Top 1 Apps Similar to Circuit Août 1944 Montormel

August 44 Falaise Gap Route 1.5
Agata, a young British womanwithPolishparentage, invites us to retrace the footsteps ofhergrandfather,who fought in the Polish Army during World WarII.Starting outwith only a few old photos and the world 'Maczuga'asclues, shebrings to life the key moments of the last battleofNormandy inAugust 1944."Agata's 3 days" is an interactive, geo-located car tourforthewhole family along the August 44 Falaise Gap route, takinginthemain sites of the last battle of Normandy around Montormelinthedepartment of Orne : Chambois,Aubry-sur-Exmes,Tournai-sur-Dives,Saint-Lambert, Moissy ford, theCorridor ofDeath, Coudehard, theBoijos Polish memorial.Main contents and functionalities:- a variety of audio content: the voices of Agata and anoldradiorecount the events, with archive pictures andoldphotos,- a detailed on-board interactive map with augmentedrealityhandlesguiding and shows the stages,- augmented reality with scenes of war andsoldiers'livessuperimposed on to the landscape as it is todayApp available in French and English, for iOSandAndroidsmarphones and tablets.August 1944 Route - Agata's 3 days(Circuit Août 1944 Montormel - Circuit Août 44 Montormel)Scenario by Nina Polnikoff.Design, Implementation and Content Management System byCamineo.