Top 6 Apps Similar to Juegos Pollitos Lite

School Link 1.4
School Link is the simplest app you can usetocommunicate with school teachers and admins. Receive your marksinschool exams, feedback messages from teachers and talk tothemdirectly. To start using it, ask your school for aconnectioncode.- Download the app.- Enter your connection code.-Get Marks, Messages and Communicate with the school.- Receive class schedule, regular attendance report.- Receive exams notifications and marks.- Get school events' calendar and announcements.Contact us [email protected] ifyourschool is not subscribed with us.
LINK for Schools 3.0.1
Link is an Innovative CommunicationChannelbetween parents and their child's EducationalInstitution.Link seeks to improve efficiency of the system through deliveryofrelevant and customized notifications to the parents,therebybringing a more effective development of the child.Features:• Slate – View all messages from the School administration aswellas teachers in a single, convenient window• Calendar – View all events corresponding to the school inacalendar format with detailed descriptions. The events canberelated to To-Do, Holidays, Fees Due, etc.• Time Table – View the child’s weekly timetable in a simpleformatwith details on classes, sports and other activities. TheTimeTable can be exported to printable pdf format• Grades – View the child’s grades categorized by monthandsubject with an option to export into a printable pdf format• Transportation – View the location of the school bus inwhichyour child travels (if enabled by the school)Link works in conjunction with an online messaging systemthatneeds to be implemented at the Education Institution.Please note: To use the application you will require an IDandpassword as provided by your child’s EducationalInstitution.
The colors Game Spanish 1.54
A simple application for children 0-7yearsold,to teach them the different basic colors.While we have a simple and easy game to be funandbetterknowledge.The game consists of 4 phases.- Match the colors with objects and hit the right- List of all objects with their voices- Card game to sharpen your wits and speed, has 8differentgameswith different levels- Balls Game, a simple app that is that the littlemustconvertall colored balls in a single color.This app is only in spanishYou bet your son thinks, this game will improve,learnandenjoy.In the game all kinds of objects appear including:tree,turtle,musical notes, a chicken, a rubber duck, a basketball,acat,snowman, a dolphin, shirts, peacock, a parakeet, thesky,clouds,stars, sun and many more objects.The perfect and simple game to learn and fun colors.
Canciones infantiles 1.9
QLL Studio
Los niños les encanta escuchar las cancionesdecuna que se presten en melodías populares. Esta aplicación ayudaalos niños a escuchar y aprender las canciones de cuna!Canciones infantiles 2016 favoritas cantar y aprender,cancionesgratuitas para los niños y siempre será actualizadoSuper divertido, educativo y muy interactivo paraniñospequeñosUna maravillosa aplicación canciones de cuna para su niño acantarcon la música★★ canciones infantiles Lista ★★★ A la rueda rueda de San Miguel San Miguel & A la víbora delamar y A mi burro le duele la cabeza★ Arroz con leche y aserrín aserrán Y ESTE dedito COMPROUNhuevito★ cu cu Cantaba la rana y de Cuando tengas los muchas ganasdeaplaudir y Debajo de la ONU Botón★ Dos pececitos se were un nadar y El Barquito Chiquitito y Elpatiode mi casa canción infantil★ EN LA BATALLA DEL CALENTAMIENTO y Estrellita dónde estásyJuguemos en el bosque★ La pájara pinta y la vaca lechera y Los pollitos dicen piopiopio★ Martinillo y MATERILERILELO & Mi Carita redondita★ Patico patico el color de cafetería y Pin Pon Es Un muñecoPinochoy canción★ Que llueva que llueva & Sol solecito luna lunera y Tengounamuñeca vestida de azul★ tres elefantes se balanceaban y una rata vieja★★ Nota ★★★ Los datos se almacenan en el teléfono. Usted necesita la redparadescargar datos!★ Sólo tienes que descargar cada canción una vez y luego nohaynecesidad de transmitir.¿Por qué los padres y los niños les encanta la aplicacióndenosotros?★ Muestra la letra en el centro de la pantalla ayuda a los niñosaleer melodías musicales.★ Es como un libro de cuentos canción interactiva.★ Los niños pueden leer y cantar a lo largo de suscancionesinfantiles favoritas.★ Los niños aprenderán canciones de cuna y disfrutar almismotiempo.★ Las letras son fáciles de entender. También se muestranenpantalla para que un niño puede leer y aprender más rápido.★ Es gratis y siempre★ Vamos a actualizar de forma continua, ¿Alguna sugerencia porfavorenvíelas a nuestro buzón de correo electrónico.¡Muchas gracias!Children love to listentolullabies rendered in popular melodies. This applicationhelpschildren to listen and learn lullabies!2016 favorite sing nursery rhymes and learn, free songs forchildrenand always be updatedSuper fun, educational and highly interactive foryoungchildrenA wonderful application lullabies to your child to singwithmusicNursery rhymes ★★ ★★ List        ★ wheel A wheel of San Miguel San Miguel & A Viper and theseaMy donkey has a headache★ Rice pudding and sawdust aserrán And this little piggy BOUGHTAhuevito★ cu cu Frog and sang When you have the eager to applaud andUNUnder ButtonWere ★ Two little fish swimming and one Barquito Chiquitito andmybackyard The nursery rhyme★ IN THE BATTLE OF HEATING and Estrellita where you are and playinthe woods★ The slut paints and Dairy Cow and Chicks say Pio Pio Pio★ Martinillo and plump MATERILERILELO & Mi Carita★ patico Patico color bar and Pin Pon is a Pinocchio dollandsong★ it rains or solecito Sun & Moon lunera and I have adolldressed in blue★ three elephants swayed and an old rat Note ★★ ★★★ The data is stored on the phone. You need the network todownloaddata!★ Just download each song once and then no need to transmit.Why parents and kids love the application of us?★ Shows the letter in the center of the screen helps childrentoread musical tunes.★ It's like an interactive storybook song.★ Children can read and sing along to your favoritenurseryrhymes.★ Kids will learn nursery rhymes and enjoy at the same time.★ The lyrics are easy to understand. Also shown on the screen forachild can read and learn faster.★ It's free and always★ We will update continuously, Any suggestions please send themtoour mail box.Thank you!
Mis ArtMigos del MACEW 1.0
**APP solo para tabletas**Con contenidos seguros para la infancia y lajuventud,ydesarrollada junto a pedagogos, Mis ArtMigos del MACEWsonunosdivertidos personajes que te acompañarán en eldescubrimientodeuna selección de obras del Museo de ArteContemporáneoEduardoWesterdahl –el primer museo de artecontemporáneo inauguradoenEspaña–Esta App es la culminación de un proyectoeducativodeacercamiento de la infancia al arte, desarrollado enelColegioPúblico Juan Cruz Ruiz (Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife,España)con elalumnado de 6º de Primaria y en el que se han creadomultituddeintervenciones didácticas con la obra del MACEW.En 'Mis ArtMigos del MACEW' las obras de arte se muestrandeformadivertida, con sencillos juegos que potencian lacreatividad,laexploración del arte y el entretenimiento, y secomplementanconparte del material educativo creado por el alumnadodelColegioJuan Cruz Ruiz (como fichas didácticas de las obras,poemasconinspiración en las obras o versiones de las mismascreadas porlosniños y niñas del colegio) y con las obras musicalesquelacompositora croata por Milena Perisic ha creado paraloscuadrosdel museo y cedido para este proyecto.En la App encontrarás juegos de lógica, de memoriayjuegoscreativos que te permitirán crear tus propias versionesdeloscuadros y compartirlas con quien desees.Tablets APP ** only **With insurance for children and youth, anddevelopedwitheducators content of MACEW My ArtMigos are somefunnycharacterswho will accompany you on the discovery of aselection ofworksfrom the Museum of Contemporary Art EduardoWesterdahl -thefirstcontemporary art museum opened in Spain-This app is the culmination of an educational outreachprojectforchildren to art, developed in the Public School JuanCruzRuiz(Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain) with students from6thgradeand which have created many didactic interventions withthework ofMACEW.'My ArtMigos the MACEW' works of art are displayed in afunway,with simple games that encourage creativity, exploration ofartandentertainment, and are supplemented by part oftheeducationalmaterial created by students of the College JuanCruzRuiz (asflashcards of works, poems inspired by the worksorversionsthereof created by children from school) and musicalworksbyCroatian composer Milena Perisic created for pictures onloantothe museum and this project.In the App you will find games of logic, memory andcreativegamesthat allow you to create your own versions of thepicturesand sharethem with anyone you want.
Starfall 3.2.36
Starfall offers numerous activities. Become a subscriber toaccessall content.