Top 16 Apps Similar to Noded: Smart Timeline Calendar

Timeline of Events 2.1.2
Timeline of Events is an applicationthatallowsfor graphical representation of important events for youonthehorizontal time axis. Events are placed on the axis ofthecharacterspretty, colorful balloons with a list of thecontents.Under the program, you can:- Define the time interval- Move the timeline on a monthly basis for each ofthedefinedyear- Add, modify, and delete events- Preview the arrangement of events on a timelinePlease send feedback to:
Do-aide: Todo Planner, Tracker 2.0.8
"Do better" than yesterday. This isbaseconcept around which we build Do-aide 2.+. With Do-aide youcanplan your to dos, events, grocery list, tours etc andalsoyou can track how you did a particular or groupoftodos.Our Key Features:-• Three different views(Simple, Medium, Advanced)• Different types of todos(Simple, Multiple Choice, Blank, Counter)to help you do things in a better way• Manual repetition helps you to track when ever it occurred• Graphical representation of your data to better understand howyouare doing• Effective synchronization between multiple devices• One click share to do and list with family ,friends,colleagues• Better interface to plan your day with Timeline• Calendar gives you over all idea of the month• Day planner reminder helps to plan the day• Sticky notification to let you add to do and accesstimelinedirectly from notification bar• add notes to to-dos• Different types of reminder options like One timereminder,recurring reminder for daily, weekly, months,yearly,manual• create and manage your own to do lists• And many many moreWhat are views ?Do-aide has lot of features. Some might feel it a bit complex.Viewshelps you to access Do-aide as you want.Simple View: Do-aide with minimal features(No custom lists,nosub tasks, no notes, no priority).Medium View: Do-aide as general todo app(custom lists,subtasks,notes, priority).Advanced View: Do-aide with all its features(different typesoftodos, Tracker, Statistics, Manual repetition etc)What are types of todos ?Different types(Simple, Multiple Choice, Blank, Counter )oftodos helps you to track different types of data.What is so special in Do-aide?Do-aide contains lot of unique features and the best of allisits ability to track "how you did a particular todo".Lets say,You need to take medicine daily at 9:00 Am.Generallytodo apps are helpful to remind you daily at 9:00 Am. Butafter aweek if you want see how many times you have taken themedicine,they are not so useful but with Do-aide you can checkHow manytimes you took it and how many times you didn't. You canalso seeindividual report and also through beautifulgraphs.Have any questions ?• Have too many to dos, can I search ?yes you can search to easily find what you are looking for• Search is good, but what about sort ?you can sort alphabetically, due date, creation date, priority• Different reminder time from due time ?Doaide supports different time for reminders. Lets say your duetimeis 9:00 Am, you can set the reminder for different time letssay8:45 Am to remind you earlier• Want have auto reminder option ?you can do this by enabling auto reminder option in settings.• It will be great if there is a popup with sub to-dosbeforemarking task completedfor to dos with pending sub to-dos a pop up will be displayedbeforemarking to-do completed.Plan better with Timeline ?Timeline gives you better idea of what the day is all about.Ithelps to track the day better. what you did in that day if itisfrom past and what you are planning to do if it is in future.Youcan plan your complete day from timeline.Calendar helps to give idea of what that month is about. Itshowsthe no of pending and total to dos for a each day of themonth.What more in timeline ?• Timeline divides the day into5sessions(Dawn,Morning,Afternoon,Evening,Night) and 24 hours• Allows full screen mode and zoom-in mode(Just click and holdonsessions or hours)• Timeline even allows you to plan for minutes in zoom-in mode.
AT - Time Progress Widget 1.3.0
AT is a timeline widget. Using theAT'stimeline graphs, you can quickly figure out how much time islefton your deadlines.Using AT's widget, quickly check out how many days areremainingtill your next big test, figure out how many months areremainingtill your next event or even keep track of how many yearstill your10 year anniversary.Take advantage of our time management reminder using AT!You can pick cute characters to add your own AT timeline.If you are student, try to add a semester AT.*Tip!- Press & hold AT to change AT order.Contact or bug [email protected]
Timelines 2.20.21
Andy Harris
Compare times across multiple timezones. Handy for catching upwithfamily, friends or colleagues all over the world. 'The nightisnearly over; the day is almost here.'
ZenDay: Calendar, Tasks, To-do 2.5.0
With ZenDay, be better organized, maintain your work/lifebalanceandfight procrastination. Stop listing tasks… plan yourtime! Ouruniqueintegration of your tasks inside your 3D timelineshows whatyou canachieve today, with the work hours you set foryourself.Tasks"float" and ZenDay re-schedules them automaticallyin youravailabletime: no more "dummy meetings" in your calendarthat youneed to movemanually! ZenDay changes the color of thetasks thatare almost dueor overdue, so you can act before it's toolate. Andfinally you candebrief what was done on time recently, soyou cansee how you'veimproved over time. All this in a dynamic 3Dview,like a GPS of yourtime: move forward and up towards yourgoals.Some detailed features:Sync with your calendars, add yourto-dosin your timeline and planall your commitments in one place.Withour unique ZenDay 3Dtimeline, you can clearly see what’s aheadofyou, so you can takethe right action. • schedule tasks&meetings • sync with allyour calendars • prioritize yourtasks andset future tasks • dynamicscheduling: your tasks followthe flowof time • set your deadlinesand get reminded • debrief onyourprevious weeks It’s intuitive:zoom in, zoom out, moveyourtimeline. It’s simple: do everything inthe 3D view. And ZenDayismuch more than a simple organizer... itwill soon becomeyourpersonal time coach. ZenDay requires Android 4or higher. Ifyouhave any problems, please contact [email protected] for helping us make itbetter!Follow us on Twitter: Like usonFacebook: Explanations forsomeof thesensitive permissions we're requesting: - CALL_PHONE:youcancreate a task starting with "Call" then choose acontact(usingauto-completion), and later call directly that personbytapping onthe task and tapping on the Call button in thetoolbar.-ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION: using when displaying a Google Mapontheright pane when there's a Location set in anEvent.-READ_CALL_LOGS: used by the Widget that lists whathappenedtoday.We display missed calls so you can call them back.-READ_CONTACTS:used when entering a new Task, and using a"Verb"like "Call" or"eMail", then a contact's name.-READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS andWRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS: asaconvenience, we display browserbookmarks in our web view intheright pane. *** Featured onSamsung's S Suggest *** *** FeaturedonGoogle Play: App to watch,Play Pick *** *** Selected byGoogleIndia as Best App for EverydayLife for 2013***
TimeTune - Schedule Planner 4.11
Schedule planner for your agenda. Daily planner and routineplannerto save time
CalenGoo - Calendar and Tasks
CalenGoo is a flexible and extensivecalendarapp with integrated task management. It is designed to makeiteasier and faster to work with your calendar on your phone. Byitsdiverse configuration options you can customize it to suityourneeds. This way your appointments and tasks are presented inaclear way that makes planning easier.By integrating the Android calendar, it can be synced withmanycalendar systems such as Google, Exchange, CalDAV and iCloud.Inaddition, a direct sync with Google Calendar is integrated thatyoucan use to sync all your past and future events.Using the five calendar views (day, week, month, agenda, year)youcan view your appointments and tasks in differentways.Appointments can be color coded and you can copy and movethemusing drag&drop.Under "Settings > Design" you can choose fromdifferentdesigns.Tasks can be managed in the task view and synced withGoogleCalendar. Just add your Google account under "Settings>Tasks".A built-in Evernote sync allows you to display Evernoteremindersand you can attach Evernote notes to appointments.If you have any questions or problems, [email protected]. You can open the settings using theicon withthe three dots in the top right corner.Additional features:- Drag&drop to copy, move, open and delete events- A wide selection of widgets (day, week, month, list, tasks)- Sharing calendars with other people and inviting peopletoappointments (via Google Calendar).- Supports the same recurrence rules for recurring events asGoogleCalendar- Icons can be assigned to events (when syncing directlywithGoogle) and are also displayed in Google Calendar- Improved time and date picker- Search function- Various reminder functions- Multiple reminder types when syncing with GoogleCalendar(SMS,email and pop-up)- The birthdays and anniversaries of your contacts canbedisplayed.- Floating and completable events( )- Appointments can be sent by SMS or email. When sending thembyemail, an ICS file can be attached so that the recipient canimportthe appointment directly.- Calendars can be exported and imported as ICS files.- Templates can be created to quickly create newappointments.Templates can also be combined.- Print function to print various calendar views into aPDFfile- Android Wear support for creating appointments and tasksbyvoice.- Local attachments- Tasks in events- Contacts can be linked to eventsFor more details please see here:http://android.calengoo.comAdditionally you can add ideas or vote for ideason you can find a free 3-day trial versionhere:
Planner Pro - Daily Calendar 6.2
Beesoft Apps
A daily organizer app to sync with google calendar andsupportstasks & notes.
XPlanner 1.8.93
Convenient scheduler and electronic service report onAndroiddevices now!
Planificador de tareas 1.0
Aplicación que facilita al usuario la gestión de tareas y listasdetareas. TaskPlanner permite realizar una gestión completa desustareas, subtareas y listas de tareas. GESTIÓN DE TAREASYSUBTAREAS: - Crear, modicar y borrar tareas y subtareas. Paracrearuna subtarea, basta con indicar el nombre de la tarea padre alaque pertenece. - Crear tareas y subtareas a partir de unemail(GMail). - Organizar las tareas por listas de tareas, fechasyprioridades. - Añadir a una tarea una fotografía desde la galeríaotomada con la cámara del dispositivo. - Sincronizar las tareasdela aplicación con el calendario personal del usuario enGoogleCalendar.* GESTIÓN DE LISTAS DE TAREAS - Crear, modicar yborrar delistas de tareas. - Ver el contenido de las diversaslistas detareas de la aplicación. - Ver el calendario detareascorrespondiente a un mes. - La aplicación proporcionalassiguientes listas de tareas por defecto: TODO, muestra todaslastareas en la aplicación. HOY, muestra las tareascorrespondientes ala fecha de hoy. HECHO, muestra las tareas quehan sido marcadascomo completadas. PRIORIDAD, muestra las tareasordenadas según suprioridad. CADUCADAS, muestra las tareas que nohan sidocompletadas antes de su fecha de realización. *Parapodersincronizar tareas con Google Calendar, es necesario completarlosdatos de usuario en la aplicación.
Notepad tree text notes
Memz - The premier Android (and web)notepadapp with top notch outlining (hierarchy) capabilities and somuchmore!Install Memz today to experience note taking andinformationmanagement at its best!Have you ever struggled trying to organize and outline yournotes,ideas and projects, give them proper structure usingconventionalnotes application?Have you ever wished you could organize and outline yournotes,ideas and projects the way you organize files and folders onyourcomputer?If you have, suffer no longer. is the outliner app youwerelooking for.With you can find a proper place for every noteyoutake.Remembered, that you need to buy something in weekend shopping?Puta note in hierarchy "Personal notes" > "Shopping list">"Weekend".Have a project idea? Put it into folder "Work notes" >"Projects"> "Ideas".Keep your diary under "Personal notes" > "Diary" hierarchyorsimple in "Diary" folder.Outline, organize and re-organize your notes, ideas and projectsasit's convenient for you.Don't limit your imagination with other note organizers - Breakfreewith Memz - the best hierarchical task planner appforAndroid!Keep your notes safe and secure with advanced can encrypt your notes and backups using AES 256bitencryption approved by the National Security Agency for topsecretinformation. It doesn't store or send your password anywhere- yournotes are absolutely safe.With Memz's unique outlining method you can:* Create, edit, store and share thousands of notes withnocompromise on the apps performance* Arrange, rearrange & structure your notes withunlimitedhierarchy depth.* Copy, move, & delete single notes or entirehierarchies.* Mark tasks as "completed" or add to "favorites" forquickaccess.* Automated note synchronisation to all your Android devicesandaccess from your PC or Mac through webinterface (we use our proprietary highlyreliable andsecure infrastructure for data synchronisation andbackup)Also, enjoy these other unique features not found in otheroutlineapps:* A gorgeous interface that is easy on the eyes, and makesefficientuse of your valuable screen space!* State of the art AES 256 bit encryption (both app & web)withencrypted password protection! Encrypt individual notes ortheentire app! No need to enter your password every time you opentheapp. Just tell Memz how long to wait before locking!* Instantly search your notes with single or multiplekeywords!Results instantly appear!* Customize the app to your hearts desire! From variousthemecombinations , to note font size, to list font size, tovisibleoutline depth Memz has you covered!Our users:* Businessmen* Priests* Project managers* Teachers* Students* Writers* ScientistsAnyone who has to deal with large volume of information usesouroutliner.Look at our ratings - all those creative and smart it yourself and you will understand why.But wait! We're not done!We fully intend to gradually transform Memz into a featurepackedpowerhouse for total information management! Whether youareproductivity oriented, in business, or have a creative flair,ourfuture road map will give you what you need! Here is a peekintothe future of Memz:* Note customization with text styles (bold,italics,underlining)* Photo & file attachment & synchronization* Note tagging* Note linking* Reminder integration* Calendar feature* Paint & draw notes* Unique, first of its kind tiering structure forwebsiteintegration* etc. Stay tuned!With Memz your note taking & information management needswillbe met, both now and well into the future! DownloadMemztoday!
Business Calendar
This is the Free Version of BusinessCalendar:an all-round, complete calendar app for higheststandards,customizable and with perfect Google sync.★ "Our favorite calendar app on Android, due to its flexibilityandease of use." - Lifehacker 01/2014 ★★ "One of the best Calendar Apps for 2014" - FastCompany ★FeaturesFOR A CLEARER VIEW ON EVENTS & APPOINTMENTS▪ Quick Day View: For a fast overview to all events of theday▪ Favorite Bar: For direct access to all your calendars▪ Smooth Scroll and Zoom: For better, intuitive interactionDetails● graphical and textual presentation● scroll- and zoomable multi-day view (1-14 days)● month, agenda, day and event view● color-coded year view● search function● configurable widgets in different sizes for month, week,agendaand day view● easy switching between timeline bars and event titles inmonthview● intuitive handling: just move your finger over some daysofinterest in month view to open them in the multi-day view● many options for recurrent events (e.g. an event that takesplaceevery other week on Tuesday and Thursday)● birthday calendar● context-sensitive help system to optimizeyourworkflow This free version is ad-supported, but still fully functional.Ifyou’re a heavy calendar user, we believe the best solution foryouis the Pro Version: without ads, with more usefulfeatures,like:+ Manage Contacts: Link your events and appointmentswithyour contacts+ Customizable Templates: Create your own templates fornewevents+ Multi-Select: For deleting, moving, or copyingmultipleevents+ Import & Export: Quickly import all yourcalendars,export them in .ics format+ Drag’n’drop: Move and copy events easily in themulti-dayview+ Tasks Add-On: Use the integrated task-management toolforsyncing with Google Tasks & Toodledo+ App Theming: Light and dark theme for the app+ Advanced Widgets: Set colors, font sizesandcalendars
DigiCal Calendar Agenda 2.1.8
🏆 Favorite: best calendar apps for Android–The Next Web🏆 DigiCal is one of the most flexible, customizable calendars–Lifehacker  Our daily planner has a clean design and multiple agenda viewstomake scheduling quick and easy.  ☁ SYNC WITH GOOGLE CALENDAR, OUTLOOK AND EXCHANGE  📆 7 POWERFUL AND CLEAN AGENDA VIEWSSchedule appointments with our easy to use planner that offerstheday, week, agenda, month, text month, list and year view toallyour events.  📅 6 BEAUTIFUL AND EASY CUSTOMIZABLE CALENDAR WIDGETSUse our planner to organize and get a clear overview of yourbusyschedule with 9 beautiful pre-set themes available for thelist,grid, day, day list, text month and month widgets  🎄 PREMIUM HOLIDAY, SPORTS, TV, FINANCE AND LIFESTYLECALENDAR⚽Get access to more than 560k+ public holiday, sports andTVschedules worldwide that you can add to your agenda.  ☔ GLOBAL WEATHER FORECASTDetailed weather info is displayed in our planner:temperature,humidity, precipitation, pressure, cloud cover, wind,sunrise andsunset  🌃 MATERIAL DESIGN DARK THEMEImprove visibility at night and save energy  🌈 42 COLORS FOR EASIER ORGANIZING!Lots of color options for your organizer includingcolorsynchronization with Google Calendar.  🔰 BUILT-IN LOCATION SEARCHFaster address entry with Google Places Autocomplete  🔔 Notifications with snooze, maps and navigation🔒 Local calendar for extra privacy, no syncing required📆 Combined date & time picker for faster scheduling🎊 Manage invitations with RSVP and reply to event organizerandguests✈ Schedule your appointments in both local and foreigntimezone🌉 Event image matching in 27 languages  ☀ PREMIUM WEATHER FORECAST- Detailed hourly weather forecast for the next 48 hours, and3hourly for the next 15 days- Interactive temperature and precipitation graph- Manage and save your favorite weather locations  🌟 DigiCal+ features:- 2 extra widgets: month widget and month calendar widget- Year view with heat map for spotting free and busy period- Unlock new customization options for the calendar widgetsandagenda views- 7 extra widget themes- 42 theme colors- Custom snooze option- No ads  Tutorial:  Need help?  Website:  Facebook:  Google+:  BetaChannel:  Twitter:
Google My Maps
Google LLC
Google My Maps is your way to keep track of the places thatmattertoyou. Easily make custom maps to remember yourfavoriteplaces,explore new cities, or plan great vacations. MAKETHE MAPYOUR OWNPersonalize your custom maps and take them withyouanywhere.Search for new places to save to the map or drop apinright whereyou're standing. SHARE YOUR WORLD Need a way toshowyour friendsaround town? Make a map of your favorite placesandbecome avirtual tour guide. You can even collaborate and makegreatmapstogether. ALL YOUR MAPS WHERE YOU NEED THEM Start making amaponthe web and keep editing it in the app - or make a new maponthego. ____ Need help? Visit•For the Google Maps app, go here: •Tofixproblems with Google Maps data, please use GoogleMapMaker( or report aproblem(
Calendar+ Schedule Planner 1.09.36
Calendar+: Sync, customize & optimize scheduling!