Top 14 Apps Similar to Play Date

Locator 3.4
Potter Programs
Locator lets your friends and familyfindoutwhere you are safely and securely. It responds to theirSMSrequestby sending a map or a Google map location.You are in full control of who you share your locationwith.Youcan manually confirm every location request youreceive.You can also choose to respond automatically byaddingtrustedcontacts to your Whitelist. With no buttons to press,theWhitelistis especially useful when you are driving and can'tanswerthephone, you can still reassure loved ones that you'reonyourway.You can avoid being bugged by unwanted location requestsbyusingyour Blacklist. Locator ignore any requests from contactsonthislist and will not even tell you that you have had arequestfromthem.You can remove people from your Whitelist and Blacklistatanytime from the main Locator screen.Locator can also respond to requests fromnon-Androidsmartphones. If they send an SMS with the phrase'WhereAreYou',Locatorwill send Google map reference which can beopened intheirbrowser. This approach can also be used by Androidusers whodo nothave the Locator app installed.As Locator uses GPS to work out where it is, your phonehastohave GPS enabled for Locator to work.Important: To use the automated replies to yourfriends,pleasemake sure that your phone handles SMS correctly. Ifyou havetimeswhen you receive the same SMS many times and you payfor eachSMS,you should not use the Whitelist in this application,as itwillrespond to each request you receive.Please see ourwebsite- for informationonthisapplication.An explanation of how to use Locator isavailableat it.If you find this application useful please rate it.If you have any suggestions, comments or questions,pleasesendthem to [email protected]
Trusted Contacts Study App 1.0.5
If you are not from Mechanical Turk ordonotknow what that is, then do NOT download thisapplication.Use of this app constitutes acceptance of the following terms:During the first phase of the experiment, thisapplicationwillread your contacts and the call and text messagelogs onyourdevice for the purpose of displaying suggested trustedcontactstoyou. During this phase, the app does not send orsharethisinformation with any party, even the app developer, andtheappdoes not send text messages or make phone callsfromyourdevice.During the second phase of the experiment, if youchoosetoparticipate, the app will temporarily set itself asthedefaultmessaging app and send text messages to yourselectedcontactscontaining account recovery codes. You will obtainthesecodes fromyour trusted contacts and submit them in thetask.You may not copy, modify, distribute, sell, or lease anypartofthis app, nor may you reverse engineer or attempt toextractthesource code of this software, unless lawsprohibitthoserestrictions or you have our written permission.Do not use this app in a way that distracts you andpreventsyoufrom obeying traffic or safety laws.SOME JURISDICTIONS PROVIDE FOR CERTAIN WARRANTIES,LIKETHEIMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FORAPARTICULARPURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTEDBYLAW, WEEXCLUDE ALL WARRANTIES. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW,OURTOTALLIABILITY FOR ANY CLAIMS UNDER THESE TERMS, INCLUDINGFORANYIMPLIED WARRANTIES, IS LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT YOU PAID US TOUSETHEAPP. IN ALL CASES, WE WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSSORDAMAGETHAT IS NOT REASONABLY FORESEEABLE.
CagoMama safety and location 5.2.8
Cago, Inc.
Need help when in trouble?CagoMamaprovideslocation sharing and alert services you can trust.Updatecontactsabout your location with a lightweight, easy to useappthat worksanytime and everywhere. With international supportanddata-freereliability, CagoMama is a must have tool to enrichyourbusylife.• Share your location with trusted contacts without sharingitwithadvertisers.• Alert contacts when you are in danger; CagoMamacommunicatesyoursafety at the click of a button.• Save your battery for better things; CagoMama doesnotdrainit.• Safe and secure data exchange. We respect your privacy.• Easy to use - no need to register.• You only need CagoMama on your phone. It’s not requiredtoinstallon your trusted contact's phone.• Uses minimal amount of data.• Caught in a situation without Wi-Fi and mobile data? Restassured–CagoMama is there for you.Have questions, issues, or general feedback? Write [email protected]**Location services have to be enabled for CagoMama towork.Werecommend using “High accuracy” mode, where AndroidusesGPS,Wi-Fi, and Mobile networks to find your location.Forbestperformance, enable Wi-Fi and Cellular Data.USER REVIEWS“Works a treat and doesn't eat up battery, thank you!”“Really useful application. It’s a good application totrackyourloved one’s location for any emergency situation.”“Great App and Easy to use!! This is a great app that canbeusedto report your location to a family member and or a friend.Ithasan easy and simple interface that does the jobreallywell.”FEATURESTRUSTED CONTACT LIST: Create and maintain a “trusted”contactlistinside CagoMama. Import existing contacts fromyourphone’saddressbook or add a new contact.Delete a contact whenit'snotneeded.SHARE LOCATION: Send your location to one or more personsinthetrusted contact. Your current location is sent in aTextmessage(SMS).ADD A BRIEF MESSAGE: You have the option to append ashortmessage(40 characters) to your location.ALERT: Press and hold Alert button for 5 secondstoactivateAlert. The phone will vibrate to indicate that Alertisactivated.In order to de-activate Alert, press and holdAlertbutton againfor 5 seconds.SMS containing Alert message is automatically sentatconfiguredinterval to Alert contacts.User has the option to activate Alert by pressing PowerButton5times. This option can be enabled and disabled inSettings.De-activation is not allowed using power button. Userhastounlock phone, open CagoMama, and press Alert button for5secondsto de-activate.In order to send Alerts in an emergency, the Alert featurehastobe first turned on in settings.Alert feature can also be turned off in settings.ALLOW TRUSTED CONTACT TO QUERY LOCATION: You have theoptiontoturn on the query feature. When a phone call comes fromanumberthat exists as a trusted contact, CagoMamawillautomaticallyfigure out your location using the bestpossiblemeans, and send itto the contact in a Text message.When you don’t want your location to be queried, you canturnoffthe query feature in Settings.Default setting is off.BENEFITSCagoMama is effortless to use, fast, secure, andefficient.Thebest location is found using GPS, Wi-Fi basedlocationservices,and Cellular network based location services.Optimal battery utilization with on-demand locationsharing.Noprocesses run in the background on your phone, and yourlocationisnot tracked continually.Data usage is minimal. Even if Internet connectivity isslow,ornot present at all, CagoMama will find your location, andsenditto trusted contacts. Rest assured that Alerts willworkreliablyunder all network conditions.Download and use CagoMama worldwide. All localphonenumberformats are supported. While traveling, use it tosharelocationback home with family, or with a local buddy.
Selfiware 1.1
Selfiware is an emotion trackingsocialmediaapplication. It allows the user to take an “innerselfie”whichexternalizes their internal thoughts and helps guidethemthroughdealing with their emotions in a constructive way.Happiness levels are displayed on a graph andemotionalcheck-inscan be shared with trusted contacts or thegeneralcommunity ofusers.The purpose of the app is to create a social mediaplatformthatimproves the users emotional state, consistentlyreducesstresslevels and helps identify and begin treatment formentalhealthissues that could worsen over time and leadtophysicaleffects.The app also allows users in extreme emotional distresstocontactorganizations that provide free counseling.
Phone Study App 1.0.3
If you are not from Mechanical Turk ordonotknow what that is, then do NOT download thisapplication.Use of this app constitutes acceptance of the following terms:This application will read your contacts and the callandtextmessage logs on your device for the purpose ofdisplayingsuggestedtrusted contacts to you. During this phase, theapp doesnot sendor share this information with any party, even theappdeveloper,and the app does not send text messages or makephonecalls fromyour device.You may not copy, modify, distribute, sell, or lease anypartofthis app, nor may you reverse engineer or attempt toextractthesource code of this software, unless lawsprohibitthoserestrictions or you have our written permission.Do not use this app in a way that distracts you andpreventsyoufrom obeying traffic or safety laws.SOME JURISDICTIONS PROVIDE FOR CERTAIN WARRANTIES,LIKETHEIMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FORAPARTICULARPURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTEDBYLAW, WEEXCLUDE ALL WARRANTIES. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW,OURTOTALLIABILITY FOR ANY CLAIMS UNDER THESE TERMS, INCLUDINGFORANYIMPLIED WARRANTIES, IS LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT YOU PAID US TOUSETHEAPP. IN ALL CASES, WE WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSSORDAMAGETHAT IS NOT REASONABLY FORESEEABLE.
I can be clean 1.0
This recovery app providesconvenientandpractical tools to help you in the recovery process.1. Brief but powerful daily reminder of their spiritualpath.Canbe personalized. This can serve as a gentle reminder andaconstantsource of motivation when you need a little help togetby.Innovative part is that your friends can set you agoalsandsurprises to reward you.2.You can define your trusted contacts. In the report sectionyoucanuse panic button if you are about to relapse or if youalreadydid.Both actions result in instant SMS alert with currentGPSpositionbeing sent to your contact.3.If you are on your own and need help you can usehomelesssheltherdirectory module based on Samhsa content. User canseewhat'saround and locate the closest shelter.4.In the next section section we embedded Samhsa treatmentlocatorsothat you have all resource in one place.5.Finally we have database knowledge section based onassetsprovidedby Samhsa along with quizes that check understandingof thetopic.If you answer incorrectly additional explanation maybetriggeredto accelerate learning process.The goal is to create the most comprehensive tool to helpintherecovery process and increase social awareness of problem.I can be clean Development plan:- Journal where people can record their thoughts.- Password protection to keep information private- Affirmations to keep people motivated and inspired.- find local support groups and meetings
PlayDate 2.6.0
Dogs love to play and people love to meet!Playdate is a location-based mobile applicationthatconnectsfellow dog owners and helps them find a playdate fortheirdogs intheir surrounding area.Send real time playdate invites by looking who is aroundyouonthe map or by browsing through the profiles of dogs andtheirownerin our picture mode.Playdate also features instant messaging and a newsfeedtokeepyour friends up to date with your dog’s latestadventures.**** Playdate - Where Dogs And People Meet ****
Meet a Date - people nearby! 1.4.6
Rolo S.A.S
Wait no more to meet your idealdate!leaveaside those long conversations when trying to meetsomeone.Justget to any place, check-in and meet REAL DATES, IN REALPLACESINREAL TIME.Browse millions of people and cool users who are onlineandaroundyou. Just download and open the Meet a Date app,register,createyour profile and set your preferences. Thencheck-in at yourcurrentlocation and look for dates in the samearea.Once you find someone you'd like to meet, just take atookattheir pictures and interests and finally send thema"meet"request. You'll be able to chat with that person and gettoknowmore about each other before any actual meetingtakesplace.Meet a Date will send you alerts when it finds potentialdatesarearound you. Remember, you just need check-in at that placetoget toknow who's there.FREE TO JOIN AND FREE TO USE:* Awesome people with real profiles in real placesaroundyou.* Easy and fast chat service to stay in touch withyourpotentialdates.* Easy profile editor and easy to use profile´sreviewsystem.Meet a date will be a great companion while:* You're looking to make new friends based on theplacesyouvisit.* You're traveling to a new place and want to meetlocalpeoplearound you* You're looking for friends to share commonactivities/hobbiesinplaces that are close to you.
Find A Date 1.8
"Find A Date" is where women go tofindMr.Right. Whether you're looking for someone to just have funwith,orlooking for a soul mate, this app is for you."Find a Date" uses cutting edge software to find yourmatchatlightning speed. No matter how many times you run it theresultisthe same: the perfect guy for you !(Note: This app is purely for amusementandentertainmentpurposes. We are not responsible if you are unabletofind a datewith our app. There is a possibility that thepersonthat we havematched up with you may not want to go on a datewithyou. Somepeople may not consider our app to be a "real" datingappandthat's because it isn't. Instead of being like otherdatingappsthat offer you hundreds of matches to choose from, wemake iteasyand narrow it down to one perfect guy)
Covey Parenting Community 6.7
Covey LLC
Covey is a new way to meet parents like you.Gobeyond listservs, meet ups, and fleeting playground encountersandfind parenting community. Use the app to:- Search for moms and dads based on location, interests andkidsages- Join a 'covey' for instant parenting community- Find a parenting community around the topics you care mostabout,or suggest a new one- Get advice about pregnancy, newborns, toddlers & beyondfromother parents who understand- Find playmates for your children (and plan playdatesforthem!)- Share your experiences and questions- Follow parent blogs that interest you
Text Message Privacy 2.5.9
itizu-SMS is a privacy enabledtextmessagingapplication that allows private text messages to besentandreceived with trusted contacts.It can replace your existing text messenger or be usedonlywhenyou need to have private or confidential text basedchats.itizu creates privacy applications for many reasons -tostoppeople snooping through your messages lookingformarketingopportunities; to give your communications more privacyifyourphone is lost or stolen; to stop people picking up yourphoneandreading your private messages; to frustrate people thatputspywareon your phone so they can read what you aresaying.....* Sends and receives private SMS messages.* Prevents the scanning and viewing of your privateSMSmessageson service provider servers.* Prevents spyware applications from readinginterceptedmessages(in privacy mode)* Stores SMS messages in your phone in a private form.* Provides individual contact privacy - one to one privacy.* Stops service providers trawling through yourmessageslookingfor marketing opportunities.* Requires a login to view your messages - ideal if youleaveyourphone unattended.* Makes messages unavailable to be viewed until youlogbackin* Replaces your existing SMS messaging application orrunsonlywhen you wish to have a private conversation.* Sends and receives SMS messages in clear text(non-private)tocontacts that do not have itizu-SMS.* Blocks unwanted SMS messages and refuses callsfromblockedcontacts.* Voice recognition - dictate and send a private message.* Text to speech - receive and listen to a private message.* Can be set as KitKat (Android 4.4.x) default SMSmessenger.Privacy, permissions, and the itizu-SMS app:Your Personal Information: Allows you to import contactsandaddcontacts to your phone. Your contact data stays secureinyourphone.Your Messages: The application receives SMS textmessagesandstores them securely.Services that cost you money: The application also allowsyoutosend messages, in plain text and private form. Privateformtextscan be a little longer.Storage: Only temporary files are copied to your SD cardandthisoccurs when choosing contact pictures.Phone Calls: itizu-SMS reads data from your phone inordertoverify it is the correct phone. It does not make, track,orreceivecalls. When a contact is blocked, itizu-SMS willignoreSMSmessages from that contact, and will refuse incomingcalls.Internet: Allows browser launch for web addresses youclickonwithin a message.In the same way that our website does notcollectinformationabout you for marketing purposes, the app doesnotcollectinformation about you, or knowingly provide mechanismsthatwillenable others to.Why do we charge for this app? Because we don't gatheryourdataand sell it, or use ads that can affect your privacy!If you email us for support: [email protected], we keepthattoourselves and do not sell or transfer that email addresstothirdparties.Feel free to contact us with comments, suggestions,oranydifficulties you may have...we will do our best resolvethemassoon as possible!Press the ? at any time from the menu for contextsensitivehelp.If that isn't enough then please email us at [email protected] beforepostingareview.
Baby Playdate App 2.0
Baby Playdate
Baby playdate app, for new moms and momstofindother moms to organise baby playdates! Enjoy!
IEmergency 1.0.2
IEmergency is an App that people mustinstallontheir Android devices to find the quick help inemergecysituation.Installing this App, anyone can find near byhospitals,medicianstores, Fire stations, Petrol pumps.Moreover one can get the details like address, contactnumberandget the direction to reach the destination.In case of any emergency situations, we also providethecountryspecific hot line numbers.People can also save their trusted contanct number andbythetouch to the call button, they can communicate.The app is also available in the English as Well as inthehindilanguage. Based on the comfirtability people canchangethelanguage setting.There is also a travel tracker which will send the GPSlocationofuser with regular time interval to trusted contactperson.Glimpse of the feathers:Nearby HospitalNearby MedicineNearby vaternity clinicNearby doctorsNearby FirestationsNearby BankNearby AmbulanceNearby Petrol PumpsNearby ATMUser can call the mentioned service providers, getthedirectionto reach there, get the details for the specificserviceandcontact the person in case of emergency.
Click Date SA Online Dating 5.6
Click Date
Click Date SA, the best onlinedatingexperiencein South Africa with Video, Photo, Audio andTextSharing. Find theOne or Just Have Fun with Click Date SouthAfricaMobile Dating App.Free to Join. Private, Safe andSecure.