Top 21 Games Similar to Sujok

TCM Acupuncture Index/Acupoint 2.91.0
Zappol L.
TCM Acupuncture index, or acupoints for Android. 20 meridians,422points!
Acupuncture App 1.0
What is acupuncture? It is a form of holistic healthcare thatisused to prevent and treat certain diseases as well as relievepainand anesthetize patients for surgery. Research shows thatthisbegan in China and has been practiced for more than 5,000years.The earliest account of this is found in the book called NeiJingwhich in English means the Yellow Emperor's Classic ofInternalMedicine. The contents of this book date somewhere around200 BC.Back then, they did not use metal needles and instead usedthosemade out of stone, moxibustion and herbs to treat apatient.Acupuncture prevents and treats diseases by inserting veryfineneedles into the skin specifically at the anatomic points ofthebody.The principle behind this concept is that illnesses occurbecausethere is an imbalance in your life force otherwise known asQi. Itis believed that this flows in 14 channels in the human bodyknownas meridians which branch out to bodily organs and functions.Ifthere is a blockage or obstruction in any of them, this is whenyousuccumb to a disease or an illness.The imbalance in the Qi may go one way or the other becauseofYin and Yang. The person can only be normal if there isharmonybetween the two which is what acupuncture is trying toachieve.This can only be restored by stimulating these acupuncturepointsso your Qi can be adjusted, balanced and harmonized.Apart from using needles, practitioners also use friction,heat,impulses of electromagnetic energy and pressure to stimulatethesepoints in order to balance the movement of energy in the bodytoreduce one's health.An example of this is sonopuncture where an ultrasounddevicethat transmits sound waves is applied to these points in thebody.Some use a tuning fork and other vibration devices.Acupressure is another example and here, the fingers are usedtorelive the pain. This can be used by itself or with othermanualhealing techniques.
Acupuncture Guide 1.0
Our Acupuncture Guide is a comprehensive A toZGlossary of Acupuncture terminology. It was created tohelpnavigating through this interesting topic easier. In thisGlossaryyou will find terms, lingo, descriptions, and definitionsall aboutAcupuncture.
Acupressure - Self Healing TCM 40.40.40
Download this app and Learn how to use Acupressure Points
Accupuncture with Android 1.0
Understand About the BasicsofAcupuncture.Learn it step by step. Acupuncture is a methodofencouraging thebody to promote natural healing and toimprovefunctioning. This isdone by inserting needles and applyingheat orelectricalstimulation at very precise acupuncture points.For aholistichealing learn more about fruits and vegetablesnutrition,
Acupuncture Points 2.0.2
This app provides you all Acupuncture Points treatment foralldiseases and will shows the information about AcupuncturePoints,reflexology points, hand Acupuncture, leg Acupuncture and tohelpyou get better when you pain. Acupuncture Points is themosteffective method for self-treatment of tension-relatedailmentsAcupuncture Points app feature: - Zhongfu (Englishtranslation:Central Palace) - Yunmen (English translation: CloudDoor) - Tianfu(English translation: Heavenly Residence) - Xiabai(Englishtranslation: Guarding White) - Chize (English translation:CubitMarsh) - Kongzui (English translation: Maximum Opening) -Lieque(English translation: Broken Sequence) - Jingqu(Englishtranslation: Channel Canal) - Taiyuan (English translation:GreatAbyss) - Yuji (English translation: Fish Border) and muchmore! ***Please Do Rate the APP and leave a reply on yourvaluablesuggestions and improvements ***
Acupressure Points 9.9.9
Acupressure points to help you get better when you pain.
Acupoints 1.3
You can master acupuncture pointseasily.You can find acupuncture points easily.Includes Sa-am acupuncture table.This is a web based application.You can see at
Drug Addiction 0.0.3
Drug Addiction is for drug addicts, familyofaddicts or friends or anyone who needs and want help to breaktheaddiction. This apps is created to help the world and also armyouwith knowledge about drugs and how you can deal with it.Several emotional or psychological reasons may drive youintotaking drugs. At times it is mere curiosity that propels youtodevelop drug addiction over time. Drug addiction refers tothecompulsive use of psychoactive drugs to such a level at whichtheuser of drugs has no other way out and continues to use it.Though drugs addiction like opium have been commonsincehistorical times it is in recent times that the problem hasbeenexacerbated significantly. This is mainly due to thecultivation ofplants yielding drugs, advancements in biochemistryandimprovements in means of getting access to drugs. Theintroductionof purified forms of active biological agents and thesynthesis ofnew substances like methamphetamine has made drugs morewidespread.Clinically, the word ‘addiction’ has been replaced bythe word‘dependency’ in relation to drugs.It may be noted that not all persons are equally pronetoaddiction. Some persons are psychologically or geneticallymorepredisposed to drug addiction. Again, some kinds of drugs getthebetter of some particular types of persons more easily.Similarly,the manner of treatment and method of recovery fromaddiction varywidely according to the types of drugs, amount ofdrugs, durationof drug addiction, medical complications and socialnecessities ofthe patient.There is the 12-step program among the many recoverymethods.Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are prominentexamplesincluded herein. These are popularly used for a varietyofaddictions concerning the individual addicted and the family oftheindividual. Then there are the substance-abuserehabilitationcenters that frequently offer a residential treatmentprogram forthe seriously addicted and strive to isolate the drugaddicts fromother drug users and drug dealers.The cognitive-behavior therapy, rational-emotive theory orothertypes of psychological behavior modification methods areemployedin the treatment of drug addiction. Replacement drugslikemethadone are also used. This methadone is in itself a drug butinorder to reduce dependency on stronger drugs like opium itproveshelpful. Acupuncture is also a treatment of choice thathelpsalleviate drug addiction symptoms.Carrying out the suitable treatment from the varioustreatmentsavailable can bring about recovery from drug addiction.The objectis to somehow bring about abstinence from the variousaddictivesubstances called drugs.Download Drug Addiction apps now!
Acupuncture & TCM supplies 1.0
Dustin Slade
Get The Best Acupuncture Tips,Specialtools& supplies here you won't find elsewhere.With the knowledge of 18 years as anAcupuncturist&Herbalist!---------Use the Facebook button & Ask YourQuestions,anythingAcupuncture!Acupuncture has been around for 2000 years and going strong.Use this app to check out what Acupuncture&TraditionalChinese Medicine can doFor you and your family. Save time & money by usingthisappfor Education & Health Improvements.---------Inside you will find some of the best Acupuncture &TCMvideosabout how thisMedicine has been used for such a long time withsuchgreatsuccess.Look at the many ear pics with arrows pointing towardsthecleardisharmony.Connect through Facebook & Google+ other social mediaforevenmore great useful, educating &Practical information you can use to put the Knowledgeinyourhands!-----------This application was built with the Acupuncturist in mindalso.Usethis appTo provide a Mobile Loyalty Card that users can bring inandusewith their phone.You can also create coupons that you can update frequentlyforthespecials you provide.I will create you this application for others todownload&find YOUR BUSINESS with a Map,Instant Phone Connection, Instant Email button, AND adirectlinkto YOUR WEBSITE!--Contact me today and let me know you want your ownAcupunctureAppfor YOUR BUSINESS!(you can also contact me if you have another business you wanttobean app)
Yang Tai Chi for Beginners 1 b 1.0.11
60 mins free videos! Learn Yang-style Tai Chi with instructionbyMaster Yang
Acupuncture Lessons 1.1.35
Learn how acupuncture techniques are applied
Acupuncture Assistant 7.7.7
TCM Points
The app for acupuncture professionals and students.
TsuboMaster 3.8
This application is about asian Acupuncture Points(TSUBO)andReflexology.
Advanced Vibrational Healing 1.0
Bio Q
Three simple steps using Advanced Vibrational Healing to treatthefollowing Illnesses, Protection and Clearings:Alcoholism & Drug AddictionAsthmaBack InjuryBronchial and Lung InfectionChronic GoutEnhancing the Immune and Defense SystemHeadachesMigraine HeadachesMinor InfectionsOrgan RegenerationBlood PurificationRoom/House Clearing from Bad EnergyShield of Life (Protection from Bad Energy and Illness)Strengthening and StimulatingSuicidal TendenciesToothacheWeight loss and ObesityAll FreeWe set out on this path to put a commercial applicationtogetherthat we would charge peopleto use so that we could further our works helping others.However; all people should be well and protected fromthetroubles of this world. This is our offering to youour fellow human beings.Advanced Vibrational Healing comes in the form of PranicHealing.We were able to capture the energy frequency onto a soundtrack andplace them onto a music bed, and here they are. To seeliving proofof what transpired in the studio the day these trackswere made goto: Healing Big Pranic healing is a no-touch modalitywhereall types of illnesses can be treated. It is a highlydeveloped andtested system of energy-based healing techniques,using “prana" –the vital energy life-force to balance, harmoniseand transformyour body's energy processes. The Chinese refer tothis subtleenergy as "Chi" in acupuncture. It is also called "Ruha"in Hebrewor the "Breath of Life" in the Old Testament.Pranic Healing AuraPranic healing influences your naturallifeforce to bring about a healthier physical body and is appliedonyour bio-electromagnetic field known as the aura, whichcontainsthe mold and blueprint of your physical body. Yourbio-plasmic bodyabsorbs life energy and distributes it to yourorgans and glands.Diseases first appear as energetic disruptions inyour energy fieldbefore manifesting as ailments in your physicalbody.Master Dangel’s techniques include locating your blockages,tocleanse, energise and revitalise the area with new prana sothatyour body can heal itself naturally.Pranic Healing is a no-touch modality where all typesofillnesses can be treated using ‘chi’ or pranic energy.Master George Dangel, Australian based healer to the stars,regardedby many as a ‘MIRACLE HEALER’ is the first CaucasianMaster PranicHealer to reach the position of number one in theworld in hisprofession, and is also the first ever AustralianMaster of PranicHealing.In 1985, he met and trained under GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui,theGrandMaster of Pranic Healing who brought this modality totheworld, and Master Dangel’s vast experience, spanning more than30years, has made him one of the world’s foremost authoritiesinpranic healing technology, becoming Assistant totheGrandMaster.Master Dangel said: “I’ve had incredible results with peoplewithsevere, debilitating conditions, including quadriplegia,maculardegeneration, blindness, deafness, strokes, motor neuronedisease,paralysis etc.”Patients flock from all over Australia and the world toseeMaster Dangel at his Brisbane-based clinic.His thirty years of study has taken him to China,India,Philippines, Hawaii, USA and Tahiti.To see more of Dr. Dangel's great works through testimonialsgoto: information on this application describes the productsandservices Bio Q offers. The information is not offered asmedicaladvice and should not be considered medical advice.Nothingcontained on this application is intended to be used formedicaldiagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of aphysician orother qualified medical professional regarding anymedicalcondition or treatment. If you have any questionsproceduresinvolving the Bio Q systems, contact a qualifiedphysician. Or,contact us on our website
Shiatsu Massage
Learn Shiatsu massage techniques and other massage styles.
Foot Reflexology 1.1.45
Meet and Reflexology treatments Applicable
The Simplyhealth Back Care app 2.7
FivebyFive UK
The Simplyhealth Back Care appsimplyoffershealth information and advice to help you manage andpreventbackpain. There are graphics and videos of exercises for youtofollowand you can input the area and strength of your pain tokeepyourown pain diary. You can also search for practitioners nearyoufromthousands of physiotherapists, chiropractors,osteopathsandacupuncturists.All information and exercises are supplied by theUKcharityBackCare.With this app you'll be able to:- Record where and how severe your own back pain is in the‘MeandMy Back’ diary- Watch and follow exercise videos and animatedillustrationsofcommon back pain relief and preventionexercises- Search for qualified practitioners near youYou can also find information on preventing back pain:- At home- In the office- When driving- When cyclingSimplyhealth has been helping people accessaffordablehealthcarefor over 140 years.BackCare is the UK's only charity solely aimed atreducingtheimpact of back pain on society.
Yang Tai Chi for Beginners 2&3 1.0.9
One hour free! Learn the full Yang-style Tai Chi with instructionbyMaster Yang
Hand Massage 1.5
Hand massage(hand acupuncture/acupressure)isthe most popular and proven healing massage in the world.It has long history from Ancient Orient(China, Japan,Korea,Tibet and etc) and Europe(France, Greece and Sweden) as afolkremedy.This hand massage is a collection of services andvarioustheories spread from all over the world .We collect common acupuncture points and qualified stimulationsfromthose theories.Using this Hand massage application as follow:1. Select physical symptoms in the menu to check for the pointofthe acupressure acupuncture.2. Get acupressure the points with sharp tool which couldnothurt you(your nails also available) by comparing andmatchingpoints in the picture and your hand.3. It is also good way that taping with a firm stuff (such asagrain of rice or bean).4. You can press the point many times in a minute orjustpressing it during long time.5. Do not use this too long time. You can feel dizziness.Please, just use this application helping improveyoursymptoms.Don't confuse. this is not a medical practice.Eye strain, Diet, Carsick, Constipation, Chronicconstipation,Cramps, Diarrhea, Indigestion, Acute indigestion,Hangover, Oversensitive, Headache, Stop smoking, Shoulderdiscomfort, Neck pain,Driving fatigue, Fatigue recovery, Withdrawalsymptoms
Acupuncture 2.0
Marvin Mallon
All you need to know regarding Acupuncture.