Top 20 Apps Similar to Studystorm Free:Video Tutorial

Brightstorm: Get Better Grades 1.0.4
5,300 HD videos cover every topic you need No moreboring,homemadestudy videos on the web. Our comprehensive videolibrarycoversevery topic you need in 21 subjects including ACT,SAT, andAPtests. - Mathematics: Pre-algebra, Algebra,Geometry,Trigonometry,Precalculus, Calculus, AP Calculus - Science:Physics,Chemistry,Biology - English: Literature, Writing, Grammar -TestPrep: APBiology, AP US Government, AP Calculus, US History,ACT,ACTRedbook, SAT - College Admissions Counseling:CollegeApplications,Financial Aid, High School, Grades,ExtracurricularsStudy withcrisp and clear movie-quality videos thatare filmed instudios byprofessional production crews. “Youexplained in 3 min.what myteacher couldn’t in 5 weeks!” Greatteachers make yourlearningeasy. All of our teachers have mastersdegrees or Ph.Ds andyearsof teaching experience. What does thatmean? They’re mastersoftheir subjects and know where students makemistakes. Plus,ourteachers are far from boring. They’re so fun anddynamic thatuserswatch the videos again even after they understandthe topic.Greatlearning starts with great teaching. Experience your“A-Ha!”momentwith our all-star teachers. Save time studying. You’vegototherthings to do You can get straight A’s if you haveaninfiniteamount of time. Like most students, however, you haveabusyschedule and balancing your time is difficultwithdemandingclasses. The easiest way to get better grades in ashortamount oftime is to have great teachers help you witheverysubject. Withover 5,300 study videos, you’ll always find helpforevery topicfrom the best teachers. Pre-algebra, Trigonometry,ACT,AP Biology,Probability, you name it. It’s like having aprivatetutor with youat all times. Get into your dream school withcollegeadmissionscounseling by an expert The college applicationprocesscan oftenbe very frustrating and time consuming. Getreliableadvice from arenowned college admissions counselor who hashelpedhundreds ofstudents get into their dream colleges.Admissionsexperts canoften charge more than $100/hour, but you canget itfrom ourCollege Counseling section. Want bettergrades?DownloadBrightstorm NOW!Google+:[email protected] Brightstorm on the Webat Pleasenote Sign up to create afreeaccount is required. Some videosrequire a BrightstormPromembership.
Chemistry tutoring videos 1.0.7
332 tutoring videos explain everyChemistrytopic you need, no matter what textbook you have.Our comprehensive Chemistry tutoring videos teach every topicinall major textbooks. You'll get the help you need whetheryou'redoing homework or preparing for a test. No more boring,low-qualityvideos for your studying. Learn Chemistry withhigh-quality videosby top-rated teachers. It’s absolutely free!Our tutors make Chemistry easy. How? They know where youneedhelp.Our Chemistry tutors, Kendal and Emily, have masters degreesfromtop-tier universities such as U.C.Berkeley. They also haveyears ofexperience teaching high school and college students.Their tutoringvideos are very popular among students because theymake even thetoughest topics easy to understand.Step-by-step solutions to 110 sample problems!Stuck with a Chemistry problem? Watch our Chemistry tutorssolve110 Chemistry problems and apply their problem-solving secretstoyour problems. You will save time on your homework and examprep.Having Studystorm Chemistry is like having a personal tutorforfree.Studystorm Chemistry include 332 HD videos in thefollowingtopics.- Introduction to Chemistry- Matter- The Atom- The Periodic Table- Chemical Bonds- Chemical Reactions- Kinetic-Molecular Theory- Chemical Solutions- Chemical Reaction Rates- Chemical Equilibrium- Acids and Bases- Electrochemistry- Organic Chemistry- Biochemistry- Nuclear Chemistry- ThermochemistryWant better grades in Chemistry? Download StudystormChemistrynow!Feedback: [email protected]
Nafham - School Curriculum 3.55
K-12 crowd-sourced educational videos (Egypt, KSA, Algeria,Kuwait,Syria)
مسابقة سلاح التلميذ
"أحد التطبيقات الرسمية لسلسلة كتب سلاحالتلميذلطلبة وطالبات المرحلة الابتدائية من الصف الأول الابتدائي حتىالصفالسادس الابتدائي في كل المواد: اللغة العربية، اللغةالإنجليزية،العلوم، الرياضيات، الدراسات الاجتماعية، التربية الدينيةوالتي تصدرعن الشركة العربية الحديثة.يتيح هذا التطبيق للطالب أن يختبر معلوماته في أحد المناهج المقررةعلىسنته الدراسية سواء على مستوى المنهج ككل أو على مستوىأحدأجزائه.الأسئلة في شكل اختيار من متعدد وفي نهاية الاختبار يصححالطالبمعلوماته عن الأسئلة التي قد يخطأ بها ويحصل على درجات تتراكمفيحسابه.الطلبة الحاصلين على أعلى الدرجات يحصلون على جوائز قيمة منسلاحالتلميذ.""A formal applicationfora series of books weapon pupil for students of primary schoolfromfirst grade through sixth grade in all subjects: Arabic,English,science, math, social studies, religious education andissued bythe Modern Arab Company.This application allows the student to test his information inaprescribed on his year of study, whether at the level ofthecurriculum as a whole or at the level of one of itspartscurricula.Questions in the form of multiple-choice test at the end ofthestudent corrects his information about the questions thatmayfaulting them and get degrees accumulate in their account.Students who obtained the highest score receive a value ofweaponthe student awards. "
Bansal Education (IIT JEE and Pre-Foundation) 2.12.0
Online preparation app for IIT JEE aspirants designed byExpertsThisapp has been developed by Bansal Education andSigridEducation whichuses cutting edge technology andadvancedalgorithms to provide you agreat learning experience. Thestudymaterial, tests and videosolutions have been created byrenownedFaculties & Experts whichhelped thousands withtheirexperience & guidance to crack IITJEE in past years.AppFeatures eBooks: Study from detailed eBooks& personalizethemby underlining, highlighting and much more.VideoSolutions:Practice with over 20,000 unsolved problems and ifyouare stuck ina problem, view video solutions recorded by thebestteachers.Chapter Tests: Take unlimited number of tests ineachchapter:Practice till you become a master. These tests adapttoyourrequirement: our smart algorithm automaticallychoosesmorequestions from topics where you are weak. See answersheetwithsolutions & detailed analytics of your performanceintests:how well you manage your time, strong and weak topics,tipson howto improve and much more. Performance Monitoring:Trackyourpreparation level with real time performance andpersonalisedtipsfor individual student. Available Courses IIT JEE:Students whoarein class 11th, 12th or are 12th pass outs andpreparing for JEEorany other engineering entrance exam can studywith thiscoursedesigned in collaboration with institutionalfaculties fromallover India. Subjects covered: Physics, ChemistryandMathematics.Foundation: Students who are in class 9th or10thpreparing forNTSE or Olympiads and want to build astrongfoundation forcompetitive exams like JEE and AIPMT can boosttheirpreparationwith recommended courses. Subjects covered:Physics,Chemistry,Biology, Mathematics and Social Science
공부자극 공부법- 공부의신 멘토링 1.3
V1.1.2 업데이트공신칼럼 푸쉬기능과 댓글 알람기능이 추가되었습니다.^.^**************************************** 필독 공지 ****************************************안녕하세요. 공부를 신나게! 어플리케이션 담당자입니다.현재 대규모 업데이트 이후에 특정 일부 기기에서 오작동을 하는 것이 확인되었습니다.이에 따라 잠시 새 버전은 안정화를 위해 닫아놓고 기존의 공부를 신나게 1 버전을 올려 놓았습니다.공부를 신나게 1 버전을 사용하고자 하는 기존 유저의 경우 앱을 삭제 후 재 설치 하시면 됩니다.새로운 버전은 최선을 다해 일부 오작동 하는 기기에 대한 안정화를 거친 후 다시 업데이트 하도록 하겠습니다.사용에 불편을 드려서 대단히 죄송합니다.언제나 여러분의 의견을 경청하고 힘이 되어드리는 공신 App 되도록 하겠습니다.감사합니다.*******************************아직도 공부로 고민하니? ‘공부를 신나게’ App 하나면 공부고민 끝!2013년 Version 2.0, 대규모 업데이트로 새롭게 찾아왔습니다.‘공부를 신나게’는 공부의 신 선배들이 공부법을 알려주고, 고민을 해결해주는 대한민국최초의멘토링(Mentoring) 어플리케이션입니다. 대한민국 최고의 멘토(Mentor), 공신닷컴 공부의 신 선배들의경험과노하우가 내 손 안으로 들어옵니다.==========================[주요기능]♬ 멘토-멘티 매칭시스템최근 입시를 경험한 400여 명의 공부의 신 멘토들. 그 중에서도 자기와 맞는 멘토를 원하는 만큼 선택할 수있다.멘토와는 쪽지까지 주고 받을 수 있는 멘토링!♬ 공신이 쓴 칼럼읽기25만 명이 사랑하는 공신닷컴 최다조회 게시판 ‘공신칼럼’의 모든 글을 내 스마트폰에서도! 내가 두고두고 보고싶은글들이 있다면 따로 모아 보관해보자!♬ 고민상담 멘토링공부로 받는 모든 스트레스, 고민을 다 날려버리자. 고민상담 게시판에 글을 올리면 최고의 멘토들이 하루 안에답을달아준 걸 확인하자![기타 세부기능]♪ 멘토 검색하고 멘토링 신청♪ 칼럼 검색하고 즐겨찾기에 추가♪ 상담 글 올리기 및 댓글, 추천 기능♪ 쪽지보낼 멘토 목록 자동으로 정리♪ 나만의 프로필을 작성하고 보관칼럼과 상담, 쪽지 등 모든 멘토링 기록은 공신닷컴( 웹페이지와 연동됩니다. 내가 올린글을사이트에서도 확인해보세요.==========================✓ 수상실적2011 교육용 모바일 어플리케이션 아이디어 공모전 우수상(전국 2위)2012 중소기업청, 창업진흥원 주최 우수앱 성공사례 모음집에 수록.2013 누적 다운로드수 12만 돌파 / 평점 별 4.3개 (총 138개 평가)✓ 이용자 후기 Best주변에 공부에 관해 도움을 받을 선배들도 없고, 인터넷이나 책을 뒤져봐도 별다른 대책이 없었을 때 공신닷컴을만나게되었습니다. 공부법에 대해 보다 자세히 알 수 있었고, 공부에 관한 고민에 대해서도 공신 멘토께서 자세히 답변해주신덕에공부를 하는데 큰 도움을 받을 수 있었습니다. 후배들이 조금이나마 신나게 공부할 수 있게 힘써주시는 공신멘토분들처럼,저도 훗날 후배들에게 도움을 주는 사람이 되고 싶네요. – 최혜진✓ 관련 링크 바로가기공신닷컴 : www.gongsin.com한국디지틸미디어고등학교 : www.dimigo.hs.kr공부를 신나게 티저영상: UpdateArticles and comments gongsin push the alarm function hasbeenadded. ^ ^*******************************Must notice ********* ****************************************Good afternoon. Rocking study! Applications representative.Specific part of a major update today after it was confirmedthata malfunction in the equipment.Accordingly, while the new version is placed close tostabilizethe existing version of the study, put them up CHORUS1.Rocking one study using a version of the app you want todeletethe existing user then you will be re-installed.Some of the best of the new version of a devicemalfunction,after the stabilization will be updated again.Sorry for the inconvenience in use.Always listen to your opinion and the power will beofferinggongsin App.Thank you.*******************************Do you still suffer from studying? "Rocking study 'App worryifone studies the end!2013 Version 2.0, a major update to the new came. "Rocking study 'is to inform God of Studygongbubeoppredecessors, solve the problem that the first MentoringRepublicof Korea (Mentoring) application. Republic of Korea thebest Mentor(Mentor), gongsin datkeom the experience and know-how ofStudyseniors come into my hands.==========================[Feature]♬ mentor-mentee matching systemLast admission to more than 400 experienced mentors ofStudy.Among his mentors and fit can be selected as desired. Mentorsandmentoring in a note to send and receive!Read Articles written by ♬ gongsinMost viewed 250,000 datkeom Forums gongsin love 'gongsincolumn'in every post on my smartphone! If there were posts I wantto seemy list aside, let's keep!Mentoring counseling troubled ♬To get all the stress study, let's blow up the trouble.Raisingbulletin counseling troubled best mentor I have dalahjunCheck outthe answer in a day!Other detailed features;Search and apply for Mentor Mentoring ♪Add to Favorites ♪ search columnUpload ♪ counseling Posts and comments, referralsMentor list send a message automatically clean ♪♪ create and store your own profileColumn and counseling, mentoring records and all notes gongsin닷컴( in conjunction with the web page. Check out thesitein your posts.==========================✓ AwardsMobile Application Ideas Competition 2011 EducationalExcellence(2nd nationwide)2012 Small Business Administration, founded theInstituteorganized Excellence App success story collections andmore.2013 surpassed 120,000 cumulative downloads / rated 4.3stars(total 138 reviews)✓ Best User ReviewAround about the study and no seniors to get help, theInternetand look behind the book did not have much time measureswere tomeet datkeom gongsin. Were able to learn more aboutgongbubeopknow, worry about the study also had more answershaejusin gongsinmentor a big thanks to the study were able to gethelp. Juniors areable to study a little bit every effort Rockinggongsin mentor whogives, as I later became a younger person andwant to help. -Choehyejin✓ Go to Related LinksGongsin datkeom: www.gongsin.comKorea Digital Media High School Til: www.dimigo.hs.krRocking studyteaser:
Khan Academy 7.12.1
Khan Academy
You can learn anything. For free.
Physics tutoring videos 1.0.7
175 tutoring videos explain everyPhysicstopic you need, no matter what Physics textbook youhave.Our comprehensive Physics tutoring videos teach every topicinall major Physics textbooks. You'll get the help you needwhetheryou're doing homework or preparing for a test. No moreboring,low-quality videos for your studying. Learn Physicswithhigh-quality videos by top-rated Physics experts. It’sabsolutelyfree!Our tutors make Physics easy. How? He knows where youmakemistakesOur Physics tutors, Jonathan Osbourne and Matt Jones, have aPh.D& a masters degree from top-tier universities. They alsohaveyears of experience teaching high school students. Jonathan isthemost energetic tutor we’ve ever worked with. He makes everyphysicslesson sound like the most exciting topic in the world.You’ll neverget bored when you’re studying with his videos.Concise videos save you time. High quality helpsyouconcentrateWe make our videos concise so you learn before you get bored.Itis not easy to explain a complex Physics concept quickly, butourexpert tutors did it better than anyone else. All videosareproduced by professional staff to ensure high quality.Teachers’handwriting is crisp and clear on your mobile device.Don’tstruggle with low-quality study videos. Save time studyingwithStudystorm.Studystorm Physics covers all importantPhysicstopics.- Introduction to physics- Linear and projectile motion- Newton's laws of motion- Circular motion and rotational mechanics- Energy and momentum- Gravitation- Heat and thermodynamics- Heat transfer and change of phase- Solids, liquids and gases- Vibration and waves- Electricity- Magnetism- Light- Nuclear physics- The atom and quantum physics- Oscillatory motionWant better grades in Physics? Download StudystormPhysicsnow!Feedback: [email protected]
마이클의 영어 5분 과외-Part2 1.0.3
•딱딱하고 지루한 영어공부! 이젠 안녕~•매주 수만 번의 다운로드 횟수를 기록한 인기 영어 동영상 강의!•하루 5분으로 채우는 영어 상식!•'대충대충' '남자 대 남자' 등 한국인들이 궁금해하는 일상 표현을 콕콕 짚어주는 한국인을 위한 맞춤형 영어 교육!•본 기능!표현과 녹취 페이지: 강의의 핵심 표현과 전체 대본단어 포인트: 재미있는 영상을 배경으로 유용한 표현과 주의할 점 정리회화 페이지: 본 강의에서 배운 표현을 활용한 자연스러운 대화 연습. 원어민 발음으로 재생.쉬어가는 페이지: 해당 학습에 관련된 문화와 미국 생활에 대한 정보 소개•곧 마이클의 비밀과외가 추가됩니다. 기다려주세요~!•최근 팟캐스트 전체 1위를 달성한 "English in Korean"의 마이클 앨리엇의 소개말.안녕하세요, 여러분 ~'마이클의 영어 5분 과외- Part2' 앱에 오신 걸 환영합니다!저는 2년쯤 전에 한국인을 위한 무료 영어 학습 사이트 www.EnglishinKorean.com을 열었습니다.그후로 아이튠즈와 유튜브를 통해서 MP3와 동영상 학습도 제공해왔는데 스마트폰으로도 공부할 수 있는 자료를 원하는분들이많았습니다. 그러던 중 실력이 뛰어난 앱 개발자를 만나 함께 이 앱을 만들게 되었습니다.꾸준히 축적해 왔던 학습 동영상 연재, '마이클의 5분 영어 과외'를 바탕으로 내용을 훨씬 더 확대하고 보강해만든앱입니다. 전체 강의 내용을 정확히 확인할 수 있도록 대본을 수록하고, 강의에 나온 핵심 표현을 일상 생활에자연스럽게활용할 수 있도록 용법 설명과 회화 연습 등을 추가했습니다.본 앱에 11회부터 20회까지의 '5분 과외' 강의와 해당 자료가 포함되어 있습니다!11회: 대충대충12회: '머리를 쓰다'와 '머리에 맴돌다'13회: 직장에 관련된 표현14회: 'heart-to-heart'와 'man-to-man'15회: '여기와'와 '여기의'16회: '정신없다'를 영어로?17회: 일상적인 한국어를 영어로? -118회: 비행기 여행 특집!19회: Everyday English20회: 일상적인 한국어를 영어로? -2----개발자 연락처 :02-867-9450서울특별시 구로구 디지털로26길72베르디타워 309호 (주)아이디어샘• English Study hardandboring! Bye bye ~• Record the number of popular English weekly download onlyonevideo lessons!Fill the day with 5 minutes • English common sense!• 'rough rough' English education tailored for Koreans pointoutthat Koreans are wondering kokkok everyday expression "man toman"and more!• This feature!Expression and transcript page: Teaching and representation oftheentire core scenarioWords Words: Pitfalls and useful representation of an image asabackground clean funNatural conversation practice using the expressions learned inthisclass: Painting page. Playing with the nativepronunciation.Sheer to page: Introduction to American life and culture relatedtothe learning• Password will be added soon, Michael's tutor. Please wait!About the end of Michael aelrieot of "English Korean in"•recently achieved first place in the entire podcast.Hello, everyone ~I came - Michael English 5 minutes extra Part2 'app Welcome!I opened a free English learning sites about two years ago. There were manypeoplewho want to study the material on your Smartphonethereafterthrough iTunes and YouTube also offers MP3 and videolearning ispicked. This app has been tailored to meet theexceptional skillswith the developer of this app Then.The app made've been accumulating steadily learning videoseries,the "5-minute English tutor Michael 'based on the contentsexpandand reinforce even more. And recorded the script so you canseeexactly what the entire river, including usage instructionsandadded the conversation naturally in everyday practice totakeadvantage of the key expressions from the river.From the 11th are included in this app 5 min tutoring'ofteaching and the material is up to 20 times!11th: roughly roughly12th: 'stroked the head' and 'revolve in the head'13: relating to workplace representation14: 'heart-to-heart' and 'man-to-man'15th: 'here' and 'here'16 times: in the 'no mind' in English?Episode 17: Korean to English everyday? -1Episode 18: Airplane Travel Special!Episode 19: Everyday English20th: Korean to English everyday? -2
edX: Courses by Harvard & MIT 5.0.3
Gain new skills. Access 2000 courses from 140 institutions. Joinforfree.
Pooza - Educational Puzzles fo 5.0.2
Educational puzzles for toddlers and preschoolers designed bybrainscientists
Todait - Smart study planner
Todait Inc.
Todait is an authentic study planner tohelpyou utilize 100% of your time and ace your exams. Todaitisespecially useful for students who need help with productivityandeffective time management. Use it to prepare for the ACTs,APExams, ASVAB, PSAT/NMSQT, SAT, ISEE, SHSAT, SSAT, GED, TOEFL,DAT,GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, OAT, PCAT, Bar exam, COMLEX-USA,NAPLEX,NBDE, PANCE/PANRE, USMLE, NCLEX, Metism, BMAT, UKCAT, andAlevels.We strongly recommend this app for anyone who:- has a massive amount of material to cover and has no idea wheretostart studying- is preparing for a big exam, such as the SATs, LSATs, APs,IBs,etc.- wants to make a habit of routine studying- wants to be productive and efficiently manage their timeTodait automatically plans and divides your study materials overaspecific period of time while providing detailed feedback. Allyouhave to do is enter how much you’d like to study for eachsubjectas well how many hours you’d like to spend per week.Todait’s Unique Functions:- Emphasizes studying rather than planning- Automatic Distribution tells you how much you should studyeachday to achieve your goals within a chosen period of time- Automatic Plan Adjustment redistributes your study materialbasedon whether you’re ahead of or behind schedule- The stopwatch allows you to measure and manage how long youstudyfor each subject- The widget allows you to start studying right fromyourhome-screen without running the app itself- Gives feedback on your study habits that you can’t get onyourown- The Study Trend Graph shows your weekly progress and averagestudytimes- The time-table shows your study times for each day- The calendar keeps track of your monthly performance- An alarm reminds you to start studying at whatever timeyouset- The Study Diary allows you to reflect upon your dailyperformancefor each task- Lock-out Mode prevents you from getting distractingnotificationsor using other apps while the stopwatch isrunning- Can view all your tasks in a simple check-list layout- Allows you to check and manage your study times onotherdevices- Gives more feedback from Todait based on your progressanddata- The timeline motivates you to study by comparing your studytimeswith your friends’ (not updated yet)Todait Inc.Please direct your questions and feedback [email protected]!
스터디매니저 (공부시간 체크) 3.0
공부가 안되시나요?스터디가 하고 싶은데 마음대로 안되나요?그렇다면 스터디 매니저로 공부를 시작해보세요!스터디매니저는 공부시간을 기록하며 좋은 공부 습관을 만들어주는 어플입니다.공부타이머를 통해 공부 시간을 실시간으로 측정할 수 있으며따로 시간을 등록해서 이후에 관리할 수도 있습니다.또 나의 노력을 차트와 캘린더를 통해 눈으로 확인하세요.간편히 만든 오답노트를 매일 정리하고 재미있는 퀴즈를 풀며 도장을 받다보면성적이 오르는 건 시간문제랍니다!또 커뮤니티를 통해 마음 속 이야기들을 하거나,스터디그룹을 만들어서 서로 선의의 경쟁을 할 수도 있습니다.얼마남지 않은 시험을 디데이로 기록하여 항상 마음을 다잡아 볼 수 있으며 나만의 플래너로 만들 수 있습니다.최고의 스터디 코치와 함께 성공적인 미래를 만들어봐요!스터디 매니저를 설치하면서부터 성공의 발판은 이미 마련되어가는 것입니다. ^^지금 시작하세요!!
Study Checker
♥♥♥ TranslationProject♥♥♥ records your study or break times. Itdisplaysthestats of each study and break time for a day, a week,a month,and acustom period. Also, it supports the stats forper-studyandper-break. Please give us your valuable feedback.Thank youforusing our app.
스터디뷰(스터디플래너,영어듣기,자소서,수능,ebs) 1.4.0
자기주도학습의 모든 것! 교육 포털 앱[스터디뷰]스터디뷰는 완벽한 자기주도학습을 도와드리기 위해 아래와 같이 다양한 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.단기적 성취 경험 반복 시스템으로 자기 성장 중독에 빠지다. 완벽한 자기주도학습 시스템[서울대생 시크릿플래너 /스터디 타이머 / 스터디 스톱워치 / 스터디 플래너 / 스터디 타임]영어듣기 mp3 파일 찾아 헤메지 말자!EBS를 비롯한 모든 출판사 영어듣기 스트리밍 서비스와영단어 자동암기 무료 프로그램 제공[리스닝맥스]SKY 멘토 300명의 시크릿 문제 풀이법[SKY 딱풀과외]성적저하 악순환 타파! 하이엔드 두뇌과학[에듀맥스]복잡한 입시뉴스를 쉽고 정확하게! 대치동 4대 입시연구소 제공자소서 첨삭부터 입시 수시 컨설팅을 한번에![대치동 입시매거진 / 서울대 자소서 따라하기 / 합격 자소서 첨삭 클리닉 / 수시 합격 GPS]* 스터디뷰는 안드로이드 OS 4.1 이상에서만 이용 가능합니다.OS 4.1 미만의 기기에선 해당 앱이 검색되지 않거나해당 앱이 설치되지 않사오니 이용에 참고 부탁드립니다.----개발자 연락처 :070-7531-7733All of theself-directedlearning! Education Portal App[Study View]Study View offers a variety of services as follows: To helpcompleteself-directed learning.Short-term achievement system to indulge in self-growthexperiencerepeated addictive. Fully self-directed learningsystem[Seouldaesaeng Secret Planner / Study timer / stopwatch Study/Study Planner / study time;Let's find hemeji English listening mp3 files!All publishers English listening and streaming services,includingEBSAutomatic memorizing English words free program available[Listening Max]SKY 300 Mentor Secret problems pulyibeop[SKY extra glue stick;Breaking a vicious sexual degradation! High-end brain science[Edu Max]Easily and accurately the complex entrance Newsletter!Daechi-dongoffers four admissions InstituteJasoseo cheomsak from time to time once theadmissionsconsulting![Daechi admissions Magazine / Seoul jasoseo to follow / passjasoseocheomsak Clinic / Occasional pass GPS]* Study the view is only available for Android OS 4.1orlater.  In less than OS 4.1 devices the app is eithernotdetected  The app is not installed, O thank you note.
Study Mate-timer, group study 2.9.6
SJ Soft
Use only start and stop buttons foryourstopwatch.!!- That you need to use this entire app.- Then you can get weekly, monthly statistics of your study time.Join study groups!!- see their study patterns and study records.- study more than your competitors by observing them inrealtime.You can join a study room to see how other mates are studyingatthe moment.[stopwatch | statistics | study room(group study) | chatting]You need to study as much as your competitors do.You can check how long they study in StudyMate.Hey Mate! Study hard until you achieve your goal !!!Plan your study time and achieve it.Your study life will be more successful with Study Mate.
영어신 5.1.11
One advantage of the lock screen Effective learning Review methods
My Study Life - School Planner 6.2.8
Organize and get reminders of your class schedule,homework,studying and exams.
자격증 기출문제 스터디웨이 앱 되새김 듣기학습(기출문제 , 모의고사 , 해설집 , 요약집)
공무원,자격증,한국사,운전면허 까지 다양한 문제 제공 기출문제 , 모의고사 , 해설집 , 요약집, 공유 노트 제공최신기출 문제 업로드
김급식 - 중학교, 고등학교 급식 알림 앱 9.1.14
Check our school meals & shop for snacks with points