Top 8 Apps Similar to Blue Star Savior

Fakultní nemocnice v Ostravě 1.2.0
Potřebujete rychle najít kontakt na některouzambulancí FNO? Zajímají vás ordinační hodiny? V záložceOrdinacemůžete během pár vteřin vyhledat kterékoli pracoviště FNO.Součástíadresáře jsou samozřejmě i aktuální telefonní čísla.Máte zdravotní obtíže, ale nejste si jistí, kteréholékařevyhledat? Záložka Vaše obtíže vám poradí, k jakémuspecialistovi seobjednat. Potom už není nic jednoduššího než seprokliknout nainteraktivní Mapu, abyste po areálu FNOnebloudili.Pokud už máte u lékaře sjednaný termín, nastavte si upomínkuvzáložce Moje data. Najdete tu i praktický poznámkový blok.Součástí mobilní aplikace FNO je i záložka První pomoc. Tavezkratce radí, jak postupovat v pěti stavech ohrožujícíchživot(bezvědomí, poruchy dýchání, zástava srdce, velké zevníkrvácení,šok).You need to quickly findacontact to one of the ambulances FNO? Are you interested inopeninghours? In the tab surgery can in a few seconds find anyworkplaceFNO. Part of the directories are of course the actualnumbers.Do you have health problems, but you're not sure which doctortosearch for? Bookmark your difficulties will advise you onwhatspecialist to make an appointment. Then there is nothingeasierthan to click through to interactive Map to the campusFNOastray.If you already have a doctor agreed deadline, set a reminderinthe My Data tab. There is also a practical notebook.Part of mobile applications FNO is the First Aid tab. That inanutshell advise on how to proceed in fivelife-threateningconditions (unconsciousness, respiratory failure,cardiac arrest,major external bleeding, shock).
It is part of the patient education programinorder to help the patients understand the various stages ofplaqueformation leading to symptoms.It explains the causes andsymptomsarising out of plaque formation in coronary arteries, likeStableAngina, Unstable Angina, Myocardial Infarction, CongestiveHeartFailure, Cardiogenic Shock and Cardiac Arrest.When the device camera is focused on the printed target(image),3D model of a heart will appear on it. On tapping on the"Start"button the app shows the three coronary arteries andexplains theirfunctions. It then guides the user to go ahead andlook at thevarious stages of plaque formation in the coronaryartery bytapping on the hotspot on the artery.The 3D model of the section of the coronary arterydemonstratesthe various stages of plaque formation.There are buttons to mute/ unmute the voice over (in caserequiredby the user), skip stages (where required), save the targetimageto take a print and also to recommend the app to friends.To skip any stage, tap on the check box for 'Skip'.Afterskipping one stage, to see the next stage, first tap on'Skip"button again (to unskip) and then tap on 'Unmute' button togoahead.
ZOLL PocketCPR 4.5
ZOLL Medical
PocketCPR for Android ™providesREAL-TIMEfeedback and instructions on CPR that empowersANYONE tolearn andpractice CPR, so that they can be READY whensecondsreally count!The technology is the same as that used inPocketCPR,anFDA-cleared device, for actual rescue from suddencardiac arrest.Pocket CPR for Android is a must-have app for anyone whowantstolearn how to perform CPR with accuracy. The PocketCPR canbeused inCPR training programs and for individual practice athomeor atwork. It is a great tool for families to learn CPR inorderto beprepared if a loved one needs their help.PocketCPR for Android:• Actively utilizes the accelerometer hardware in thephoneforreal-time coaching and actual feedback on CPR whileyouarelearning and practicing.• Measures the actual depth and rate of your compressionsandletsyou know if you need to push faster or slower, andwhetheryoushould push harder or softer. The patented algorithmalsomeasuresthe recoil or release of each compression to helpensurefulldecompression during CPR. A Perfusion PerformanceIndicator(PPI)graphical display "fills" as compression quality isoptimalandremains optimal, providing the user an indication thatalltheelements of excellent, high quality compressionshavebeenachieved.Other CPR prompting devices can provide instructions onCPRorencourage you on the steps and pace of CPR, but ONLYPocketCPRforAndroid can:1. Give instructions.2. Prompt on the steps for proper CPR.3. AND give you REAL-TIME feedback on the chestcompressionsyoudeliver.PocketCPR for Android will remind you to Call for Help,toprovideventilations according to guidelines (optional), andtoperform CPRat the correct rate and depth. The devicealgorithmsare in completecompliance with American HeartAssociation andInternational LiaisonCommittee on Resuscitation(ILCOR)guidelines.Pocket CPR for Android features include:• Clear visual and audio step-by-step instructionsonCPRperformance, including initial steps for theChainofSurvival.• Option to go straight to chest compressions for thosewhoarefamiliar with the initial Chain of Survival steps.• Precise metronome to pace chest compressions.• Accurate ability to detect rate of actual compressions andtostatevisually and audibly whether to push faster or topushslower.• Industry-proven technology to detect the depthofchestcompressions.• Audio and visual prompts to push harder or to push softerandtorelease fully if decompression is incomplete• Prompts to remind the user to provide ventilationsafterthedetection of 30 chest compressions.• Feature to detect when chest compressions have stoppedandtoprompt user to START CPR.• Complete Instructions for Use.NOTE: The Pocket CPR for Android is currently fortrainingandpractice purposes only. The application is not yetcleared bytheU.S. FDA for use in an actual rescue.Exciting New Features include:1. New Main Menu with "Direct to CPR option" allowing theusertoimmediately access the Compression Screen and Real CPRHelp(tm)2. Recoil measurement to guide Full Release andpromotecompletedecompression during CPR practice3. Optimal Compression Guide - PerfusionPerformanceIndicator(PPI) - a graphical representation to showat-a-glancethat allelements of optimal compressions are beingmaintainedincludingproper Depth, Rate, and Full Release4. Chest Compression Fraction now displayed in theCPRPerformanceGraphs5. Compressions with incomplete release are shown asdashedlinesin the CPR Performance Graph6. All Elements of the American Heart Association2013ConsensusScience CPR Guidelines are now coached and displayed -theONLY appthat has the patented technology to do this
ReviB CPR 1.0
Alain Perez
App to teach people how to perform cardiopulmonaryresuscitationmanoeuvres.
Heart Spark 1.0.1
Sudden Cardiac Arrest kills more thana1,000people each day, it is one of the leading causes ofdeath.Chanceof survival drops 7-10% for every minutewithoutdefibrillation.Defibrillators are easy to use, effective,andeverywhere......but if you can't find a defibrillator in an emergencythedefibnor yourself are going to be very useful.Heart Spark is an app, map, and game built to help youandotherssave cardiac arrest victims. Learn where the nearestdefibis,submit new ones, and approve existing listing.- Badges and prizes- Over 34,000 defibrillators mapped around the world.*Studies show untrained 6th graders effectivelyusedefibrillatorswithout any prior training.
DEACAT 1.1.0
Locate on the map defibrillators, call 112 Learn how to use an AED
Defi Now! 0.8.7b
Defi Now! - a fast and easydefibrillatorfinderSudden cardiac arrest is with millions of cases worldwidethemost common death cause. The knowledge of defibrillatorlocationscan be lifesaving in case of a medical emergency.The Defi Now! project has the goal of creating an openplatformwith information about surrounding defibrillators. Anautomaticexternal defibrillator (AED) is build to be used byordinarypersons, works full automatically and can not harm thepatient.In case of a sudden cardiac arrest the probability of survivalisreduced by 10% every minute if nobody is helping with CPR. Theappmakes it possible to easily and quickly find near by AEDs andalsoadd new ones. This way the necessary resuscitation procedurecan bestarted even before the arrival of an ambulance.Features:- AED locations can be viewed and selected via list or map- up to three high resolution photos of the AED are available,sothat it could be located quickly: a close shot, a panorama shotanda building/emergency-plan- routing from the actual position to the choosen AED- automatic emergency call and AED sign recognition for theactualuser country- consideration of opening hours of half-public AED locationssuchas shopping malls or stores- distinction between verified and none-verified AEDlocations- a short manual about first aid- function to add new AED locations
GotoAID First Aid Lite 2.3
Jaargon Ltd.
Created for thenon-professionalresponder,GotoAID's easy to follow instructionswalk the first aidproviderstep-by-step through the appropriateresponses foreverything frombee stings to weather relatedemergencies to acomplete suddenCardiac Arrest incident. GotoAID isalso anoutstanding resourcefor those who want to enhance theiremergencycare training byproviding instructions for many types ofemergencysituations nottraditionally included in a basic firstaidcourse.