Top 14 Games Similar to Lanmis

Stock and Inventory Management System 1.6
Magnetic Lab
Stock and Inventory Management System is an app that managesandtracks your product stock and control inventory. This appmanagesproduct by adding product details like name, product id, buyrate,and description about product. It also manages producttransactions– in (import) /out (export). It shows low stockproducts based onlow product limit set in settings. Low stockproduct list helps youto decide what to buy to control inventory.Stock and InventoryManagement System app features : - A free,simple, and compact appthat manages product stock and inventory. -Manages product detailsby add, update and delete product details. -Manages product importand export transactions easily. - Showssummary of import, exportand in hand stock of each product. - ShowsLow stock products listbased on setting low stock warning value. -Provides QR and barcode scanner for reading product code. - ShowsPie chart report ofproduct in (import), product out (export), andin hand stock helpsyou to analyze the stock easily. - ProvidesBackup and restorefeatures for stock data - Search and filterutilities are availablefor easily search products and filtertransactions. - Exportsproduct and transaction detail reports inExcel or PDF. Thesereports can be opened, shared and deleted.
Vibro. Profile Scheduler
Simple profile scheduler
eStock: Stock Manager, Invento 1.6
A simple utility that manages your product stock andinventoryeasily
Color My Life 1.6.5
Color My Life® is a cataloging app designed exclusively forpapercrafters.
Sales Tracker 2.2.6
Sales Tracker is a handy tool for you to manage salesandprofit.Sales Tracker provides friendly UI to enter sales ofproductorservice easily. You can import sales record from ebay,market, csv file. You can view sales record and profitbyweekly,monthly, and yearly profit trends with bar chart andlinechart.[Features] 1. Trace sales and profit with daily,weekly,monthlyand yearly 2. Add/delete/edit sales record 3. Importsales,itemfrom csv file 4. Sort/filter sales record 5. Bar chartandlinechart (require internet) 6. Sales report in csv, html andexcelxml7. Export/Email sales report 8. Backup and restore databasetoSDcard, Dropbox™ and Google Docs 9. Auto backup database toSDcardwhen exiting the app 10. Auto backup database toDropbox™whenexiting the app 11. Manageable currency 12.Configurable firstdayof week 13. Configurable date format, timeformat 14.Passwordprotection 15. Add new record with default value16.Default emailaddress for receiving report 17. Share databasewithmultipledevices by using Dropbox™ 18. more... ※ If you liketheapp, thenplease give us a good rating as the driving forcebehindourcontinued development, thank you. ※ Since we can't replyreviewsinthe market, if you have any suggestions or questionsplease mailtoour mailbox directly. For market reviews, please justleaveyourrating and cheers, thanks again. kw: sales logger, saleslog,salestracking, sales track, track sales, track profit,salesreport,sales management, profit tracker, profit logger,profittrack,sale, sales
KaHero POS - Point of Sale 1.1.824
Shed the management burden of your SME off your shoulders byusingone of the most reliable, seamless, and scalable salestrackerMobile POS app. No need to waste your time and efforts inmanagingthe sales records and business transactions as this remotePOS appwill enable you to keep a record of payments through amobile cashregister in offline/online mode. You can also use thisapp as aninventory manager and employee shift tracker to ensuresmoothbusiness management without any errors and discrepancies.Count inthis app to be a helpful resource for managing your smallbusinessand unlock your business’s full potential in a few days.Try itnow! Business Transactions Made Easier Manage yourbusinesstransactions easily by using this robust POS app.Streamline yourdaily operations and get help from top-notch POStechnology totrack transactions and manage sales. Quick and EasyCustomizationAdd inventory items to your listing and segregate themintodifferent categories depending upon the nature of yourbusiness.You can also add discount lists in the app as well asapply taxesto different products available for sale in yourinventory. Use theapp to make transactions, track deposits, andmanage all therefunds related to your business operations in ajiffy! EnjoyOffline Transactions Run your business from anywhere atany time byusing offline retail POS app. No need to connect withWiFi to usethis app as it works equally well in offline mode.SynchronizeQuickbooks Enable Quickbooks synchronization and enjoyautomaticupdating of sales records and data online. Track EmployeeShiftsUse the app to track and log the employee shifts. Tracktheirworking hours and make sure everything goes smoothly inyourbusiness. Draft Sales Reports The app offers a versatile suitofPOS features. You can generate in-detail sales reports andsendthem to anyone to share analytics. How to use Kahero – OfflinePOSSystem & Cash Register • Download and launch the Mobile POSapp• Sign up as a small business and start adding items to retailPOS• Set price, apply a discount or evaluate tax on items • Keeptrackof transactions from a mobile point of sale system • Generateandsend sales tracker reports • Add and track employee shifts andpayswith billing software • Enable Quickbooks synchronizationforretail POS record keeping Features of Kahero – Offline POSSystem& Cash Register • Simple and easy point of sale systemappUI/UX • Highly appealing and clutter-free mobile POS app layout•Smooth controls and easy navigation for seamless transactions•Add, edit or delete inventory items easily using retail POS •Keepa record of transactions using billing software • Adddiscountprices and tax percentage on inventory items • Safe andsecuresales tracker app that generates and sends in-depth salesreports •Compatible with Quickbooks for automatic datasynchronization •Employee shift log and shift tracker Mobile POSapp • Offline andonline sales and transaction tracking with thisapp • Managebusiness receipts and inventory listings • 24/7 chatsupport toassist you in understanding the app • Safe and secure POSapp thatallows smooth business management Are you tired of managingthesales of your small or medium-sized business setup? Would youliketo automate the sales tracking by using a strong billingsoftware?Download and use Kahero – Offline POS System & CashRegister tosave the day today!
Closer to you: Conversation ga 1.0.4
Weekly Conversation Starters & Topics with emotionrecognitionfrom voice
DaySmart Body Art Software 8.0.0
DaySmart Body Art Software is an easy to useappointmentschedulingapp for tattoo parlor owners, tattoo/piercingartists,and boothrenters that lets you manage your tattoo businesson thego. Tryour free 14 day trial. Paid subscription requiredafter freetrialends or simply cancel during trial and you will notbe billedforanything. EASY-TO-USE APPOINTMENT BOOK Quickly flipthrough daysonyour calendar, view and schedule appointments, andbook timeblocksto mark yourself off the appointment book. DaySmartBodyArtSoftware is a great scheduler app for any size tattooparlor,andtattoo studio owners and managers can even checkouttheappointment schedule of any of their tattoo or piercingartists.Ifyou’re an independent contractor or chair renter, italsoworksgreat for booth renter scheduling. EASILY MANAGE CLIENTINFOViewyour clients’ notes, see what products andservicesthey’vepurchased in the past, all their upcomingappointments, andevensend them a quick text or e-mail right fromthe app. DaySmartBodyArt Software is a useful tattoo studio clientmanager and makesiteasy to keep up-to-date and in contact with allof yourstudio’sclients. MANAGE TIME BLOCKS Not just anappointmentscheduler, youcan block out time on your calendar to leteverybodyat the studioknow when you’re not available. Theappointment bookis alwaysin-sync, so everybody will instantly knowyouravailability. CREDITCARD PROCESSING Process credit cards rightfromyour device. Youcan swipe cards using a convenient mobilecreditcard reader, ortype in credit card information to processcreditcard or debitcard transactions. Even e-mail a receipt whenyou’redone! PRODUCTSALES AND INVENTORY Manage your parlor‘sproductinventory, andeven sell products to clients right on yourphone ortablet.Inventory is maintained automatically as productsare sold,so youcan always know how much retail product you have inthetattoo shopat any time. ONLINE BOOKING Create acompletelycustomized websitefor your business and allow clients torequestappointments throughyour website or Facebook page. You'llbeautomatically notified ofnew appointment requests in the appandonce you accept or rejectthe request, DaySmart Body ArtSoftwarewill handle notifying theclient by e-mail. OVER 25 TATTOOPARLORREPORTS Check your totalstudio sales, percentage that artistsarebooked, product inventorylevels, and more right from yourphone.We’ve included over 25comprehensive business reports tomakerunning your tattoo shopfrom anywhere a breeze. OTHER FEATURES•View your appointment bookschedule, and even create ormodifyappointments on your calendar •Close tickets with any paymenttype,including credit cards • Add,modify, and remove clients •Add,modify, and remove products •Add, modify, and remove services •Addand manage artist tips • Addand modify employees • Manageemployeeonline accounts •Customizable categories and settings •Call ortext clients rightfrom your phone SUPPORT QUESTIONS Ifyouexperience any problemsplease contact our customersupportspecialists via e-mail [email protected] or by phone at(800)604-2040.
Stock Manager on Mobile and Laptop 2.4
Stock Manager on Mobile and Laptop which help inmakingbills/invoice. Shop manager is a GST Invoice bookkeepingandinventory management for Business owners. Replaces paperinvoiceand old e-billing softwares for retail or wholesale shops,expensereceipt software to versatile charging bookkeepingapplication.Shop Owners can use this Bookkeeping application toshare Inventorydetails, Customers/supplier ledger and real-timereports withco-works. *Enables Free Invoicing and Billing. Makesolicitationsin receipt group. *Manage your stock - (Stock in outapplication).*Check cost reports and track your operationalexpense. *Get DayBook, Income explanation and all GST reports toknow your businessstatus. With this bookkeeping application, Youcan likewise: •Getall GST reports and use them for GST recording.•Print and ShareInvoices with your clients on WhatsApp/SMS. •GetDay Book to checkBusiness every day salary record. •Maintains everyday deal buyrecord to create benefit and misfortune Report. •It isyour Expenseadministrator for business
Simple Diet Diary 1.16.2
Martin Stone
Log your daily nutrients and more.
Updoc: Health diary 2.4.4
Updoc Health
A neat and easy way to keep track of your health!
Stock Controller - inventories 5.2.1
XNR Sisbi
Need to manage your business inventories? This is the right appforyou.
Quick Inventory 9.10.0-inApp
Easy way and quick count inventory
ARE 5 Architecture Flashcards
400+ must-know flashcards of concepts to improve your confidenceforthe ARE 5!