Top 13 Games Similar to Carrusel de Picas

Comuniame 1.1
Comuniame es un simulador de fútbol en elqueadministras un equipo con jugadores reales en una ligavirtual,compitiendo contra tus amigos por conseguir el mejor equipoy ganarla liga.TU ERES EL JEFEDiriges las finanzas, fichajes y estrategia de tu equipo. Solotueres el responsable de ser el campeón de tu liga o acabarcomofarolillo rojo.Entre otras, éstas serán tus funciones en tu equipodeComuniame:Fichajes y ventas de jugadores reales.Gestión económica del club.Alineaciones y estrategia.MEJOR QUE LAS ALTERNATIVASEn Comuniame podrás:Disfrutar de un diseño mucho más claro, moderno y bonito.Acceder a una completa base de datos de jugadores y equipos.Participar en varias ligas con la misma cuenta.Configurar cuánto y como se paga al final de cada jornada.Compartir en redes sociales tu clasificación, alineaciónyresultados.Gestionar tu liga y sus jugadores.Muchas mejoras más.UTILIZANDO LA ÚLTIMA TECNOLOGÍAComuniame utiliza las más novedosas tecnologías basadas enweb,para que la experiencia sea igual de efectiva en todoslosdispositivos, incluidos móviles y tablets.Además, Comuniame funciona sin cuelgues ni caídas de sistema,yaque se ejecuta en los mismos servidores que Google utilizaparaYoutube o Gmail.Comuniame is afootballsimulation in which you manage a team with real players inavirtual league, competing against your friends to get the bestteamand win the league.YOU ARE THE BOSSHeading finance, strategy signings and your team. Only youareresponsible for being the champion of your league or end uplikered lantern.Among others, these are your roles in your team Comuniame:Transfers and sales of real players.Economic management of the club.Lineups and strategy.Better than the alternativesIn Comuniame TeaEnjoy a much clearer, modern and beautifully designed.Access a complete database of players and teams.Participate in various leagues with the same account.Set as much and paid at the end of each day.Social Sharing your rating, alignment and results.Manage your league and its players.Many improvements.Using the latest technologyComuniame uses the latest web-based technologies to maketheexperience as effective on all devices, including mobile phonesandtablets.In addition, Comuniame works without crashing or systemcrashesas it runs on the same servers used to Youtube or GoogleGmail.
Manage your team from your mobile!comunio, the online football manager game, lets you take controlofyour own football team. The game is based on the real worldresultsof your favorite football league, including- premier league- 1. Bundesliga and 2. Bundesliga- Primera Division and Segunda Divisionand more!Play against your friends, family and co-workers in yourownmini-league and show them who has the most knowledgeaboutfootball.Some games can be played outside the football world: Formula 1andWintersports.
Comuniapp 3.6.1
The most complete app to manage your soccer teams.
futmondo - soccer manager 8.4.3
Mondo Core
Build your dreamteam and beat your friends!
Bemanager - Fantasy Football 2.73.0
You're the manager! Manage your soccer team and compete againstyourfriends
Football Manager Handheld 2015 6.3.1
Requires internet connection to install.Football Manager Handheld 2015 (FMH15) is the latest releaseinthe best-selling, award-winning series of games on mobileandtablet devices which allows you to live out the dream ofmanagingyour favourite real-life football (soccer) club.From your digital dugout you’ll manage the football club andmakeall of the big decisions. You buy the top players, you developthestars and you pick the best eleven – to score you the goalsthat’llwin you the silverware. Do you have what it takes to becomea legendin the high pressure, high emotion world of footballmanagement?Brand New Match Engine- A completely new and more realistic 2D Match Engine allows youtobetter analyse your team's performance on the field to helpyoumake those tough decisions.*Scouting Agency- A brand new Scouting Agency which allows you to look at,andmonitor, a ranked list of the top 50 players within the gamebothfor current ability and future potential.Rankings and Dynamic League Reputation- New World Rankings, for international teams and nationalleagues,which will evolve over time based on performances incontinentalcompetitions.More Detailed Club Stats- A Club Stats page dedicated to showing you more detailedseasonaland historical information about all areas of yourclub.Manager Achievements Page- A Manager Achievements page so you can track all of youraccoladesand get a run-down on all trophies, awards andachievements won.Improved My Club Mode- You can now assign Player Roles to each of your squad membersandalso save any player from any career and use that player in yourMyClub squad.Improved Look and Feel- More improvements to the user interface to make your roleasmanager easier.Plus lots more, including a brand new purchasable in-gameeditorthat allows you to change your game data throughout yourcareer.Want more cash? Want your striker's stats to be better? Nowyou cando that and lots more besides.* New match engine available on all devices, some devicesmightrun original match engine as default depending on processingandmemory capabilities.
Compete against your friends with the official LALIGA soccermanagergame.
NetLiga 1.2.00
Netliga es un mánager de fútbol online basado en el rendimientorealde los jugadores. El objetivo del juego es administrar un clubdondedispondrás de una plantilla de jugadores reales que seránpuntuadosen función de su actuación en la liga de fútbol ydependerá devarios conceptos (nota en prensa deportiva, goles,asistencias, etc)El Objetivo de NetLiga es conseguir la máxima puntuaciónposiblecada jornada de la liga. Todas las jornadas tienes quealinear tuequipo pensando en ese objetivo. Puedes ir cambiando sinproblemastu alineación hasta que se guarden por el sistema.Cada jornada podrás ver en el contador cuanto tiempo tequedapara preparar tu alineación. Una vez el contador llegue a 0(ysalga el mensaje de confirmación en noticias), el sistemaguardarálas alineaciones de todos los equipos y serán esos datoslos queuse para el cálculo de jornada. Si después de que se hayaalineadouna jornada haces cambios, no se reflejarán para la jornadaque yaha sido alineada.Cálculo de jornada. Una vez se ha alineado la jornada, en lavidareal se irán disputando los partidos, y, al día siguiente,NetLigairá cargando los puntos de los jugadores que han jugadobasándose enel sistema de puntuación netliga. Una vez esténcargados todos lospuntos de la jornada, se calculará y:Se darán todos los ingresos/cobros para cada equipoSe computarán los puntosSe harán todos los cálculos pertinentes de todos los modos dejuego(Torneos, Ligas Pro, etc)Valor de Mercado de los jugadores:El valor de mercado de los jugadores se calcula como el de labolsa,dependiendo del interés que demuestren los usuarios en suspujas. Noinfluye de manera directa que el jugador reciba mejores opeorespuntuaciones.Resumen de los sistemas de juego:Liga básica:En ellas podrás jugar con tus amigos o con otros usuarios. Enestasligas habrá un mercado común donde diariamente iránsaliendojugadores y todos los usuarios de la liga podrán pujar porestosjugadores de forma secreta. Cuando las pujas caduquen elusuarioque más haya pujado pagará el jugador y lo incluirá ensuplantilla. En este tipo de ligas el mismo jugador solopodrápertenecer a un equipo.Liga PRO:Convierte tu liga en una liga mucho más real y completa yaqueincluye diferentes mejoras como: construcción y gestióndelestadio, patrocinadores, personal (entrenador, psicólogo,directorde marketing, etc). La gestión económica de las ligas PROes muchomás compleja que las básicas, haciéndola más difícilycompetitiva.Liga General:A diferencia de las ligas básicas, el mercado de la Ligageneralpuedes comprar (mientras tu economía te lo permita) a losjugadoresque prefieras intentado buscar el mejor 11 cada jornada.La ligageneral está dividida en divisiones estructuradas deformapiramidal, donde cada liga tiene dos divisiones inferiores.Sóloexiste 1 grupo de primera División, 2 de segunda, cuatrodetercera, etc. Cada liga está compuesta por 25 usuarios quecompitenentre sí.Torneos:El sistema de torneos es similar al de las Ligas Generales,tendrásque confeccionar cada jornada el mejor once posible. Estesistemafunciona mediante eliminatoria directa, se clasifica eljugador quemás puntos haya obtenido, en caso de empate se clasificael quetenga menor valor de equipo.Netligaisan online football manager based on the actual performance oftheplayers. The object of the game is to manage a club whereatemplate offers an actual players are scored based ontheirperformance in the football league and will depend onseveralconcepts (sports press note, goals, assists, etc.)The NetLiga Objective is to achieve maximum score possibleeveryday of the league. All journeys have to align your teamthinkingabout that goal. You can go smoothly changing your lineupuntilstored by the system.Each day you will see on the counter how long you have lefttoprepare your lineup. Once the counter reaches 0 (andexitconfirmation message news), the system will save the alignmentsofall equipment and the data which will be used for thecalculationof time. If after a day has been aligned beams changeswill not bereflected to the day that has already been aligned.Calculating day. Once you have aligned the day, in real lifewillgo disputing parties, and, the next day will NetLiga loadingpointsof the players who have played based on the scoring systemnetliga.Once they are loaded all points of the day, will becalculatedand:    They'll all income / receipts foreachteam    Points are calculated    It will make all relevant calculationsallmodes of play (Tournament, League Pro, etc.)Market Value of the players:The market value is calculated as the players of the bag,dependingon the interest shown in their bids users. It directlyaffects theplayer receives better or worse scores.Summary of game systems: Basic League:They can play with your friends or other users. In theseleaguesthere will be a common market where players will emergedaily andall users of the league may bid for these playerssecretly. Whenthe bids expire the user who has bid on the playerpay and includeit in your template. In this kind of league the sameplayer mayonly belong to a team.Liga PRO:Turn your league in a league much more real and complete asitincludes various improvements such as stadium constructionandmanagement, sponsors, staff (coach, psychologist, directorofmarketing, etc). Economic management PRO league is muchmorecomplex than the basic, making it more difficultandcompetitive.General League:Unlike basic leagues, the League overall market can buy (whileyoureconomy you permitting) to players who prefer tried to findthebest 11 per day. The league is divided into divisionsgenerallypyramidal structured, each league has two divisions lower.There isonly one group of first division, 2 second, four third,etc.. Eachleague consists of 25 members who compete.Tournaments:The tournament system is similar to the General leagues, you havetomake every day the best eleven possible. This system worksbyknockout, is classified the player with the most points earnedinthe event of a tie, the one with the lowest rated team value.
Liga Fantástica Marca 2015 3.5.0
Liga Fantasy de Marca, es el únicofútbolManager con premios en metálico. Además de ser el juegodeportivoonline de dirección técnica más antiguo de España.¡Descárgate laAPP y comienza a jugar por los 50.000€ en premios arepartir!¿Cansado de caídas de servidores o de que te hagan pagarparapoder jugar? Liga Fantástica Marca es un juegomanagercompletamente gratis, con ligas privadas con las que podrásjugarcon tus amigos.Crea tu equipo con los jugadores de la Liga española ycompitecon usuarios de toda España o contra tus amigos enpeñasprivadas.Características del juego – Temporada 2015 - 2016:- Creación de equipos de 11 jugadores con 200 millonesdepresupuesto.- Realizar cambios en tus equipos todas las jornadas paraconseguirser el mejor entrenador de España.- Listado de todos los jugadores de Primera División conlasestadísticas más completas.- Consulta de la lista de premios que se reparten a lo largo delatemporada.- Crea peñas para jugar con tus amigos.- Lanza retos a tus amigos para ver quien consigue más puntos.NOVEDADESHemos lanzando la nueva versión de nuestra App2015/2016,corrigiendo lo mejor posible todos los errores que noshabéisreportado por todos los canales.Creemos que hemos mejorado el rendimiento, pero como nadieesperfecto, seguro que aún sigue habiendo pequeñas cosas quepodríanmejorarse. Para eso, os pedimos vuestra colaboración, lo queno osguste lo ponéis en la valoración de la App.Aceptamos que os gusten más otras Ligas Manager o fantasy,peronosotros damos premios, seguro que esa novedad no la encontráisenotras Apps de este estilo J.¡¡A disfrutar del juego y que gane el mejor!!Brand Fantasy League,isthe only football Manager with cash prizes. Besides beingtheonline sports game Spain's oldest coaching. Download the APPandstart playing for € 50,000 in prizes to win!Tired of server breakdown or do you pay to play? League isafantastic brand manager game completely free, with privateleagueswith which you can play with your friends.Create your team with players from the Spanish league andcompetewith users from all over Spain or against your friends inprivateclubs.Features - Season 2015 - 2016:- Creation of teams of 11 players with 200 million budget.- Make changes to your teams all sessions in order to becomethebest coach in Spain.- List of all the players in the First Division with themostcomplete statistics.- Read the list of awards that are spread throughouttheseason.- Create clubs to play with friends.- Throw challenge your friends to see who gets more points. NEW RELEASESWe've launched the new version of our App 2015/2016, correctingmybest all the mistakes that you have brought us throughallchannels.We believe we have improved the performance, but nobodyisperfect, sure there are still little things that could beimproved.For this, we ask your cooperation, you do not like whatyou put itin the assessment of the App.We accept you like most other leagues Manager or fantasy, butwegive awards, certainly not the novelty that you find in otherappsof this style J. To enjoy the game and win the best !!
BeManager 1.4.9
BeSoccer Apps
Welcome to BeManager, the new free onlinegamethat allows you to manage the team of your dreams and sign thebestplayers from all the leagues around the word!Challenge other managers and make sure you win week by week.Sell your players at the right moment to increaseyourbudget.It's time to show off your skills as a football manager!Will you make it to the top and become a legendwithinBeManager?-Manage your lineup.-Make precise changes and check what changes your opponentsmakeeach week.-Participate in the chat with other managers in your league.-Follow each match directly and check the points yourplayersget.BeManager is a multiplayer game, free and online
ComuManager Ultimate 2.5.2
Comumanager Ultimate is the best app withthemost advanced design to control your teams like never beforedone!Features list:- Manage multiple accounts.- View all news from your community- Write news- See the transfer market- Make Bids- Edit Bids- Remove Bidding- Accept Offers- Reject Offers- Selling Players- History Offers accepted, rejected, expired, canceled.- View / change your alignment- Post your lineup- Change your tactics- Player stats (photo, name, club, total points, marketvalue,position, state)- See your opponents team and aligned- See the penalized players, injured, doubtful, yellow, red,notsummoned, etc.- See the Dream Team of the day- View points of the day- See the classification of the last day- See the complete ranking- Watch the money from your opponents and your maximum bid- See the results of La Liga Live- View ranking of La Liga Live- Translated into Castilian and EnglishAnd others that you will discover within the application!
Kickbase - Fantasy Soccer 3.7.5
Kickbase GmbH
Official Bundesliga Soccer Fantasy Manager! Build your lineup&soccer formation
Carrusel Deportivo 2.3.11
Prisa Radio
Live Carrusel Deportivo experience inyourSmartphone!Download Carrusel Deportivo new app and enjoy live sports.Youcan listen the broadcast through the app, know when eill bethenext broadcast and listen the best audios of the past weeks.Follow on live all the matches, look for players andteamsstadistics and vote for the MVP of each match.All the information about La Liga BBVA, the Champions League,theEuropa League, The Spanish Cup, the Liga Adelante, andtheInternational competitions with their lives,calendars,classification and news.In addition, you will have the main basket competitions,maintenis tournaments and F1 results.Carrusel wants you to be part of the program, and proposeyoudifferent ways to participate, like surveys or questions.Start living a new way to live sports with Carruselapplication.We have many surprises for you.If you want to make us an advise just send us an [email protected]. We appreciate it.