Top 13 Games Similar to Caverns of Mimas

Roswell UFO Incident ! 1.0
Samir Tirmizi
Roswell UFO incident took placeatRoswell,Mexico in 1947... The story is as follows:Brave alien woman called 'Sigourney' was on expeditiontonewworlds. When she was passing by a blue lookingplanet,herspaceship sensed heavy radio waves activity.Soon'Sigourney'realized that life form must be existing on thisplanet.She coulddecrypt radio frequency network and came to knowthat thisplanetis called 'Earth' and there is virtual currencycalled'Bitcoins'which she can use to transact with local speciescalled'Humans'.She decided to land her spaceship at desert areanearRoswell,Mexico and she entered atmosphere of blue planet... duetounknownatmospheric effect, her spaceship's batteriesbecamedysfunctionaland it started falling. Soon she crashed indesert atnight and gotunconscious...Someone from local species saw bright lightoffallingunidentified flying object and that life-form tracedoutspaceshipof 'Sigourney'. That male of human species saw UFO forthefirsttime in life!!! He took some parts of UFO and talkedwithfamilyand neighbors about it. Someone contacted localauthoritiesnextmorning. Locals started gathering to see aliens andUFO.Theystarted taking UFO videos and pictures. One person openeddoorofspaceship and saw an alien woman was there inside. Soon NewsofUFOcrash spread like wild fire and next day 'Roswell UFOIncident'washeading of major news articles. Authorities came intoaction,theyrushed to site immediately as they wanted RoswellUFOIncidentconfirmed. They took UFO in custody and transported ittonearbyair base.Local species were shocked and surprised. For the firsttimeinlife they got visual answer of questions like ‘Are AliensReal?’or‘Do Aliens Exist?’ Before their own eyes, they could seealienonearth!!! Alien had landed. Previously they werejustdiscussingextraterrestrial activity and now there was analienwoman betweenthem. Some were very excited and for othersUFOsightings was alike unwanted nightmare. They feared thatsoonplanet earth wouldbe taken over by these unknown aliens andsoonsky will be full ofenemy flying saucers. Authorities werealsoworried that RoswellUFO incident facts will create fearpsychosisin people and theymust take firm steps to negate factsabout spacealiens.Next day authorities had to claim that it was notalienspaceship,but a weather balloon. There was nothingparanormalwhich didapocalypse possibility of aliens. It was hard,yet theymanaged tosuppress Roswell UFO crash facts. But then'Sigourney' -the alienwoman came to consciousness and she foundherselfcaptivated at localairbase with her spaceship. She triedtocommunicate with localspecies and tried to convince them thatshewas alien for them, butshe will not harm them in any way iftheyallow her to return back toher planet. She promised friendshipandharmonious living betweenspecies, but humans were so fearfultheydecided to destroy herspaceship and execute her. Now there wasnooption left for her otherthan try to escape. That night, atverylate hours she could manageto reach to her spaceship andreplacednon-working batteries withemergency power cells and shestartedher spaceship. Humans woke uphearing sound of UFO usingwhich shewas trying to escape. Theyordered military to firemissiles atspaceship and destroy itimmediately. It was do or dietime for'Sigourney' as well ashumans!!! She started flying herspaceshipand now she needs powerand protection to cover lot ofdistancesafely, so she can moveherself enough away from Roswellthat localspecies cannot catch heragain. And hopefully after sometime shemay get help from her planetfellows.I don't know about your species, but for the sake ofalllivingthings, I urge you to help this dare devil alien womantoescapefrom planet called earth alive...For more info about this science fiction story, pleasedovisit…
Space Runner! 1.0.1
After the zombie apocalypse ruinedeverysinglehabitable place on Earth, the Global Alliance decidedtoseek hopein the outer space. Many ships were sent, but noneeverreturned.Apollo, one of the crew member of Humanity's lasthope,found anunexpected turn of events when they found out that allthemissingships and astronauts had gone mad and became zombies.Nowhim, theonly survivor, shall find a way to escape this hell andgoback toEarth, bringing sad, but revealing news to your kind.Features:• Jump, fly, and shoot your way though the Zombies inthisamazingSpace Runner.• Find the balance between your resources, Oxygen and Fuelinorderto survive the journey.• Enjoy the thrill and danger from being in the outer space,suchasMeteor showers and Aliens.• Run for it and Save Apollo by building a SpaceshipboughtfromAliens.• Fight your friends and the rest of the world forthebestScore!.• Keep the joy and fun with 10 challenging achievements.
Flappy Space 1.0
You find yourself in a spaceship,whichwillhelp you escape from the asteroids. Of course, themovementand direction of the vehicle are controlled by tappingontothescreen. Each time you tap, the shipflies up. The ultimate goal is to fly it as far as youcanwithouthitting an asteroid. The hint is totap at the right moments. You’ll get pointswheneveryousuccessfully pass the celestial bodies.Beware from the moving asteroids!
Galaxy-Z Wars 1.1
Free game, Galaxy-Z wars, ShootTheSpace-Ship,Escape The meteor.-------------------------------------------------Uzay gemilerini yok edin, Meteorlardan kaçın.Free game,Galaxy-Zwars,Shoot The Space-Ship, Escape The meteor.-------------------------------------------------Destroy spaceship, avoid meteor.
Surviving in Space 1.0
Survive in space is not easy. Embark onthismission to life or death escaping the dangers that exist inunknownspace. Dodge asteroids, but also shoot them for extrapoints. Donot let the enemy ship hits you, but to escape it has alot ofcaution.Win this star wars and enjoy this journey surviving in spacewithyour spaceship in this game, that is a race against time andajourney into the darkness of the infinite.Tips:- To move around the scene, just click your finger on thespotwhere the ship should go.- Dodge the asteroids, but if you can shoot them.- To shoot double-click with your finger. Several double clickswillmake a flurry of shots.- Asteroids biggest need more shots to be destroyed, but willgiveyou more points.- Some enemy ships have a force field that reflect their shots,butafter a few shots it will be destroyed, and you'll earnmorepoints.Come to try survive in space in this classic arcade game.Havefun!Credits:
الطائرة الفضائية الحربية 2015 1.0
تطبيق طريقة تحكم الأمثل بالطائرةالفضائيةالحربية لرحلة في الفضاء.-الطير في الفضاء و تجاوزالعراقل بمرونة- الطير لملاحقة طائرة و مركبة فضائية تحاول الهروب في الفضاء- محاربة الطائرات الفضائية الأخرى و محاولة القضاء عليهم بإطلاقالنارعلى طائراتهم*يمكنك التحكم بالطائرة بتحريك جوالكThe application ofoptimalcontrol method of the space fighter plane for a tripintospace.-tair In space and flexibility Tjaosalaracl- Bird to hunt down aircraft and spacecraft are trying toescapeinto space- Other space combat aircraft and try to eliminate them shootatplanes* You can control the plane by moving your mobile phone
CaveRide 1.94
A cat on a ride in caves !
It's a Trap 2.5.4368
The Asteroids are waiting since '79fortheirpayback! But remember, like a certain admiral once said:IT'SATRAP!Try escaping from them for as much time as you canbycontrollingyour spaceship. Catch power-ups to help beat allyourgoals and toshow everyone who is the ultimate survivor.Conquer the space power to defeat this space loop of terror.How long will you last?FEATURES* Simple swipe commands to control the spaceship* Multiple random power-ups* Leaderboards and Achievements to compete with who you want* Captivate soundtrack that will make you desire tokeepyourselfalive!If you are having any problems or you desire to share moreofyourthoughts contact us through [email protected].
Captain Tap Lite 1.3
OH NO! Your spaceship is out ofcontrolandneeds your help to escape. Captain Tap is avisuallystunningtribute to "Flappy Bird," in which you have to keepyourship afloat while simultaneously navigating through anasteroidfield.Created by Travis Brunette(TSparkz)Captain Tap isguaranteedtoboth challenge and delight you... What's YOUR highscore?Thisversion tho free contains ads. If you want the ad-freeversionlookup Captain Tap and purchase for only $0.99.
ESCAPE! 1.16
You are the captain of the lastsurvivinghumanstarship. The ruins of civilisation lie behind you,your crewallthat is left of the fallen Utopia. Your fuel is spend,yourweaponshave run dry. All you can now hope to do is slingshotyourway tofreedom with the little inertia you have left.We you carry the survivors to the stars? Or will theybelostforever in the inky darkness...Only time will tell. Only you can be our salvation Captain!############################Escape! is integrated with google play games. We haveaworldwideranking of players, and will be anouncing thereigningchampion eachweek. Prize details coming soon!
RSC Space Alien 1.0
RSC Spaceship alien 3d is the bestspacegameever. This spaceship 3d game offer 3 types of gameinone:The first level is Runner game, in this game you have to flyinatunnel and move (using the accelerometer) to manipulatetheflightspace ship, inthis tunnel you have a number of fans, use your pilot skillstoevadethem and move forward.The second level is a pursuit game , in this one youhavetomanipulate your flight in a space environment to pursuitanenemyspaceshipwho is trying to fly to escape.The third level is a shooter game, in this game , alwaysin3dspace,you have to manipulate the plane with moving your Smartphone,shootenemy spaceships, you canshoot the asteroids or escape them, finally to win thislevelyouhave to kill the boss spaceship with flying escapingandshootingit...
Galactic Overload 1.1
JT Clipper
Galactic Overload is a Shape Ship "tower defense" game.
Mision Tierra 1.0
---------------------------------------------------[ESPAÑOL]---------------------------------------------------¡La tierra se ha quedado sin minerales!Los viajeros de la nave "Ruby-G" han explorado los rinconesdelas galaxias "muy muy lejanas" en busca de nuevos mineralesquepermitan continuar el equilibrio en la tierra; ahora que sumisiónha sido exitosa, deben regresar sanos y salvos al planetaTierra, oal menos eso esperan.Disfruta de este divertido Shoot 'em-Up el cual toma elementosdela vieja escuela donde controlas la nave "Ruby-G". Haciendo usodepower-ups y tu habilidad en el control, deberás eludirenemigos,asteroides y dimensiones alternas para cumplir una solamisión:regresar a la Tierra.¡Compite con tus amigos!• Como en los arcade de la vieja escuela, compite por obtenerelmayor puntaje en el modo "Infinito", la diversión nuncaacaba.¡Conquista los trofeos!• 16 logros para cada una de las heroicas hazañas que realices entuviaje por el espacio.¡Actualizaciones constantes!• Escuchamos a nuestros jugadores inmediatamente, porquenosinteresa su opinión.¡Skins de temporada!• Descarga de nuevas naves y enemigos durante temporadas.---------------------------------------------------[ENGLISH]---------------------------------------------------Earth is running out of minerals!Travelers inside starship "Ruby-G" had explored the limits inthegalaxies "far far away" looking for new minerals in order torestorethe balance in earth; now they had completed the missionand shouldcome back safe to earth, or at least they expectedit.Enjoy this funny Shoot 'em-Up which take elements oftheold-school where you control the starship "Ruby-G". Byusingpower-ups and control skills, you should elude enemies,asteroidsand multiverses to complete one mission: Back toearth.Challenge your friends!• Like in the old-school arcades, play for the highest scorein"Infinity Mode". Fun never ends!Conquer trophies!• 16 achievements for each great heroic-action that you do inyourtravel across the universe.Constantly Updates!• We listen to our players because we care their comments.Season Skins!•Dowload of new ships and enemies during seasons.-------------------------------------------------- -[SPANISH]---------------------------------------------- -----The land is out of minerals!Travellers ship "Ruby-G" have explored the corners of the"veryfar away" galaxies in search of new minerals that allow tocontinuethe balance on earth; Now that his mission was successful,mustreturn them safely to Earth, or at least I hope.Enjoy this fun shoot 'em-Up which takes elements from theoldschool where you control the ship "Ruby-G". By making useofpower-ups and your ability to control, must evadeenemies,asteroids and alternate dimensions to accomplish a singlemission:to return to Earth.Compete with your friends!• As in the arcade of the old school, is competing for thehighestscore in the "Infinity", so the fun never ends.Conquest trophies!• 16 achievements for each of the heroic deeds you make onyourjourney through space.Constant updates!• We listen to our players immediately because we care aboutyouropinion.Skins Season!• Download new ships and enemies during seasons.-------------------------------------------------- -[ENGLISH]---------------------------------------------- -----Earth is running out of minerals!Travelers inside starship "Ruby-G" had Explored the limits inthegalaxies "far far away" looking for new minerals in order torestorethe balance in earth; They Had now completed the missionand safeShould come back to earth, or at Least They expectedit.Enjoy this funny shoot 'em-Up Which take elements oftheold-school Where You Control the starship "Ruby-G". Byusingpower-ups and skills control You should elude enemies,asteroidsand multiverses to complete one mission: Back toearth.Challenge your friends!• Like in the old-school arcade games, play for the highest scorein"Infinity Mode". Fun never ends!Conquer trophies!• 16 achievements for each great heroic-action that you 'do inyourtravel across the universe.Constantly Updates!• We listen to our players because we care Their comments.Skins Season!• Dowload of new ships and enemies During seasons.