Top 4 Apps Similar to WiQi

QI Mobile 2.8
Adaptica a.s.
QI Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system mobile client.Itenables access to selected information from the ERP system.
Qi Informer 4.5.1
Нужно срочно подзарядить смартфон!Оставатьсявсегда на связи легко установив приложение Qi Informer, вкоторомнайдете: адреса, часы работы, описания мест расположенияточекбеспроводной зарядки.С Qi Informer теперь не нужны розетки, шнуры – энергияпередаетсяна расстоянии.An urgent need torechargeyour smartphone! Stay in touch easily by setting QiInformer app,which will find their address, opening hours,descriptions oflocations of wireless charging points.With Qi Informer no longer needed outlet, cords - energyistransmitted at a distance.
Qi検索 by モバイラーズオアシス 20131106
非接触充電「Qi(おくだけ充電)」を地図で探すアプリです。■「電源検索Lite」との違い 「電源検索」には収録されていなかった、ネイルサロンや美容室、コンビニエンスストアなどの情報も収録されています。なお、起動時はQiスポットだけが表示されるようになっていますが、歯車ボタンを押して「電源」の設定を変更すると、Qi以外の、普通のコンセントを使えるお店についても表示することができます。■種類で絞り込みネットカフェは不要、スタバだけ見たい、図書館を探している・・・絞り込み画面で不要なカテゴリのチェックを外すと、必要なスポットだけを表示することが出来ます。■無線LANで絞り込みスポットで使える無線LANの情報も収録しているので、無線LANを使いたいユーザーさんも安心。もちろん、無線LANの種類で絞り込むことが出来ます。Is an app that I lookforthe map "(charging only put) Qi" non-contact charging.■ the difference between "Power Search Lite"Had not been included in the "Power Search", informationandbeauty salon nail salon and convenience store arealsoincluded.In addition, only Qi spot where they will be displayed atstartup,but if you change the setting of "Power" by pressing thegearbutton, it is possible to display also shops to be able to usetheQi, other than outlet ordinary You.■ filter by typeI want to see unnecessary, only Starbucks, clear the checkmarkagainst the unwanted category on the screen Filter ... arelookingfor a library, Internet cafe, you can choose to display onlytherequired spot.■ Filter by Wireless LANBecause I also recorded information of the wireless LAN thatcanbe used in spot, users who want to use a wireless LAN isreliable.Of course, you can narrow down the type of wirelessLAN.
Qualcomm® Insights Events App 1.03
eMbience Inc
Download the Qualcomm® Insights eventsapptoengage hands-on with Qualcomm® technologiesthroughinteractivefeatures, guided audio tours, multimediacontent,augmented realityand more.• Listen to a custom-built guided audio tour of Qualcommdemos• Interact with Qualcomm technology such asaugmentedreality,robotic cars, wireless charging, and more• Find where you need to go with interactive maps• Participate in scavenger hunts at select events• Add favorites and save notes to export, share, and referbacktolater• Get information on how today’s leading companies areusingQualcommtechnology• Stay current with detailed information on demos andexhibitsatrecent, current and future events• Configure notifications for content updates, new events,oralertswhenever you’re near an area of interest• Share insight and content related to Qualcomm demoswithfriendsand colleagues