Top 10 Apps Similar to Cashile Wallet Earn Spend Cash

Earn Free Bitcoin 7.0
Use This application Earn MoneyDifferentCurrency .like in DollarEuroBitcoinand Different way to withdrawal money like blockchain,PayPal,skrill,neteller,and indian user paytm transfer install and eran more money ...
Whats Coin 4.0
Coin Company
Easy to earn free coins.Earn Unlimited with whats coins.Also get money in your wallet.Get free recharge.Earn easy coin.Redeem easily your money.whats coin is a best portal to earning unlimited coin.
Cash Cat - Make Money 1.0.5
Make money easily! Who would have thoughtthatit is possible to earn money by downloading apps, watch videosorregister on costless websites? Cash Cat makes it possible andisgreat fun!How does it work?Download Cash Cat for free, log in and collect Cashnips!Payoutensues over PayPal - already from 2$ and within 48 hours. Aseasyas it gets!What are you waiting for?Download Cash Cat for free now and make money with apps,videosand free registrations!
Poll 1.2.1767
OpenDev LLC
With this application you can sendquestionstoyour friends and quickly get responses. You can alsosend photosandimages to choose from. Questions can be sent tomultiplefriends andeverybody can see other's answers.
Amberfog for VK 4.524.1007
Enjoy new look of the-most-easy-to-use social clientfromAmberfog!
Zulka messaging app - Chat and win amazing prizes 6.1.93
In today's world, it is tough to stay in touch with our nearanddear ones. With busy schedules and staying in different citiesorstates the distance has increased even more. But all thankstovarious social media apps and messaging portals, we can noweasilykeep in touch with our buddies and family in a single click.Zulka,one of the best messaging app gives you rewards forsendingmessages and playing games. You can use various socialmediaplatforms through Zulka to chat with your close ones andearnrewards * Win a ticket every time you send a message * Therearemany weekly and monthly lucky draw competitions in which themoretickets you earn, the more your chances of winning * Manypeoplehave received Rs. 50000 in the lucky draw competition * Withournew and improved messaging app and 13 privacy control options,yourchats and conversations are as safe as under lock and key * Didyouknow we have now included Scratch cards in our app? Well, themoretickets you earn, you win scratch cards that have prizes likeatrip to Goa, cash prizes and prize draw tickets * Enjoy games?Playand win exciting cash prizes, and other rewards * Lifestylesegmentgives you the chance to be in trend and follow the rightstylestatement. Be fashionable and rich with Zulka! You can chat,call,refer your friends and help them win prizes to celebratetogether.The primary motive for us is to bring people together andcherishcloseness and friendship. Planning for a trip? Want to giveyourclose one a gift? Not to worry, download Zulka and send textorchat unlimited to earn tickets and your dream vacation or giftisjust a step away. Privacy is our motto, and we do not wishtocompromise on any of our customer's details and hence, wehaveamazing privacy settings as well. Planning a trip to Goa cannotbeeasy with all the shopping, the necessary items and places tovisitall have to be perfect right? Do not worry! We also havealifestyle section that helps you learn all about new andupcomingstyles, places and best the food to taste. What do you needtoknow? Simple chat and win. It's that easy! We agree thatsocialmedia is not just for chatting and calling, but also otherexcitingstuff like 'Games', and we have introduced a few amazinggames yourway. Don't feel disappointed in thinking you cannotparticipate inthe lucky draw. Of course, you can! All our app usersare equallyimportant and no matter you use it for games, lifestyleor chattingand calling everyone is eligible to win rewards, scratchcards, andcash prizes! No more waiting to enjoy life’s treat. Chator callwith Zulka and you are on your way to your dreamdestination.Hurry! Download the Zulka app now and enjoy the companyof friendsalong with the comforts and benefits of our app.
Free Money 1.0.9
Free Money is the best money earning appinthe history of App Markets.Amazing app to earn Free money daily.Mobiles has introduced the most convenient way to getFreemoney.You can use the money earned for quick mobile rechargeandpayment of your utility bills. No need to wait in queue formobilerecharge or utility bill payment,get Free Money at yourfingertipsand enjoy easy transactions.You can earn Free money of upto Rs 300/- daily with the bestFreeMoney app.You can earn more Free money for each friendreferral youmake. It keeps on multiplying as your friend keepsusing it. This isphenomenal earning at the tip of your hand.Earn cash app is the most awaited app which has makes thetaskeasier for getting Free money from your mobile sitting rightbackat home.You can also win cool and exciting gift packs from thetope-commerce brands like amazon and flipkart using this appforreferring and sharing this app with your friends. You will lovetheway that the Free money offers never ends !!!What does Free Money offers you?- Best wallet for your mobile.- Keep earning Free money daily and keep multiplying itwithtime.- Fastest way to do mobile recharge and utilitybillpayments.- Make prepaid mobile recharge for all leading Indiantelcommbrands including Airtel, Vodafone, Idea, Reliance, MTS,Docomo, BSNLetc for free.How to earn Free money instantly?- Just download the app- browse daily inside the app to see dailytasks,completethem and earn Free money for your wallet.- Share and refer to earn more.(Rs 250/- per referral)- Retention an updation of app gives you more recharges.New features Introduced!!!- Fast and instant mobile recharge facilitywithinseconds.- Keep sharing and keep earning.- Applicable for all android versions.Now dont even think that your pocket money will ever beover.There are a lot of sales and deals offers as well. Buyproducts andget cash back too.
Активный гражданин 3.0.7
Твой город – твое решение! ЭлектронныеголосованияПравительстваМосквы. Ты решаешь, какой будет Москва!Участвуй вголосованиях иполучай поощрения от города и партнеровпроекта!«Активныйгражданин» — проект для тех, кто хочет изменитьгород клучшему.Это официальное приложение Правительства Москвы,котороебылосоздано по поручению мэра Москвы Сергея Собянина. КаждуюнеделюМэри Правительство Москвы выносит на обсуждениеактивныхгражданважные для города вопросы: от транспортаиблагоустройстватерриторий до здравоохранения и образования.Выражаясвое мнение,ты помогаешь органам власти принимать верныерешения. —Как будутотдыхать московские школьники? — Нужно лиограничиватьскорость вцентре Москвы? — Что построить на местебывшей промзоны?Простозарегистрируйся, укажи свой адрес и голосуй!Результатыэлектронныхголосований будут воплощены в жизнь, а тебяждутприятные подарки.Высказывая свою позицию, ты получаешьбаллы.Заработай 1000 баллови получи статус «Активный гражданин»,которыйоткрывает доступ кМагазину поощрений. В нем заработанныебаллыможно обменять нагородские услуги. Например: — оплата парковки—поездки на метро —билеты в театры и музеи — городскиеэкскурсионныепрограммы — яркиесувениры с символикой «Активногогражданина» идругие полезныемелочи. Хочешь получить еще большебаллов? Чащезаходи вприложение, выражай свое мнение, отмечайсянамероприятиях,приглашай друзей, активируй промо-коды иделисьинформацией опройденных голосованиях в социальных сетях.Самыеактивныеучастники проекта становятся гостямиуникальныхгородскихмероприятий. Например, активные граждане могутпосетитьгенеральнуюрепетицию парада Победы или концерт в Деньгорода наКраснойплощади, Чемпионат мира по шорт-треку с участиемзвездыспортаВиктора Ана или кататься на главном катке страны наВДНХ.Станьактивным гражданином — установи приложение бесплатнопрямосейчас!
Digital-India 0.0.1
In an order to createparticipative,transparentand responsive government, Prime MinisterNarendra Modilaunched themuch ambitious 'Digital India' programmeon Wednesday,July 1,2015,at the Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium inNew Delhi. Withthe launch ofDigital India programme, thegovernment is taking abig step forwardto transform the countryinto a digitallyempowered knowledgeeconomy. Includes variousschemes worth over Rs1 lakh crore likeDigital Locker, e-education,e-health, e-sign andnationalscholarship portal. BharatNet in 11states and NextGenerationNetwork (NGN), are also a part of DigitalIndiacampaign. Theprogramme includes projects that aim to ensurethatgovernmentservices are available to citizens electronicallyandpeople getbenefit of the latest information andcommunicationtechnology. TheMinistry of Communications and IT isthe nodalagency to implementthe programme.
AnswerMe v1.0
AnswerMe OOO
Приложение AnswerMe для Android -проходиопросы и получай вознаграждение!Заработок с AnswerMe - это просто! Скачивай приложение себенасвой мобильный гаджет, проходи опросы и получайденьги.Регистрируйся сейчас и получай 30 рублей на счет.За каждую заполненную анкету, ты получаешьденежноевознаграждение на твой личный счет, деньги с которогоможноперевести на: Visa, Mastercard, Qiwi кошелек илиМобильныйтелефон.AnswerMe удобно брать с собой куда угодно! Ты можешьпроходитьопросы дома, в кафе, в спортзале, на работе... Главное -бери ссобой свой мобильный девайс!И не забудь позвать друзей - они тоже могут принести тебепользу!Зови друзей и получай 30 рублей на счет за каждогодруга!AnswerMe - мы ценим твое мнение!AnswerMe app for Android-Come surveys and get rewarded!Earnings from AnswerMe - it's easy! Download the app itselftoyour mobile gadget, come polls and get the money. Register nowandget 30 rubles to the account.For each completed questionnaire, you get a cash reward onyourpersonal account, money which can be translated into:Visa,Mastercard, Qiwi wallet or mobile phone.AnswerMe convenient to take with you anywhere! You cantakesurveys at home, in cafes, in the gym, at work ... The mainthing -take along your mobile device!And do not forget to call friends - they can also bring youafavor! Call your friends and get 30 rubles to the account ofeachother!AnswerMe - we value your opinion!