Top 16 Apps Similar to Turismo Bilbao

Discover Bilbao and its cultural agendaonyourown with this free offline GPS guide. Chooseyourfavoritecategories and move all around Bilbao.Bilbao is not only the Guggenheim Museum, and it will beeasiertoenjoy the whole city with this guide. Activate your GPSordataconnection and I LIKE BILBAO will locate you, and it willtellyouthe most interesting spots around you.Discover the modern architecture, the historicbuildings,thesculptures… or pintxos bars and the bestrestaurants.It includes activities proposals, the most fashionablelocalsintown, or the best pubs and clubs... let thispermanentlychangingcity amaze you.And move around Bilbao on your own!Awarded by the University of the Basque Country EHU/UPV
Free Bilbo - Guide 4.0
In this app we propose you two routes to visit Bilbo.
Guggenheim Bilbao 1.0.4
TF Editores
Enjoy the Guggenheim Museum Bilbaoexperiencewith this App.Enjoy to the max your visit to the Guggenheim Museum Bilbaowiththis Application. Plan your visit by choosing from thescheduledexhibitions and selected activities, and discovering theGuggenheimMuseum Bilbao Collection in just one App. Learn about thehistoryof the Museum and its architecture, the features of itsiconicbuilding and the architect, and browse the interactive floorplans.Images, audio files, and information on the GuggenheimMuseumBilbao Collection. Choose from the various pre-designedroutes orplan your own visit according to your needs, get connectedtoYoutube, share your favorite activities via Facebook ande-mail,and participate in the users’ ranking of favorites. Allthesefeatures make this Application a must for art lovers andMuseumfans. Experiment with the application and turn your visitinto aunique experience. Available in three languages (Spanish,English,and French).Plan your visit-Information on the services, ticket purchase, hours, andeverythingyou need to know in order to visit the Museum.-Exhibitions and selected activities.-Choose from several routes pre-designed according tovisitor’sneeds: time, preferences, family, etc.-Live your own experience by creating your personal route.–Texts on some of the works in the Collection.Learn about the building and the Collection-Learn about the Museum architecture, the construction, thedetailsregarding the building and its architect, Frank Gehry.Discover whyit has become such an architectural icon, and learnabout itsrelation to the city of Bilbao.-The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao Collection: information and textsonsome of the works, artists’ biographies, audio files,andimages.The audiovisual experience–Thanks to approximately three hundred images, this App isanessential resource for museum-goers and for those with aninterestin the art world.–Audio files in several languages to complement the information,aswell as videos of exhibitions and selected works intheCollection.–Interactive floor plans, infographics and images... just oneclickaway.Share your experience–Share the information with your Facebook contacts, or send itbye-mail.–Get connected to Guggenheim Museum’s Youtube channel, Facebook,andTwitter.–Participate in the ranking of favorites and know otherusers’views.–Leave your views and recommend the application.
Metro Bilbao 1.0
Gracias a Metro Bilbao podrás llegaratudestino utilizando la linea más adecuada. Si hasta ahoraelplanoera tu única fuente de información para moverte, ahoraconMetroBilbao podrás localizar estaciones cercanas al lugardondeteencuentres, estaciones cercanas a una dirección quetudefinas,calculador de rutas mostrando los transbordos arealizar,etc.- Plano informativo del metro de Bilbao- Localizador de estaciones cercanas gracias al GPSointroduciendouna dirección de forma manual.- Calculador de rutas mostrando la ruta más rápida o másfacilenfunción del número de transbordos realizados.- Información de las estaciones por linea.
Bilbao Offline mappa Map 1.13
My Native Guide
The offline mappa map helps you make themostofBilbao in Spain with a POI database and search built in.This is the mappa map for Bilbao, the capital of VizcayaintheBasque Country, Spain. The city is situated on the banksoftheNervión, a tidal river.There are loads of museums: Guggenheim Museum, MuseodeBellasArtes (Museum of Fine Art), Basque Museum (Euskal Museoa),LaRíaMaritime Museum, Museo Taurino (BullfightingMuseum),MuseoDiocesano de Arte Sacro (Museum of Sacred Art) and theMuseodeReproducciones Artísticas (Museum of ArtisticReproductions).Top 5 reasons to get your offline mappa mapforBilbao,Spain:1. SIMPLE - No geeky features. It’s a map!2. ENTIRE LOCATION AVAILABLE OFFLINE - download the entirecityandPOI database to your phone and travel withoutanInternetconnection. You won’t get any nasty roaming charges.Yourmap willwork anywhere.3. VECTOR DATA - means that you get maximum detail, maximumzoomandmaximum coverage with a tiny map file that takes momentstodownloadand uses hardly any space on your phone.4. POINT OF INTEREST DATABASE BUILT-IN - Search adozencategoriesincluding, restaurants, bars and hotels, alsohandyplaces such ashospitals, taxi ranks and public transportstops.We’ve alsoincluded a fuzzy partial search for POI and streetnamesto make itfast and easy.5. EXCELLENT COVERAGE - Maps are the very latestOpenStreetMapwithsuperb coverage and detail. And you will get freeupdates totheapp and map forever as long as we add newversions.Install your offline mappa map for Bilbao now!Follow us @Facebook:
Bilbao mapa offline gratis 6.0.0
Esta versión gratuita de VisitaboBilbaopresenta publicidad y un contenido limitado, si quieresacceder atodo el contenido, más de 220 lugares de interés, y nodeseaspublicidad tienes disponible la versión de pago. DescubreVisitaboBilbao, siente una auténtica experiencia de viaje 2.0.Descárgateesta app y encontrarás toda la información realmentenecesaria,práctica y útil que necesitas para disfrutar de tu viaje.Podrásdiseñar, planificar y personalizar el día a día de tus rutasenfunción de tus intereses, gustos y necesidades en cadamomento,tanto si dispones de 2 días o una semana para conocer laciudad,como si viajas por trabajo o por placer. Visitabo Bilbao teofreceuna óptima experiencia de uso, te resultará muy intuitiva yaqueaporta unos niveles de usabilidad muy satisfactorios.Visitabo Bilbao es una guía de la ciudad viva, alegre, cercanaquete descubre más de 220 puntos de interés, clasificándolos porzonasy barrios de gran atractivo turístico, zonasimprescindibles,monumentos recomendables, itinerarios y rutas conencanto. Incluyeinformación histórica, artística, curiosidades decada uno de loslugares, información realmente práctica como web yteléfono parareservar, los autobuses que te acercan a cada lugar,horarios yprecios de entradas de los museos, monumentos, así comomúltiplespropuestas vanguardistas de restaurantes, cafés, hoteles,bed andbreakfast, comercios curiosos, etc. La experiencia secompleta conmás de 50 exclusivas fotografías de los diferenteslugares.El contenido creado por periodistas especializados enviajesresulta dinámico y ameno. Localiza rápidamente la informaciónquenecesitas en cada momento, la app te permite ubicar en el mapatuspuntos de interés que podrás seleccionar con la opciónde"favoritos" y gestionar tu ruta con la función GPS sabiendo entodomomento donde te encuentras. Todas estas funcionalidadesconviertena Visitabo Bilbao en un imprescindible en tu viaje.FUNCIONES- No necesita conexión a Internet, lo que permite el ahorrodel“roaming” y mayor autonomía gracias a su bajoconsumo de batería.- Integra funcionalidades del tipo GPS, facilitando la búsquedadelos puntos de interés, manteniendo informadoconstantemente al usuario del lugar donde se encuentra.- Funcionalidades de redes sociales, facilitando contactocontinuodel usuario con otros viajeros de la comunidadVisitabo, con quien compartir sus experiencias,opiniones,valoraciones y sensaciones.- Guías de viajes diseñadas para su uso en movilidad.- Entre 200 y 450 puntos de interés por guía.- Contiene información práctica de cada lugar de interés queayudaal usuario en todas las fases de su viaje:antes, durante y después.- Contenidos de autor y más de 50 exclusivasfotografías.Contenidodinámico y actualizado permanentemente,sinnecesidad de asumir ningún coste adicional.- Amplia oferta gastronómica, hotelera, cultural, comercial ydeocio.- Permite filtrar por una o varias categorías y posicionarloslugares de interés directamente en el mapa.- La opción de marcar y desmarcar favoritos permite planificarrutaspersonalizadas.- Itinerarios por destinos.- Agenda con los eventos culturales y de ocio más destacados.This free versionhasadvertising and Bilbao Visitabo limited content, if you wantaccessto all content, more than 220 points of interest, and do notwantto have available advertising the paid version. VisitaboDiscoverBilbao, feels an authentic travel experience 2.0. Downloadthis appand find all the information really necessary and usefulpracticeyou need to enjoy your trip. You can design, plan andcustomizeyour daily routes based on your interests, tastes andneeds at alltimes, whether you have two days or a week to explorethe city, asif traveling for work or pleasure. Visitabo Bilbaooffers youoptimum user experience, it will be very intuitive as itprovides avery satisfactory levels of usability. Visitabo Bilbao is a city guide alive, cheerful, close you viewmorethan 220 points of interest, classifying areas andneighborhoods ofgreat tourist attraction, essential areas,monuments recommended,charming itineraries and routes. Includeshistorical, artisticcuriosities of each of the places, reallypractical information asweb and phone to book the buses that bringyou closer to eachlocation, times and ticket prices of museums,monuments and manycutting-edge proposals restaurants, cafes,hotels, bed andbreakfast, curious shops, etc.. The experience iscompleted withmore than 50 exclusive pictures of different places.Content created by travel writers is dynamic andentertaining.Quickly locate the information you need in everymoment, the appallows you to locate on the map your points ofinterest you canselect the option to "favorites" and manage yourroute with GPSfunction knowing at all times where you are. Allthese featuresmake Bilbao Visitabo a must on your trip.FUNCTIONS- No internet connection needed, allowing savings of"roaming"and greater autonomy thanks to its lowbattery consumption.- Type integrates GPS functionality, facilitating the searchforpoints of interest, keeping informeduser constantly where you are.- Social media functionalities, providing continuous contactwithother travelers User CommunityVisitabo, to share their experiences, opinions, values​​andfeelings.- Travel guides designed for use in mobility.- Between 200 and 450 points of interest guide.- Contains practical information for each point of interestthathelps the user at all stages of their journey:before, during and after.- Contents copyright and more than 50 exclusive dynamicandcontinuously updated fotografías.Contenido withoutneed to take any additional cost.- Wide gastronomic, hotel, cultural, shoppingandentertainment.- Allows you to filter by one or more categories and positionthesights directly on the map.- The option to check and uncheck favorites to planpersonalizedroutes.- Itineraries for destinations.- Calendar with cultural events and entertainment highlights.
Bilbao Metro Map 1.1
Location: Bilbao, Spain=== Features ===- Large Metro Map.- No Settings Required.- Pinch to Zoom Capable.- Double Tab to Zoom and Focus.- Once Installed, No Internet Connection Required.
Bilbao Guide 1.0
Bilbao City Guide searches and navigatesnearbybusinesses around your location.This app finds restaurants, Banks, ATMs, Bus stops,Hospitalsetcnear your current location.*Auto detect user location by GPS.*Now works even without GPS , by detecting themobiletowerlocation.*30 categories which covers almost all businesses.*Address, Phone, Website option for each businesses.*One touch directions for each item though google maps.If your need is to find local business , you are at therightplace.Bilbao city guide is one of the best localbusinessdirectoryavailable in play store .
Bilbao Urban 2.1.0
The free offline planes that guide you in tourist cities
Bilbao Metro Augmented Reality 1.0
Bilbao Metro: una app en realidadaumentadapara la geolocalización de las paradas de la Metro deBilbao. Teguía, por medio del navegador, a la parada más cerca detuposición. La realidad aumentada facilita la búsqueda delasestaciones del metro utilizando la cámara. El mapa está puestoaldía y es siempre disponible.
Spa Husa Jardines de Albia 0.0.1
Perfect mobile application for thetraveller,it brings the tourist information of Bilbao city togetherwithinformation and services of the hotel Husa Spa Jardines deAlbia.It puts at your service the necessary information abouteachpoint of interest; it tells you how to get there anddisplaysimages and videos.
abertis Bilbao 1.0
La ciudad no tiene secretosTotalmente gratuita, Abertis pone a tu disposición todoloquequieres saber sobre la ciudad que visitas. Esta appparateléfonosAndroid reúne la historia de una ciudad, sus puntosdeinterés,dónde tomar algo, dónde comer, los locales nocturnos,loscentrosde compras… y, por supuesto, a qué distancia exacta estándeti ycómo puedes llegar hasta allí. Todo a tudisposición¿quieresverlo?
Bilbao Subway Bus Tram - free 1.3.0-free
Bilbao Moves: the app you need to move around Bilbao by bus,subwayand tram
Now Bilbao - Guía de Bilbao 1.7
Disfruta de Bilbao como nunca anteslohabríashecho a través de la guía más completa e intuitivadelmercado.Descubre los mejores restaurantes, discotecas y pubs,graciasasus más de 200 fotografías de alta calidadycompletasdescripciones. Información de primera mano de hotelesytiendas,para todos los gustos y bolsillos.Sin ningún tipo de registro ni pagos adicionales,contenido100%gratuito.A través de su fácil interfaz y con suespectaculardiseño,descubre fantásticos rincones de la ciudad de lamanera másrápiday cómoda.Características de Now Bilbao:- Versión universal para smartphones y tabletas de 7" y 10".- Conoce la distancia a la que se encuentra cada lugar graciasalageolocalización.- Traza la mejor ruta para llegar hasta tu destino.- Selecciona y guarda tu lugares favoritos.- Agenda cultura y de ocio con actividades paratodoslosgustos.- Catálogo de los mejores alojamientos de la ciudad.- Guía comercial para descubrir nuevos restaurantes ytiendasdemoda.---------------------------------¿Qué te gustaría que tuviese la guía NowBilbao?Estaremosencantados de recibir tus sugerencias.---------------------------------Enjoy Bilbaoasneverbefore have done through the most comprehensive andintuitiveguideMarketplace.Discover the best restaurants, clubs and pubs, with itsmorethan200 high quality photographs and full descriptions.Firsthandinformation of hotels and shops for all tastes andbudgets.Without any registration or additional payments,contained100%free.Through its intuitive interface and with itsstunningdesign,fantastic view over the city as quickly andcomfortably.Features Now Bilbao:- Universal version for smartphones and tablets 7 "and 10".- Know the distance that each place is thanks to geolocation.- Draw the best route to get to your destination.- Select and save your favorite spots.- Agenda culture and leisure activities for all tastes.- Catalogue of the nicest in the city.- Shopping guide for discovering new restaurants and boutiques.---------------------------------What would you like Bilbao Now he had the guide? Welookforwardto hearing your suggestions.---------------------------------
TouristEye - Travel Guide 4.0.7
February 2014 - Version 4.0! We believethatyou should have an unforgettable experience on your trips.That'swhy we have designed the most user-friendly app to plan yourtripin seconds. More than 800,000 people have already traveledwithTouristEye taking all the information, user tips and maps ontheirmobile phones without Internet.TouristEye features:✓ Collect ideas for your trips and getaways. If you seeorsomeone recommends you a destination that you want tovisitsomeday, save it in a wishlist.✓ Plan your trips in seconds without missing anythingimportant.Do it in a visual and simple way, with over 10,000locations and300,000 places, activities and unique experiencesavailable.✓ NEW! Nearby recommendations while you are on your trip.Werecommend you the spots to go next depending where you are,whatyou want to see and the time of day. It works offline!✓ Community-created Wishlists and collaborativewishlists.Discover wonders like "The best beaches for surfing" or"VisitingNew York with children" and asks your friends for help tofind newideas.✓ Texts, photos and maps 100% offline. Forget aboutpayingroaming charges or relying on wireless connections.• Discover the experiences that you have to live ineachdestination. Sunsets, local dishes, secret gardens andthousands ofunique experiences in each city to make yourtripunforgettable.✓ Receive personalized ideas to escape every weekend. Wewillpropose you new ideas near your city so you can escape themonotonyand enjoy something new every week.=======================• TouristEye is now a product of Lonely Planet, a world leaderinindependent, trusted travel advice.• More than 800,000 people have traveled with TouristEye.• Featured on Techcrunch, Gadling, Wired, The Next Web andotherprestigious blogs.=========================★ Hundreds of cities available ★We have City Travel Guides of thousands of cities, andeverydayour community adds more places to visit, experiences tolive andrestaurants to eat.✓ EuropeParis, London, Barcelona, Rome, Madrid, Venetia,Florence,Amsterdam, Granada, Seville, Prague, Berlin, Lisbon, SanSebastian,Toledo, Santiago, Salamanca, Bruges, Cordoba, Segovia,Valencia,Versailles, Pisa, Majorca, Cadiz, Ibiza, Istanbul,Santander,Bilbao, Vienna, Edinburgh, Siena, Brussels, Milan,Budapest,Munich, Porto, Dublin, Pamplona, Canary Islands, Tenerife,LasPalmas, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Saint Petersburg,Disneyland,Zurich, Moscow, Dublin, Oslo, Varsovia, Athens, Spain,France,Italy, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Portugal,Belgium,Austria Travel Guide...✓ North AmericaNew York, San Francisco, Orlando, Las Vegas, Miami,Washington,Chicago, Walt Disney, Los Angeles, San Diego, Boston,Philadelphia,Santa Monica, Seattle, Niagara Falls, New Orleans,Mexico, Cancun,Havana, Toronto, Vancouver, Quebec, Montreal, UnitedStates, USA,Canada, Cuba, Mexico Travel Guide...✓ AsiaTokyo, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Singapore,Sydney,Melbourne, Japan, China, India, Australia TravelGuide...✓ South AmericaBuenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, Santiago,Argentina,Brazil, Chile Travel Guide...✓ AfricaMarrakech, Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor, Aswan, Egypt, Morocco,SouthAfrica Travel Guide...=========================PermissionsInternet: You can change the setting: Offline, WiFior3G/WiFiContact list: It's ONLY used if you want to invite a contact toatrip. We do NOT use the call log (but it is the same permissionasthe contact list)List of applications: It's used only when you want toconnectthrough Facebook or Twitter to use their apps.
iCam Bilbao 2.0
Control the state of the roads withyoursmartphone or Android tablet in real time.See the roads index to locate the traffic cam. Sections A31,A42,A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, AP6, M11, M14, M40, M45, M501,M503,M607.You will be informed about the incidents: works, ports,cones,traffic jam, andmeteorology. You will be informed in real time.Find the road cameras on the map. You will know where eachislocated.Set your favorite cameras and you will see at a glance thestateof the road. Thisfunction also includes multi-channel, so you see many cameras asyouwant.Notice the others. Now you can share the road conditionsandincidents. You will prevent the others from suffering theterribletraffic jams and prevent accidents. You can share by MMS,Email,Twitter, Facebook, etc.What are you waiting for! Avoid traffic jams is possiblewithyour smartphone.Suggestions: please, send us to: [email protected]