Top 5 Games Similar to Kids Game:Baby Learn ABC

Kids Game:Baby Puzzle Game 1.0.8
"Kids Baby Puzzle Game" isdesignedspecifically for children of a scene to identify the objectpuzzlegame, 1 years old baby can start to use. In the course of thegamein the scene, not only improve children's practicalability,general ability, cultivate a child's pronunciation.The game features:The 4 Scene (numbers, letters, plane geometry, solid geometry),54kinds of basic cognitiveEasy to use game processImage mosaic objects beautiful beautifulTo adapt to a variety of high resolution screen resolution,supportplatePlay:First of all, in the main game interface click start to get intothegame, and select an object to puzzle, spell success, not onlytheobject.Shows the name of the picture, will be accompaniedbypronunciation.Specific classification:Digital series:0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9Series of letters:A, B, C, D, e, F, G, h, I, J, K, l, m, N, O, P, Q, R, s, t, u, V,W,x, y, ZShape series:A square, round, ellipse, rectangle, triangle, polygon,trapezoidal,heart-shaped, five pointed star, diamondThe three-dimensional graphics series:Cylinder, cone, sphere, cube, ellipsoid, cuboid,prism,pyramid
儿童宝宝教育故事 1.7
儿童宝宝教育故事是最新推出的儿童宝宝系列教育游戏,游戏以一系列生动有趣的故事为主线,在故事中穿插着各种知识(包括学前教育内容,生活常识,生活好习惯等),对宝宝进行潜移默化的教育,让您的宝宝在轻松愉快的过程中又能学到许多知识,从小养成良好的生活习惯。Children's story isthelatest baby education baby series of educational gamesforchildren, games, a series of interesting stories to the mainline,interspersed with a variety of knowledge (includingpre-schoolcontent, knowledge of life, living the good habits, etc.)in thestory of the baby be subtle education, so that your baby inarelaxed and enjoyable process and can learn a lot of knowledge,todevelop good habits from an early age.
儿童宝宝学数字 1.0.16
儿童宝宝早教乐园系列儿童教育应用是根据教育部最新颁布的《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》,充分研究了3-6岁幼儿学习与发展的基本规律和特点,激发孩子的学习兴趣,同时又防止学前教育小学化,让你的孩子在娱乐中学到知识。精美的画面配合生动的动画,让你的宝宝学得开心,家长放心,让您的孩子赢在起跑线上。贝贝学数字能让您的孩子在轻松愉快的游戏中逐渐学会100以内的数字。游戏内容分为:1、数字0-9的学习2、0-100的数数学习。3、数一数树上有几个水果。4、切水果小游戏。5、连线游戏Children BabyEarlyLearning educational applications for children park series isbasedon "learning and development of children aged 3-6 Guide"issued bythe Ministry of Education newest, fully investigatedandcharacteristics of the basic laws of 3-6 years oldchildren'slearning and development, stimulate children's interestinlearning, while preventing pre-primary school of, let yourchildlearn knowledge in entertainment. Beautiful picture withvividanimation, make your baby happy to learn that parents beassuredthat your child win at the starting line.    Babe figures allow your child to learn inarelaxed gradually learn the game within the number 100.    Game content is divided into:    1, 0-9 learning    2,0-100 the count to learn.    3, count a few fruit trees.    4, cut fruit game.    5, line games
儿童宝宝学唐诗 1.9
“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”,用唐诗陶冶宝宝的情操,对宝宝的进行传统文化培养,培养宝宝的语言韵律感,提高孩子的情商。采用了专业的配音朗读,对诗词进行了解释,配以诗的内容相符的场景动画帮助宝宝理解诗的内容。"Familiar with theThreeHundred Tang Poems, a poem will chant", with Tang cultivatebaby'ssentiments, the traditional culture of the baby train,develop yourbaby's language of rhythm, to improve the child'semotionalintelligence. Using a professional voice reading ofpoetryexplained, consistent with the content of poetry sceneanimation tohelp your baby understand the content of thepoem.
儿童游戏学字母 1.0.0
儿童游戏学字母是一款面向6岁以下儿童的亲子早教游戏,是根据教育部最新颁布的《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》,充分研究了3-6岁幼儿学习与发展的基本规律和特点,可激发孩子的学习兴趣,让你的孩子在娱乐中学到知识,游戏中融合了字母卡丁车(宝宝可以帮助考拉控制卡丁车来吃字母一路闯关得分)、字母连连看、字母歌、字母拖拖乐(字母拼图)、学单词测试模块等小游戏,高品质的图片和卡通动画效果、可爱的游戏画面、动听的宝宝童谣。通过玩游戏让小朋友在益智游戏中学习认识26个字母,教会宝宝字母发音,以及一些简单的单词,眼,手,脑一起动,从小培养小朋友的综合能力。在学习娱乐的过程还可以进行亲子互动,妙趣味横生,寓教于乐,锻炼逻辑思维,启蒙早教。Children learn thelettersis a game for children under 6 years early childhoodparent-childgame, is based on "learning and development ofchildren aged 3-6Guide," the Ministry of Education issued thelatest, fully study thebasic law of 3-6 year-old children'slearning and development andcharacteristics, can stimulatechildren's interest in learning, letyour child learn knowledge inentertainment, the game combines theletters Kart (baby koala canhelp control all the way to breakthrough the barrier Kart eatletter score), lianliankan letters, thealphabet song, alphabet mopmusic (letter puzzle), learn the wordtest modules and other smallgame, high-quality images and animatedcartoons, cute game screen,beautiful baby nursery rhymes. Byplaying the game to enablechildren to learn to recognize 26 lettersin the puzzle game, thechurch baby pronunciation of letters, aswell as some simple words,eye, hand and brain with the move,comprehensive ability from anearly age children. In the process oflearning and entertainmentcan also be parent-child interaction,wonderful amusing,entertaining, exercise logical thinking,enlightenment earlychildhood.