Top 14 Apps Similar to Poemas de amor

Angela K Roe - Author 1.0
Angela K Roe spent the past severalyearsraising five wonderful children, writing for local magazinesandnewspapers, and working in the mortgage industry. When four ofherfive talented offspring graduated and flew the coop to createhomesof their own and her youngest started high school, Angelabeganturning her childhood dream of becoming a romance author intoareality. With the unending support of her devoted husband Phil,shespent countless hours and far too much money at the localStarbucksas she wrote and rewrote her first novel, This MontanaMan. Withintwelve months, she turned that novel into a trilogy bycompletingthe companion pieces My Favorite Things and Two Times theLove.Angela devotes her time to her grandchildren, her corgi, herbestfriend and husband, and of course, the imaginary people wholive inher head and insist she continue to write down theiradventures.
French English Translator
GK Apps
This free app is able to translate wordsandtexts from english to french, and from french to english.- very useful app for easy and fast translations, which can beusedlike a dictionary- voice input for text available- share translations with your friends and contacts- if you are a student, tourist or traveler, it will helps youtolearn the language!- French is the national language of France and also spokenincountries like Congo, Canada, Madagascar.
Quotes Videos & Pictures 5.7.58
Motivational Quotes & Sayings - easy to share on Instagram&WhatsApp Messenger!
Poema do Dia 1.5.0
Thousands of poems and quotes of the most famous poets to share
La muchacha de la ventana 4
Adanat APPs
"El la miró, ella simplemente estaba asomada" La casualidadhizoquela viera. La obsesión que quisiera conocerla. Y larealidad...estodo lo que queda por leer. Biografía del autor Nacidaen Cádizenabril de 1984, escritora desde que la memoria alcanza.Dotada deunalma creativa que le ha llevado a lo largo de su vidaadesarrollarmúltiples ramas de la creatividad. En el año 2007autopublicó surelato “La muchacha de la ventana” en papel.Hapublicado relatos enla antología “Más que palabras” hasta2010.Durante años publicó deforma gratuita el mensual “Sólopalabras”hasta el fin de suestancia en Cádiz. Con EdicionesIrreverentespublicó un texto en“Antología del micro relato 3” en2011. Hapublicado en variasrevistas digitales como Colectivopapelero,Papirando, representandoa Argentina en el número 13 dedicharevista en la Feriainternacional del libro de Frankfurt2010.También ha publicado enlas antologías “Los mejores terroresenrelatos” editado por M.A.R.Editor en 2012, “3º ConcursdeMicrorelats Negres de La Bòbila” en2012, “Cachitos de amor2”editado por Argot en 2013, “Exploradoresde placer” EditorialEdisi2013, “Antología relato breve” 2013 deAsociaciónEstudiosUniversitarios, “Erasé una vez….un microcuento”2013 deDiversidadLiteraria, “Pluma, tinta y papel II” 2013DiversidadLiteraria,“Lesbianas en un centenar de palabras” 2013,“RevistaLiterarte”Febrero 2014, Revista “Nueva Grecia” número 5 deinvierno,Revista“Resonancias” número 123, Revista “Realidades yFicciones”número60, “Saborea la locura” 2013 Chiado Ediciones.Entre lospremiospodemos encontrarla como finalista en varioscertámenes, comoLetraUniversal 2008, II Certamen de Micro relatosy Relatos “El artedeescribir” 2010, Mención especial enpensamiento y dicho enel“Concurso internacional Garzón Céspedes”2008 y 2009, Finalistadel“I Certamen Nacional Ciudad” de A Coruña2013, Finalistadel“Concurso literario Ani Benavent” 2013,Finalista del“Certamenliterario 400 palabras” 2013, GanadoraPrimer Concurso derelatosLindas Casas 2013, Ganadora “Primerconcurso de relatos” 2013devivelibro editorial. Experimentadora dela vida que intentateneren cuenta todas las potencialidades de laexistencia, labor quememantendrá ocupada toda la vida. Mientrasintento plasmarrealidadesreales e irreales en palabras moribundasque viven en ojosajenos.
Audible Poems 1.0.1
Free collection of classic poems by well known poets
3 Minute Retreat 1.10.4
Loyola Press
Three minutes of peace are at your fingertips. Begin yourretreathere!
Daily Reflections 5.0
Past reflections from A.A. members,forA.A.members.
Our Daily Bread 4.4.1
The Our Daily Bread app is the mobile app of the daily devotional.
El Desafío del Amor 2.0
Esta aplicación ha sido desarrollada con la colaboración de másde25jóvenes locutores, y el apoyo de Espacio Único Adventista,enestaapp encontraras los 40 capítulos del Desafío del Amor entextocomoen audio, para poder escucharlos es necesario contarconconexión aInternet, aunque también podrás descargarlosyguardarlos en tuteléfono para escucharlos más tarde ocompartirloscon tus amigosusando otras aplicaciones.
The wisdom within these pages has the powertounlock our potential as a species and establish anenduringcivilization based on peace, self-ownership, andnonviolence.You, as a free, beautiful, independent human beingwithinalienable rights, own yourself! You can do what you wantwithyour own body and the product of your labor. All humaninteractionsshould be free of force and coercion, and we are freeto exerciseour rights, limited only by respect for the rights ofothers.Governments rely on force, and force is a poor substituteforpersuasion. When you learned "don't hit," "don't steal," and“don’tkill,” it wasn't, "unless you work for the government."Governmentsfrighten us into thinking we need them, but we aremoving past thestatist paradigm and rendering them obsolete.This book will empower YOU to be more happy, free,andprosperous, while putting you in a position to help Adam Kokesh
Poemas de Amor 1.1
Os melhores poemas de amor totalmente grátis em seu celular!Poemase poesias de afabilidade, afeição, afeto, afinidade,amizade,apego, apreço, bem-querer, benevolência, benquerança,carinho,estima, fraternidade, simpatia, ternura. Baixe agora mesmo!
Стеклянный ангел 3.0
Новый психологический детектив«Стеклянныйангел» от Зухры Сидиковой, автора популярнейшегодетектива «Тайна»."То, что он увидел, навсегда запечатлелось в его памяти.Дляэтого и фотоаппарат бы не понадобился, и все-таки,преодолеваяоцепенение, вдруг сковавшее тело, он сделал шаг вперед,навелобъектив и несколько раз щелкнул затвором: ведь он пришелсюдаименно за этим. Убитый лежал лицом вниз, уткнувшись в ковер.Праваярука была неестественно вывернута, словно кто-то намеренноповернулее ладонью вверх - для того, чтобы фигурка стеклянногоангелаудобно поместилась в этой ладони и была видна всем, ктозаглянул вкомнату..."Серия: Открытая книгаЕсли Вам понравилась книга, не сочтите за труд - добавьте звездвотзывы о ней.Ищите другие наши издания на Маркете! Выпущено уже более250книг! Каталог всех книг смотрите на сайтеиздательстваhttp://lib.webvo.ruНаш канал наYouTube:О наших новинках удобно узнавать черезTwitter(!/P_DigitalBooks), на страничкеВКонтакте(и наFacebook(Издательство Digital Books занимается популяризациейпроизведенийклассической литературы и поддержкой начинающихавторов. Мывыпускаем книги в виде приложений для мобильныйустройств на базеоперационной системы Android. С помощью простогоменю каждыйчитатель может настроить отображение книги подхарактеристики своегоустройства.Книги Издательства Digital Books обладают небольшими размерамиине требовательны к ресурсам смартфонов и планшетов. Нашиприложенияне посылают SMS с Ваших телефонов на платные номера инеинтересуются Вашей личной информацией.Если Вы начинающий автор и хотите увидеть свое произведениеввиде приложения для мобильных устройств на базеоперационнойсистемы Android, то обращайтесь в издательство DigitalBooks([email protected] или [email protected])Newpsychologicaldetective "Glass Angel" by Zuhra Sidikova, author ofpopulardetective "Mystery.""What he saw, forever etched in his memory for this andthecamera would not be needed, and yet, overcoming stupor,suddenlyshackled body, he stepped forward, brought the lens andrepeatedlyclicked the shutter:. Because he came here . preciselybecause ofthis murdered was lying face down, buried in the carpetright handwas unnaturally twisted, as if someone had deliberatelyturned herpalm up -. to figure glass angel comfortably fit in thepalm ofyour hand and is visible to everyone who looked into theroom ..."Series: Open bookIf you liked the book, do not take the trouble - add starreviewsabout it.Look for our other editions on the Market! Issued more than250books! Catalog of all books look at the publisher'swebsitehttp://lib.webvo.ruOur channel onYouTube: our updates conveniently learn throughTwitter(!/P_DigitalBooks), on pageVKontakte( onFacebook( 81%% 82% D0% B2% D0% BE-Digital-Books /579960405350579)Publisher Digital Books popularizes works of classicalliteratureand support new authors. We produce books in the formofapplications for mobile devices based on the Androidoperatingsystem. With a simple menu every reader can customize thedisplayof books under the specifications of your device.Books Publishing Digital Books have small size and notdemandingsmartphones and tablets resources. Our applications do notsend SMSto your phone premium rate numbers and are not interestedin yourpersonal information.If you are an aspiring writer and would like to see his workinthe form of applications for mobile devices based on theAndroidoperating system, please contact the publisher DigitalBooks([email protected] or [email protected])
Belas frases Namorados 3.0.0
Poemas e palavras de amor para amarquemquiser.Com um clique você pode enviar citações bonitas epoemas deamor paraa pessoa que você quer saber os seussentimentos.Para estar em conformidade com as regras da protecçãodedadosautoridades comunicar:Neste site identificadores de dispositivo sãousadasparapersonalizar conteúdos e anúncios, a fim de forneceranúnciosdemídia e analisar tráfego. Nós também compartilhar essaseoutrasinformações sobre identificadores de dispositivo comosparceirossociais de publicidade de mídia e web analytics.Maisdetalhesem: and words oflovetolove anyone. With one click you can send beautiful quotesandlovepoems to the person you want to know your feelings.To comply with the rules of dataprotectionauthoritiescommunicate:This device identifiers site are used to personalize contentandadsin order to provide media ads and analyze traffic. Wealsosharethis and other information about device identifiers withthesocialpartners of media advertising and web analytics.Moredetailsat: