Top 11 Apps Similar to EBM Calculator

KBV2GO! 1.0.3
KBV und EBM im TaschenformatMit Ihrem Smartphone erhalten Sie alle aktuellenInformationender Kassenärztlichen Bundesvereinigung fürniedergelassenePsychotherapeuten und Ärzte nun auch im mobilenTaschenformat. DieApp KBV2GO! umfasst den EinheitlichenBewertungsmaßstab (EBM) undbietet darüber hinaus einenNachrichtenticker – jederzeit undüberall.Das digitalisierte Nachschlagewerk des EBM enthält eineeinfachzu bedienende Suchfunktion und wird laufendaktualisiert.Der Nachrichtenticker liefert Meldungen aus allenThemenbereichender KBV, die für den Praxisalltag wichtig sind unddiesenerleichtern können. Zahlreiche Themen sind mit der App inVideosabrufbar.Über die Favoritenfunktion lassen sich eigenethematischeSchwerpunkte setzen.Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Feedback, denn wir arbeiten ständig anderOptimierung unserer Apps und werden Ihre Anregungen zurVerbesserungaufgreifen. Bei Fragen oder Problemen wenden Sie sichbitte an unserTeam unter [email protected] oder folgen Sie uns aufTwitter zu den von der AppangefordertenBerechtigungen:Konten auf dem Gerät suchen: Dies wird zur Anmeldung beidenBenachrichtigungen benötigt.USB-Speicherinhalte lesen, ändern oder löschen: DerEBM-Katalogsowie einige temporäre Daten werden auf dem Gerätgespeichert. Dazusind diese Berechtigungen erforderlich.Voller Netzwerkzugriff: Der EBM-Katalog und dieNachrichtenwerden aus dem Internet geladen. Dafür wird dieseBerechtigungbenötigt.Vibrationsalarm steuern: Bei Geräten, die das unterstützen,kannder Vibrationsalarm bei neuen Nachrichten ausgelöst werden.Ruhezustand deaktivieren: Dies wird zum EmpfangvonBenachrichtigungen benötigt.Netzwerkverbindungen abrufen: Damit kann die App angemessenauffehlende Netzwerkverbindung reagieren.KBV and EBMpocketsizeUse your smartphone to receive the latest information fromtheNational Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physiciansforpracticing psychotherapists and doctors now also in mobilepocket.The app KBV2GO! includes the Uniform Value Scale (EBM) andalsooffers a news ticker - anytime, anywhere.The digitized reference of EBM provides an easy-to-usesearchengine and is updated continuously.The news ticker delivers messages from all areas of theCBD,which are important for daily practice and can facilitatethis.Many themes are available with the app in the video.Using the favorites function can set its ownthematicfocus.We look forward to your feedback as we constantly strivetoimprove our apps and will take up your suggestions forimprovement.For questions or problems please contact our [email protected] orfollow us on Twitter about the permissions requested bytheapp:Search accounts on your device: This is required toregisterwith the notifications.Read USB storage contents modify or delete: The EBMcatalogand some temporary data is stored on the device. Giventhesepermissions are required.Full Network Access: The EBM catalog and the messagesaredownloaded from the Internet. For this privilege isneeded.Control vibrator: For devices that support this, thevibrationalarm can be triggered when new messages.Disable hibernation: This is required toreceivenotifications.Retrieve network connections: This allows the app torespondappropriately to missing network connection.
Guia de Vigilância Epidemio 31
Guia de Vigilância Epidemiológica -Tenhaacessográtis ao material na íntegra e atualizado do materialdoMinistérioda Saúde. Fundamental para o manejo diário deinfecções.BAIXE HOJEMESMO!Com o conteúdo completo da 7ª edição do GuiadeVigilânciaEpidemiológica do Ministério da Saúde, este aplicativoéo elementoessencial de consulta para todos os médicos frenteaosprincipaisagravos e com grande importância epidemiológicanoBrasil.O Guia de Vigilância Epidemiológica é o principalaplicativoparaa prática diária da medicina ambulatorial, deemergência eemterapia intensiva.Composto por 38 doenças com abordagem clinicaeepidemiológica,etiologia, vetores e forma de transmissão, sinaisesintomas,diagnóstico, exames complementares e dadoslaboratoriais,condutasterapêuticas, confirmação, notificação evigilânciaepidemiológica,controle de vetores, e contatos paralaboratórioscredenciados paraenvio de amostras paradiagnóstico.Incluído ainda: Sistemas devigilância,Investigaçãoepidemiológica, Emergências em saúde eVigilânciapós-vacinal.Todo este conteúdo em textos, gráficos, tabelasefluxogramas,elaborados pelo Ministério da Sáude!Conteúdo organizado por categorias e com doenças comunsdapráticadiária:✔ Influenza✔ Rubéola✔ Sarampo✔ Varicela / Zoster✔ Coqueluche✔ Difteria✔ Parotidite infecciosa✔ Botulismo✔ Cólera✔ Diarréias agudas✔ Febre Tifóide✔ Poliomielite✔ Aids✔ Hepatites virais✔ Hantaviroses✔ Leptospirose✔ Dengue✔ Febre Amarela✔ Febre do Nilo Ocidental✔ Febre maculosa brasileira✔ Febre purpúrica brasileira✔ Malária✔ Meningites✔ Peste✔ Doença de Chagas✔ Esquistossomose✔ Hanseníase✔ Leishmaniose tegumentar✔ Leishmaniose visceral✔ Paracoccidioidomicose✔ Tuberculose✔ Raiva✔ Tétano acidental✔ Tétano neonatal✔ Rubéola Congênita✔ DSTsE ainda tem mais! A PEBmed disponibiliza o CID-10comconsultarápida, mecanismo de busca inteligente e guia rápidocomcondutasmédicas!Tudo isso com a qualidade PEBmed Apps e TOTALMENTE GRÁTIS!Não espere nem mais um segundo para baixar este App!Guia de Vigilânia Epidemiológica! O aplicativo ESSENCIALparaaPrática Diária!Conheça nossos outros Apps na sessão pagos.Em caso de dúvidas, sugestões e críticas envie-nosume-mail.Contamos com avaliações sinceras ecríticasconstrutivas!Agradecemos desde já pela preferência!Aplicativos médicos inteligentes. De médicos para mé© Ministério da Saúde.Todos os direitos reservados. É permitida a reproduçãoparcialoutotal desta obra,desde que citada a fonte e que não seja para venda ouqualquerfimcomercial.GuidetoEpidemiologicalSurveillance - Have free access to the materialinits entirety andupgraded from the Ministry of Health ofthematerial Fundamental tothe daily management ofinfections..DOWNLOAD TODAY!With the full content of the 7th editionofEpidemiologicalSurveillance Guide Ministry of Health, this appisan essentialpart of consultation for all medical front to themainproblems andwith great epidemiological importance inBrazil.The Epidemiological Surveillance Guide is the mainapplicationforthe daily practice of medicine outpatient, emergencyandintensivecare.Composed of 38 diseases with clinicalandepidemiologicalapproach, etiology, vectors and modeoftransmission, signs andsymptoms, diagnosis, additionalexaminationsand laboratory data,therapeutic procedures,confirmation,notification andepidemiological surveillance, vectorcontrol, andcontacts toaccredited laboratories for shipment ofsamples fordiagnosis.Included also: surveillance systems,epidemiologicalresearch,health emergencies and post-vaccinationsurveillance.All of this content in text, graphics, tables andflowchartsprepared by the Ministry of Health Issues!Content organized by categories and common diseasesofdailypractice: ✔ Influenza✔ Rubella✔ Measles✔ varicella / zoster✔ Pertussis✔ Diphtheria✔ infectious parotitis✔ Botulism✔ Cholera✔ Acute Diarrhea✔ Typhoid✔ Polio✔ Aids✔ Viral Hepatitis✔ Hantavirosis✔ Leptospirosis✔ Dengue✔ Yellow Fever✔ West Nile Fever✔ Brazilian spotted fever✔ purpuric fever✔ Malaria✔ Meningitis✔ Death✔ Chagas Disease✔ Schistosomiasis✔ Leprosy✔ cutaneous leishmaniasis✔ Visceral leishmaniasis✔ Paracoccidioidomycosis✔ Tuberculosis✔ Anger✔ accidental tetanus✔ Neonatal tetanus✔ Congenital Rubella✔ STDsAnd there's more! PEBmed offers The ICD-10 withQuick,intelligentsearch engine and quick guide tomedicalprocedures!All with the quality PEBmed Apps and TOTALLY FREE!Do not wait a second longer to download this App!Guide vigilania Epidemiological! The CORE applicationforDailyPractice!Check out our other Apps on paid session.For questions, suggestions and criticism please send usanemail.We have sincere and constructive criticism reviews! Wethankyou foryour preference!Intelligent medical applications. Doctors for© Ministry of Health.All rights reserved. It allowed the partial or totalreproductionofthis work,as long as the source and is not for sale or commercialpurpose.
EBMcalc Statistics 16.4.0
EBMcalc StatisticsMedCalc 3000 is now EBMcalc!EBMcalc is the most popular and comprehensive MedicalCalculatorsystem on the web. It has been highly acclaimed, reviewedandtested over the last 18 years.EBMcalc Statistics is your iPhone answer forevidence-basedmedical calculations and medical statistics. Here youwill findessential EBM equations, statistics tools and a a fullsuite ofdose and unit converters ready for use, right in the palmof yourhand!EBMcalc makes the math of EBM simple!Equations included:Bayesian Statistics I MultiCalcBayesian Statistics II MultiCalcBenefit Increase / Number Needed to Treat MulticalcChi Square AnalysisConfidence Interval of a Binomial ProportionConfidence Interval of a Difference Between ProportionsConfidence Interval of a Ratio of ProportionsConfidence Interval of a Ratio of RatiosConfidence Interval of a SurveyCOPE Statistic Adding Cost to Number Needed to TreatFalse Negative Rate from Sensitivity and PrevalenceFalse Negative Ratio from Sensitivity and PrevalenceFalse Positive Rate from Specificity and PrevalenceFalse Positive Ratio from Specificity and PrevalenceKappa Measurement of Inter-observer Agreement MultiCalcKappa Measurement of Inter-observer Agreement: Bennett'sKappaKappa Measurement of Inter-observer Agreement: Cohen's KappaKappa Measurement of Inter-observer Agreement: Scott's KappaLikelihood Ratio MultiCalcLikelihood Ratio of Negative from Raw DataLikelihood Ratio of Positive from Raw DataNegative Predictive Value from Raw DataNegative Predictive Value of a TestNumber Needed to Harm (NNH) from Odds Ratio (OR) andPatientExpected Event Rate (PEER)Number Needed to Treat (NNT) from Odds Ratio (OR) andPatientExpected Event Rate (PEER)Odds from ProbabilityOdds Ratio and Relative RiskOverall Accuracy of a Test from Raw DataOverall Accuracy of a Test from Sensitivity, SpecificityandPrevalencePositive Predictive Value from Raw DataPositive Predictive Value of a TestPost Test Odds from Pre Test Odds and LikelihoodRatioMultiCalcPost Test Odds of a Negative from Raw DataPost Test Odds of a Negative Result from Sensitivity SpecificityandPrevalencePost Test Odds of a Positive from Raw DataPost Test Odds of a Positive Result from Sensitivity SpecificityandPrevalencePost Test Probability from Pre Test Probability, SensitivityandSpecificityPost-Test Probability from Likelihood Ratios and MultipleTestResultsPre Test Odds from PrevalencePre Test Odds from Raw DataPrevalence of a Finding or Disease from Test DataProbability from OddsRisk Increase / Number Needed to Harm MulticalcRisk Reduction / Number Needed to Treat MulticalcSensitivity of a TestSpecificity of a TestSurvey Sample Size with Population CorrectionSurvey Sample SizeTrue Negative Ratio from Specificity and PrevalenceTrue Positive Ratio from Sensitivity and PrevalenceZ Score to Percentile EstimationSome Unit and Dose converters include:Basic UnitsCorticosteroid DosingEnergy Unit ConversionsFlow Unit ConversionsPressure UnitsSI Unit ConversionsStandard Drink EquivalentsTemperature Unit ConversionsThyroid Medication DosingTime UnitsVolume UnitsWeight UnitsTo practice, teach and learn medicine based on solid,literaturebased evidence, EBMcalc provides easy to use, interactivetools foryour Evidence-Based Medicine.
Epidemiology Flashcards Plus
Epidemiology Flashcards Plus, study aid for the diseases.
EpiCal 1.0
EpiCal - The epi-calculator for all veterinary and medical needs.
Evidence-Based Medicine Tool. 1.9.2
This Wiley - Blackwell source ofinformationisdeveloped by MedHand Mobile Libraries. Improve yourperformancewithrelevant, valid material which is accessed quicklyand withminimaleffort in the palm of your hand using MedHand’spatentedtechnology.This bestselling pocket guide to the skillsofevidence-basedmedicine succeeds in demystifying the terminologyandprocesses ina handy and easy-to-follow format, all within thespaceof 100pages.With an improved layout, this second editionofEvidence-basedMedicine Toolkit offers more up-to-date guidanceaswell as newsections on important areas of research.New features of this second edition include:• A box for each major database showing how tosearchtheevidence, and highlighting the differences betweenthem• Flow charts for different study types• New critical appraisal sections on qualitativeresearchandeconomic evaluation• Expanded list of EBM resources on the net.With these added features to make the job easier, thenewToolkitis now an even better companion for all healthcareprofessionalsusing evidence-based methodology in theirresearchand practice.Authors: Carl Heneghan, Douglas BadenochPublisher: Wiley – Blackwell________________________________________MedHand Mobile Libraries offers a SUBSCRIPTIONFREEapplicationwithout edition upgrade.MedHand has created user-friendly, quickandintuitiveapplications which have been honored with numerous 5starreviewspraising the interface and layout. Offering the mosttrustedandwell recognized medical guidelines providedbyexcellentpublishers. MedHand delivers what you need,trustedknowledge atthe point of care!MedHand are presenting latest editions fromrenownedpublisherssuch as Oxford University Press,McGraw-Hill,Wiley-Blackwell,Royal Pharmaceutical Society, PDRNetwork LLC andmore.
Journal Club for Android
Internal medicine literature atyourfingertips.ALLHAT, JUPITER, ARDSNet, CLOSURE, WARFASA, FACTT. Let’s faceit:the sea of evidence-based medicine is vast, and wadingthroughstacks and stacks of JAMA, NEJM, and JACC just isn'tfeasible. Whatshould be at the top of the reading list?Powered by Wiki Journal Club, Journal Club for Android focusesonthe top articles in internal medicine and puts landmark trialsatyour fingertips. Written by physicians, these article summariesaredistilled into bite-size morsels that clinicians can digestquickly.Think of it as CliffsNotes for medical research.Journal Club includes many landmark clinical trials publishedinthe past century, focusing on the practice-changing studiesthatinternists and medical subspecialists ought to know handily.Thatmeans we're more likely to cover the 1981 NCDS study ofdialysis inESRD, and less likely to cover your favorite study oflixisenatidein patients with diabetes that's hot off the press.Features:-Simple, intuitive interface-Concise bottom lines-Relevant major points-Links to PubMed and primary literature-Sort trials by name, date, specialty, and disease-Share summaries with colleagues-Integrated search-Favorites
EpiTableCalcs v1.0
**PRO Version Now FREE**Learn fundamental principles in Epidemiology and have funwhiledoing it! Epidemiology calculations at the palm of yourhand!*** Interested in epidemiology and data analysis? ****** Visit my personal site at ****** Learn about me at ****** Or check me out on LinkedIn ***EpiTableCalcs performs common epidemiological calculationsusinga familiar 2x2 contingency table interface. Most toolscurrentlyavailable online have applications not designed for amobiledevice. EpiTableCalcs is a standalone application thatpresentsinformation in a user-friendly, easy-to-understandformat.EpiTableCalcs goes beyond point estimates and producesasymptotic95% confidence intervals! This application is perfect forstudentsand professionals in medical, public health, nursing,andmathematics disciplines. Use it to perform calculations,verifyresults, or impress your friends and colleagues.I have discontinued the Lite version of EpiTableCalcs. TheProversion is FREE and has the following features:ANALYZE THE FOLLOWING 2X2 TABLE DESIGNS• Traditional exposure-outcome table (cohort andcase-control)• Intervention studies (clinical trials)• Incidence density tables with person-time• Misclassification tables for diagnostic testing• Matched case-control studies• Interrater agreementGENERATE THESE STATISTICS AND EFFECT MEASURES (and more!)• Prevalence (of exposure, outcome)• Risk of outcome in exposed and unexposed groups• Risk ratio (RR)• Odds ratio (OR)• McNemar's OR (for matched studies)• Attributable risk (AR)• Population attributable risk percent (PARP)• Number needed to treat (NNT)• Sensitivity, specificity• Predictive value positive (PPV) and predictive valuenegative(NPV)• Likelihood ratio tests• Percent agreement, percent positive agreement, Chamberlain'sPPA,KappaI love you?KEYWORDSEpidemiology, 2x2, 2-by-2, contingency table, biostatistics,publichealth, odds ratio, risk ratio, analysis, calculator,sensitivity,specificity, kappa, incidence, case-control, cohort,clinicaltrial
Mobile Doctors 1.2
“Patient Advocate Program” servicesavailable24-7:“Patient Advocacy Program” a 24-7 Doctors Control Center is auserfriendly mobile application through voice, video and text, (ordialtoll free number from mobile phone or home phone), capableofproviding the following benefits:1. 24-7 access to Family Medicine Specialists,GeneralPractitioners, Pharmacist, Nurses and Wellness AdvisorsthroughMobile Doctors 24-7 Control Center, Company Doctor.2. Triage and Care Coordination including set up appointments/referrals to Hospital, Clinics, and Home Health based onEvidenceBased Medicine through Mobile Doctors 24-7 DoctorsCallCenter.3. Chronic Disease Management through Company Doctor..4. Easy access to Electronic Medical Record with patientconsentthrough Cerner and Doctor Call Center.5. Pharmacy Management through Company Doctor..6. Access to personal insurance benefits and network throughthebidirectional mobile application or toll free number.7. Effective Wellness Program including monitoring throughCernerWellness and Wellness devices.8. Face to face Doctors consultation through CompanyDoctorProgram.9. Mobile Doctors Hospitalist program to reduce unnecessaryhospitalbed days utilization by provide appropriatehospitaldischarge.10. Virtual clinic / telemedicine at office and home 24-7monitoringthrough Tele-monitoring equipment and Doctors CallCenter.12. Sick leave management.13. Health tips SMS messages for relevant disease management.
Haemoscore 1.2
Clinical scores and algorithms play acentralrole in modern patient care derived from evidence-basedmedicine.Evidence based medicine provides guidelines to physiciansaimed atimproving efficacy and safety of patient management.Aninternational expert panel has developed this applicationthatcompiles, in a clear and simple way, most recognized andusefulclinical scores and diagnosis algorithms in the field ofThrombosisand Haemostasis.The use of score calculators and algorithms canfacilitatedecision making in both diagnosis and treatment ofthrombotic andbleeding problems and improve diagnosis accuracy andpatientstratification.Each algorithm includes the indication and a briefinterpretationemphasizing the most relevant aspects of each one,followed by somerepresentative references.We hope this application may guide the clinician in themostappropriate diagnostic and therapeutic strategy, answering someofthe questions that may arise when treating thrombotic andbleedingproblems.
Evidence Central 2.4.13
Evidence Central is anintegrated,evidence-based solution that allows clinicians topractice medicineusing the latest research.Evidence Central helps answer your evidence-basedmedicinequestions with the renowned Cochrane Abstracts, andEvidence-BasedMedicine Guidelines which includes thousands ofimages and video.This comprehensive resource also keeps you up todate by deliveringa graded and validated EE+ POEM each day andproviding instantaccess to the latest medical literature withMEDLINEJournals.Evidence Central includes:EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE GUIDELINESEvidence-Based Medicine Guidelines (EBMG) features nearly1,000clinical guidelines including diagnosis and treatment as wellover3,000 evidence summaries that support each recommendation.EBMGalso includes over 1,000 images and an extensive videolibrarydelivered directly to your device. EBMG is updatedfrequently.COCHRANE ABSTRACTSCochrane Abstracts allows you to access the most up-to-datereviewabstracts that summarize findings of hundreds oftherapeuticinterventions. Each review details all of the evidencesurroundinga specific medical treatment, providing clinicians withnewinformation that can influence how healthcare decisions aremade.Cochrane Abstracts is updated regularly.EE+ POEMsEE+ POEMs (Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters) delivernewevidence that is especially relevant to patient care. Each newPOEMis reviewed for accuracy and graded for relevancy beforebeingreleased, allowing physicians and other healthcareprofessionals toapply research to clinical practice. View a newPOEM as they aredelivered daily or search the archive by date ortitle.MEDLINE JOURNALSMEDLINE Journals provides citations and abstracts from thelatestissue of medical journals. You can also link to thefullyintegrated Unbound MEDLINE service, where you can findrelatedarticles and view full-text articles provided by thejournalpublisher.Evidence Central features:• Universal index search across all references• Tips, Notifications, and EE+ Daily POEM• Cross Links for fast navigation between resources• Personalized favorites• Frequent updates when they’re published• Citations and abstracts from the latest medical journals• Web access and updates for one yearHow it Works______________Current Evidence Central subscribers:•Install the application to your device.•Open the application, enter your Evidence Central usernameandpassword, then tap “Login.”•The latest Evidence Central content will be downloaded toyourdevice over your wireless connection.If you are a new user and are interested in learning moreaboutEvidence Central, please visit the Unbound Medicinewebsite.