Top 17 Apps Similar to Menu@Siemens

Industry Online Support
Siemens AG
With the Industry Online Support App youhaveaccess to more than 300,000 documents about SiemensIndustryproducts - any time and anywhere.The app supports you, for example, in the following fields:• Problem solving during the implementation of a project• Troubleshooting of failures• Expanding or restructuring your systemIt also provides you with access to the Technical Forum andtofurther entries created for you by our experts:• FAQs• Application examples• Manuals• Certificates• Product notes, and many othersThe main functions at a glance:• Scan your product codes / EAN codes for a direct display ofalltechnical and graphic data (e.g. CAx data) aboutyourSiemens Industry product.‑• Send your product information or entries per e-mail in ordertoprocess the information directly at the workstation.• Send your requests to Technical Support at yourconvenience.Detail information can easily be added using the scanor photofunction.• Use the offline cache function to save your favorites toyourdevice. In this way you can call these entries, productsandconferences even without network coverage.• Transfer PDF documents to an external library.• The contents and surfaces are available in six languages(German,English, French, Italian, Spanish and Chinese) – includingatemporary switching to English.More information about how to use the app can be found in themenuitem “Help / Tutorial” or in this video: be able to use all features as usual, you need authorizationsforthe app. The authorizations will only be used when you make useofthe function.These are the functions and the authorizations requiredforthem.Identity:To send us feedback with your device information attached (onlyifthe checkbox for reading out the device data is checked).Read contacts:To add a Siemens Contact Person to your own contacts.Location:To calculate a route to a Siemens Contact Person.Photos/media/files:Generally required to store data (your Favorites, yourofflinecache, your support requests, …) locally in thedevice.Camera:To scan a product code or attach an image to asupportrequest.WLAN connection information:For web services data
Motor Toolkit 1.4
Siemens AG
The Siemens Motor Toolkit (patent pending) is the mostpowerfulmotorapp ever designed for a mobile device. MotorToolkitdeliverscomprehensive industry resources andconnectsindustryprofessionals to motor support anywhere, anytime.Availablefor usewith your phone or tablet, Motor Toolkit provides awealthofinformation to help you broaden your knowledge ofinductionmotorsand find solutions that meet your motor challenges.Whetheryou’relooking to upgrade your equipment with a new motor,orderspareparts or troubleshoot your application in the field,theMotorToolkit Camera feature connects you to our Siemensproductorservice teams. In a world where a failed motor canshutdownprocesses and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars inlostproducttime, the Motor Toolkit contains critical informationanddirectcommunication channels with Siemens to respondpreventativelyandimmediately to a motor problem. Key features: •Take a pictureofany Siemens motor nameplate and get fast motorsupport. • Forgetabasic motor formula? No problem. Use commonindustry formulastoget quick results. • Plan your project with theLeadTimeCalculator. • E-mail motor resources and trainingmaterialstraightfrom the app. • Learn more about motor basics andwheremotors areused along with trouble shooting advice fromSiemensmotor expertsthrough our White Papers. • Find the rightmotor foryour projectby accessing motor features and viewingdimensionprints to see howthe equipment fits into your application.• Findcontactinformation to support your quotation and technicalneeds,connectto the right web site, look for solutions in otherSiemensapps andunderstand more about what Siemens offers. • Staycurrentwith thelatest trends in industry and how Siemens solutionsaremakingcompanies more competitive. Siemens is a globalpowerhouseinelectronics and electrical engineering, operating inthe fieldsofindustry, energy and healthcare as well asprovidinginfrastructuresolutions, primarily for cities andmetropolitanareas. For over165 years, Siemens has stood fortechnologicalexcellence,innovation, quality, reliability andinternationality.Our almost370,000 professionals based in 190countries deliversustainabilityand profitability to customersworldwide.
Wind Diagnostics 2.0.6
Siemens Gamesa Wind Diagnostics app allows you tomonitorcurrentproduction and status on your Siemens wind turbinefleet; onsiteand single turbine level. A detailed site map givesyou thecurrentstatus of the single turbines so you can followtheoperationalstatus of your sites – also when you are on themove.You canselect a single turbine to get information aboutproduction,windspeed and events. Use the swipe navigation tonavigate toanyfunction of the app including choosing a specificsite orturbine.Siemens Gamesa Wind Diagnostics app is free but youneed tobe aregistered user of the customer portal SiemensGamesaWindDialogue. Contact your Siemens site manager for your sitetogetstarted with the customer portal.
Energy Assets 1.3.0
Siemens AG
With the Energy Asset App you can registerallyour Transmission and Distribution assets to have availableallrelevant information direct in your Smartphone or tablet. Withacouple of taps it is possible to record information such asModel,Serial Number, GPS location and store pictures of thedifferentassets in your individual account.The user can retrieve this information at any time;additionallyit is possible to contact the Siemens Energy CustomerSupport forany Technical Inquiry, Request for Quotation, Fault orinformationregarding your Energy Assets. It’s easy! Your assetinformationwill be linked automatically to your inquiry to assure amorepersonalize handling. Other inquiries not related to aregisteredasset are, of course, also possible.Your asset data can be accessed from different devices sincetheinformation is linked to your account and it is synchronizedeverytime the devices have internet access.Features-Registration and manage assets in your personal account-Send inquiries to the Energy Customer Support Center-Attach pictures related to the asset-GPS functionality-Maps to easily navigate in case of several locations-Offline asset registration and automatically sync wheninternetconnection is back-Easy to change device, only user name and password are requiredtoretrieve the information-Manage User Account
Desigo CC
Siemens AG
Desigo CC app lets an operator view and handle the alarmsandobjectsof the integrated building management platform DesigoCCfromSiemens. Available features: 1) Access to Desigo CCalarmsbased onsecurity privileges 2) Filtering of the alarms basedoncategory,discipline, status and time criteria 3) Commandingofalarms(acknowledge, reset, silence, un-silence) 4)Alarmsnotificationswith filters against category 5) PINcodeconfiguration to increaseprotection 6) Support of HTTPSconnection7) Sharing of alarminformation via SMS and e-mails 8)Access toviews to see currentstatus of configured objects withpossibilityof commanding thembased on security privilegesRequirements: 1)Building managementplatform Desigo CC V2.1 (orhigher) fromSiemens installed with avalid license for Web Services2) Securenetwork connection betweenDesigo CC building managementplatformand Desigo CC app Pleasecontact your local Siemens salespartnerfor further information orvisit
TeslaMultiSCADA 1.10.6
SCADA solution for Android.Our idea is to do aquickvisualizationbetween an android device and industrialautomationapplicationsand equipment based on Modbus TCP, SiemensISO/TCP andEthernet/IPprotocols. Supported devices and controllers:- Alldevices thatsupports Modbus TCP protocol. - S7 -1200 direct -S7 -400 - S7 -300 - ControlLogix - CompactLogix Alladditionalinformation youcan find in the site:
Manufacturing 360 3.0.4
Siemens AG
Manufacturing 360 lets you experience digital manufacturinginaninteractive factory environment. Learn how tocompetemoreeffectively with next generationmanufacturingtechnology,including advanced robotics and logisticssimulation,closed-loopquality solutions, and the latest CAD/CAMsoftware. SeehowTecnomatix and NX for Manufacturing can enable youto: •Createleaner, more flexible processes • Maximize performanceofresources• Hit quality and schedule targets Siemens PLMSoftwareprovidesreal solutions for manufacturing. What’s New: Thenewname,Manufacturing 360 (MFG 360) reflects the expanded content:•NEWsection on part manufacturing • Enhanced contentonassemblymanufacturing • More video demonstrations of thesoftwaresolutions• Most recent success stories • Latest news •Redesigneduserinterface Manufacturing 360 covers thecompletedigitalmanufacturing solution set from Siemens PLMSoftware.
Sinteso Mobile 2.6.1
Siemens AG
With Sinteso Mobile you can establish access to yourFS20ENFiredetection system. Preconditions are: • FS20 EN Marketpackage5.2or higher • License key S3 or higher installed in FS20system•Bussiness channel license FX2020 • Access for FS20 toInternet oraWiFi network via a secure and encrypted routerconnection. •Asecure and encrypted connection (e.g. VPN) isconfigured ontherouter connected to FS20. • Android 4.x Pleasecontact yourlocalSiemens sales partner for further information.
Siemens DiGi Partner 5.5.0
With the DiGi Partner App, you can access the world'smostup-to-dateinformation, news, and training from SiemensElectricalProducts. Inaddition to the news and video content, theDiGiPartner App offersthe possibility to download catalogsandtechnical manuals just aclick away and much more.
MM8000 Alarms 1.2.4
Siemens AG
MM8000 Alarms app lets an operator view and handle the alarmsofaconnected Siemens MM8000 Management Station.Availablefeaturesare: 1) access to MM8000 alarms based onsecurityprivileges 2)filtering of the alarms based on category,discipline,state andtime criteria 2) commanding of alarms (ACK,RESET) 3)pushnotifications with filters against category 4)PINcodeconfiguration to increase protection 5) support of HTTPandHTTPSconnection 6) automatic re-connection in caseofnetworkinterruption 7) sharing of alarm's information via SMSandemailsPreconditions are: 1) Siemens MM8000 Management Stationv4.70(orhigher) installed with a valid license 2) Securenetworkconnectionbetween MM8000 Management Station and MM8000Alarms appPleasecontact your local Siemens sales partner forfurtherinformation orvisit
JT2Go 7.0.0
JT2Go Mobile is developed by Siemens Digital Industries Softwareforviewing 3D JT files on mobile platforms. It allows users tonavigateand interrogate engineering or architectural 3D JT modelsusingmodern application interface techniques. JT2Go Mobile definesa newparadigm for viewing and manipulating 3D JT files on handheldtouchscreen devices. 3D JT files can be generated from virtuallyall theleading CAD/CAM/CAE tools available to industry today. TheJT formatwas defined by Siemens Digital Industry Software. Usersof JT datacan share experiences by joining the JT Open Program, anindustrygroup formed by Siemens to support and extend JT’s use byindustry.The JT file format specification was adopted by ISO asaninternational standard in 2012 and is available from ISO asIS14306:2012. The JT file format specification is published freeofcharge by Siemens PLM and is available features include: - Zoom, Pan, Rotate.Display of PMI,including Model View with filter capability -Session based crosssection and markup features - Review assemblystructure and partproperties - Live camera background feature. -Includes Five sampleJT files of assemblies with PMI Note: JT fileslarger than 20Mgbwill affect performance.
Safety & LRMA App 1.1
The Safety app helps employees ofSiemensbyproviding a quick way of reporting near missesandunsafesituations. The app also provides the LRMAchecklist.
COMPAS 2.0.0
Siemens AG
Siemens COMPAS Mobile App provides quick and easy accesstocorefunctionality from the desktop version of COMPAS enablingyoutoquickly search for and view existing quotes andorders,generatereports and drawings, conduct product searches andviewproductcollateral. Compas provides the following features:•ProductCatalog • Search Quotes & Orders • View quote&order •View Reports • Document upload • Settings
TeslaSCADA2 Runtime 2.53
TeslaSCADA2 Runtime version for Android
Cerberus DMS
Siemens AG
Cerberus DMS app lets an operator view and handle thealarmsandobjects of the danger management station Cerberus DMSfromSiemens.Available features: 1) Access to Cerberus DMS alarmsbasedonsecurity privileges 2) Filtering of the alarms basedoncategory,discipline, status and time criteria 3) Commandingofalarms(acknowledge, reset, silence, un-silence) 4)Alarmsnotificationswith filters against category 5) PINcodeconfiguration to increaseprotection 6) Support of HTTPSconnection7) Sharing of alarminformation via SMS and e-mails 8)Access toviews to see currentstatus of configured objects withpossibilityof commanding thembased on security privilegesRequirements: 1)Danger managementstation Cerberus DMS V2.1 (orhigher) from Siemensinstalled with avalid license for Web Services2) Secure networkconnection betweenCerberus DMS danger managementstation andCerberus DMS app Pleasecontact your local Siemens salespartner forfurther information orvisit
Siemens Yaşayan İlanlar 1.6
Siemens 160. yılında "Yaşayan ilanlar"ileartırılmış gerçeklik deneyimi yaşatıyor.- Uygulamayı indirin.- Uygulamanın çalışabilmesi için kamera erişimine izin verin.- 160. yıl kapsamında hazırlanan ilanlara uygulama ile bakınveartırılmış gerçeklik deneyimini yaşayın.Siemens in the year160."living ads" by giving augmented reality experience.- Download the application.- To run the application allows access to the camera.- Refer the application to the ad prepared under 160 yearsandexperience the augmented reality experience.
SPSLogger 1.3
This app requires the Windows application SPSLogger as aserver.SPSLogger can be downloaded for free from our application SPSLogger (server) is used to connect tothe PLCand define the variables that are to be monitored. With theappSPSLogger (client), the state of the sensor or actuator canbecontrolled directly at the facility or machine. Simatic,SimaticS5, Simatic S7, S7-200, S7-300, S7-400 are registeredTrademarks ofSiemens Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin und Muenchen.