Top 22 Apps Similar to Ghost Meter-PKE Detector Free

Ultimate EMF Detector RealData 2.9.6
Detect EM fields around you and amaze your friends with whatyourphone can do!
Ghost Detector Pro 6
Ghost Detector Pro. Let's find out if your house haunted
Ghost Prank 1.43
A funny game that simulates energy focus in your city map.
Ghost Hunting Tools (Simulation) 2.5.2
Note: This application is intended for entertainment purposesandsimulates a Ghost Hunting Tool Easy to read graphs andintegratedword analysis! Ghost Hunting Tools for your Android phoneandtablet: Easy to use for beginners and professionals alike!GhostHunting Tools gives you easy-to-use access to EMF meters andEVPdetectors to hunt ghosts and spirits. The included severalthousandwords strong dictionary will allow for great ghosthuntingsessions! • The primary readout will allow you toanticipateresponses or events. The history graphs below the primaryreadoutare recording the strength, allowing you to track thechanges ofthe strength over time. • What are EVPs? EVP, ElectronicVoicePhenomena, are grunts, words, or even simple sentences caughtontape during recording sessions. Usually, these events can notbeheard since they mostly occur in certain ELF ranges. •WordInterpreter: Ghost Hunting Tools will select words fromthebuilt-in dictionary. The processing time can vary and dependsonyour device's processor unit. Similar devices are usedbyparanormal investigators all over the world. Please leaveyourideas and feedback in the reviews!
Ghost Radar®: CLASSIC 1.9.56
Spud Pickles
The classic version of Ghost Radar®
Ghosts on Radar Simulation 1.1
Ghost Radar is a simulation to prank your friends withnon-realspirits on radar
Ghost Radar®: CONNECT 4.5.15
Spud Pickles
The socially connect Ghost Radar®.
Ghost Communicator 13 Detector 1.1
Simply the most advanced ghost detector available -- EVER!With this ghost detector we've applied our complexalgorithmsalong with input from your device to talk to AND SEE 'theotherside'. This app can detect any nearby entity through theemissionof energy. After triangulation the ghost detector canlocateparanormal activity and display location in its radar.The EVP and EMF meters will also analyzeselectromagneticfields.What will YOU see?The byproduct has to be seen to be believed.What causes the results ?Could it be ghosts ?To use the app, place a finger over the pan & scan radar.Payattention to the feedback on the right.Note the sensor needle's behavior as you focus the on areasandobjects. When the needled spikes, lock on to that area. Reviewtheback scatter noise on the screen. Then, wait for theredresponse.Ghost Communicator 2013 features:* Live Video display showing you what ghosts the communicatorcan'see'* Live Audio playback of what ghosts the communicatorcan'hear'* Interactive sweep radar displaying location of ghosts .* Analog meter to measure what ghosts the communicatorcan'sense'* Real-time onscreen numeric display of information.This app is for entertainment purposes only. We do notguaranteeparanormal activities that you detect using this app.Thisapp doesnot provide true Ghost Communication functionality.Disclaimer:The creators of this app cannot be held responsible foranyconsequences that result from the use of this app.PLEASE USE IT RESPONSIBLY!
TRS Ghost Finder - Radar 1.0
Transform your smartphone to powerfulghostdetector! Discover exciting and spooky world of spirits.Specialalgorithms were developed to detect changes in local andambientelectromagnetic field, also audible frequencies are takenintoaccount to find any abnormalities in the areaHow to use:1. Start GhostFinder to look for anomalies.2. If you find something, activity indicator lights up andthecapture button can be pressed.3. So take a shot and check if you caughtanythingotherworldy.Important Notice: Users Experience depends what device youareusing and can vary significantly from device to device.ThisApplication is available on an as is basis and we willcontinuedeveloping and improving it.!!! THIS APP IS JUST FOR FUN, NOT FOR REAL PURPOSE !!!TRS, TwoRobotsStudio
Ghost Meter - PKE Detector 1.2
Mikey Apps
Now detects changes in Electromagnetic Fields(E.M.F.)! Getthesamebasic functionality of other EMF detectors on the GooglePlayStorefor a FRACTION of the cost! Limited time Halloween salepriceofonly $1.09(US)! Does busting make you feel good? Have theurgetofind some ghosts? You won't know where they are unlessyoucandetect PsychoKinetic Energy (PKE), and that is what GhostMeterforAndroid does! Two modes to choose from: "Real Mode" Useyourphoneto scan electromagnetic field changes around you. Spiritsaresaidto cause disruptions in electromagnetic fields. Used bymoderndayparanormal investigators, E.M.F. scanners are usedtodetectchanges in electromagnetic fields. Turn your phone intoaGhostScanner/ EMF detector and start catching some ghosts!"Playmode"Fool your friends into thinking there are spirits aroundyouwithGhost Meter for Android! Ghost Meter for Android usesyourphonesaccelerometer to increase or decrease the "strength" ofaghostlypresence. Tilt your phone's screen towards you toincreasetheintensity, and lay it flat to decrease the intensity(Longpressthe screen to use opposite axis). Also, check outthemostcomprehensive Ghostbusters Fan website on the internetbyvisitingGhostbusters Fans at! More optionsavailablevia themenu: - Mute sounds - Blink the camera LED (notworking onMotorolaPhones) - Flash the background - Fast Beep modeincreasesthe speedof the beeping. (If this shuts all sound off thenyourphone can'thandle it, don't use this option) ****WARNING**** ItisPOSSIBLEthat flashing the Camera LED at a high rate couldcausedamage tothe camera LED's! I have yet to see this on ANYdevicethat the apphas been tested with, but it is possible. I willnot beheldresponsible for any damage caused to your device byusingthissoftware. In short, use Ghost Meter - PKE Detector atyourownrisk! This is a beta-release, so if you experienceanyissues,please e-mail me! In most cases I can correct theissuequickly ifI know what is causing the problem, but Icannotreply/respond tomarket posts! Permissions: WAKE LOCK -Preventsscreen from dimmingCAMERA - Used to make camera LED'sflashCHECK_LICENSE - Licenseverification
Ghostcom™ Oracle Messages 1.3.2
Consult the Oracle, get FREE readings every day. No Subscription.NoSign-ups.
Real Ghost Detector
Detection colors guide:Each dot or blip on the radar is colored to represent thestrengthof a single observed entity and its readings, and if adetectiongoes outside of maximum radar range, then later that samedetectionreturns within the observation range, the same colorshould beshown, or if it is a different, unique detection, and auniquecolor should appear although it is possible it will be closeto thestrength depending on what the sensors read. Each color isgradedon the strength of the signal from any one radar blipacrossROYGBIV color spectrum, and as dots enter and exit the sensorrangetheir strength is graded based on the magnitude of thereadings.The "weakest" types of detection to the "strongest" typesofdetection are arranged as follows:- Violet - Weakest strength of detection (possiblefalsepositive)- Indigo- Blue- Green- Yellow- Orange- Red - Strongest strength of detection (almost never afalsepositive)This is an app developed through rigorous trial and errortesting,to allow smartphones to detect the presence of ghosts, andmanyother supernatural beings in the area near the device.Effectiverange is limited to roughly 500 meters (~0.311 miles), andaccuracycannot be guaranteed because of variations in sensors fromdeviceto device. Sometimes it helps to allow the app to run foraprolonged period of time for more accurate results. The radartypedesign approximates the location of nearby detected presencesinnearly real time, with a unique color assigned to help identifyandtrack additional entities as they come within scandistance.Effectiveness and range are slightly different amongdifferentdevices, and running multiple instances nearby cancauseinterference and disturbances to the scanning process. Bestused inlow light, quiet areas, and often detects entities in areasyou mayhave never suspected there to be any active apparitions.It'srecommended to repeat scanning and spot checking acrossseveralweeks of time for the most effective results as there aresometimeselectronic and magnetic disturbances which willtemporarily preventaccurate data being collected. To be a real proone should collectnotes as well alongside the app for referencingwhich times andspecific locations where the sensors detectusefulinformation.It should be noted that visual detection cannot always beobtainedfor a variety of reasons, such as too much interferencenearby, orthat there simply are no entities to detect anywhere nearyou. Tryagain later, and at other locations!NOTICE: For best results on the new version, it is recommendedtoturn on your LOCATION services, allowing the compass to detecttruenorth geographically from your location. Otherwise it dependsonmagnetic north, which will be less accurate, and can easilybeinterfered with by electronics and magnetic objects! The appwillnot request permissions for location services, but the OSwillprovide true north anyway if GPS is active.This is a free app, and as such, it is supported throughadvertisingon the AdMob platform to keep it free for everyone touse. Shouldissues/vulgarity with ads arise, they can be reporteddirectly toGoogle AdMob.An invisible energy can be detected near you! If you suspecttheremay be supernatural events occurring, like strange voices,phantomhappening, or the classic case of paranormal equipmentdetectingsomething - you should try ghost detector! Like adetective withESP you can impress your paranoid friends by usingthis scanner tolook for spirits.Due to the paranormal nature of this app, results and accuracywillvary depending on conditions, surroundings, location and thedeviceused.Real Ghost Detector in many languages:كشف شبح حقيقي | detector de fantasma real | 真正的鬼魂探測器 | 真正的鬼魂探测器|असली भूत डिटेक्टर | detektor hantu nyata | detector fantasma real|বাস্তব প্রেতাত্মা আবিষ্কারক | Детектор реального призрак|本物のゴースト検出器 | detector Kudus nyata
Ghost Communicator FREE Radar 1.0.3
This ghost detector is a required radar appforany ghost hunters arsenal !haunted house ? ghost stories ? paranormal activity ?"…amazing creepy results and hours of fun..."Are you ready?Turn off the lights and launch this app.For the first time we've applied complex algorithms in anattemptto reach 'the other side'. This app takes inbound multiplereadingsthen generates reciprocal signals and sends them out! Thebyproducthas to be seen to be believed.What causes the results?Could it be ghosts?To use the app, place your left index finger over the pan&scan radar . Pay attention to the commands at the upperleft.Review the back scatter noise on the middle-right side ofscreen.Then, wait for the red response.Become a paranormal detective and explore your area. Now youcanbe the ghost hunter and find paranormal activity withthisparanormal detector . Where are your paranormal "hotspots"?Whileusing the app note any strange noises or moving objects.This ghost detector is a required app for any ghosthuntersarsenal!Will you find a haunted house ?Share your ghost storiesThis app is for entertainment purposes only. We do notguaranteeparanormal activities that you detect using this app.Thisapp doesnot provide true Ghost Communication functionality.Disclaimer:The creators of this app cannot be held responsible foranyconsequences that result from the use of this app.PLEASE USE IT RESPONSIBLY!
Ghost Detector Fun 3.1
Talk and receive messages between the ghost using yourphone'smicrophone.
Camera Ghost Detector Prank 1.12.3
Remember this is for entertainmentpurposesonly!This is a game for have fun.Camera Ghost Detector is a new paranormal activity radargamewith camera ghost vision.It is the very first ghost detector to use the cameraonAndroid.The ghost around you will be displayed on the camera area.When the app detect a ghost move your smartphone slowly untilyousee it between the lines on the radar, then you will see theghost'srepresentation on your screen.Be careful the ghosts could be good but also evil.Enjoy scaring your family and friends too.It is perfect for Halloween!
Ghost Trap Free 1.3
Mikey Apps
Turn your Android phone into a ghost trap! Trap someghoststhishalloween. **NEW** Slide your device across a rug orsomethingsoftto trigger the ghost trap! Just like a real ghosttrap!Suggestionsare welcome! Please use the e-mail developer optioninthe app ifyou have any comments/suggestions! Also, check outthemostcomprehensive Ghostbusters Fan website on the internetbyvisitingGhostbusters Fans at! An ad-free versionisalsoavailable for a small donation! **WARNING** I amnotresponsible ifyou break your device! Slide your devicewithcaution!
Ghost Studio 1.1.9
Detector professional real use for study paranormal spiritsandghosts
Ghosts PRO
The complete equipment includes:- Magnetophone: converts the sensor readings into sounds- Paranormal Detector: detects level of paranormal activity- Radar Map: draw in the city map the exact point of thedetectedenergy- Ghost Finder: help to locate focus of energy usinggaussfield- Ghost Camera: converts sensor readings into imagesWe don't offer guarantees of accuracy or any warranties,therefore,since results from this application cannot beverifiedscientifically the app should be used forentertainmentpurposes.
EMF Sensor Free 2.1
Code Bros.
EMF readings on your phone.
Ghost detector 2.0
Ghost Detector is an application that usesyourmobile device sensors to detect sources of variablemagneticemissions. Which could indicate us the presence of somekind ofparanormal activity. This app shows a radar with lurkingghostaround you and some ghosts try to talk with you, It is foundthatthe radar range is about approximately 9 miles.We also added an EMF entity Ghost Detector which is veryhelpfulto find ghosts, Ghost Detector try to control your devicesmagneticand microphone sensor which is monitored by the ghostdetector andshows you the possible location of the ghosts,demons,entitiesetc.
Ghost Detector Spectrum 2.1
Ghost Detector Spectrum for Android!
Neutrona Wand Free 1.0
Mikey Apps
Also known as a proton gun, the NeutronaWandfires a beam of protons produced by colliding high-energyprotons.The proton stream is capable of holdingnegatively-chargedentities until capture of the entity iscomplete.This app is for entertainment purposes only and doesn't reallydoanything in the physical realm. It isn't a game either.....butitmay become one in the future.A donate version is available which gives you the ability tosetthe sounds from the app as ringtones and alsoremovesadvertisements.Please bust with care.