Top 3 Apps Similar to BRIAN

The Brian Jones Agency 1.0
Brian JonesAgency OwnerBrian Jones is a 20-year veteran of the insuranceindustry.Hehails from Dalton, Georgia but has lived and workedinCalifornia,North Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia. He is marriedtothe lovelyMichelle Jones, a native of Powder Springs. They havetwochildrenwho are both in college.Prior to entering the insurance field, Brian served ournationasa C-130 Navigator in the USAF. His mission today is to leadateamof insurance professionals who strive to help ourclientsmanagetheir everyday risks. Our number one job is to helpyouassess yourcurrent risks and protect the assets youhave.Additionally, we helpour clients plan their financialfuture.Brian and his team pride themselves on providingasexceptionalcustomer service experience. We measure our successbythe value webring to our clients and by theircustomersatisfaction. We lookforward to building lastingrelationships witheach of ourclients.
Brian Alfred 3.50
This powerful new App has been developedbytheteam at Brian Alfred to give you key financialinformation,tools,features and news at your fingertips, 24/7.Keep track of your important business miles with the Appusingthein-built mileage tracker. What’s more you can exportthese‘trips’ tous anytime.Photo Receipt Manager – thanks to this great featureyouwon’tneed to pile up those receipts. You can simplyphotographareceipt, categorise it and save. You can review andexporttheseanytime for your own use or email them to us foryouraccounts.Income Tracker – If you are managing a small numberofincomesources and would like to use this App it can trackyourexpenses(Mileage tracker and Receipt manager) and also yourincome.Meaningif you want to, you can use this App to manage andmonitoryourincome and expenditure all in one place.You can also get instant access to the latestbusinessandpersonal accountancy facts, dates and calculators. Usingthelatesttechnology, the ‘News’ section will be updated directlybyus, soyou get the very latest news, views and offers fromBrian Alfred - in real time, all through your App.It’s designed to be a super-helpful place to gethandyinformationwhenever you need it. Our team is always on handtoprovideprofessional, personal advice and guidance.As a proactive, forward thinking firm of accountants wewantedtoreach out to you in a modern, time effective way. WithAppusebooming, we feel that the App represents the perfect tool forustointeract with existing and future customers.Enjoy the Brian Alfred App with our compliments!
Brian Cronin 4.5.0
Brian CroninOwner of Mirror Image Media, LLCPublisher of THAT MAG!www.newmirrorimage.comBrian Cronin:Entrepreneur. Publisher. Self-starter.Musicenthusiast.He's a dedicated business mind, workingunremittinglyto develop andexpand various projects that supportlocal andregional artists, aswell as professional businesseswhileconnecting industryprofessionals through differentnetworkingevents. In the past 10+years he has owned Mirror ImageMedia, thebest source for creativeand corporate materialdistribution as aone-stop source of mediareproduction specializingin discduplication, full design, printing,web development andpromotionalproducts. The Publisher of Philly'stop monthly musicpublication,THAT MAG ( since2007. In addition heis an artistmanager, events promoter,Ambassador to variousnetworking groups,partner in Elm City MusicFest (CT), LibertyMusic Fest (PA) and isa good heart-ed family guy.When it comes toknowing the rightperson at the right timeregardless of theindustry, Cronin is theman to know. There isnothing morefulfilling to him then seeingthe achievements of othersthrough hismany networkingendeavors.