance electric parameters.2. The measured data from Digital Multimeter can transfer tosmartmobile via bluetooth and visualize, store and log.3. User can memo measuring results.4. The measuring data can be shared with othersbyMail/Facebook/Tweet.With Meterbox iMM, user can complete the electrical measuringviasmart mobile, enhance measuring visualization, data log&sharing, management. It promotes the efficiency and qualityofelectric measurement.For more information about the Meterbox iMM and DigitalMultimeter,please visit our website:
SainSmart DMT100B APP 1.2.4
This is a mobile controlling appforSainSmartDigital Bluetooth Multi-meter DME100B. Users caneasilycontrol theSainSmart DMT100B Multi-meter by mobile phoneviaBluetooth.
UEi Wireless 1.8.9
Meter App
UEi Wireless via Bluetooth 4.0
Logger per multimetro DT4000 Rel.0.2
Questa App permette di leggere ememorizzareinun file di testo i dati ricevuti da un multimetrodigitaleDT4000provvisto di uscita seriale. Per funzionare, habisogno diunainterfaccia che può essere costruita seguendoleindicazionicontenute nella DESCRIZIONE COMPLETA sul miosito( ).Il pulsante Start (cerchio rosso) avvia la registrazione,mentreilpulsante Stop (quadrato bianco) la ferma. A sinistradelpulsantedi Stop ci sono una casella in cui viene mostrato ilnumerodiletture salvate sul file di uscita ed un'altra in cuiscrivereilnumero di letture da saltare nelle memorizzazione. Ilnome delfiled'uscita è creato nel formato log_data_ora.txt nelmomento incuisi tocca il pulsante Start. Le informazioni presentisuldisplayLCD del multimetro vengono comunque visualizzatesuldisplay.Naturalmente, il multimetro deve essere abilitatoall'inviodeidati attraverso la propria porta seriale. I files dilogvengonosalvati sulla directory propria delprogramma:Android/data/robotop.DT4Klogger/files/ in formatotestostandard(linee terminate con LF).All'avvio, l'App richiede l'autorizzazioneall'usodell'interfacciaUSB. Una volta autorizzata, si dovrànuovamentetoccare l'iconadell'App. In caso di errori nell'aperturadeldispositivo USB-TTL,verrà visualizzato un messaggio dierrore.Alcuni dispositivi nonriconoscono l'interfaccia USB-TTL seècollegata "a caldo" (cioècon il dispositivo acceso). In casodierrore porta COM, spegnerecompletamente il dispositivoeriaccenderlo con l'interfaccia giàcollegata.Note per la versione corrente dell'App gratuita:1) l'App può essere usata solo su dispositivi che siano ingradodisupportare USB OTG e di rilevarecorrettamentel'interfacciaUSB-TTL collegata.2) l'App attualmente supporta solo l'orientamento verticale.Sesiruota il tablet (o smartphone) l'applicazione vienechiusa.3) l'App si chiude quando viene mandata in sospensionetramiteilpulsante home o se si riceve una chiamata o unavviso.4) l'App mantiene il dispositivo acceso, quindi ilconsumodellabatteria può essere consistente.This App allows youtoreadand store it in a text file the data received fromadigitalmultimeter DT4000 provided with a serial output.Tofunction, itneeds an interface that can be built by followingtheinstructionscontained in FULL DESCRIPTION onmywebsite( Start button (red circle) starts recording, while theStopbutton(white square) stops her. To the left of the Stopbutton,there are abox that shows the number of readings stored intheoutput file andanother to write the number of readings tojumpinto storage. Thename of the output file is createdinlog_data_ora.txt format whenyou touch the Start button.Theinformation on the LCD display of themeter will still bedisplayedon the display. Of course, the metermust be allowed tosendinformation through its serial port. The logfiles are saved toitsown program directory: Android / data /robotop.DT4Klogger /files/ in standard text format (linesterminated with LF).On startup, the app requires authorization to use theUSBinterface.Once approved, you will have to re-tap the App icon.Incase oferrors in the opening of the USB-TTL device, you receiveanerrormessage. Some devices do not recognize the USB-TTLinterfaceif itis connected "hot" (ie with the device turned on). IfCOMporterror, completely turned off and on again with thealreadyconnectedinterface.Notes for the current version of Free App:1) the app can only be used on devices that are capableofsupportingUSB OTG and correctly detect the USB-TTLinterfaceconnected.2) the app currently only supports portrait orientation.Ifyourotate the tablet (or smartphone) the applicationisclosed.3) the App closes when supply suspended by the home button orifyoureceive a call or message.4) the App keeps your machine on, then the battery consumptioncanbesubstantial.
FT6381 Communication Software 1.0.6
This is the communication software for HIOKI FT6381 Clamp onEarthTester.
Charger Tester (ampere meter) 4.03
Are you using the right charger for your device. Check livetheamperage in mA.
PeakTech- Clamp Meter 1.1
PeakTech GmbH
Diese "PeakTech- Multimeter" App bietetIhnendie Möglichkeit der Datenabfrage Ihres PeakTechGrafikmultimetersmit dem Mobiltelefon.Features:- Datentransfer der Messwerte über Bluetooth auf IhrAndroidMobiltelefon- Aufnahme der Messdaten als Logger- Export der Messdaten als CSV Datei- Daten als E-Mail weiterleiten- Logger Historie anzeigenThis"PeakTech-Multimeter" app gives you the ability to query your dataPeakTechgraphic multimeter with the mobile phone.Features:- Data transfer of measured values ​​via Bluetooth toyourAndroid mobile phone- Recording of the measurement data as a logger- Data export as CSV file- Forwarding data as e-mail- See Logger History
USP Reference Standards 1.6.5
Access and track USP Reference Standards in real time, real easy!
Multimeter ET-2402A 0.1.5
O multímetro Et-2402Apossuicomunicaçãobluetooth através do sistema operacional Android,osoftwareaplicativo é gratuito e utilizado para monitorarmedições,realizaro controle remoto, visualizador gráficos,etc.Os dados gravados podem ser salvos em arquivo .CSV. Mais doqueummultímetro pode ser conectado simultaneamente.Nota: A conectividade Bluetooth funciona em um espaço decercade10 metros. A faixa de trabalho é muito maior emambienteabertounilateral podendo chegar até a 20 metros. Se afunçãoBluetooth nomultímetro estiver ocioso por 10 minutos, oBluetoothserádesligada automaticamente.A.Sistema de CompatibilidadeDispositivo Android com conectividade BluetoothVersões do Android: Acima de 4.0(para versões abaixode4.0,algumas funções podem não funcionar)The Et-2402AmultimeterhasBluetooth communication through the Androidoperatingsystem,application software is free and used tomonitormeasurements,perform remote control, graphics viewer,etc.Recorded data can be saved in .CSV file. More than amultimetercanbe connected simultaneously.Note: Bluetooth connectivity works in a space of about10meters.The working range is much greater in unilateralopenenvironment andcan reach up to 20 meters. If theBluetoothfunction on the meter isidle for 10 minutes, the Bluetoothwillturn off automatically.A.Sistema CompatibilityAndroid device with Bluetooth connectivityAndroid Versions: Up 4.0 (for versions below 4.0,somefunctionsmay not work)
Wifi Analyser 1.30
Monitor strength of nearby wifi networks.
DataExplorer 1.6.6
The DataExplorer enables mobile analysis of log data relatedtomodel sport